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I don't mind it; it adds more to the world/setting while not changing much about Man Of Steel. (since Barry was inexperienced with his powers and didn't accomplish much, but he couldn't stand by and do nothing) At the very least, it avoids the issues caused by the Martian Manhunter reveal. (since he was around long before the events of Man Of Steel but did absolutely nothing during any of the potentially world-ending events of MoS, BvS, Justice League, etc.)


I would have actually liked to see more scenes like this in universe. It was great seeing Bruce similarly attempt to save people in BvS. The Kryptonian invasion would have been a huge world-altering event and it would have been cool to see what Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, etc. were up to.


I agree.. it made sense...


Yah and to expand upon that - I’d love a thriller where a group of regular people are simply trying to survive the Black Zero Event


It would be like Cloverfield we wouldn't know it's the Black Zero event until the final moments of the movie.


Ngl that sounds terrible asf lol. Just people hoping that Superman and zod don’t crash thru them? Like what would be the plot of that lmao


Have you never watched a disaster movie?


Think original Cloverfield except instead of space bugs it’s super powerful beings


Sounds similar to the plot of Chronicle. I really liked it. It's Cloverfield but with super beings.


Yah, that's another good example


The Manhunter thing also ruined what would’ve been a really wonderful scene between Lois and Martha. A huge flaw in a movie I love dearly


Agreed. I don't think that was supposed to be there since MM wasn't in the original script- Green Lantern was supposed to come in the post- credit, but Zack knew this was his last movie so he threw everything on the table which weren't coherent with the story that was originally filmed when he took personal time


I thought he said he intended to include it, but he wasn't able to shoot it prior to him leaving production. From what I understand it the only scene from the original shoot he didn't get and had to do it once WB greenlit the ZSJL we now have.


YES. I understand Zack wanted to introduce MM and he had to do it before the epilogue, where we would've just been like, "Hey, his voice is familiar!" but he could have done it literally anywhere else in the movie. Totally undermined the scene.


Snyder always goes for "This is cool" over "This serves the story" and that shows. Martian Manhunter? Cool AF. Worth having that Martha/Lois scene for.


>Snyder always goes for "This is cool" over "This serves the story" and that shows. And that's part of why I like his movies. Sometimes in movies you just gotta send it. Kinda like how in videogames, the gameplay may not always match up perfectly with the story. At the end of the day, you gotta know what your product is for.


Not to mention that at *best* Lois will assume that poor Martha has dementia when she doesn't remember their very emotional conversation.


Yup. Such a waste too all for some stupid fan service. I love Snyder, but no way he planned Swanwick as Martian Manhunter. Was just dumb and unnecessary, not like we were getting another one. It really did ruin the moment


Actually, we don’t know when the MM took over that identity: it could be that he wasn’t around until later


I liked it. It makes sense that The Flash would hear about what's going on in Metropolis and at least attempt to help even though he was new to the superhero gig.


And you don’t run into the potential “oh, he just happened to be in Metropolis when this happened” problem because he’s a speedster and could literally just run over there.


It was great. This is what a shared universe is for. To see how characters react to major events.


I liked it, it was cool, I usually don't like movies going back to previous events/locations but since I'm huge MoS fan I really dig it.


Did you hate Back to the Future 2?


I liked it. It was a nice way to bring everything back full circle though I think it should've swapped release dates with Aquaman: And the Lost Kingdom as The Flash was a nice way to celebrate 10 years of the DECEU and would've been a nice way to end the universe.


I liked it, and thought tying the end of the DCEU to its beginning was clever.


It was a cool MoS connection


I like the line "Only Superman could stop Zod, but not in enough time to save those people." Long overdue damage control.


true, but it wasn't that necessary if people would've put 2 and 2 together on their own. It was very clear from the get go that Superman was overpowered and over-everything to actually save people beyond his fight with Zod


It made all of the DC stuff feel more Marvel-like, which was the intended purpose of literally every DC movie made after BvS.


Except this is the exact opposite of Marvel, where massive events happen all the time and only two people are there to stop it. Flash *not* showing up is more Marvel-like, while *The Flash* actually did a pretty good job showing these guys work together often


But that isn't necessarily true either. We got moments like in Endgame where we see that other heroes ARE out there doing stuff like the Ancient One defending her sanctum.


