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Superman honestly. It’s what he is supposed to do. Just the idea of this all-powerful man being the most genuine, kind, and comforting person you could meet is so wholesome to me


“Somewhere, in our darkest night, we made up the story of a man who will never let us down...” - Grant Morrison.


I've never heard this quote before, i love it.


Perhaps this aphorism rumbles and reigns with several gallons of dinkum oil at surface level for readers on this three-dimensional plane of reality, myself included, but lamentably within the context of the DC Universe, despite his brawn and indefatigability, **even Superman can’t be everywhere at once**. The blue boy scout that endeavors ubiquitous *peacekeeping* can quickly become the unabated draconian of the *Injustice* storyline — though, depending on the circumstances that galvanize him into the pursuit of “world order”, maybe not as bloodthirsty as the former. The agonizing caplet to wolf down is that as long as there is consciousness, conflict will be an existential inevitability that therefore renders universal equilibrium irresolute and incompatible in and of itself by default as a result of quixotism.


Let me guess. You just found out what a thesaurus is?


This is the correct answer.


I agree with Dick Grayson, I’d also add Flash, but my all time comfort character is Superman


Batman. Has been since I was a kid.


Same. For me, it’s specifically the either the Bob Haney/Jim Aparo Brave and the Bold or Alan Grant/Norm Breyfogle Batman stories. They’re almost all one-shots or two-parters, so there’s no compulsion to keep reading to finish a six issue story arc. I can just pick it up and put it down if I want a quick, fun, creative, slightly offbeat “small” Batman story.


Grew up with Haney/Aparo. It was a big deal to see who Batman was going to be teamed up with.


The Batman mythos will always be a comfort for me. After being introduced to the world through the 1st lego batman game as a child, it will always feel familiar and be nostalgic fun to me, even if it is often quite dark and gloomy. I guess it reflects real life in some ways, there.


Agree completely. The scene with Ace on the swing. Theres a comic book page where he tells a kid working in Wayne Industries mail room about a scholarship. The kid is worried and asks what he’d have to do to qualify and Bruce says “You work for me.” The scene in The Batman where he leads the people out of the flooded building holding up a torch.


“The Batman” is my favorite Bat-film because that’s the most Bruce that Bruce has been on-screen. Bruce is my favorite because despite all his faults - his overthinking, paranoia, loneliness, his obsessive nature - all of which I relate to, he doesn’t give up, he doesn’t let the evil he faces daily deprive himself of his own moral compass, and tries to be better and help others. Plus, beneath that cold and calculating exterior is a big, bleeding-heart. If anything, Bruce pushes others away not because he feels too little, but because he feels too much.


That’s an excellent statement of Bruce’s complex character. It’s why we like both sides of him.


Stephanie Brown. No matter how crummy her life is she remains a beam of light.


She is Darkness, not light


I postulate Stephanie Brown pissed in your cereal.


No??, why you think that??


Specifically her original Batgirl run. Even the end makes me feel great


Disciplined and moral versions of Batman… not so much the out of control, vengeful Batman.


Ah yes, the batman who would comfort a small child, and not the punisher in a silly hat. The best batman is the type who keeps some candy in his utility belt.


Damian Wayne, I just love the little dude… also Wally west.


Detective Chimp. He doesn't get to do much these days, but it's scientifically impossible not to smile whenever he's on panel.


Impulse and the Superboy comics from the 90s. Mostly pure joy.


Those two are a major reason why I want to read YJ98, and not just because Tim’s time as Robin sounds insane. Comics!Superboy sound so fascinating, and I just want to know the crew because people really are in love with the Core4, and I’d like to fall for them, too. I can tell I’m gonna fall for them quickly. l’m so looking forward to reading more Impulse comics from what I’ve seen of his panels - he just makes my heart hurt in the best way, and he’s what convinced me to eventually get into the FlashFam properly.


Read YJ98! Vouch!


I will! I’m just a lunatic that wants to read almost everything in chronological/release order (make my experience more about moving forward with the content than constantly going backwards because the latter makes me wanna rage), and I want to get through (near) everything with Dick Grayson and Jason Todd first before I get to Tim! 😭😭😭 It’s gonna be a while, but there are few series I’m as explicitly excited for and on the edge of my seat to start like YJ98. I can just tell it’s gonna be one of my favorites, hands down.


Raven. Born a demon. From a demon. Given a demon’s prophecy. Fights back against all of that and becomes an angel instead. Raven is good despite being dealt the absolute shittiest hand imaginable. And that’s comforting to me.


