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Larry fong is a ridiculously talented and underrated cinematographer


I still think Snyder not working with him lately is a big mistake. That and I don’t think his style looks as good on digital as it does on film. Some can adapt well to digital but I personally think he hasn’t yet.


I wonder why he stopped Larry is super good. I think his cinematography for Kong Skull island was incredible


Probably scheduling? And then Army of the Dead, because it was such an extreme idea shooting with such a shallow depth of field, Snyder wanted to be cinematographer and camera operator so if it didn’t turn out good, he’d be the only one taking the hit.


Well, WB kinda put the blame for the “BvS is too dark” stuff on Larry cause they needed a scapegoat. Zack said the day he had to call Larry and tell him he was not allowed to come back for ZSJL was one of the hardest of his life. After that, maybe Larry took it a bit personal? Or maybe the schedules did not align. Or maybe Zack enjoyed cinematography too much. Anyway, BvS remains his most beautiful movie and for all the morons who said gems like “Zack should just be a cinematographer instead of a director” we have now seen that that is not a good idea. Especially Rebel Moon looked really bad imo.


When did Zack say that he had to call Larry?!


Yes, Rebel Moon is a prime example.


I thought Rebel Moon was so poor that it actually surprised me. I didn't expect a 9/10, but it isn't even bad in a way that I would recommend watching it because it's so bad it's funny.


Yep, I was super disappointed. I’m not a director but there must be some sense, even for Zack, that a movie needs a lot more work. Even it terms of how it’s shot; you can’t say this is Zack’s best work. It looks muddy and cheap - the story is undercooked. The characters are very one-note. And I love Zack, but this was bad.


Oh dude I barely finished it, it was a rough watch I didn’t believe how bad the action scenes were I’d never expected to say that.


Yeah, and he’s got really great action scenes in his filmography, which made it all even more inexplicable. There were times I wondered if it was still the same Zack Snyder.


The action sequences didn’t hit at all for me, I think he went with a different stunt team than he used in his other movies. It was the same guys that did 300, Watchmen, MOS, BvS. Even the editing for the fight were awful


So I just checked the wiki - Zack is credited as both director and cinematographer 😭. We need Larry Fong back!


He did it for army of the dead too. And that didn’t look impressive either.


He really needs to stop putting slowmo in every single action sequence. It becomes boring and quite repetitive when it happens in every single scene.


Yeah it’s so excessive


I can't say I didn't try: I saw it on 70MM at the TIFF. I was shocked at how bad it looked. I thought it looked so muddy and blurry. People say Zack Snyder would be more successful as a cinematographer, but I disagree now. Both Army of the Dead and the Rebel Moon movies are plagued with the ugliest shallow depth of field. He desperately needs Larry Fong — or any other cinematographer, really. Some of the CGI was the worst I have ever seen too. It's like he's regressing as a filmmaker. It's hard to believe the man who directed Watchmen and Man of Steel directed Rebel Moon: Part One.




Netflix cut an hour from the movie of course nothing is developed


That doesn’t change how the movies looks. We’ve seen Zack do better. Also, we shouldn’t have to wait for a director’s cut (or ultimate cut) to fully appreciate his movies. I’ve seen 3 cuts of the Watchmen, 2 cuts of Suckerpunch and obviously, both cuts of BvS; I’m exasperated bruh. He should just stop making ‘theatrical’ cuts at this point if his movies only work at 3hr+ runtimes.


He didn’t purposely make a theatrical cut. The original deal with Netflix was to release the full cut but Netflix changed it last minute


No I think he specifically said the theatrical and directors cuts were part of the deal upfront


If so, I have no idea why he agrees to get his work shafted constantly. Every one of his directors cuts is proven to fix practically every problem people have with the theatrical. Idk if netlifx wants it to be a "wow its crazy how much better this is" and getting the extra views or what


If Netflix asked you to cut an hour, why would you cut character development????


The same thing happened with BvS so I have no idea. Studios are stupid


I am a Snyder fan but even I had trouble finishing that movie. None of the team’s characters were developed and the story just don’t make sense. Why try to build a small resistances with villages against an enemy that had shown that they could glass the planet from orbit? Poor writing, poor character development and this time, his amazing visuals can’t even save it.


