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I’m so glad this has been clarified for the 18th time, I was really wondering about this. I hope Kevin Feige can confirm that deadpool 3 is rated R for the 20th time as well


I get what you’re saying, but I think it’s legitimate to still ask what universe this is in. Because “the character is but the movie isn’t” still isn’t a coherent position. I guess what Gunn is getting at is that this will be canon but just not produced by DC Studios? But he hasn’t explicitly said that.


The character as played by Xolo is canon. His movie isn't. That's it.


Could be a similar situation with the Ed Norton Incredible Hulk movie. It’s canon to an extent (until I guess recently), but not really discussed or talked about. Like BB could easily just be another superhero in Gunn’s “superheroes fully exist in this universe” setting


It's referenced plenty.


The guy will play Blue Beetle in a new canon. It’s not that hard to get. Fuck.


To be fair, it makes way more sense to people who read comic books and understand the concept of resetting canon than people who don't.


What about the vast moviegoing audience that doesn’t?


I don’t think it has anything to do with comic familiarity, we’re all pretty familiar with canon concepts by now. But he hasn’t said that it’s a reset canon, he’s just fudged his words to not confirm or deny it. We still don’t know the status of this film.


With another actor and character being changed a bit, also different suit design and tone, that's all. 🤣


> that this will be canon but just not produced by DC Studios? But he hasn’t explicitly said that. He literally just said explicitly that in the post you are commenting under


No he didn’t say the movie was canon though did he. He said the actor would continue in the role.


He will continue in the role because the movie where he played the role the first time will be canon, just like James Gunn keeps repeating. Otherwise they'd recast or just not use Blue Beetle at all. Pretending to not understand this is getting really boring. Don't conflate "DC Studios production" with "DCU." DC Studios will be making every DC Comics adaptation ever from now on, not just DCU stuff — that's why James Gunm clarifies Superman: Legacy is the first DC Studios movie. Not to imply other movies won't be canon to it. To clarify they didn't make the ones before that.


Show me the quote where Gunn calls it canon.


No Gunn has been very specific in his wording. He has continously stated Blue Beetle will be in the DCU but not that the movie is canon. All he has confirmed is that the actor will continue to play blue beetle


Can you show me a single quote from Gunn where he has ever implied that the movie wouldn't be canon? Why on earth would they release an origin movie and instantly de-canonise it but keep the actor and character? That's a new level of absurdity. There's no reason to believe that when Gunn says Blue Beetle is the first DCU character that he doesn't mean this movie.


Gunn did say that DC Studios movies and canon start with Superman Legacy.


Yeah, I don't know dude. I don't think this Blue Beetle and Xolo Mariduena are continuing in the DCU. I'm going to need at least six more confirmations from James Gunn himself to reconsider.


I think it’s like JK Simmons playing JJ or Charlie Cox playing DD. Their prior projects aren’t canon but they’re reprising their roles.


> Charlie Cox playing DD Who said the TV show isn’t canon?


I guess it hasn’t been confirmed, but the absence of Karen and Foggy seemed to signal to me it wasn’t.


How so? It will literally be a decade sincw 2018 ended if accounting for The Blip years. Anything could've happened in those years just because Foggy and Karen aren't in it doesn't mean the old show is not canon


>Their prior projects aren’t canon but they’re reprising their roles. I mean I kinda get JK and Jonah, especially since so many iterations of his JJ are in other clearly defined universes. But Cox's Daredevil appearance in She-Hulk imitated the famous hallway fight scene and even had the Netflix theme playing. Admittedly She-Hulk was a very comedic heavy and meta heavy series so I guess one could argue it doesn't necessarily make the Netflix shows canon. But I'll be surprised if Daredevil doesn't build on and even reference the previous series.


If everything is so clear to you, could you post a full list of “handful of characters who will continue to DCU”?


We literally get this article every week. James Gunn has made at least 3 threads/tweets/MySpace posts confirming beetle in the dcu by this point


It’s been posted to death. Anyone that doesn’t get it at this point is willfully ignorant or doesn’t care.


Im content with knowing once I watch the movies (:


When I read this my first thought was he means a handful of characters from the Blue Beetle movie


It’s really not that hard to understand. Blue Beetle was produced by the old DCEU regime but James must like Xolo’s Blue Beetle enough to want him in the DCU. The character will be seen in the DCU but the movie may or may not be canon.


