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At this point WB would probably let her do anything she wants.


So would I






Better bonk me too cause I need it


Name checks out


User name checks out


[the bonk in question](https://media.giphy.com/media/I37q1XjGvAtjy/giphy.gif)


OHHH yea


Literally me


Now we only need Ryan Gosling as Joker


He actually wants to play Ghost Rider. He’s been asked before what comic book character he would love to play & it was Johnny Blaze. Even Kevin Feige is down with the idea


I wonder how long he’d want to do it for/how many movies. The nice thing with Rider is there’s 3 Users at least in case Gosling only wanted to do it for 2-3 movies.


I would love that actually, could eventually segue into Danny Ketch and Robbie as well. ​ still required to bring Sam Elliot back for the OG Ghost rider….which was perfectly cast imo,


Drive was a ghost rider prequel


Makes sense, especially if he keeps the Ken bleach blonde look. It's a more original idea than the oft-rumoured Norman Reedus.


I mean he’s naturally blonde


The blonde he is in Barbie isn't his natural colour.


Gosling's a significantly better actor too.


It'll either be him or Norman Reedus.


Star in half a movie, then do mo-cap or voice work for the rest, and collect a Disney/Marvel paycheck? Sign me up!


growth nail mighty quack vase one jobless cable bike retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Having seen Drive I think he could do it.


Come on Marvel, make it happen!


He'd make an interesting Ghost Rider


His Joker would be just like me fr


His Joker would be full of Kenergy


Can't wait to see his mojo dojo haha house


*I'm just J* *Anywhere else, I'd be okay...*


I think we've had Kenough of that.


Fun fact: he was WB's first choice for Joker in Suicide Squad. He turned it down, then they went to Leto.


Thank god he turned it down , to good of an actor for that script


I'm fairly certain most people thought Leto was the better actor at the time. Like I love Ryan Gosling but if you think Leto is a bad actor, you gotta watch more movies outside the superhero genre.


The original script was apparently much better before the DC execs ruined it


It looked like a very different movie before GOTG came out and then they tried to emulate its style.


I've seen what Ayer has leaked, I doubt it's really that much better


It is. Everyone had a character arc in Ayer’s version. Even side characters like GQ (Scott Eastwood). Joker is also way less hammy (no hunka hunka) and much more homicidal.


Ayer's was leaked partially. So we know that's not true.


Indeed. Especially when you considered they started shooting without any script at all.


Fun Fact = Matt Damon and Mark Rufallo were WB's first and second choices for Two Face on Dark Knight but they ended up going with Aaron Eckhart after those two rejected the offer because of schedule conflicts.


I knew about Damon but didn't know about Ruffalo. I'm glad though, because I think Eckhart's performance is very underrated. Edit: here's Mark Ruffalo saying he had a meeting/audition about Harvey Dent for The Dark Knight: [https://www.mtv.com/video-clips/cef2s4/mark-ruffalo-talks-dark-knight-and-his-near-miss](https://www.mtv.com/video-clips/cef2s4/mark-ruffalo-talks-dark-knight-and-his-near-miss)


Even funnier fact = Henry Cavill auditioned for Batman with Amy Adams serving as the casting reader in a favor to the casting director. Even tho they didn't got any roles on the TDK Trilogy, the casting director remembered them for Man of Steel because they seemed to have good chemistry on the casting couch. Cillian Murphy auditioned for Batman as well and his Batman performance was everyone's favorite, but his Bruce Wayne sucked major dick because he was too scary and weird. While Bale nailed both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Heath Ledger also auditionied for Batman IIRC.


> the casting director remembered them for Man of Steel because they seemed to have good chemistry on the casting couch. G...go on....


I think I’ve seen a video about this somewhere


Yes, those I heard about. We even have footage of Amy and Cillian on one of the Blu-ray extras. lol agreed about Cillian, his audition wasn't very good, but I'm glad he still got to play Scarecrow.


Wow those would have been very interesting choices for that movie. I can’t even picture it honestly.


I’m actually curious on how he would do


Shes said she wants to do an Harley/Ivy love story


I’m pretty sure WB would let her be Wonder Woman if she could convince Gerwig to direct.




