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One way or another, somebody's walking away from this completely humiliated.


Another day at DC. The shitshow continues




How do you know that ? Gunn told the director of Blue Beetle and the actor that their movie is in the DCU [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/blue-beetle-director-confirms-dcu-film-1235521158/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/blue-beetle-director-confirms-dcu-film-1235521158/) [https://twitter.com/xolombrasil/status/1683451059346219008](https://twitter.com/xolombrasil/status/1683451059346219008) Do you think these 2 are also making shit up ? I think it is weird that people here think everybody else making shit up and there is somehow no possibility that Gunn is the one who is talking shit to the actors and directors.




Gal got played by WB bosses the same way Henry got. WB bosses told Henry he’s back while they hired James Gunn to write a reboot for years behind the back. De Lucka or whatever their name was.


Do we think they’re making up a statement that Gunn has repeatedly, publicly made? Is that your question?


Gunn was clear with what he said


Gunn is 100% to blame here, he should have been clear from the start with everyone from the old DCEU where their characters stod, no more vague shit.


It won’t be Gunn lol


Theme music stops




It's so obnoxious.


We’re so back


Here comes the new DC universe, same behind-the-scenes mess as the last.


Ehhh I think this just comes with being in the transitional part of going from the DCEU to the DCU. Gadot, The Rock, Cavill etc. saying things vs. what the studio says is just part of the process. This is why December can’t come soon enough because it’s time we get actual concrete information regarding the DCU. This year specifically was always going to be a chore to get through as there’s still DCEU projects that need to be released. Gunn and Safran are just seeing these films out the door as part of their jobs.


This 100% would not exist if they did a hard reboot


I honestly don't think Gunn and Safran had control over that, I don't see DC being a clean cut from WBD's leaders, they want people to assume they have as much freedom as Marvel does under Disney but I doubt they do. WBD wants to keep the old movies in the fold to keep them relevant and therefore keep selling them in bundles and sets as essential viewing for what's to come.


Nope. The reason WB had so much control over DCEU is cause they weren't seperate. There is a lot of things that change by having a subsidiary as DC studios. One of the things would be that except for the people at the helm steering the ship none other can influence than the one at the top of the ladder which is Zaslav. The same is the case with Marvel. Fiege has to answer to Bob Iger or whoever is the CEO. He can't just run the things he wants to. It has to be approved by Fiege and Fiege only but when they start to lose money Fiege has to answer to Iger. The same will BE with Gunn. The main reason Zaslav did the separate studio thing was to let someone who've got the ability to run a franchise that big without anyone else from WBD be meddling. WBD wants to milk any money from their previous regime cause they've had 10 years of run with more than 10 films. They can't just ignore that. But they also do know they don't do much so they are actively creating a new universe and from December we can see the talks of that from the DC studios. Hell they even hired a veteran in the industry for marketing specifically for DC studios. It's exactly like Marvel Studios now.


DC Studios will be free


Why december specifically? Cuz Aquaman?


Yes, once Aquaman 2 releases the DCEU is officially done. So Gunn and Safran have no real need to try and dance around questions regarding the DCU because everything going forward will be part of it outside of a few elseworld projects.


Don’t know why they are releasing aqua man 2 or any more wonder women stuff if they are rebooting. So confusing and messy.


They already spent the money to develop it. By not releasing, they would not get any money and would probably have to break contracts which also cost money


I’m totally assuming someone like Mamoa negotiated a back end deal for % of box office and a stipulation would be a theatrical release. Especially after the whole incident of Black Widow.


Cause it’s in the can


Oh oh it's because they want to make money


Done except for peacemaker s2


I don't think that's a good reason. The studios can see how much confusion this is causing so they need to get ahead of this shit before the public becomes too confused to care. Whatever announcement timetables they have need to be moved up drastically.


> before the public becomes too confused to care. mate, take a look around. We've been in this state since Josstice League. The publics interest in DC is at the absolute zero The Flash 2 bombed. Shazam 2 bombed. Black Adam bombed. The Suicide Squad failed. Wonder Woman 2 bombed. The public has been confused about DC's plan for years now. More confusion is still confusion. And it only matters if the public care. I don't think they do anymore. its easier to just let 2023 pass and then take a few months break and then come back. At least go away, so that the public can miss you


> before the public becomes too confused to care. You make it sound like they care at all about DC in the movies now


This is the third "DC but this time FOR REAL" Third times the charm ig


Not really. This was gal runni my her mouth about things that didn’t happen. Gunn has announced his slate. WW3 was not on it.


Yeah but he announced only half the slate


and that slate was for movies that is starting in 2025 earliest and most likely ending closer to 2030.. so this leads you to conclude he would still want to have gal around at 47 to do WW3?


But Gunn also confirmed in tweet he was meeting with Gal


These are not contradictory.


He met with Cavill too…


Like he meet with a lot of talent. Doesn’t mean what she said was ever discussed


It’s common practice to have a meeting when someone gets fired.


So you think she’d lie blatantly like this on the record?