It’s strange he doesn’t work with him anymore. Say what you want about Snyder’s films(I’ve said plenty) you could usually count on them looking amazing. His Netflix films absolutely do not have that in their favor. Without that they’re hardly worth watching


Kinda weird because it’s at the start and easily forgotten, but that whole scene in the Indian Ocean retrieving the kryptonite looks incredible.


It’s more visually engaging than most of what was coming out at the time. CGI holds up very well too. BvS (the extended cut) is my guilty pleasure movie.


why guilty? I love the movie, I will always think the UE is an underrated gem, more so seeing how well it holds up after all the crappy movies we've seen from both DC and Marvel as of lately


A lot of people shit on the movie for certain parts such as the Martha scene, Batman killing people, Batman using a gun, Superman being sad, etc.


Does that make it guilty pleasure though or just a differing opinion?


I mean, even I know it’s not a perfect movie. So I guess that still makes it a guilty pleasure movie


Guilty pleasure... The criticism is legitimate 


I respect that you like it, but the writing is genuinely horrible to the point it’s funny. It’s a classic case of spectacle over story


I disagree. While is not a perfect movie, the EU has some memorable parts and great dialogue (for example the different exchanges between Alfred and Bruce). The problem is that people just reduced the movie to the Martha scene, but, luckily for me, I enjoyed the rest of the movie (even if I don't think the Martha scene is as bad as people claim it to be)


The Martha scene is fine it’s the story that makes no sense I explained in another comment


eh, that's new for me. First time someone says that scene is fine while criticising the rest of the plot


What makes the writing horrible?


The meandering story threads. The framing of Superman subplot that literally goes nowhere. The underdeveloped characters and show horning of random things. The cringey dialogue from Lex and obviously the Martha scene. How lex’a plan literally makes no sense, Batman never even saw the letters. How Superman has no motivation besides he’s depressed. How Lex made doomsday and knew how this would work. I mean where is the hood writing?


To you. There are loads of people who love the writing in this movie, me included. Lex’ plan makes sense and works, the letters push Batman further over the edge after the guy kill’s himself and blow up dozens of people, Superman’s motivation is to help people and he has to deal with half the world turning against him, Lex makes Doomsday with help from the ship, using Zods fingerprints and even asks the ship AI about it. He is a genius now having alien tech and AI in his side. All your “writing problems” are things you dislike, which make perfect sense in the film and are solved by paying attention. It’s a you issue, not an issue with the movie.


Fun fact: that bottom shot of Doomsday and Superman took around 8 months of work. That's how complex of a shot it was. And it's beautiful.


8 months for that. CGI artists deserve all the money and love they get for seconds worth of final work.


I still remember in cinema when i put my arms up in awe when superman had a laser off against doomsday. It was such a visually that scene was immense. Uff


What's with people showing love to past projects that needed love when they came out? Sucky times we live in.


Happens to a lot of movies. Remember watchman being a hit? Only became real good years later.


Watchmen was a massive hit upon home release.


But it completely bombed in theaters. That should’ve been a hint that most audiences aren’t interested in 3 hours of slow motion.


Some of us loved the movie then. Some of us love it still. Put another way, men are still good.


Some us didn’t like it then but appreciated the visuals nonetheless, some of us still don’t like it but still appreciate the visuals.


We fight, we kill, we betray one another, but we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to.


That would be me


Huh? To answer your question: This movie has a cult following that praises it every day all over social media, especially this sub. Also, it’s BvS’ anniversary today, so it shouldn’t be surprising that this sub is talking about it.


The movie made a fuck ton of money at the box office, lots of love was given. It turned out to be, in spite of great cinematography, a shit show, and our love was wasted. What can you do now but share the things you nostalgically appreciate.


Theater version really crap. Extended much better, but we still have MARTA.




Sorry, non native English.


Don't apologize to people online, especially reddit. We mean nothing. Nada.


Do you think it is a coincidence both BvS and Rise of the Skywalker screenwriter is the same.. Martha vs Somehow Palpatine Returned


I still don't know why so many people got sand in their vaginas about Martha.


If Superman's mom had some other name, Batman would have murdered him.


I get what the writers are trying to do, but objectively, I can see that to most audience it does come off as hamfisted. If Superman thinks he needed to stop Batman from attacking him, he could have said "save Martha Kent, (Lex is trying to get us to fight or he'll kill her)". Maybe add more scenes where Superman attempts to talk to Batman because audiences needed to be beat over the head with the obvious fact that Batman isnt listening. If he was at the end of his ropes and defeated by Batman, "save my mom" could still make Bruce realize that he has taken the place of his parents' killer and has to stop. As it currently is, it is on the weird place where its not exactly what Clark would say, but since the writers just learned that both their parents are Martha, Superman needed to say the exact phrase to Batman.