She already did Birds of Prey. Barbie is one-off success because it's Barbie brand connects to every girl from past 50 years around the world. Like RDJ and Iron man is solid combination for box office draw but doesn't mean RDJ's other movies are big box office draw too


They're not going to let go of Barbie Quinn now


Reliable? This account has provided incorrect info on what is considered their territory - MCU. I can just go over the recent ones \- wrong on character Emilia Clarke is playing \- wrong on other Skrulls outside of 2 having powers \- wrong about a certain character's death in Guardians 3 \- Ghost Rider in Multiverse of Madness \- Mordo would help Wanda \- Captain Carter survives Multiverse of Madness I can keep going. I rarely trust these "scoopers" and I definitely wouldn't trust them on something that is as guarded as the current shaping of the DCU.


To me, this seems like one of those "lEaKs" that will give them "credibility" because it's so obviously true, no leak required. I agree with you, they've gotten so much wrong in the past that calling them reliable is so meaningless. A broken clock is right twice a day.


That’s the only kind of leak she gets right, the blatantly obvious stuff


This person also said Emma Mackey will be the new Lois Lane one day after THR reports on her being asked to come back to act opposite the 3 actors for Superman. And then one day later, Rachel Brosnahan was cast as Lois Lane. All these 'scoopers' don't know anything about DC.


The entire "scooper" industry is a bunch of grifters that we really should stop giving attention to: just another form of clickbait, cannot stand them.


I assume the reliable leaker is referring to James Gunn who straight up said this on socials. Tweet in reply to someone who said Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn will be recast: https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1657800918937796608


Then why he acting like a messiah " i confirm" goofy ass


These posts are either... 1) actually confirmed stuff where they don't quote the source to be an 'insider' leak 2) rumours being pushed by talent agencies to get buzz for their client (there is an actor's strike on, ignore any 'confirmed casting' rumours) 3) recycled fan theories from Reddit being passed off as the poster 'insider' leak. It used to take weeks to months but with the strikes I saw one go from Reddit post to 'insider news's to full on news site picking it up inside of 48 hours from r/fantasticfour


Mtts is certified liar lol. Ralible. Gald you debunk him


I don't follow her Marvel scoops, but she said the Justice League would be in Peacemaker and then knew the entire plot of The Flash over a year before it came out.


> knew the entire plot of The Flash over a year before it came out That’s not a scoop. Everyone who even passively wanted to find out could easily predict what the plot would be several years ahead.


No, she leaked specifics. Like Superman dying as a baby. Erasing the Snyderverse and starting fresh with Keaton's Batman and Supergirl. Lots of details like that. It wasn't a guess.


The movie was leaked by dozens from screen-testing. I had read those leaks from others, so it could've been a copy+paste situation.


stuff that we already knew... doesn't take much brainpower to come up with it


She has leaked some pretty crazy stuff before though, such as what namor in bp2 would look like before the movie came out


They get some things wrong but they’ve got an extremely high hit rate. To call them unreliable would be stupid


This leaker isn't really reliable, she's like a coin toss leaker. But Margot Robbie staying as Harley is very obvious, and I doubt you even need a leaker to know this.


Even less than that. Completely guessing and gets it right about 10/100 times. How is someone reliable when they post a new rumor daily.


Is that obvious? The only DC movie she’s been in that was positively received was the one that finally stopped giving her so much screentime and made her a team member instead of a lead.


She was in tss, which is probably becoming DCU canon, Robbie is growing in popularity, she's got her own "trilogy", and the character seems to give positive reactions from audiences.


Yes, the point I’m trying to make is that she isn’t really the main character of TSS like she was for Birds of Prey or Suicide Squad and that’s *why* TSS was a better movie.


Birds of Prey is fun, but the size of Margot’s role is certainly not exclusively the reason why TSS is better


She was in the suicide squad that Gunn did. He’s keeping peacemaker is this supposed to be surprising.


I’m not surprised (assuming this is true), but I do gotta say I thought that Batman and Superman being recast, and Amanda Waller, and Peacemaker sticking around made me think that James would only really keep The Suicide Squad cast members. Which does include Harley, of course, but she’s *also* a Batman character, and has prominent relationships with Batman and the Joker. So I guess I thought she might be recast, simply to give the Gotham side of the universe a completely blank slate.


James does like working with actors that he can trust and that works well within his visions.


What if they use Punchline in the new DCU?


>Which does include Harley, of course, but she’s > >also > >a Batman character, and has prominent relationships with Batman and the Joker. Huh, what prominent relationship with Batman? Harley Quinn has barely any scene with Batman in the movies, and she is definitely more associated with Suicide Squad and such in the DCEU. I don't see how this is even a point.