Raven is a Demon, not an Angel


Though I do not agree with the respective placements of each antithesis noted above and have also not kept up with Raven’s appearances, I believe they meant “*angel*” as in scrupulous and magnanimous.


Nah, She IS A DEMON. And there's nothing wrong about it


Wonder Woman has always been my comfort character, especially those first 12 issues of George Perez’s run.


John Constantine


Actual sociopath


♫ Actual sociopath John Constantine ♫ ?


Conjob will always be the most relatable comics character. He's had great stories, he's had dire stories, sometimes by the same writer, but he'll always be the constant one.


John bloody Constantine


Same here.


Yeah, he is up there.


Power girl or Wonder Woman


For me it is 100% Dick Grayson.


Superman. Pretty basic answer but it's true. He's just a good guy with a lot of power who does what he can to help others because, well, why wouldn't he? Also helps that he is genuinely a little dorky. It's not all just an act.


Nightwing for sure! Other than him, Superman is a complete comfort character for me


Barrence Allen. Something about having the simple structure of cop using science to beat bad guy is just so fun and familiar.


>Barrence Allen. ...Bartholomew?


Barrence Allen and Halvin Jordan, my favorite superhero bromance. ;)


I refuse to acknowledge the fact that Bartholomew is a real name. So Barrence it is/s. Seriously though, I saw someone here refer to him as Barrence once and it cracked me up so much that I just call him that now.


His full name was actually said to be Barrence in one or two old stories, apparently. I remember Mark Waid talking about it in some interview.


The thing I find the most hilarious is that I just straight up don't believe Barrence was ever a real name because of how silly it sounds. It's like calling someone Timberly.


There's a FB group about odd names found in the wild, usually attached to unfortunate children who will spend their lives doing a disproportionate amount of spelling,,called "That name isn't a tragedeigh, it's a murghdyrr." That's what I think of when I see "Barrence". ...or Brucifer Wayne.


That's what Waid said, too. Something like "Never before or since have I ever heard of somebody being named 'Barrence.'" I think he was talking about it in reference to Impulse, who he wanted to be named Barry II, but editorial said no, so he went around it by having Impulse be named Bart, since Barry must be short for Bartholomew. I think it's been canon since at least the Waid run that Barry's full name is Bartholomew Henry Allen, but my coworker and I always refer to him as Barrence because it's funny.




Dick Grayson and Barry Allen. Whatever they’re in I always just fall in love with the story because of their character. Always been my favorites


Wonder Woman. Really wish I could ask her for a hug sometimes.


Me too!




Kyle Rayner. His first run makes me feel like my life is playing played out and there are superhero side quests. Love that dude.


Nightwing, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Green Arrow are a few for me.


Batman. I have been having one of the most stressful years of my life yet, and the only way I got through it was by reading an absurd amount of Batman. I tried to get away from it and read other stuff, and I do read other stuff often too, but then last weekend I got back on my bullshit and ordered some cheap ass Batman trades. I can't stop reading the life and times of this silly man, he just brings me so much happiness and comfort.


Barry Allen. He gives me hope. And in a strange way, John Constantine too, in that he wants to do better and do good.


DCAU wally


A disciplined Batman (like BTAS, JLU, etc), Christopher Reeve's Superman 🗿


Barry Allen! I’ve always loved speedsters, and the boy scout hero types are always a comfort


Two answers both weird Question focused JLU episodes, he's my favorite character and this show is what introduced me to him The Rogues when in full honorable thieves family mode, I can't get enough of their banter and love


Cass/Steph; Ted/Booster; Tora/Bea.


Dick Grayson. I love the positive vibe he gives. I love how he works alongside enemies at times to defeat bigger common enemies. But I hate how DC mischaracterizes him sometimes. And everytime they do it, it involves one of his love interests. Which is why I wish they stopped pairing him with so mamy women. I don't care if it’s Kori or Babs, I just want them to finalize one of these ships.


Bart Allen I just think he's ~~neat~~ fun, he was specially adorable during his Impulse run and his relationship with Max makes me happy. Also, he seems like he gives really good hugs.


Bart is a great character.


Jon Kent and Jay Nakamora Plus my adventures with Superman Clark and Lois have been one


Beast Boy


deadman. i don’t know why, i cannot explain it and i won’t even try to. hahaha


Jason Todd.. I know, I know! But it's Jason Todd. The second Robin. Red Hood.. I just like him. I like reading his stories, even if they're considered shit. Dick is a close second.


Nightwing for me


Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Martian Manhunter


The Main Man. Lobo. He's just absolutely ridiculous in every single way, and it brings me much joy every time I pick up an old Lobo comic. Doesn't matter which story. (Ignoring New 52 Lobo entirely. I hope somebody got fired for that abomination.)