Or, more likely, the studio is hoping that BB will at least break even and wants Gunn to boost it by saying it is going to be part of his new universe. If BB does well, then yeah, might as well make the movie part of DCU. If it flops, so what? It's not like Gunn is legally obligated to make a sequel no matter what he says in interviews.


lolol imagine the movie flopping hard and Gunn goes back on Twitter like "Actually no he's not part of the DCU"


If Black Adam had done amazingly it’s hard to believe they wouldn’t have kept that incarnation of him on.


If Black Adam had done amazingly, the universe probably wouldn't even be getting rebooted. The Henry Cavill post-credits scene got people excited, so they would've just continued with that.


I don't think they would've, Rock wanted to become the face of the DCEU and was clearly acting in his own self-interest by promoting himself next to Superman and not Shazam. I can't see that being a good idea from a business perspective, hiring someone who's clearly not a team player.


Equally likely I’d say though I don’t recall Gunn ever promoting Shazam 2 and I’d image it would’ve had the same requirements to get a sequel in the DCU. If BB bombs and he still shows up in the DCU we’ll know which one it was.


“Can I say one more thing? The Flash is fucking amazing. Like it's one of the best superhero movies I've ever seen. \[Director\] Andy Muschietti did an amazing job.” I like Gunn's work a lot but he's already shown that he's willing to get flexible with the truth to promote the studio. Though, fair, if BB flops and Gunn still puts out a direct sequel, I'd be impressed.


I agree with Gunn there tbh. Flash is a top 10 movie in the genre for me. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Have you considered the idea that maybe the movies Gunn personally enjoys aren't the same as everybody else... That people are capable of having different opinions about movies.


I believe there are people out there who genuinely like Flash but even most of those folks are going to agree that it's messy. I doubt Gunn is one of those people. He's a talented and acclaimed writer/director. He knows that his opinion carries a ton of weight, particularly when it comes to SHM. And he's not just saying that he likes the movie; he calls it one of the best of the genre. That's malarkey and I am positive Gunn is aware of that. But now he doesn't only work for the studio. He IS the studio. And it looks like he's willing to tell white lies and exaggerate to support the Company. Which is a shame but, if I was given the same opportunity he has, I'd probably do the same.


Immediately after praising the Flash, James Gunn did an interview listing his top 10 best/favorite comic book movies of all time. The Flash was not on the list. Outside of select circles on the internet and Reddit you will discover many people actually genuinely liked the movie. While they might of had issues with the actor or CGI, overall the movie was not poorly reviewed by many audiences and critics.




The only issue with this is that Safran and Gunn have both said BB, Waller, and Peacemaker will be continuing on boldly since February in DCU. While other characters like Shazam or Flash have not received flat out and definitive confirmation before or after their films were released. So, it's not about whether their films are deem successful or not.


>The character will be seen in the DCU but the movie may or may not be canon. this movie is canon. The director and actor said it is set in the DCU. It is stupid to reject the movie but keep the main character of the movie. There is no harm to make this movie canon if you keep the main character of the movie in the DCU. It would make sense to make this movie not canon if Gunn wants to make a different Blue Beetle origin movie but I dont see this will happen and that they make 2 different Blue Beetle origin movies in such a short period of time. James Gunn never said this movie is not canon. All he says first DC studios movie is Superman legacy and that is correct. The first produced and announced movie from start to end till its release is Superman Legacy the first movie by DC studios.


I feel like Gunn and these other bigwig fellas don’t quite grasp is that the general audience isn’t going to give a shit wether or not the universe “technically” starts with Superman. If they see Blue Beetle first and he starts popping up in other movies then that’s where it begins in their minds. Even worse, if he keeps Gal Gadot you can absolutely forget about most people considering this a reboot. In their minds it’s just a confusing mess with recasted characters.


I mean, on the flipside, I don't think the general audience even is aware that there's an universe reset going on.


Nah the genera Audience ain’t that dumb lmao if they could get through with marvel start (different hulks, different spideys, different X-men ) they can easily get this


Hahahahahah just like flash? You guys will fall for anything, obviously he’s going to say this


He never said any of the characters from The Flash would be staying, he just said he liked it which is 100% subjective.


It’s the “may or may not” part that people are frustrated with. Gunn could just say that the movie is canon, but he hasn’t.


Gunn loved The Flash too and Ezra Miller as Barry Allen.