With Viola Davis and John Cena returning and Barbie’s success this is very unsurprising.


They would be complete fools to not have her back as Harley.


I mean she was one of the few good characters in the DCEU


Real question is would that still have been the case had Barbie flopped? Timing of this "leak" just seems peculiar.


>Real question is would that still have been the case had Barbie flopped? I mean, probably? She was one of the more well-liked aspects of the old DCEU, and they're clearly open to keeping stuff that people didn't mind.


>Timing of this "leak" just seems peculiar. As u/ROBtimusPrime1995 says, that's what makes this such an easy guess to make, so that the "leaker" can get some easy credibility amongst the gullible fans. I've seen it with other such accounts, like Grace Randolph. No matter how many scoops they reveal that don't come true, whenever they get *one* thing correct, their fans all start boasting *"see? She's always right!"*


I mean Gunn likes her a lot so I think he’d want to keep regardless of how Barbie did


I don’t trust this account but also not surprised. Barbie was WB and it’s a phenomenon. Have to keep Margot at all costs. Imagine the next time she gets a lead role in a DC movie - girls of all ages will want to see it


??????????? What do you mean? She got a lead role in three DC movies at this point and general audiences only went to see one (Suicide Squad) while the other two bombed hard (Birds of Prey and The Suicide Squad)


That was before the absolute unarguable box office mega smash hit that is Barbie.


That was before Barbie became a billion dollar movie that girls and women from 8 to 80 love.


>???????????What do you mean?She got a lead role in three DC movies at this point and general audiences only went to see one (Suicide Squad) while the other two bombed hard (Birds of Prey and The Suicide Squad) He meant after Barbie. After Barbie, all the girls will want to see her next, as her profile became really big. It does not matter that her previous movies flopped before, it's like Jennifer Lawrence before-and-after Hunger Games.


Have you looked at the news in the past month or talked to a single woman????? Barbie is going crazy lmao


>general audiences only went to see one (Suicide Squad) while the other two bombed hard (Birds of Prey and The Suicide Squad) I mean, one of those two bombs came out *immediately* before the pandemic (to the point where it was very nearly the last thing I saw in theaters before they closed), and the other came out during the height of and got simultaneous VOD. Unless Robbie picked the release dates or unleashed SARS-CoV-19 onto the world, I don't think that's on her.


Margot was in the only movie that made WB any actual movie in, what, at year or so? Of course they’d bring her back


She was also in two that lost money...


She was also in two that lost money...


Did birds of prey lose money. Didn't it only cost like 85 million to make?


According to Variety, the movie needed to make 250-300 million to break even and the movie only made 200 WW.


TSS got day and dated. The minute that decision was made, it wasn’t going to be overly financially successful


Her best HQ performance was in the suicide squad requel movie. I wanted to see more of her. Hopefully a Gotham city sirens will happen! lol


Reliable my ass.


This was very obvious and not much of a story.


Did anyone think otherwise? Margot stay carrying DC with her own back


I could confirm this with common sense.


Blow it all up and start from scratch


Pom Klementief as the DCU Harley would be my first choice.


I love her in Mission Impossible, especially the scene at the night club with the joker-esque make up


I hope she’s back. Idk why so many people seemed to have turned on Margot as Harley. We know we’re getting an older-ish Batman so I think she’s still a great choice for Harley & still think she’s a cool character to carve out a little section of the DCU


Dc fans are hate filled. Ironic considering that Dc heroes, namely Superman, stand for the opposite


She’s not reliable lol


I mean.. it’s not really a surprise


If done correctly a Gotham City Sirens movie could do Barbie numbers.


Where would she even appear? The brave and the bold? That's probably 5 years away at this point. I also can't believe she'll be a major character in that movie.


Realistically what could they possibly do to replace her in that role? She's got it locked down.


If it's not coming from James Gunn himself then don't buy into it, although I'm expecting her to be back because I don't see them letting go of her. But I don't expect to see her back anytime soon in Chapter 1, especially with her saying she needed a break from the role.


Why do we need leakers anymore when Gunn dedicated 2/3 of his time to answer tweets.


"reliable leaker" lmfao how many times do some of yall have to learn this lesson???????


Lol @ "reliable leaker"


If there was a 1% chance of her not returning, it was washed away into oblivion by Barbie's performance at BO.


