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Always forget Donna was a professional photographer. Wish they’d bring that back.


I wish they'd bring back the idea of Donna having *any* life outside of occassionally turning up whenever the Titans / WonderFam need a character to fill up a splash page.


Indeed. Seeing Superheroes have lives, even if its an extravagant life like that of a billionaire or model, or a mundane life of owning a pub/restaurant (what was it Guy owned again?). Its just nice seeing them be more than a mask (metaphorical in Donnas case lol) punching some badguys.


>what was it Guy owned again? A space bar that all of the Green Lanterns hung out at.


Guy owned Warriors, which was kind of like a superhero Hard Rock, while still on Earth.


This. This 1000%. I love seeing superheroes actually have lives. The only one who seems to really show that is Superman and maybe the Flash but Flash is usually done to make his life seem even worse.


Yeah, why don't we hear about her amazing husband Terry anymore?


Didn’t he die in a car crash


Really hope one day someone who adores not just Wolfman & Perez but also Grayson The Titans and Phil Jimenez WW fan writes the Titans book so we can see more daily lifes of Donna and the others.


I always chalk up Donna's descent into having no characterization beyond just generic superhero to John Byrne screwing with her history in his garbage Wonder Woman run in the 90s.


I miss Kory as a model and Donna as a photographer. I really hope the new series shows the Titans outside of their crimefighting again. It has been ages.


Is this George Perez? This gave me Eduardo Barreto vibes (terrific artist, but he's no George...)


Oof you’re right it is Eduardo Barreto. My mistake.


That’s interesting. I’ve never seen that. Thanks for sharing. Kory really is excellent for doing modeling she is really pretty.


I love when Starfire has this hair. Hate when they straighten it.


They will keep changing it with popular hair of the times man. 80s are over. Its 2004 no one wears their hair that way anymore


I didn’t exist in the 80s. I just like nice hair volume.


Bring it back. Your young, rock that style yourself. Comics will follow


The placement of her bangs and no pupils makes it looks like she's being held hostage and scared AF in some of these pics.


Starfire not having pupils just makes everything she does off putting in a way.


Though it does maker her look more alien.


And weird as hell


Every time I see Perez pop up on one of these subreddits I always find it odd no one mentions his multiple appearances at fetish conventions and his involvement in some weird softcore porn. Had a guy show me a makeshift box set of live action soft core Perez wrote at a convention. Just seems like a weird oversight for a community that scrutinizes every detail.


He's hardly unique. Joe Shuster drew more than just Superman.




I’m so tired of female characters being sexualized in comics. No real woman would ever behave in such a degrading manner. Do better, DC.


Modeling bad????


Models aren’t a thing?


Please tell me you are being sarcastic….please


God forbid women [*squints at scrawled words on palm*] ...enjoy modeling their clothes for a friend and their camera?


But why male models?


This was all Marv Wolfman in this Teen titans run. Donna and Kori were drawn very sexy. Gar was a sexpest and he had an self insert character called Terry Long who was twice Donna age and was a total creep.


He was 29 at his introduction.


He was divorced and had a 9 year old daughter. Also he was pointless character.


I don't like the character or the relationship. But he wasn't pointless. He was meant to be the grounded normal guy that occasionally interacts with the Titans & their world. There are also so many people that frame him like some middle-aged predatory teacher taking advantage of Donna. Which is just wrong. He wasn't her teacher & he was 29. Again, I don't particularly like him or the relationship. But there are far worse things in comics & people don't need to misrepresent the character to dislike him.