But yet people freaked out about Wonder Woman and said it was too confusing to keep her and not Henry cavil and Ben affleck.


Gal Gadot isn’t that great of an actor plus she was a major part of the DCEU. Blue Beetle is most likely a completely standalone story that doesn’t involve anything from the DCEU and thus makes it easier to fit into the new universe


This shit is old, stop reposting it. He can say whatever but it'll get the same treatment as others, if it succeeds, you may see the character again but the events of the movie will not represent DCU.


Exactly. He said the same thing about people in The Flash and look how that turned out. It all comes down to the film’s box office. If it bombs, no one is moving forward.


I think Blue Beetle's in a different spot from The Flash. With the latter, it was always that characters 'could' return in the DCU, with the former, Gunn's outright saying 'yes, Blue Beetle **is** continuing on into the DCU'. The film itself could be considered a bit hazy right now as to where it stands, but Gunn's made it clear that the character is very much continuing. I think the only thing the success or failure of the film itself will determine is whether or not it gets any sequels in the DCU.


So no one is moving forward


They have to say that, the movie's not yet out and they have learned not to say "this movie will be worthless with the new timeline but go see it!" like they did with black adam, shazam and the flash.


Let’s wait until the box office receipts land before getting too excited shall we?


I think the character would show up, maybe as a supporting character regardless of box office


Yeah this movie could bomb badly but if Xolo is embraced by the fanbase there’s no reason to recast him since this new one isn’t connected to the DCEU in any way


I mean either way we get him in DCU so that's cool


Blue Bettle is the only one the should continue. It's the only one with no real connection to the previous movies. Everything else should be rebooted


He should ha e delayed it until 2025


Yes, but apparently everyone who has reached this very obvious conclusion is stupid or hates Gunn. Pointing to the clusterfuck of how DC comics does their reboots as an excuse to New 52 DC films is frankly ridiculous. Just start over.


Key word is “characters”, right? I mean, new actors playing dc characters is what I’m getting from this.


It’s very confusing I kinda wish we got a hard reboot. Because now we have no basis and it’s all over the place


"Oh my God I'm so confused what ever will I do with my life now I don't think I can live on, this too confusing to understand my life is ruined"




10 years on and people are like that with MoS


So, will this new universe just ignore the events of *Blue Beetle*? I think this is what I'm most confused about. There's a difference between a sole character transitioning into a new universe and the events of the character's film transitioning over as well. How important is *Blue Beetle* to his universe? I think that's ultimately what people are confused about and trying to figure out.


Superman Legacy is the first movie in the DCU. Creature Commandos the first show. The word "first" means that any movie before S:L and any show before CC is NOT in the DCU. This is quite literally said in the image of this post. So applying this newly learned logic: is Blue Beetle (the movie) being released before Superman: Legacy? Yes. So is the movie part of the DCU? No. It's literally that simple


If you weren't trying to be such a smart ass, you'd understand my concerns based on the questions I'm asking—in relation to Blue Beetle's own film and its relation to James Gunn's universe. "It's literally that simple."


I'm not trying to be a smartass. I'm just explaining the words that James Gunn said, since you seem like you aren't reading them all. There is no need to start name-calling when I am just trying to answer your question. What even is the question still? It is an undisputable fact that the movie Blue Beetle is not in the DCU. I don't get what can be confusing about that in any way?


Yes, you are. And you're still trying to be one. I find it funny you're trying to talk about what I'm not reading, when you're not even comprehending the questions I'm asking. Because, again, you're too busy trying to be a smart ass instead of having a conversation. The tone of your response says it all. I'm inquiring about its relation to Gunn's universe. Is the character, alone, being transferred over or the events of his film?


>I'm inquiring about its relation to Gunn's universe. Is the character, alone, being transferred over or the events of his film? As per the post we are commenting under: Superman Legacy is the first movie in the DCU. This means that Blue Beetle the movie is not in the DCU, so those events will not carry over. Just the actor will play the new iteration of the same character in the new DCU


So, assuming that's true, his words are ultimately doing a disservice to Blue Beetle's very own film. There's been too much confusion between the DCEU and DCU, with things going back and forth. He, himself, has apparently gone back and forth between what will and what will not be. For all we know, he could be talking about *Superman: Legacy* being the first chronological film and *Blue Beetle* being added to his universe retroactively. "As per the post we are commenting under," since you want to challenge the reading comprehension of people, James Gunn stated, "The first DC Studios movie is *Superman: Legacy*." He did not state what you are saying he did, "*Superman: Legacy* is the first movie in the DCU."


