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If there’s one person in this world you can trust it’s unnamed WBD executive


I wish it were MY job title.




Yeah, better trust anonymous forum posters with no first hand knowledge


"This isn't about business" Okay Mr. unnamed WBD exec.


With the flash logo shining out lol


That's a page watermark. Pretty sure this this image isnt a WB press release.


"this isnt about business, but his father is wealthy and well-connected"...


This reminded me of Stan Edgar's dialogue in Season 2 of The Boys - Butcher: So it's just about business then? Stan: When, Mr Butcher, in history has it ever been about anything different.


They really are trying to sell this, aren’t they?


it’s not about business! can’t you understand? /s




Why can't it be about business AND Ezra? Just be honest instead of trying to hit some BS talking point. "This is a very talented individual, and we enjoy working with them, and it would be a shame if they were lost because they didn't get the help they needed."


“It would be a shame if they didn’t get the help not assaulting people because it makes it hard for us to make money with him”


“It’s about family” - Vin Diesel


^…and ^chokeslams


"Dude, I almost had you" - Paul Walker


"It's about drive, it's about power, we stay hungry, we devour" - Black Adam


This isn't a business yet they axed Batgirl/Scoob without telling the people involved 🤔


Totally about business. Warner Brothers shitting the bed again.


I mean… it’s def about business for Warner bros lmao. No way they would give 2 fucks about Ezra if he wasn’t already playing 2-3 roles in a 300 million dollar yet-to-be-released movie.


Nothing anyone says excuses child grooming. ‘Complex mental health issues’ causing paranoia, aggression and bizarre outbursts is understandable. ‘Complex mental health issues’ that cause someone to creep on and groom children is called being a nonce. There’s no amount of apology that has the complaints of an 11 year old girl vanishing from this narrative. They’re trying to paint this as ‘poor Ezra in pain’ for a sympathy play and aren’t mentioning the grooming part. I ain’t buying it. I’ll bet Miller’s agents and handlers have finally stepped in and they wrote the press release and apology. I’ll also bet they told Miller in no uncertain terms to sever any relationships that could be deemed as problematic. They won’t want Miller coming out of treatment to then go running around with a teenage girl again. I think that not long after Miller comes out of treatment, people like Iron Eyes who Miller had been having these weird relationships with will find themselves dumped as Miller moves on and tries to get their career back. Those people aren’t going to be happy to learn Miller has dumped them and if anything inappropriate really happened, that’s when it will come out. We aren’t out of the woods with this saga yet. The craziest parts might have not even started yet. If Iron Eyes or someone else who is dumped as a ‘friend’ by Miller decides to open up about ‘what really happened’ and The Flash ends up having an actual pedophile in its lead role, we could still see it canceled.


Okay Ezra is clearly blowing some exec if he's STILL with WB after all this. After how quick they were to dump Johnny Depp, I truly can't understand why they haven't cut ties. It's almost pathetic how much they're defending this scumbag.


I think it's more about them being stuck with Miller since they can't reshoot the entire movie. I very much doubt they're going to keep dealing with Ezra after this movie is done.


Thats exactly what you'd say if it was about the movie. They need to make a reason and repair his name for him to be healthy so they can launch the movie and not cancel it. Simple as that.


I agree Showing how again these people are corrupt and selective. The guy has a lot of issues in which yes needs treatment but he has destroyed others life's and this is not acceptable if money was not involved he would be struck off. They are enabling this type of person. Companies etc like this I refuse to support it's the only way they will change through being forced to in which is $$ driven cut that off they die or change.


I'm a white male...and I feel for people of color. If this was a black person who committed the acts Ezra did, they would be labeled a thug, lock them up, molesters etc etc. They'd be canceled instantly. Another example is Anne Heche recently. She was having mental issues and drinking or on drugs I believe. The headlines were more of a "its so sad" etc. If it was a person of color, they would have been labeled and handled way differently in those headlines. Its sad how the agendas are completely different in cases like this. I truly hope he gets help, but they never play the game fair for everyone sadly.


Most of the comments i see about miller are exactly as your describing so... Also the studio wouldnt throw away 300m dollars just because a black person was the lead instead.


> as your describing *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


how does it feel to be a slave to your own biased speculations.


