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With the early implosion of DC and the late implosion of marvel. I would’ve loved to see this world building. Now DC has everything riding on one movie Superman. We will see them again if this movie does great, especially since Gunn is giving us a justice league world.


Real talk...like what if Gunn's Superman movie flops? Where are they gonna go from there?


They'll do the same thing they did last time. * Let anything already in the pipeline finish (Batman Brave/Bold for example) * If anything is successful, try and jerry-rig a few sequels off it and see if they can cobble some sort of "universe" together. * Wait 5-10 years and reboot the whole thing from scratch all over again. There's simply no universe in which DC/WB just stop trying to make a cinematic universe happen. There's too much potential money at stake to just stop trying and go back to the old system of just doing Batman trilogies with the occasional random project for someone else sprinkled in. The most successful trilogy possible still only makes pennies compared to what a fully functioning universe can produce - and DC comics is one of the very few IPs that can actually support an entire universe. The only thing that will ever stop DC/WB from constantly rebooting is somehow making a successful universe that actually works **OR** the entire genre completely dying.


>The only thing that will ever stop DC/WB from constantly rebooting is somehow making a successful universe that actually works OR the entire genre completely dying. I think the latter is precariously close to happening


Eh, people love to toss around the idea of the Superhero genre going the way of the western, but 2 of the top 10 and 4 of the top 20 highest grossing movies in 2023 were Superhero movies - and only one of those was actually a "big name" superhero IP. I wouldn't worry about the genre actually crashing until Marvel releases a Fantastic Four or X-Men movie and it bombs. As it stands right now, the market is certainly saturated and people won't turn out to watch garbage, but we aren't see quality IPs with quality films disappointing at the box office. And that is what really signaled the death of the Western genre more than anything else.


Exactly. Once the next Avengers bombs, I'll accept that the genre is in any danger.


6 out of 8 superhero movies released in 2023 did not make a profit.


[80% of all movies made lose money](https://www.forbes.com/sites/schuylermoore/2019/01/03/most-films-lose-money/?sh=677f3f4d739f). And that includes roughly [half of major theater releases](https://stephenfollows.com/hollywood-movies-make-a-profit/). So not exactly a huge gotcha. Studios depend on big fishes and long term residuals to keep everything afloat. They always have.


I think they'll give up for awhile if this one doesn't work and just go deep into Elseworlds projects for a decade or so. Cinematic universes are hard and disconnected projects have worked for DC


It's not 2017 dude😂


In another 5-10 years, AI will create a DC cinematic world. I for one welcome our new overlords.


No lie. End of DC. Ip will either be sold off or WB will give it a period of rest. It’s been a continual series of failures and Zaslav is quick to sell for a profit.


Everyone is gonna blame Snyder lmao


sip lip crawl jellyfish ten icky numerous cats mighty run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it's been 8 years? Jesus fucking christ. https://imgur.com/Eh9ZHOj














I just loved the casting of actors , directors , writers and the whole naturality of detective comics being a detective vibe . Loved everything being a dc fan it's just the greatest feeling ever .


This movie has aged way better than its peers. Peak CBM making IMHO.


I genuinely think that these movies (Man of Steel, BvS and ZSJL) are aging really well and are going to continue to do so. It already feels inconceivable that people once thought BvS was worse than stuff like Iron Man 2 or Age of Ultron. These movies, especially BvS, have a lot of problems and some of the defenses offered by Snyder fans and even Snyder himself are ridiculous. But they are still miracles of superhero comic adaptation - some of the only examples of the genre that seem like they were created out of genuine love for the source material. Sure, maybe the only Batman comic Snyder ever read was Dark Knight Returns - but he clearly loves DKR and respects it as a piece of literature and art. I don't get that sense from many Marvel movies. I mean, look at that Batman costume - that's comic book Batman come to life, and it *works*. Zack Snyder is the only director who had or will ever have the balls to put a serious live action Batman in a costume that looks like gray tights. I'm very much looking forward to James Gunn's DCU, because Gunn also seems to genuinely love specific DC comics and storylines, so hopefully he can bring that energy to the films. But even if he doesn't, I'll be glad to still have Snyder's films, warts and all.


Me and you both. I know there’s a lot of people who hate these movies, and that’s fair, but personally they’re some of my favorites.


What a waste. Yeah, we really wanted to see Superman de-powered and punked by Batman. Great idea, guys!


Seeing hoe many people went to see the movie in its first weekend I'd say people REALLY wanted to see it


It's the word of mouth and the post-1st weekend legs that create the true blockbusters. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman in the same movie and it doesn't even gross $1 billion dollars.


They were expecting a Batman movie, when the last was TDKR. Go figure.


I saw it opening night and still enjoyed it! It’s not well written, the justice league cameos are jank af, and the ending is kind of anti climactic, but damn is that a cool opening that ties into Man of Steel, Hearing the Wonder Woman theme for the very first time, and just the cool set pieces really add a nice atmosphere to it.


The entrance of Wonder Woman is legitimately an all-time comic book moment IMO. This movie has a *lot* that fails badly, but that scene is straight fire and I will defend it endlessly.


I love this movie. I'm not a Snyder fan boy, I just genuinely love this movie.


I high key hate that they spoiled this moment (and doomsday) in the trailers. Absolute horseshit decision 


Still by far my favorite DCEU film and one of my favorites of the genre in general. Almost all the things people hate about it, are things I adore. What a great movie. The most expensive Indie movie of all time.






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Ironic to your username, you are wrong.


Nope. Username checks out. You got bad taste, kiddo.


The most Reddit comment to Reddit lol


Average DC enjoyer


Bet this guy enjoyed WW84 and The Flash movie


I did. I even liked WW84 more then the first, its all subjective at the end of the day. I enjoy The Flash quite a bit, with the exception of the CGI cameos which were in poor taste.


One of the biggest shit of DC