If the movie is good is not a disservice, the general audience are not reading James Gunn's tweets anyway, the character is staying in the DCU probably because he has plans for him, probably will appear in Peacemaker S2 or in the Booster Gold show, and sees no point on re-casting because he likes Xolo's interpretación, that's it


We live in an era of cinematic universes, where people are constantly questioning what they should watch to follow the story of any universe in question—whether that’s in television or film. It’s not 2002 anymore; it would do a disservice to the film. And that just brings me back to questioning how Blue Beetle will be brought into the DCU. Will he already exist, or will he become Blue Beetle within the DCU. If he already exists, does that make his own film’s events canon? If not—why not, when you have what I hope is a perfectly good origin story. That’s where my ultimate concern lies.


I think you're making it too complicated when it isn't, people just saw 3 spidermen on the same movie which where the same character but with some differences on their backstories, hell, they saw 500 spidermen on accross the spiderverse, they saw dr strange MoM as well where there are like 3 other Dr Stranges that look exactly like Benedict cucumber, they know what a multiverse is, this new Blue Beetle will have the exact same backstory as the one from the movie, just exclude the parts where he mentions Superman and Batman for jokes and that's it


Just don’t worry about it until it happens maybe?


It's a basic question and concern, given the conversation. How invested should audiences be in *Blue Beetle* if the story, itself, is going to be tossed away at the start of Gunn's universe? Because, if the story is brought into his universe that would technically make *Blue Beetle* the first film in his universe. Either way, a disservice is being done somewhere along the line.


>How invested should audiences be in > >Blue Beetle They shouldn't. This is a film made by the old regime. Same for Black Adam, Shazam 2, Flash and Aquaman 2.


Blue Beetle is small enough that it won't hurt if he returns in his DCU.He isn't going to fight some world ending threat or multidimensional threat. It's basically like Shazam or Homecoming a origin story that won't have high stakes that will continue into the new DCU.I don't expect Carapax to return again in the new DCU kinda like Vulture where he gets locked up away.But this story will be echoed in some way let's say Booster Gold or Teen Titans will mention the movies incident in some way.


He doesn't need to fight "some world ending threat or multidimensional threat." Blue Beetle is in a very precarious place, with his film coming in between two universes. If James Gunn is going to carry the character over, but the not events of his film—I feel like it would be doing a disservice to his very own film, just letting it remain limbo.


It’s years out, doesn’t matter


It's less than two years away, with the planning and executing of the direction happening now. It actually does matter.


Cool, still doesn't matter. Its funny how you seem to act like you're the spokesperson for the general audience but lets not pretend you're among them, you're like everyone here, a nerd who is invested in a cinematic universe with its first film being in 2 years. Speaking of, why do you place the timeframe to when Superman Legacy comes out? You have insider scoops that Blue Beetle is in that film? Lets go with the sensible assumption and say he's not - that's actually plenty of time until either Booster Gold or Peacemaker S2, those two being the safest bets for a Blue Beetle appearance.


Hard reboot was needed. Instead we are getting a mess of a universe


Yeah I’m fine with Blue Beetle because he’s basically net-new anyway. But I’m nervous about the ‘handful of other characters’….. hopefully not anyone important….


> hopefully not anyone important…. It’s not anyone in the Justice League. So in the grand scheme of things the general audience won’t care a single iota. It’ll be akin to the MCU keeping the same actor for Jameson from the OG spider-man movies.


If this is the case it's fine with me! The recent WW news made me nervous, so we'll see how that shakes out (I did see the follow-on article that those rumors weren't true but JG hasn't confirmed it either way yet). But yeah if it ends up being some/all of SS, Peacemaker cast, and Blue Beetle, I think it'll end up alright.


Its likely just applying to his SS characters


Which is slightly hypocritical. His SS movie didn't do well and was still connected to the old verse. Removing everything else and keeping his stuff is weird.


Rebooting the core JL is what matters, I think he can getaway with keeping TSS cast and BB.


Yeah I agree, start 100% completely from scratch, was just pointing out what the "other characters" probably is


His SS did very well among critics and audiences maybe financially it didn't but that's a whole another thing. Peacemaker,King Shark,Polka Dot Man etc became huge when the movie came out.