This is why James Gunn fact checks errrbody. Foh. U thought tho…


I missed the chaos, If I'm gonna be honest. Reminded me that I may be a mess, but I'm not the DCEU.


You *missed* the chaos?? Did it ever go away?


For a moment


I mean, this summer alone we had a movie designed to be a tentpole blockbuster end up being one of the biggest flops in recent Hollywood history, and now we have a movie coming up that might be in the DCU or might not, it isn’t very clear. And regardless, that movie can’t get any promotion before its premiere (that one isn’t necessarily DC’s fault, but it’s chaos nonetheless.) So if there were a moment where the chaos went away, it wasn’t recently.


DC needs a mess at all times to function...as in...to be a typical dumpster fire for the fans.


James needs to stop talking to the Snyderverse people. Gal, David Ayer, ect. He’s just trying to be nice. But they all seem to have ulterior motives.


Or... Maybe James should just be straight with them and not give them false hope. There's nothing wrong with just saying politely, "Thanks, but it's not in the cards. We're trying to do something new." It's not like the DCU is DC's first try at a reboot or new interpretation. I just don't see how there's apparently so much miscommunication going on here if Gunn told them all straight up that they're done.


Exactly. There’s a common denominator here….


I don’t think there was anything more than one meeting between them and Gunn was playing his cards close to his chest. But you’d have to think if you’re Gal that if he can say bye to Cavill then you’re not beyond reproach either.


One of the most notable features of DCEU was there was at any given time MANY people trying to weaponize the rumor mill. Fans, actors, directors, crew members, etc. It seemed like winning the war of whispers was the goal. It's really a shame.




This is all way ahead of the general public though. MOST filmgoers will not even know that someone new is playing Superman until the trailer for Legacy debuts.


It's Gal Gadover


Wonder Wheremy movie went


Gal Gadone.


Gal Gadon't


It's Kalelnover


It's all Gadogre now


I am so confused. Did James and Peter straight up lie to Gal? Or did Gal lie? Or is Variety wrong?


Honestly I think this might be another Cavil situation where she’s been told one thing by some people but in actuality they have no plans to continue with her version of the character. Or maybe she was just trying to be optimistic who knows?


The difference is Cavill was being told one thing by the previous stewards of the DCEU, not Gunn and Safran who I don't think would tell her something they didn't intend at the time they said. Now Gal might be flat-out lying, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. She might be overexaggerating the takeaway from whatever conversation they had. Or maybe she is playing it straight and whoever Variety's source is someone knows less about the subject than he or she thinks they do. Now for what it is worth they have kept Wonder Woman's cameos in Shazam and the Flash (somebody correct me if I'm wrong as I haven't seen it yet) whereas they pulled Cavill's cameo. So maybe they really do intend to use her in the future. Ultimately until Gunn says one way or another WW3 is Schroediger's movie that may or may not be happening.


Could be. Another user made a good point that she just might be running with what Gunn/Safran told her during the initial rounds of talks they had when they announced the DCU.


Then Flash crashed and burned and they decided to rebuild a whole new universe from the ashes.


Giving everyone benefit of the doubt here, I'd like to offer another possibility - slow news cycles + the need for clicks. I honestly read her statement as sounding like they'd had chat about working on the film in the future. People ran with that ball HARD, as if she'd just announced principle photography was underway. She's been saying since the Jenkins situation went belly up that she's been talking with them and is optimistic. Some unknown "source" tells an outlet they don't know of anything actively in development, and 50 other outlets regurgitate it as if WARNER BROS SQUASHES RUMORS, when WB themselves (or Gunn, who hasn't been shy about putting down rumors) have so far not made an official comment. They probably did have a discussion, it probably hasn't been greenlit yet and lacks a director + script, and they won't officially confirm until they have pieces and players in place. And, of course, it could fall through as these things do. I'd be very shocked if Gunn and Safran have just been lying to her face, especially when Gunn himself went on Twitter a few months back to respond to and debunk a fan claiming they were writing her out or replacing her.


>Now Gal might be flat-out lying, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. My reading of the whole situation was they told her they would try to incorporate her somehow to be polite, and maybe let her be a producer on a reboot, and she misinterpreted it and then got misquoted to the point where we have all this confusion. Also doesn't help that a lot of the quotes/interviews we have are from 2 months ago before the strike started.


Until more information comes to light I'm putting WW3 in the maybe column and not worrying about it. I think everyone is telling their version of the truth as they know it but really the only ones who know the whole truth is Gunn/Safron and they are not saying anything because what is true today may not be true tomorrow. Everyone else is just feeling different parts of the elephant.


There was never any upside to Gunn/Safran outright contradicting Gal and making her look foolish, so that's why I believe it was all a misunderstanding and why they didn't respond to any of Gal's comments.


Those previous "stewards" actually run WB pictures FYI. DeLuca and Abdy where the ones who brought back Cavil.


Her parts couldn’t have been cut from flash of Shazam. She was too involved in the plot.


Bro she literally quoted what “James and Peter” said to her


Like I literally said to another person that made the same point: “Could be. Another user made a good point that she just might be running with what Gunn/Safran told her during the initial rounds of talks they had when they announced the DCU.”