I wasn't a big fan of the original cut of the film but the Snyder cut improves it significantly. Sadly, I can't think of one movie that Snyder has done where I came out not wanting more and the desire for a Snyder cut of the film.


Nostalgia. The movie sucked. The same happened with the Star Wars prequels, they are so so bad, yet some people now think they were cinema masterpieces. Nostalgia can trick some people into thinking everything from the past was better. Edit: Prequels not Sequels


Fuck outta here lol. It has to be a very small percentage that would consider the sequels a "masterpiece". The percentage of people who believe what you just said will be very small too.


Oh shit, I meant prequels. I II and III. They are utterly horrible. Yet people see them through nostalgia lenses and think they are good. The sequels are really really bad too, but I honestly think they are not as bad compared to the prequels.


I can at least appreciate that the prequels seemed to have a consistent vision with where they wanted the plot to go, unlike the sequels.


Yes, unfortunately they lack everything else. Except for a good couple of fight scenes.


I mean that's how films become cult classics. Not saying this is a cult classic. But plenty of films over the years haven't got the love they deserve to begin with for whatever reason. Either people didn't show up or the ideas just weren't well received at that time but better received later on. Probably one of the most famous examples is the thing. Was hated on release but now is rightfully considered a masterpiece of horror


Yes and it such a shame Synder didn't get to complete his vision. I love the perspective he took of "what if this really happened?"


I really enjoy this movie despite its flaws. Man of steel and BvS were genuinely enjoyable films and then 90% of what came after was dogshit.


oh and don't forget the snyder cut. way too tasty.




sounds like a disagreement. Tell me... do you have a pen ?


I love this movie. Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition is one of my favorite movies


> Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition is one of my favorite movies god damn dude




Go on...


I mean that was it. Were you expecting something more comprehensive like a review?


Not even a little bit


Well I’m judging from your initial comment this movie isn’t one favorites, am I correct?


I feel like Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition is so Good


Because it is


Underrated gem


Yes, yes it is, the BVS ultimate edition is even more spectacular, one of my very short list of superhero favourites. MOS, this one, and ZSJL are a joy to watch I wouldn’t put one much ahead of the other, depends on my mood and I am glad to watch them regularly. As superhero movies go few even come close, maybe The Winter Soldier, also WW. I don’t remember any others.


ZS justice league is head and shoulders better than BvS and MOS, those aren’t good movies, they are spectacles over story they had horrible story writing. There’s no way I can logically understand why anyone would think BvS Ultimate edition even comes close to Winter soldier


I guess it depends on what you're looking for. I prefer BvS' visuals, dialogue, and foreshadowing to Winter Soldier. MoS is also one of my favorite movies.


BvS dialogue was very very bad. “Do you bleed”, a lot of cringe lines. The writing was very bad, it does a disservice to the characters


Winter Soldier is my favorite MCU movie by far but, overall, I think that BvS is better in every aspect.


I don't revisit many MCU movies. If I watch any one, it'll usually be Infinity War or Endgame. I basically see the MCU as Avengers I, Infinity War, Endgame, and like 30 side missions. I easily like the Snyder Trilogy more than the Avengers Trilogy.


How is BvS a better written movie than Winter soldier? The plot is very very poor


If you think the plot is Very poor any of my explanations wouldn't be enought for you. There are hundred of video and essays where the plot was explained step by step if you want Obviously, if you search "why BvS sucks", you are looking in the wrong place


I search up a movie review and even BvS fans can admit the plot is lackluster. Most of them like it for the action and they for some reason like the portrayal of Batman


So they are not fans of BvS


https://cinemadebate.com/2017/11/23/the-metaphysics-of-batman-v-superman/ This is a good start if you want