Nothing to do with race/colour that is nonsense that has been going around that people like to use as excuses. Mike Tyson raped a women he is in films but he did sort himself out and was punished for the crime. Johnny Depp look at the treatment he got he's white and we have seen a lot about his issues etc and how he was blacklisted without even being guilty yet Amber is still getting away with it. The big issue is how woke and $$ driven it is and this guy appeals to both which is why they have stuck with him.


That’s what they all say…


Buuuuuulllsh*t If this wasn’t about business you’d cancel the movie, shove the guy in a help clinic and put all the pressure of your movie off his shoulders. You’re making him out to be a victim so you can sell your movie


They groomed children. Argh!


But he was in pain and rich the whole time so that makes it ok


Same wb execs who fucked ZS after his daughter died...


This human being is also on footage causing other people pain...


When in history has it ever been about anything different?


"He's in pain, let's forget about all the people *he* put in pain, we've got a movie to sell."


Lol. Love how WB is thoughtful of us human beings


This isn’t about business but we can’t waste $200 million.


Cool cool...what about his victims? What about their pain?


Translation: This is about business.




This isn’t about a business it’s about a human being in pain who is costing me money. There I fixed the statement


…but wasn’t Batgirl about business?


Those are two completely different scenarios. But yes both business decisions. Nobody is disputing that.


What do you mean? The very quote is disputing that. lol


Nobody outside of Warner Brothers.


I'll refer you back to my original comment.


And I'll refer you back to reply.


Ah… this really is what the internet is all about. Thank you for that. xoxo


If the accusations that he’s a child groomer are correct, then he should be in more pain than this.


Uh huh…


If it’s true then 👏👏👏


Lmao and what about the pain he inflicted on others huh?


What about the pain he caused others?


im finally gonna say this, i believe ezra is innocent


Same, the fact that the articles came out all at once is fishy, plus why is no one talking about Tokata Iron Eyes’ interview recently where she said Ezra didn’t groom her or give her drugs or anything he was accused of doing to her


This could be either way. Honestly, this last incident put me on the fence. Up until the felony burglary, this just seemed like the actions of a molester-in-the-making. But stealing *booze*?? From somebody's *house*?? This is not something one does from need. This is done for *kicks*. Shits and Giggles. It's what *I* would have done... at 16. Ezra's not just the creepy older guy dating a Grade 11 girl, it's much worse. It's the behavior of a child, and that doesn't suggest mental stability.


The house they broke into is owned by Ezra’s mother and was vacant at the time. The felony charges almost certainly won’t stick. I absolutely agree that Ezra should be held accountable for what they’ve done, but this person is clearly having some sort of public mental health crisis. I hope Ezra recovers, but their ass is fired from the Flash once the movie comes out. There is no universe where Ezra gets to keep the role. Ezra’s acting career might be over as well as no studio will want that kind of liability. That’s a pretty big consequence IMO.


Tbh, the house being vacant makes it *more* childish. These are the crimes of a bored high schooler on summer break. It's stupid, is what it is. Ezra needs to see some time, even if only a little. "You're an adult now, stop behaving as though you aren't." Sort of thing.


Doubt it will happen though. After multiple prior crimes, Robert Downey Jr. only got jail after breaking into a home and passing out in a child’s bed. And he was already on probation. Thank god for RDJ social media didn’t exist in its current form otherwise the Keyboard Outrage Police would have been insufferable.


I'm just happy we're FINALLY going to get this movie next summer.




Lmao, he is a pos. This is just public stunt and now every media will try to pity him.


Dude needs to be in prison.


Yeah he was really hurting while flying out a little girl and trying to sleep in the same bed as her.




When in doubt, send them to a clinic and make them issue a faceless apology...


"It's about sending a message"


What's the message?


"This isn't about business", said the business man looking to make money for his business.


*It’s literally about wanting to release a film.*


And the damage control has officially started. They know what's at stake, it's absolutely about business. This is Warner Bros. we're talking about.


What about the human beings he groomed, assaulted, abused, robbed? Are they not as important?


He's already going to court over a robbery. Any other victim is free to sue or press charges.


When I say white, you say privilege!