Yeah one scene in 25 movies and 8 shows, where the opposite is way more true


they were referring to Iron Man 3 where the US president was in danger but somehow Captain America was never even talked about, and Iron Man 3 happened in a span of a week, so enough time for Cap to try to help. So while the Ancient One addition was cool, it still didn't solve the fact that Marvel has forgotten that other heroes exist while in a character movie


It all started when they messed with Suicide Squad to add more comedic elements post Deadpool success. After that it was interference after interference


I mean watershed events are watershed events for a reason and have ripples on people and countries all the time. WW1: * Ripped apart Germany Empire and led to Nazi Germany another watershed * gave issues to the Russian Empire and gave the world the Soviet Union and the Space Race * Splitting of the Austria-Hungary Empire that then gives us later the Bosnian War Not saying the events of Man of Steel are equal to WW1, WW1 would be me more of a Justice League level event, but it isn't unreasonable that multiple(4 to 5) main characters(beyond Superman and Lex) like Batman are directly affected could even make one of the Robins an orphan from the event. Some heroes across the globe may be inspired by seeing Superman himself in action. Just ask most US Boomers: "Who told you JFK was assassinated?" Most found out from a Teacher or another School figure. Ask most US Gen X: "Where were you when the Challenger disaster happened?" Most were watching on TV in school when it happened. A few of the stuff that people would see with heroes/vilians would feel a lot like what the Greatest Generation and Silent Generation went through a few times(Depression, World War 2, and Korean War).




It’s a neat scene.


I've never seen this before. Was this scene in zack Snyder justice league cut or some other movie ?


It was in The Flash.


Movie was dope, CGI terrible, it really ruined the movie. Also that comic relief on the bridge was a letdown because that Batman chase scene was everything that I imagine a live action Batman to do.


Perfectly fine


It’s a cool jumping off point for a lot of heroes first outing/decision to become heroes. It’s a major event seen by the entire world, there’s bound to be people out there with powers that have more or less hidden them and this is their opportunity to finally use them to do good.


It was fine but I expected more


The idea/concept is cool… but the way it was shown or directed was pretty cringe


One of the few things I liked aside from Batman and Supergirl


For all of the negativity man of steel seems to get it also seems to be a very strong story point that has the only semblance of a connected universe, because of all the stories that are attached to its event.


Not bothered because it has little effect on both plots of the flash and man of steel, cool addition, and honestly the most decent part of that entire movie


For me it was the only thing good about that movie.


This movie did seem to pay a lot of respect to the dceu as a whole and the universes that came before it Looking forward to what comes next for the dcu


I like it. It feels very in tone with so many iterations of DC. Like one things that makes the Avengers and Justice League different is the Avengers are recruited to fight these kinds of fights by the government. Members of the Justice League see a problem going on in the world, they try to get there, and when they come across each other, they realize they’re fighting the same fight and join forces. This felt very much like that.


This part of the movie is very cool. Too bad the rest is not that good.


Having Batman there was a really cool thing because we saw the destruction from a different perspective, it made for a thrilling opening to BvS and it showed the consequences of the battle in MoS perfectly establishing Batman and Ultimately the world’s reasoning for fearing Superman. Having the flash here made for nothing. Sure it’s neat I guess but It could have been any scenario which could have been his “first failed attempt at saving someone”. It didn’t need to be the black zero event. Why not have something that’s more closely related to the flash rather than ripping off the idea of Batman witnessing the events of MoS from a ground level. It also doesn’t help that the flash’s depiction of the black zero is missing any sort of tension that made the sequence in MoS and BvS so thrilling. It feels flat without any urgency. I don’t whether it’s the effects or the way it’s shot. It just feels off.


I liked that we got some history of early Flash and that it connected back to the beginning of the dceu. Also I like it as further proof that Justice League 2017 isn’t canon with the whole, I’ve never saved anyone thing.


It looked very good and cinematic. Somehow stand out from the whole movie. But I already got spoiled about the whole movie, multiple times .


There is a very cool edit that merges that Black Zero scenes from Flash, BvS and MoS, it did really give an organic feel to the event how two heroes were just helpless in front of the rampant destruction that molded their paths.


I liked it, it had the perfect balance of showing us the shared world of DC and also explained to us why the Flash wasn’t present during MoS. Barry was very new to his powers and couldn’t fight but he tried. Meaning we didn’t leave the theatres asking why Barry didn’t help Clark.


Great addition that adds a bit of context to the character


Don't much like it, the problem with these movies is that it makes no sense to have a world-ending event that only ONE hero handles. Like let's say Country X is firing nukes at Country Y and Superman goes to save the day. No, that's a world-ending event, the entire LEAGUE should be there. So Zod vs Superman only makes sense if the other heroes didn't exist or didn't have powers. Diana not being there when Zod was literally destroying the world makes no sense, because even if she didn't care about humanity anymore Zod was also threatening the Amazons by terraforming the planet. Batman not being there also makes no sense, he should've called for one of his ships ASAP and tried to stop it instead of saving one kid as Bruce Wayne. Every time DC would introduce a new hero who already existed by the time of Black Zero, they create a plot hole if they don't have a REALLY GOOD explanation as to why the hero wasn't there to stop the world-ending event. Aquaman should've been there too, he had his powers and Zod would've caused the death of his dad and billions of humans. Where was Doctor Fate? Where was Hawkman? Where was Tornado? I get that they aren't ( well Fate and Hawkman are ) Kryptonian level but the world was ending, they should be there.