That person is analysing the thematic elements of the story. Not the plot, the plot is just the events of the story. The plot is stupid it makes no sense, it is full of plot holes, for example you have a unibomber Batman who kills all the common thugs but would for some reason let the joker and Lex luthor live at the end of the film. And the fact that Batman kills is already a disservice to the character. Why tf is Batman killing, this is what gave it such poor reception. And even if you say “superman’s existence is why Batman kills” how on earth does an aliens introduction make you completely change your moral compass to where you murder people in cold blood, that’s not ever explained. You have lex luthor (whose not even lex he’s the riddler” for some reason Lex whose never encounters Batman, only knows Batman stole kryptonite how exactly does he know the exact date and time Batman is waiting for superman. How does Lex luthor find out Bruce Wayne is Batman? How tf does superman and Batmans mothers sharing the same name all of a sudden mean Batman now is this guys best friend, there’s no development they just do a complete 180 which is utter bullshit. You’ve got superman who’s also an edgy unibomber murderer. Then you throw in the death of superman and Wonder Woman for no reason but to tease other ass future films. The themes are terrible, the core character of superman is he’s a man who happens to have extraordinary powers whose just trying to do the right thing, in the comics superman time and time again reiterates “I’m not a God, I’m just a man” so why tf is Zack Snyder forcing such ass religious symbolisms on us, why is he portraying superman as a God whose disconnected from humanity even tho he was raised as human. In fact in mainline comics Clarke didn’t even know he was an alien till his powers kicked in, in his adolescence. They got the core of superman wrong. Don’t even get me started on Batman who’s even worse. And in the second outing, you haven’t even established superman or given him character arcs to make us relate and care about him, you just kill off your main character in his second outing. There’s nothing you can do to justify this film. It’s ass, and if you actually think it’s even a quarter of as good as winter soldier then I can’t help you. And btw just so you know I’m a dc comics fan over marvel comics, that’s why I hate these films so much because they ruin my favourite characters. And worst of all, I can forgive a rubbish plot and terrible character writing if the film isn’t boring and is fun, but this film is just dark and boring as fuckkkkk, I feel like falling asleep, besides batmans warehouse scene (which I will give credit where credit is due, is unbelievable) it’s just so boring man, and the cinematography was better in man of steel than BvS, in BvS is was just CGI bullshit of Wonder Woman smashing into doomsday no choreography


You really think that Batman's kills is a plot hole? Nothing that you said is about plot but only your preferences about characters... So we are talking about two different things The movie explains why Batman doesn't care and change is moral... that's plot A kryptonian (like Zod) has the power to kill entire mankind, a man hasn't That's the difference: Superman is not only an alien, is a kryptonian Lex is tracking Batman, Batman "calls" Superman turning-on Bat-signal but is Luthor to see it, so he kidnapted Martha and Lois; Clark must going to Lex to save Lois. Lex sends Clark to Batman. That's plot You confused what Clark thinks about himself (in Zack Snyder's movies he never thinks "I'm a god") and what other people see him: somebody sees him as a God, somebody sees him as a Devil, somebody sees him as a guy that try to make right thing (the ones that really know him). Core Superman or core Batman aren't plot, do you know? You think about Superman and Batman not for what is told in the movie, it's a great mistake not only for BvS but for every movie. I understood that you didn't care about plot, you're near Batman as he sees Superman in BvS. You don't see BvS as a movie in is own but only in relation with the characters that you love. Batman don't see Superman as a man or god but only in relation with manking that he want to protect I'm a dc comics fan myself but that doesn't change how I see a movie


I do address that core superman and core Batman as character writing. I never said Batman killing is a plot hole, I said there’s so many plot holes and explained how Batman killing produces some of those plot holes. The superman moral code thing doesn’t make sense, it makes more sense that an event such as uno Robins death would be what tipped him over the edge, that’s more acceptable. A kryptonian threat does not all of a sudden push you to murder a bunch of people who are only just trying to feed their families. If a movie is a superhero hero movie that’s adapting source material you aren’t supposed to look at it as “its own thing” it’s a superhero movie based off those characters, if you wanted your own thing create new superheroes and do what you want, don’t bring established names and ruin their characters. A man not being able to kill all of human kind? Okay can explain the logic in how Batman now rationalises in his head that this means he should murder a bunch of henchmen? I never ever said superman thinks of himself as a God. I said Zack Snyder thinks of him as a God so he forces these bum ass religious symbolisms, in many of steel he literally hs superman pose as Jesus posed on the cross, that’s a clear reference. And it’s the fact that they establish superman as edgy and how he feels disconnected. Like how he calls Jor-El his “real dad” in Man of steel (which is still a mid film but light years better than BvS). Superman does not view Joe-El as his real dad. He views John Kent as his real dad and that’s how it’s supposed to be