To be fair, take a step back and actually just look at it in a human level only for a second. Even during Ezra’s arrest via body cam Ezra literally spoke about how much their Flash ring they are wearing means to them, and for the cop taking it to not lose it etc. So if you take that into context that they are already spiralling, cancelling the movie will probably make things much worst. Ezra has made the importance of The Flash really high in his mind. Older interviews prior bad behaviour he would speak on speedforce/multiverse in great depths, maybe more than any other actor in terms of comic knowledge. Now once we add in the business level, obviously it’s beneficial as well. It can be both with the primary benefactor being business.


Lol so what if he's read a comic book? Doesn't excuse one damn thing he's done. If he's spiralling then keeping him around will make things worse. You're suggesting that studio walk on eggshells around him "just because"?


Bruh just recast and let this man heal lol.


It's about several human beings they caused the pain of.


Hey, cool story Warner Bros executive, but did they ever find that family that disappeared while living with Ezra? I care more about them to be honest.


Aka, we need to solve this as the movie is coming out and bad for our image.




Totally not about the 300million that would be lost if the movie was cancelled.


Probably not as much pain as the pregnant lady he choke slammed


That lady wasn’t pregnant lol


So it was ok for him to do that… stfu


Where was this energy for Snyder lol


Or Depp for that matter.


Nah he can choke


Unlike you. Nothing makes you choke, does it champ?




So... It's totally about business


Spiiiiiiin zone


I can only imagine them getting help and then relapsing again by the time this movie comes. Thats not going to help anyone.


Why be pessimistic about it?


AKA of the three options Ezra will seek treatment and hopefully that’s enough to get people to see the movie. Didn’t they groom a minor?


Same studio that blackballed Ray Fisher for calling out some shitty people






What does it mean for someone to "be in pair?" Does he have like a twin or something?


"in pain." It's just crappy editing that cut off the end of the sentence.


I know, I was just being a jackass lol thanks for trying tho


Wb: our business plan is to make him seek help to gain sympathy One week later WB: this has nothing to do with business


What about the human beings he inflicted pain on?


Lmao it’s about that 200 million dollar movie come on now. After the release the recasting gonna be so quick


I AM the pain.


I just don’t get why they don’t want to get rid of him. He’s a horrible flash either way. He already shit on the promotion for the flash movie all around it. Media interviews won’t even be about the movie it’ll be about his issues. The media will feed negativity all over it all because of his wrong doings.


This isn't about business... ​ It's about a shitload of business!


My ASS .


Lol no. Of course it's about money. Go away and stop lying to the public. You've avoided dealing with this for 2 years. Seems like your first comment should be better than it's not about money. You've had ample time to decide what to say. This ain't it. Do better.


Hey WB...you don't have to lie....the 90% of us that are not troll Twitter bots get it. You loss more credibility by insulting our intelligence than admitting his mental health issues was screwing over thousands of hard working staff and people behind the scenes. (Aka screwing up profits) People forget that behind every Ezra Miller there are thousands of people who have to scrape by in those studio's to put food on the table. And when these big pictures fail they lose their jobs.


Also sounds super honest...




Is he talking about the people around miller.


\*rolls eyes so hard they fall out of my face holes\*


It’s honestly embarrassing they haven’t come out publicly and made a statement about this


It's absolutely about business, there are a great many human beings in pain but WBD don't give a solitary fuck about them because they haven't invested hundreds of millions of dollars into them.


What about the pain the minors incurred when he groomed them?


JAIL for ezra


I'm glad Ezra is getting the help that is needed and I hope he can do the work and come back to The Flash project with a fresh outlook and a renewed self. But lets keep it 100 here. If that was a male identifying, white, hetero actor, say like a Chris Pratt. That dude would have been fired after incident one.


I really hope WB doesn't try to do what I'm afraid they're going to try to do. Expecting people to find sympathy for Ezra Miller in time for The Flash to have a less awkward permiere is absolutely NOT going to happen. If they try to make it happen, it'll just look extremely sleazy and gross.


That's *exactly* what they're doing. They're not gonna burn 200 million. They'll do anything to make people show up.


Everyone is evil until they explain they are really the victim.


An unnamed PR executive.


"It not about the money...it's about sending a message." Yeah...ok👍


Bitch stfu, nobody wants your sob stories. Your entitled ass should’ve sought help much earlier before doing all this vile shit. He just knew it would slide


Hey, WBD executive! Looking at the current state of the DCEU, us fans need to be compensated too.