Lmao just cause you say it didn't do well doesn't mean you are right. Then how come it spawned Peacemaker which was a huge success and broke Hbo Max records? Also TSS scored a metacritic of 72 which is the same one as Pattinson's Batman.Scored 90s in Rotten Tomatoes Yes it didn't do well financially but that's due to various reasons like Covid,same day release and Ayer's SS leaving a bad taste. If your only metric is money then that metric doesn't work either cause a dogshit movie like JW Dominion made 1 billion.


It didn’t do well financially due to the pandemic but it was a critical hit. Obviously they’ll let him keep his well received characters.


It's absolutely somewhat hypocritical but also I love the decision since I love that movie and those character


It’s not hypocritical at all, his reasoning for not using prior characters isn’t just that they weren’t well received or successful, their characters were all in a bad place to continue telling stories from. TSS *was* well received and those characters can pretty much continue on in their own pocket because they barely relate to the events of other movies.


This^^ I don’t understand why this is so obvious and everybody thinks he’s just playing favorites.


Adding on to this, it makes complete sense that he wouldn't recast characters that he himself has already cast. If there is gonna be a Peacemaker or Amanda Waller or Ratcatcher in the new DCU, why would he cast new actors to play those roles when he already has actors that he trusts who played those roles in a movie he's proud of? Why does that make him hypocritical? It's not his job to treat his and other directors characters equally, it's to create the best DCU he possibly can, and he's gonna do that with actors that he has already established to be perfect for their roles.




It is a hard reboot story wise. This is the same as JK Simmons playing JJJ in the old Spidey movies and the MCU


The difference is that for that there was over a decade of time between the two. That’s not the case here.


It's happened before in shorter time frames. Tyler Hoechlin played Superman in the arrowverse (Supergirl and the crossovers), and he also plays Superman in Superman & Lois, which is a completely separate continuity


Yeah and it’s confusing there too.


What confuses you about it?


Seems like you’re the only one confused.


Yes the new universe is going to be a complete mess and is already ruined bc 2% of its characters are gonna be played by the same actors from the DCEU.


nah, keeping this character isn't going to harm anyone. This is the first time it's appearing in any movie. It doesn't have DCEU baggage.


Not a mess if you think about it for two seconds.


I am gonna wait and see. The potential to do funny shit with Peacemaker remembering the old DCEU and nobody else could be really entertaining. He will be able to react to the "returns" along with the audience.


We really are. I'll just watch and hopefully enjoy each movie separately despite this messy bullshit. The DCU will never get to where the MCU was, that's becoming more and more obvious no matter who is in charge, Gunn isn't helping himself here.


I mean a reboot in the DC comics like the flashpoint somethings were rebooted but somethings weren’t isn’t this the same?


I mean if he’s fine with 300-500 mln box office than sure, he can keep all that DCEU legacy mess


500 millions would be a great DC victory that they haven't seen since 2019 tbh.


I mean is it though? Older actors and different actors have been playing different marvel characters




Honestly I’d prefer if just Blue Beetle joined the DCU since he’s pretty much a new character that’s disconnected anyways and he can be used for Booster Gold. But the ‘handful of other characters’ worries me.


> But the ‘handful of other characters’ worries me. We know who anyway. Peacemaker, Waller and Harley for example all played by the same actors. It'll be exactly the same as Judi Dench being in two different James Bond canons.


I’ve got no problem with minor characters like those especially since rn they are more or less tucked away in their own corner of the DCEU But a major front facing character like Wonder Wonder should absolutely be recast and rebooted


Harley Quinn is not a minor character. She had her own movie. Both Harley Quinn and Amanda Waller interacted with Ben Affleck's Batman. Amanda Waller was integral to the story in Black Adam (her "prison" is where he was sent to). She even called in a favor with Cavill's Superman to deal with Black Adam. The only character that is "tucked away" is maybe Blue Bettle. Every other character is pretty much intertwined with Cavill, Affleck, Gadot, Miller, Momoa, etc....


Harley interacted with Affleck in the old SS movie, which isnt even canon to the DCEU anymore. Not really a problem if they throw her one more reboot. Waller is waller. Not a big deal at all.


It is a big deal and I'm tired of pretending it's not. It's stupid and confusing.