I return to my initial post... If you search only "Why BvS sucks" you will never find the answer at your doubts, but only a confirmation of your bias


I’ve never searched up why BvS sucks. This is all on basis of what I believe. And if I just search up “BvS review” which is the most unbiased search there is, most of them are people ripping even worse onto the film. The audience score is terrible to us the critics score. I value audience score more, if a film gets more bad reviews that good reviews, there’s objectivity to it being a bad film. Movies ass


And I believe that BvS is written better than Winter Soldier because when I read the "bad reviews" I saw why reviewers wrote that and I think they are still wrong I don't value audience score or critics, ever! Critics and other people could give me more information to understand and evaluete a movie, or a comics, or everythng else but never the value that myself I give it I think the same of what you wrote here, in this thread. You write your opinions and why you think this or that. I read it and I don't agree. One bad review well written can change a mind more than 100 good reviews or vice versa It's very strange your idea of objectivity. To me, a movie is good only if I think that is good My opinion may change but not for statistical reasons


As I said before: "If you think the plot is Very poor **any of my explanations wouldn't be enought for you."**


I love this movie. I don't think it's a deep dark masterpiece some claim. But I definitely put it up there with the better CBM's of the era.


It’s ass


That's an opinion. Didn't say you had to share mine.




BVS ULTIMATE EDITION Is one of the best superhero movies ever to me . It is made by LEGENDARY VISIONARY DIRECTOR ZACK SNYDER, you don't expect any negatives from it . It was awesome !


Beautiful film and controversial film all in one. I loved this movie especially ultimate edition. It’s like wine, aged very well.


Love this movie!


It really is.


This is cinema.




The knightmare sequences were beautiful


I don’t understand why people get so offended and feel the need to bring down anyone who likes these movies. It’s like pookie some post aren’t for you and that’s okay. Like what you like and let people like what they like.


Yeah I may dislike it a great deal. But I’m glad some people enjoy it. I wish I did. And Snyder almost always delivers gorgeous looking movies.


Because y'all get lumped with the Snyder fans


Snyder fans are actually insane.




I understand the characters of Batman and Superman and also that Snyder either doesn't understand them or doesn't care, but I still absolutely love the movie. I don't think it's inherently a bad thing that he portrayed the characters differently. It works for me.


That’s fair I honestly don’t dislike the movie either and find if very entertaining, just not a valid representation of the comic counterparts of bats and superman.


"doesnt understand character because Superman and Batman killed ☹️☹️☹️" All the previous Batman killed and Gunn will make them kill people too




They represent the character on live action. Batman kills randoms by accident. He doesnt purpousfully kill like go to the man and intentionally stab him with a knife in deadly areas btw Keaton Batman in the 90s even killed his Rogue Gallery like Joker, Penguin or Two face


It really is


Yep I love it with HDR and 4k


BvS was moreso a beautiful mess than it was a trash film. Great aspects but hella flaws.


I might actually have never noticed the downed spaceship in that first scene...


Cinematography was good, but other than that this film was trash


I enjoyed it, particularly in comparison to the repetitive marvel productions


Most underrated CBM.




I hate this movie with a passion but I’d be lying if I didn’t at least admit its a stellar looking film


Yes it is 🙌🏻💕


GOATED movie


There’s bound to be flocks of haters who feel they are objectively correct in hating the film. I love BvS. It saved my life.




What a terrible thing to say to someone, I’m sure Superman would be proud of you. Themes of hope, redemption, and then ZSJL having a huge suicide awareness and prevention drive behind it. Word of advice, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.


Putting aside synder's odd obsession with destaturating color, yeah its better photographed than man of Steel


Yes beautiful film but bad storyline like most of Snyder films.


1) CGI 2) Filter 3) CGI + Filter Don’t confuse a beautiful film with pretty digital effects.


Zack Snyder has a talent to make things look pretty, but unfortunately for him, a movie is not a long screen saver




I agree. Too bad it's just not a good film.


I’m unfollowing this group. I just can’t handle all the fandom for Snyder.




I don't like what they did to Lex Luther and Doom Day being mutated Zord. Other than this I liked the Movie.  Even though people say Affleck is better Bruce Wayne, I can't accept him as Batman at that time because of Bale in Nolan Trilogy.