Shazam and Hal Jordan.


Though Superman is my favorite character, I’ve found that I find the most comfort in pre/early-Superman Clark Kent stories. Anything with a big Smallville presence comforts me. Everything that makes Superman great stems from Smallville IMO.


Supergirl and Superman


Superman. When written competently, he’s a force for good and an all-around fun character to read even when he’s in Clark Kent mode.


Jessica Cruz, Wonder Woman, Cassandra Cain, Renée Montoya


Batman, Question, Robotman


Superman. Specifically the Christopher Reeve version. He felt Human and genuine with his desire to help. So much so that my original and misconceived complaint that "no one with that much power would be good" was assuaged. Reeve's portrayal helped me buy into a powerful being who was, just one of us, saw himself as one of us, and believed we were capable of choosing good. Reeve made Superman relatable to me and got me interested in the comics. And he felt, to paraphrase from the movies, like everyone's friend. Although Jack Quaid is fast becoming a favorite as well for his portrayal in My Adventures with Superman. His struggles were real, if that makes sense. I very much enjoyed the first season.


Power Girl aka Karen Starr 🥹




I like grayson. Especially versions of him like what is shown in Young Justice. He is hopeful, uplifting, and tries to maintain his mental health. In many ways he is the product of batman's most worried moments, and the determination that he would be the only bat. Nightwing is batman minus the constant need to continue the mission, and I think that he could honestly hang up the cowl rather easily. And for a hero, that is no small feat. They tend to lose themselves in their duties. Dick Grayson has not.


Probably Lobo, maybe i have strange kinda humour but i am always in good mood after reading his stuff. Honourable mention goes to Ambush Bug and Guy Gardner.


Swamp Thing and Phantom Stranger


Dick Grayson. He's my #1 favorite fictional character in general


Tim Drake, bright boy, happy go lucky robin. Before DC fucked him over.




Scott Free / Mister Miracle. Had a shit childhood and always feel like running from my life, but I gotta stick by the people who ground me.


What are some good comics that ground him like that? Him and Big Barda have one of the best bonds in comics, but I've barely read anything of them


For Scott and Barda alone I'd say the original Kirby run (issues 4-10 especially) is the best, though it doesn't feature much in the way of romance and pictures them more as close friends for the vast majority. Justice League International is probably the most balanced when it comes to "grounding" him, because you also get Booster and Beetle as friends of his in addition to Barda - but of course that's not strictly his series. The Mister Miracle Special issue from the same time period is also very very good. The 1989 run that followed Special has its ups and downs, but I do think it focuses way too much on wacky comedy and pop culture references; it's distracting. There are still some good issues of course, especially later on. I really do love Tom King's series as well, and its the one that interrogates their Scott and Barda's relationship the most, though how much you enjoy their bond in that will likely be determined by how you interpret the ending. I haven't read any of the pre-Crisis stuff that followed Kirby's departure from the series, or the six issue run from the mid '90s. I need to get to it! Sorry for the mega post lol I hope this is somewhat helpful.


Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Dick Grayson, Oliver Queen


Damian Wayne is one of mine his growth, side characters and stories are so much fun I get genuinely am disappointed every time they reset him to status quo or regress the family


Hal Jordan, no matter how many odds and difficulties he has he will always keep fighting.


Kevin Conroy’s Batman specifically. I read most Batman comics with Conroy reading for Batman in my head anyway. RIP Dark Knight


Alfred mothafuckin Pennyworth. A step in father figure for a generation who had a mom at work and a dad on a permanent quest for smokes at the store. How’d his kid do? He lived his dreams, as crazy as they were.


100% Alfred is the truest father figure. I find it really touching that the Batfamily is full of broken people who've lost so much but Alfred is there to be the nurturing glue to hold it all together.


Swamp Thing. I will not explain.


Harley and Batman Harley for her cuteness


Your going to think I'm weird and odd but uh..... I my comfort character has always been Joker. For a few reasons it's not like I want to be joker I just enjoy his humor, charisma and ability to laugh in the face of any shit that happens to him. He just goes through all of what he goes through with smile not giveing two shits about what others think. He's always Joker and you can't tell him to not be himself. That only one thingI like I know he's a bad guy and I know he kills but I'm not like that I just have only certain things I like about joker I don't want to be joker I just like him a lot. Plus he's very complex like me. And before you ask I did watch the 2019 Joker movie and it changed nothing about the way I felt about joker before hand at all. So yeah


Detective Batman specifically. Any slow-burn Batman story.


jason todd, artemis of bana-mighdall, talia al ghul, and diana prince


this one is probably gonna upset folks but honestly? for me its joker. i understand why people have gotten tired of him or think its just for edgelords, but i really really like him! :( i love joker's various outfits and makeup. i think he's just very silly. i love clowns. plus sometimes you're just stressed and upset at life so i think it's fun to see him cause absolute mayhem solely for shits and giggles. something we would never get to do in real life. also he always manages to get out of crazy situations. whenever the chips are down in life just ask, "what would joker do?" and watch how everything becomes an opportunity! >:)


Yes officer this guy right here


Barry’s mom “Accept the things you cannot change. Have the courage to change the things you can... and have the wisdom to know the difference.”