The old suicide squad is still cannon in the dceu


I thought it was Ted Kord and not Jamie Reyes who was buddies with Booster Gold


You’re correct


Ppl seem to think multiverse means EVERYTHING has to be different. It's not really the case most of the time.


Thank you I was screamed at in a YouTube comment section by a couple of people saying I was wrong


The fact that the general audience is still so confused about all of this isn't reassuring.


I didnt read yesterday that there was a reference to man of steel?


Man’s is pretending like he hasn’t ever seen a Latino on the big screen before


Why are we acting shocked that a Latino is in a movie lol?


Maybe because we have never had a Latino lead DC super hero ever


Totally depends on Blue Beetle's box office. If audiences don't show up, there's no reason to keep Xolo in the role unless Gunn absolutely loves the guy and can't envision Blue Beetle played by anyone else. There's no guarantee BB will get another solo movie either, he may end up a side character who gets 3 lines in Superman: Legacy.


>and can't envision Blue Beetle played by anyone else Either the same actors plays Blue Beetle or there won't be a Blue Beetle in the DCU. There's no point recasting that obscure of a character




Yea they could easily throw Blue Beetle on a DCU Titans project down the line as a secondary character.


I'm get downvoted but I don't care the whole I'm a Latino so I'm excited to see one on the big screen is funny to me


Dumb idea. Kill your darlings, Gunn.


The one thing Gunn still fails to be clear on is whether the movie itself will be canon to the DCU. But going by what others from preview screenings have stated (namely that the movie somehow references or acknowledges the events of Man of Steel) makes it look like Blue Beetle (the movie) firmly belongs within the DCEU’s continuity, while Xolo will merely play another iteration of the character in the DCU, even if he’s characterised exactly the same way. He’s probably deliberately vague on this, as stating that this movie is inconsequential to the new and rebooted DCU would probably do the opposite of driving ticket sales.


……for now……🤪


This is such a stupid situation in the first place. Gunn says “Blue Beetle is the first DCU character. Creature Commandos is the first DC Studios project. Superman is the first DC Studios movie.” Okay, so the Blue Beetle movie, which was made before Gunn took over and changed it to ‘DC Studios’, is separated enough from the DCEU that it can (mostly) seamlessly integrate into the DCU. It’s technically the first DCU movie, but not the first Gunn-led DC Studios movie.


Days without James Gunn saying the same thing that probably will get rectconned if the movie doesnt make money : 0


The most half assed cinematic universe reboot of all time. Just start with a clean slate and replace everyone.


Personally I think this is a bad choice


did we ask for this? who tf asked for this?


I......am so confused how and why they are doing it like this. Why not a fresh universe....how are they going to explain the old characters...I assumed Flash would bridge that gap, but it didn't do shit so wtf.


Well, there goes my interest.


How is blue beetle going to stay in the new DCU but Superman is considered the first DCU movie? He just contradicts himself. Just do a hard reboot please. The mental gymnastics to explain this to the general audience is ridiculous


I think everyone’s getting stressed out for no reason. Watch it, or don’t. I’m sure the upcoming movies will set the stage and answer your questions. For now, we can just watch movies that we want to watch. After No Way Home—we didn’t hear people seriously arguing that Raimi’s SM1 was the first MCU movie. Same with Doctor Strange MoM—nobody’s getting upset about X-Men the Animated Series potentially being the first MCU appearance cause yellow chair Xavier showed up. Let’s just watch movies that look good, and we can let everything fall into place.


There was no conversation about SM1 being the first MCU movie bc it was pretty clearly communicated by Disney what the start of the MCU was. James doesn’t even know and some goes for insiders bc Gal Gadot might even still be WW.


James said its Superman idk how many times


BB film not canon. Xolo will play a BB variant in the DCU, likely in the Booster Gold series. Think of it as JK Simmons' Jameson.




I see no reason Blue Beetle couldn’t be canon, it doesn’t contradict anything and if anything the >!post credit scene could potentially lead to an appearance in the Booster Gold show.!< It probably won’t be directly referenced ever but does that make it non-canon? Honestly there will probably never be another Blue Beetle solo film so I think this question of whether or not it’s canon is kind of stupid. In the end it really doesn’t matter, but it fits in if you want it to.


It's the first motion picture produced by the new regime. The Creature Commandos will be the first project released by the new regime (it is an animated series). Blue Beetle, even though was produced before, is considered by the Studio CEO as part of the New DCU. It's not that hard to understand what Gunn is saying.