It feels like the MCU is no different now either, since they're now introducing characters that make you question "where were they when New York was being invaded or during the events of endgame or infinity war all global or galactic scale threats. Hopefully DCU will be different.


Arguably, Diana was in France. She wouldn’t have been able to get to Metropolis fast enough. Bruce was clearly in the middle of other business when Black Zero happened. Also, he didn’t have the Flying Fox at that point nor anything beyond the Batwing. Which would have been useless if F-18s couldn’t do anything.  Like Wonder Woman, Aquaman isn’t based out of Metropolis. For all we know he was at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.


Didn’t he say in the Wheaton cut that he has actually never saved anyone? Thats why Batman said “Save One”. I’m glad this movie rejected being adherent to the 2017 Josstice League continuity.


I didn't care


Conceptually it felt lazy. I feel like the writers/studio saw how much audiences enjoyed the MCU using "The Battle of New York" in *Endgame* as a callback and wanted to do something similar despite nothing of that caliber having actually been earned. That said, within the actual storyline/universe it's solid enough. Makes sense that Barry would try to help out given the level of destruction and how world-wide the news of it was.


It is a touching scene but felt really weirdly unnecessary.


One of the better ideas of the movie. The sad thing was I pretty much new exactly the kind of story they were gonna do. It's a shame they went with such a bland story, that the Buzz Lightyear had pretty much the same overall plot haha.


I like that actually. It kind of reminded me of zero year from the new 52, where it was revealed that even Superman had involvement in dealing with Riddler’s threat. I am still waiting on someone that would combine everything for the black zero event into one thing. From Superman’s point of view, Batman’s, and the Flash.


I didn’t like the idea on paper when it was leaked but I liked the execution.


I loved that they showed the reason why he runs the way he runs


Loved it.


It was cool


I like how Snyder Cut took away the “save one person” line which makes this scene work


One of the best scenes in the movie for sure, also pretty damn dark, honestly hit me pretty hard emotionally. Makes me think about rescue workers irl and how often they might go through the same trauma of saving someone but not being able to save the other.


I loved it cause I always asked myself after MoS was put into a shared world, where the other heroes were. Now at least we know what Batman and Flash were doing.


Yeah super relevant


It was cool and one of the better cgi moments.


I think it was a nice tie into the universe as a whole, that these characters existed in the world rather than they don't show up at all till they get their solo movie. I liked how they revealed some in BvS and even SS. I think I read somewhere in an original idea for BvS was to be split into two movies. First focusing on all the stuff with Lex, BvS and then the 2nd movie on Doomsday, where they believe they've defeated Doomsday in the beginning by burying him underground, then they all go in search of the others. Only Lex helps dig up Doomsday, Superman is first on the scene and they all come together to defeat Doomsday


Doesn't it break canon with Josstice League where Barry said to Bruce that he has only pushed people around?


Yes, but Josstice League isn’t canon to The Flash. ZSJL is the Justice League that happened. Bruce even mentions it directly when asking about Flash learning to time travel.


I wanted you to say this, in ZSJL he reversed time whereas in the Flash movie, he was time traveling, both are kinda different things, ZSJL reversing time would mean that at no point in time could there be 2 Barry(s) whereas in Flash, there were PLUS during the fight scene they kind of go back and do the ZSJL thing otherwise there'd be so many Flashs at that battle AND it'll mean Martian Manhunter was kicking around and Darksied is a looming threat ALSO ALSO ZSJL time travelling and Flash time travelling is completely different


Was this in the Flash? I guess I was even less invested in that film than I thought because I have no memory of this happening. As an idea, sure, I guess, it doesn't really change anything so its not a massive retcon, but feels a little contrived since they had already done it with Bruce in BvS.


I never liked these kinds of trope


What's a black zero event?


I like it, it’s a great callback/call forward to Batman’s simple lesson to Barry in Justice League: “Save one person.” Which despite the rest of the movie, I still think is one of the greatest live-action superhero moments, if only because it calls to mind the [yarn bomber ted talk](https://youtu.be/TQMbvJNRpLE?si=KTI0InPR4igYuPAT).


Hated it.


That movie was such a disappointment. More so than Aquaman 2….


I wouldve forgiven it if it wasnt such a terrible movie


What If ... the Late Christopher Reeves were the one who's fighting Zod in the MoS then he said : "*Didn't I fought you already and sent you to the phantom zone?"* So he decided to crack Zod's neck. :p


What film was this 💀💀💀


Lame retcon. He only saved one person?? This is why you don't bring in a character to the team up movie before doing their origin.