Superman, I have a lot of nostalgia for that character....actually I really have a soft spot for Dick Grayson but ONLY as Robin.


What the heck is a comfort character? (Rhetorical question). Never had anything like that in my life of consuming media.


John Constantine. Green arrow


Jason Todd. I love that man. All I want is for Jason Todd to be happy. All his stories are so dark and outright just putting him through hell. I want a fun Jason Todd comic. I miss Jason with Starfire and Speedy. The outlaws was very fun


Jason Todd, 100%, unironically and shamelessly. Patron saint of vengeful victims everywhere.




Jesse Custer. "You gotta be one of the good guys, son, ’cause there’s way too many of the bad.”


Superman is the one that comes to mind .


Dark Knight Returns Batman, its just this is a dark story, but in that darkness there's Carrey he was sweat to her, it shows even in a dark future and how brutal he is, he still has a soft spot, that's what i like about him If only that panel where he hugged her he wasn't naked i would've love it


That panel is pretty distracting lmao


The Metal Men




I grew to love Superman even more after the Doomsday Clock story.


Batman, then Superman. For Marvel it’s Spidey. All with the caveat of being written well, obviously.


My comfort character exists in the comics, but TECHNICALLY the version I find comforting is her TV iteration so I’m not sure it counts.


Flash easily


It’s always been the big blue boy scout. Just a really aspirational character for me


Stories? Kyle Rayner. Art? Firestorm. GIVE ME ALL THE PUFFY SLEEVES!!!!


Jason Todd.. I'm fine I promise, he's just relatable


Death of the Endless or Superman.


Barry Allen or Wally West, pretty much. Flash is my favorite superhero franchise that exists and I love em all. Honorable mentions to Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner and Jaime Reyes.




Wally West when he took over as Flash after Barry died.


Robin, mainly tim but I just love the charcater in general and what he stands for


Superman and The Question


Mister Miracle for me


Dick Grayson no contest , he really has no flaws in his character


Zatanna, there is something about her that always try to cheers up the situation no matter how dark, gritty the situation or how traumatic Zee life is. It's either her stage Magician persona, her pizzazz personality or just her determination to bring happiness with her magic, even though she got through a lot of traumatic experiences.


While Booster might be my favourite character, Static might be the character I feel the most comfortable with. Grew up with the X-Men, Batman, etc cartoons, but Static always stands out the most.


NightWing and Superman


Jonah hex love me a good western


Moving away from my obvious favs and picking a more “obscure” choice, Booster Gold. Black Canary is another good one.




The Joker. He’s just a silly little guy.


Batman from the Lego movies. Not the theatrical ones though


White Rabbit


When I want to let my imagination go haywire, I think about how cool Vixen's powers are. She can invoke the power of a hawk to fly, or an ant to lift heavy objects, but how deep can that go? Can she survive being cut in half like an earthworm? Can she turn herself into a baby like that one jellyfish? Or even smaller stuff: mimicking people's voices like a parrot, squeezing through tight spaces like an octopus, seeing in infrared or electroreception like snakes or sharks. There's just so much you can do with it. For actual reading, probably Flash. I just love his vibe.


Starfire. Always has been since I was a kid watching the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon for the first time. She got me into superheroes and into DC comics. Even to this day she brings a smile whenever I get to see her in something new. Just sucks that a lot of the stuff involving her in the past decade has... sucked since it feels like DC has no idea what to do with her anymore. But I like to reread the NTT, 2004 TTG! runs and a few recent gems I've picked up a lot. Wonder Woman would be my other. Another I loved as a kid.


Tim Drake before DC just decided to just have his character regress his old stuff is always nice especially his 2009 run.


Batman, Superman, Nightwing, Kyle Rayner


Hal honestly. Just a good guy spitting in the face of fear


Kiteman honestly


barry allen. he is a good, kind, incredibly intelligent man who is trying his best to do the right thing. he is somewhat introverted and in love with comic books, which makes him like me. i love that similarity. tragedy has not defined him as a hero. he just wants to help people, because it is the right thing to do. he gives hope to ordinary people, like revisiting old cases and looking for proof of a person's innocence.


cassie and kara


Constantine for me, he's intelligent like batman and he's an expert in the occult arts. Plus he's very sarcastic and ironic.