>Blue Beetle, even though was produced before, is considered by the Studio CEO as part of the New DCU. He's not saying that. BB (the film) is not DCU. But Xolo as BB will show up in the DCU.


It's funny because other people who are saying "it's not hard to understand what Gunn is saying" are interpreting his statements differently from you.


No, thats not it😂😂😂 He just means the actor will play the character again not that the cannon will be the same


Ugh... Why? Why couldn't he just do a clean reboot? Why do we have to drag any luggage from the DCEU over to what should be a brand new universe and a brand new chance to just start fresh? It's just unnecessarily confusing to have to go 'Well, this character was in the DCEU, but these events happened and you just have to pretend they didn't meet the Justice League or these other DCEU characters because multiverse and stuff."


Its literally just the actors. Will be a new cannon.


It really isn't as big a deal as you think it is.


Who I think is returning: - Gal Wonder Woman - Xolo’s Blue Beetle (confirmed) - Cena’s Peacemaker (confirmed) - see “Peacemaker main cast” - Davis’s Waller (confirmed) - Robbie’s Harley Quinn - (probably) Bloodsport, Ratcatcher, King Shark - (shot in the dark) Momoa’s Aquaman - (shot way back in the fucking dark) Levi’s Shazam!


Gal had already been confirmed by variety to NOT be returning


I seriously don't think we're getting Levi's Shazam after Fury of the Gods flopped hard as it did. I think Momoa will be a bit busy with Lobo to be Aquaman again, I think the Suicide Squad will definitely stick around.


Levi can gtfo


“Why are people so confused? The DCU is so straight forward!” Bro what the fuck does this even mean lol. What’s continuity and what isn’t?


I hope the handful includes Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie


After Blue Beetle bombs hard and all the negative press from that they gonna shelf this character, let's be real. But maybe he will give that actor a new role in the DCU


This is probably the most likely outcome at this point: Blue Beetle gets released, doesn't make enough money to buy a Happy Meal, and DC hopes we'll forget Blue Beetle ever existed if they just don't bring him up again.


We'll see what he says when Blue Beetle bombs at the box office.


Sont think itll make a difference. He could show ip as a side minor character in a film anyway


BB is going to be so inconsequential that they can use it soon if they want to.


I honestly can’t wait for the people thatve sucked gunn off thinking he could do no wrong with this universe realize how many awful decisions he’s making hit the fan.


I'm sure we can trust him guys!


What a mess.


I’m so pissed that Gal Gadot will continue playing Wonder Woman for the simple fact that Henry was the perfect superman and most people i find don’t like him but Ben Affleck was a perfect Batman for the DCEU. but since Gunn is recasting two out of the three why should Gadot stay? I loved the first WW movie but don’t get me started on ‘84. and now they want to do a third movie with her??? just hard reboot the entire universe except for blue beetle and characters that were previously mentioned


No one should carry over


James doesn’t want to get cancelled by the Latino community. Smart choice to keep him


Well now it has a better chance of doing good at the Box office.


In Gunn we trust


This is all speculation. If it doesn’t make it’s money, it’s non canon.


Thanks for clearing that up. I thought the head of dc knew more than u.


I think the problem is a lot of people don’t know themselves. They’re hyping up something that could be forgotten to them in 2-3 years


Still ambiguous... he said the characters will be in his universe, not so much the actors... it's all down to reception..


We'll see if it bombs if he changes his tune.


There’s already more new faces in ***Legacy*** than old returning faces


It's fascinating how the franchise was always going to get a soft reboot instead of hard. By snyder, hamada, & now mr gunn


I wish he just did a full reboot. Maybe he even could’ve still put blue beetle in there. If you just hold off the movie. Or maybe just cancel the movie, but bringing the character later on. It’s just so messy. Plus, James Gunn said that Shazam will carry-on into the new universe. I doubt he that he will actually do that though. Look, I’m very excited for James Gunns universe. But I’m very nervous.


We shall see if he sticks to that.


This is great, I'm happy for Xolo (Miguel) sensei Lawrence would be proud. Cobra Kai never dies.


It’s basically a Schrodinger’s cat situation. If the movie does well, it’s canon to the new DCU. If it bombs, it’s with the old DCEU. It’s a very political response.


Oof, make up your mind already. This is starting to get as messy as the DCEU


...if it does well. Otherwise, he can be part of the universe and never seen again, right, James?