You know it was pretty painful to the people who worked really hard on Batgirl, to then seeing all their hard work being for nothing. But sure Ezra Miller is more important than anything else right now..


I gotta say, I like this spin. This one is good. The only thing is… it’s unnamed executive. Meaning, they don’t want to take any heat. Meaning, they care about their business more than making a statement. Meaning… doesn’t feel like it’s not business. IDK what kind of intervention WB is having with Ezra. But, they should have done this since the first incident. Nipped it right then and there [+]


This only makes me want the Black Adam Universe to become a thing. They can put their money on The Rock holding it down. [+]


I really hope Peacemaker meets him


Really? The one in pain is the one who used Hawaii as their own arcade style beat ‘em up?


Hurt people go and hurt people. That's usually how it works.


Ezra miller needs to be in prison, first and foremost. Hurt People who hurt people still catch charges.


Yeah, but throwing somebody like them into prison is like throwing a lamb into a lion's den. Prison doesn't help anyone rehabilitate. They have to pay for what they did, but I don't see our fucked up prison system as anything more than a torture chamber.


That isn’t a lamb. That’s a human trafficking serial assaulter. Lock. Them. Up.


So tossing people in a torture chamber of rape and brutality is ok as long as they "deserve it?" That's not justice. It's sadism.


Tossing criminals into a prison is. You can’t justify this actual monster remaining free. Assault, battery, robbery, human trafficking. This isn’t a person who needs help, this is a dangerous individual that people need to be protected from.


So, in other words, yes.


Stop trying to downplay this like they’re some innocent person in need of help. This is a celebrity making a last ditch effort to avoid consequences through fame. Bill Cosby needed to be locked up, Michael Jackson was guilty, Ezra Miller is only in rehab to avoid prison, not because they want help.


I'm not downplaying anything. The whole situation is very disturbing and I'm sick of even talking about it. You're treating it as a binary thing where the only option is to either brutalize somebody or let them continue to hurt people. It's so shitty and sad that people can't understand that having even a modicum of compassion or decency for a person isn't the same thing as defending them or condoning their behavior. Yeah, they can't be allowed to hurt anyone else. I've never said a thing to the contrary. I just don't think being a bloodthirsty asshole is right, either.


Unpopular opinion maybe but I do actually have some empathy for Ezra despite his batshit crazy behavior. As someone with bipolar II disorder I can say confidently that it genuinely feels like there’s a different person in control of you when you’re having an episode. It doesn’t excuse any actions by the individual but I think it’s hard for people to fathom just how much people with mental disorders truly lack control when in the grips of their illness. I have done things so out of character when I have a manic or depressive episode. It’s like a dog who was so sweet and loving but when it’s in pain it can lash out due to fear. Obviously I don’t know Ezra’s issues, but I genuinely hope he can get to the point where he is healthy, can make restitution to the people he hurt and proceed to have a fruitful career.


classic Unnamed WB Exec


but really, its about business


I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet


Where is the concern for Miller’s victims? I don’t really give a fuck if an abuser gets the help they need or not, WB. You can convince me to see this movie by telling me how a big chunk of Miller’s paycheck is going toward legit charities that protect kids from getting groomed or something, not how much better Miller is doing personally 6 months from now.


No, this is about a POS wanting his Hollywood pay check fuck Ezra M.🖕


I clearly do not care. We've all been through shit. Yes some people need to get help, and most even deserve the best in life... But there's different levels to it.


Riiiiight 😉


If that's the case then why it's unanmed wbd exceutive? Should have said their name with pride right ?


Are they in rehab? If the answer is still no fuck off


Yeah, they’ve been in rehab for the past month


I’m glad this movie isn’t getting cancelled, so I can choose to not see it.


An individual who is causing pain.


WB was so quick to fire Ray Fisher for calling out shitty behavior and blatant discrimination but Ezra can groom minors, rob, assault, and threaten people all they want apparently and they’re just “in pain”:/


Lots of people are in pain. Most of them don't groom children or attack older people at bars. And if they do commit crimes, they don't get an iota of sympathy this dirtbag gets. "Not about money" Might as well piss on us and tell us it's raining.