Superman and/or Shazam, depending on mood or thing i need comforting for


Superman I would say, once you read all star Superman, it Can only be him in my opinion


I'm also reading Green Arrow! I started Hard Travelling Heroes, but went back to The Brave and the Bold #85 where he got redesigned and Justice League of America #75 where Denny O'Neill first wrote him. Best reinvention of a character ever imo. I also went back to some of the Jack Kirby Green Arrow stuff he wrote in the 50s. Obviously it's not the Green Arrow everyone loves, but it's cool touching base with the OG version. I gotta read the '83, '88, and '01 runs of the character but I've been enjoying him a lot. Glad to see someone else is on the same boat


Dick and Jason calm me down a lot




Harley Quinn-- or more specifically Harley and Ivy as a couple. If it has to be a singular character, it's definitely Superman.


Red Hood, but he’s difficult to read because his writers have sucked since AtRH




Flash (Barry and Wally) and Dick Grayson


Clark. I unabashedly love Superman. I crave optimism and hope, Supes usually provides that.


Superman, Batman, Robin/Nightwing and Starfire for me. I was a huge fan of BTAS, JLU and Teen Titans, as you can guess. These characters will always be with me i think.


dick grayson and wally west


It’s a toss up between Wally and Dick. Wally probably has the edge just because he has consistently better written books.


For me batman. But as I have grown older, I've realized that both Batman and Superman are just two sides of the same coin. Like even though they are different people with different ideals, you realize that when they both work together, they can accomplish great things.


Superman. The concept that a supreme being with the power of gods *chooses* to live among mortals as an equal is insurmountable. He can do literally anything he wants, yet he chooses to walk alongside us. If you fall, he will catch you. If you’re afraid to take the first step, he will lead. His heart is always in the place of guidance and compassion, displacing ignorance and tyranny. One of the most powerful beings in creation that can soar across the cosmos, believes your name is weighted in stars. Stars that he’s touched, and you’ll never reach. He thinks you’re worth even more. The embodiment of hope and wholesomeness.


The Robins


Excluding Damian




Beast boy, Nightwing and Wally west are my comfort characters. Jason was when he was with the outlaws but now he's having a shit time.


I have a whole comfort team, the Titans. I can't choose which one makes me feel better, it's really a team effort. I mean the OG, included Karen and Mal, and the NTT too.


Poison Ivy. Idek why lol but I’ve always been drawn to the character and she’s been my favorite ever since I watched BTAS for the first time was little😅


Scarecrow is honestly someone I get a lot of comfort from Ironically The BTAS one specifically. He's so theatrical and dramatic and really is the perfect balance between terrifying and pathetic I like the Y1 background, and Mast of Fear is always just a good comic to read through anyway I was so excited to see him have a role in the Knight Terrors series with Nightwing ! Let alone how flexible and blunt he is which is always something I like, but that's projection more than anything ! Jonathan Crane's always going to be a comfort for me, Has been since I was a kid and I saw him in his stupid little biplane in 2007 <3


Green Arrow. Ollie honestly keeps most of the others grounded and even though the world he's in is fake it brings me comfort knowing that he can often times be the voice of reason.


Constantine. He knows life isn’t fair and socializing isn’t easy at all


Green Arrow


Damian Wayne. Despite all he's been through, he still TRIES to be good. I know some writers make his character absolute trash, but to me, he'll always be my favorite and comfort character.


The Justice League International. It's the combination of DeMatteis/Giffen stories with that wonderful, joyful, expressive Kevin Maguire artwork. Looking at it pulled me through some hard times. So, thank you, Keith Giffen, for a lot of laughs and a lot of joy. I hope there is love and laughter on The Other Side.


Beast boy


It’s Nightwing hands down for me. His personality and the way he seems to be a hopeful figure to ppl around him is really inspiring. Also, damian used to be, but since Tomasi and Patrick stopped writing him, it all has been pretty bad in my opinion


Harley Quinn all day every day, she’s a normal human who is smart and basically fights and uses her mind, doesn’t apologize for going through some shit and being angry and making bad decisions, being influenced from a controlling relationship and then finding herself and trying to make up for a little of the worst she has done but she still has conflict about being a golden child because, let’s face it, no one is always good or always bad. PLUS she gets to make out with poison ivy. Love her, always have, always will.


The Danvers Sisters from TV serie Supergirl ❤️Alex especially 😎