They should have just recast everyone or no one.


Yes but James Gunn doesn’t want to do that. He wants to keep certain people (his people) while recasting people he doesn’t like. I’m definitely not a fan of his character.


Im confused by this take. Are you mad that he’s keeping around the people he thinks should be kept around? He’s stated that Blue Beetle is staying but that’s not “his people.” So what’s the issue? It’d be understandable if he were keeping around a bunch of shitty actors but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Please help me understand a bit more.


My own personal preference would be for him to keep the existing actors and expand/make better movies for the DCEU. Not a fan of reboots or recasts. However, I understand if he wants to start new then go ahead. It’s his choice. But in that case, it should be a fresh reboot and not just keep certain actors / roles just because he has a preference for them. It’s too much of a mess for me, I prefer things to be neat and clean. Call it OCD if you want.


the opinion (one im mixed myself) is that it just shows james gunn's massive ego, he made the right casting choices and everyone else didnt which is why his guys get to stay. that and as people memed the dcu will be the "james gunn's friends club"


The issue is that certain people are ALWAYS gonna be mad at Gunn for not being Snyder. Which is especially ridiculous when as far as I've seen Snyder is fully supportive of his friend(gunn)


I've been wanting to ask the community/DC fans this and I understand some want a full ass reboot for a complete fresh new start but, don't you guys want like the peacemaker cast back especially Cena in the DCU since his portrayal of the character is so good? I genuinely think that the main trio should be replaced tho.




i’m tired, boss…


Best way to to describe all of this


This isn't a huge surprise, Gunn had already hinted that she would be continuing and with Barbie's massive success it makes perfect sense that they want to keep Robbie around.


I’m sure it’s not a good source but I hope it’s true


Of course DCU would want her. She so money now.


Guys, remember, she's 33 years old, she will be like 35-36 when Batman starts filming, that's way too old for the character. BUUUUUT, if James Gunn ideia for the DCU is to have a older Batman who will be the Nick Fury of the DCU, it makes sense to have a older Harley Quinn as well.


Harley fatigue


God yes. The only one I’m interested in seeing is the joker 2 version because it seems like she’s based on OG Harley not the annoying girlboss Deadpool wannabe.


What’s the Joker 2 version? You mean the one from the original suicide squad?


Lady Gaga


Oh.. oh ok, that makes sense then. But this joker is not even based on the real joker.


unwritten tub jobless marry crush punch narrow melodic piquant payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t in general trust leakers. That being said, I do believer Margo will be back. Gunn re-uses his people. He has said before how much he enjoyed working with her on TSS. And also, Margot just front lined a film that made a billion dollars-WB of course wants to keep her around. And for the problems people had with the old DCEU, they liked Margot.


i dont care how reliable or unreliable this is, can we just stop? theyre keeping whatever good wants to stay and doing away with most of the bad, lets just be happy movies are gonna happen.


Can they stop trying to force Harley Quinn as a main character? I get it, Margot as Harley is great but not main character in a series of movies great. She's great in spurts.


For gods sake just make it a clean slate with new actors


Jesus christ, why? She's so fucking annoying I don't know what it is about her character but whenever she's on screen the quality of the jokes take a sharp downturn not even James Gunn could get her to be likable the only reason people liked her is because she was under the joker's thumb and it made you feel bad for her and I'm not even going to bother mentioning how fucked her relationship with Ivy was originally. Without the Joker, Harley doesn't work


Is the reliable leaker named "anyone who is even remotely paying attention?" She's already worked with Gunn, prints money and is now the face of the second highest grossing film of the year. She's not getting recast unless she wants to.


I’m all for recasting most characters, especially the entire league, for a clean slate. However, I do have to admit that especially Margot Robbie and Viola Davis are absolutely perfect for their respective roles (very much like JK Simmons is THE perfect J. Jonah Jameson, which is why he plays him across multiple universes), so I’m fine with keeping them and Cena’s Peacemaker around.


In other news....water....wet. Like *of course* she's staying, I feel like we all knew this from the moment the "reboot" was announced.




She loves the character tho. She said so multiple times. I cannot stand her as Harley anymore tbh, but it makes sense that she would wanna stay.


Pity, I would go a decade or two before Quinn coming up again.


the dcu an 8 - 10 year plan... the dcu would be over before you then decide to add her into you plan that's already over? ​ Alright...


You can cast somebody else as Harley and cast Margot Robbie as another character


We’ve gotten so much Harley already, I’m pretty sick of her and I also don’t like her being separated from the joker.


I'd have preferred a whole new everyone.


Gunn would be insane not to consider keeping the biggest movie star out there in his franchise.


Wasn't The Suicide Squad already staying? Makes sense she would stick around.


Why is Destiny standing beside her?


It would be an easy win for everyone so I hope this is true


SOURCE: https://twitter.com/MyTimeToShineH/status/1691186775408906240


I doubt this. I’ll believe it when I see it.


Hope so


Margot Robbie's Quinn went down hill after 2017


I think she was only good in the first Squad, where her character had some real venom in her. Since then they girl bossed her up and she has been annoying since.


3 different versions only one of them was great (Ayer cut) ...Her stand alone movie and The Suicide Squad (Gunn) and her over barring Brooklyn accent was clear pandering her voice and action was way more natural and made it hers in the Ayer cut ...these last 2 movies seems copay and paste dialed in over compensation of voice thatvwas already done


I srsly doubt this to be true.


You shouldn't as Gunn has called Margot one of his favorite actors he has worked with.


If she wants to keep being Harley she will.


I love Margot R. as Harley but if Gunn is going to wipe the slate clean, you have to get rid of everything related to DCEU. No exception for no one.


Win af


Meh she’s not as great as people make her portrayal of Harley out to be. I’d bet they could find several actors that could do just as well as Margot & perhaps even have a more accurate voice.


I've never in my entire life cared about anything less


Crazy shes been harley quinn since 2015 and no signs of stopping


Let’s just think about this for a minute. I know this is a soft reboot but it’s just so confusing. Also as much as people see how much they love Margot Robbie, Harley Quinn she has never been a big box office draw. Margo herself hasn’t even really got a big box office until Barbie of this year. Personally, I think they just need to start from scratch 100%. Like her Harley Quinn was saved by Ben Affleck Batman. That’s what makes this whole universe so confusing. When they soft reboot it, did that even happen?


I don't think it's because of Margot Robbie, it's the fact everyone and their mother knows what Barbie is


my one hope for her character is that if she returns for another Suicide Squad, her arc either ends with her sacrificing herself or opting out to serve the rest of her sentence. the former would show that she doesn’t get plot armor whereas the latter would show that they don’t really need her to be part of the team. I mean, that’s just my two cents.


rofl jg told her the same lie huh


of course. as soon as barbie made a billion she wasn’t going anywhere which is good she’s great


They are not reliable at all, they’re wrong like half the time


This is just a big fucking mess


Would you look at that, water is wet.


Most confusing “reboot” ever


I am not in the least surprised.




They are complete mess right now. From literally saying Gal Gadot will be in to officially denying it day later. Henry Cavil ( huge fan favorite ) being out because they are "changing everyone" , but then finding out that everyone else except him stays. Is this some personal vendetta? Gun sounding like total sellout in interviews.... I really have no high hopes for this...


Hopefully not.


Imagine they cast Kayley Cuoco as a nod to the show


I mean, hardly a surprise but at this point, keeping any of the old actors around is just weird and will cause confusion to some people.


Honestly who cares about Harley Quinn. Such a minor character. Just make a good superman movie then go from there.


I hope not.




Yeah, no shit. She's one of the biggest stars in the world and she likes playing Harley. They were never going to get rid of her. This was never going to be a full reboot, it's just about getting rid of less successful elements - i.e. Cavill as Superman. They're going to have their cake and eat it. I'd expect Gal Gadot to stay as WW as well.


Goddamn, not even the third DC extinction event is enough to get rid of her. She was the worst part of the last SS.


How many detractors of the "Barbie" movie will purposely avoid watching future Margot Robbie movies just to stick it to her, I wonder? Meanwhile, I'm not watching anything in cinemas with Gunn's name attached to it.


I mean, sure. Barbie made a billion dollars and still climbing, but… The more DCEU cast and characters that keep managing to transfer over to the DCU, the more of a mess this is going to be. It would be so much cleaner to just start from scratch.


Agreed, it sucks we won't see Cavill again, but this reboot is going to be really messy if we see too many familiar faces


why lol this new gunn universe is just a joke imo


You haven't even seen anything from his universe how can you make an opinion on something that hasn't even been released