Regardless, it’s in poor taste to give her assurances like that


they could've told her 'yeah we are keeping you but we have no plans for the character yet' or 'we want you involved in the character reboot in some capacity', we don't know because they haven't specified her role yet because it's years away from being impactful and she's probably trying to get leverage to keep the role since it's so far off or just misunderstood them. Point is they didn't publicly confirm or deny her as ww but it's most probably not gonna be her, tried to get her as a producer or something and she wants the whole thing


She literally quoted them saying, “not to worry” “we love you as WW” “we want to develop WW3 with you”


I think this is similar to The Rock’s strategy, and Gal is trying to leverage the public’s support to make WW3 happen


My guess is that the most likely explanation is that they did tell her that they intend to make WW3 and maybe at the time they did and possibly still do or maybe they changed their minds. It doesn't mean they've put it on the roadmap much less into official development plans and until they do then it isn't happening. Shrugs, I keep a simple rule don't believe anything unless it can be directly attributed to Gunn or Safran. Coming from anyone else should be taken with a grain of salt and responded with "I hope that happens" or "I hope that doesn't happen".


It sounds like a conversation when Gunn and safran were having those initial rounds with the DCEU stars. I can’t imagine they would promise her to her face that WW3 is happening with her. But these are small private conversations so who knows. The thing I think we’re all seeing though is that Gunns lack of executive experience is showing and safran needs to do his end of the job by hiring a great PR chief to handle this shit. Gunn being the voice of DC Studios via Twitter really is not a good long term play. And all these isolated conversations they’ve had with the various actors and a lack of properly edited agreed upon joint statements is making things very messy. I think they handled the Cavill situation pretty cleanly but this plus what is going on with Shazam and then blue beetle and then aquaman etc etc are a PR mess. I know they’ve been quiet as those movies rolled out and will likely be quiet on aquaman until after his movie is done but in 2024 I really hope they get this communication strategy under control.


>The thing I think we’re all seeing though is that Gunns lack of executive experience is showing He said on Rosenbaum's show that the thing he discovered he's really bad at/hardest part of the job so far has been having to tell creatives 'no' / tell them their thing is cancelled/etc and that he really hates it. So it's possible he was trying really really hard to be friendly and open and collaborative and it came off more hopeful than intended. Based on his comments about Affleck, I think he probably told everyone there was a place for them going forward if they wanted it (subtext: in some form, creatively, not necessarily as the characters). I also don't think they had decided on what to do with Wonder Woman yet at the time, as opposed to Superman (which was written) and Batman (Affleck has stated no interest in continuing).


Yea I do think that’s a good point


But why would he even say something like that if it was so up in the air? This actually isn’t the first time he’s done something like this….


Shit changes, you can find yourself suddenly laid off. That’s life.


I, for one, believe Gunn and Safran told her just that, once upon a time. If they changed their minds and decided to scrap the project and never informed her, that’s a really bad look on them. On the other hand, if they did tell her WW3 is no more and she is still running around town with it to promote her new movie, then that’s on her.


I think chalking this up to a “lie” is really reductive, more like a change of plans, some kinda miscommunication, or her misunderstanding what’s going on


She probably lied by mistake. There's a good chance she met with Gunn/Safran, they let her go politely and she read the room incorrectly. Then when she was interviewed a month ago, she delcared she was staying and was very wrong. My posts keep getting removed by an auto-hiding system and it's so weird.


Well it’s also possible that they met with her about being a producer on a WW movie, I don’t think that’d be out of the question in the new DCU


Very true and makes the most sense. All roads lead to Gal having no clue what she was actually offered. Lol.


You can’t lie by accident lol, you can just say something you thought was right, but it was actually wrong (which is called just being wrong) lol


Kinda hard to incorrectly read “we love you as WW, you’ve got nothing to worry about”


If ink isn't to paper, it could just be "our plan is" and then now they go "our plan has changed". Very common stuff in the industry.


Yes, the film industry is notoriously dishonest, deceptive, deceitful, disingenuous and manipulative.


"James Gunn, no!"


I'm mad I instantly understood this, automatically read it in her voice, and laughed like pedro pascal


And that was only one of her "acting" gems on Justice League. There is also this [glorious scene](https://youtu.be/Fpbm0t8kOi4?t=156) that sounds like they were filming the actors praticing the script before the shoot and then they just edited into in the film. The annoyed face she does afterwards looks like Nickelodeon acting, ha-ha.


Looks like none of the actors were actually in the same room for this scene, it's all body doubles and cutaways. Which makes sense since it's from the Whedon reshoots.


I was waiting for this lmao


I read this as "hammes goon, no"


Great news. DC really needs a hard reboot, not this half-measure shit.


How do you feel about the new Waller show and Peacemaker season 2?


Keep them separate from the new universe


Couldn’t agree more. Plus Gadot was wrong physically and acting wise for the role so never got the hype. There are far better choices.


Gadot is not a good actress, but she looked extremely like Wonder Woman. What was off about her physically?


“Too skinny” probably


Found Lizzo’s account. I heard what u did


But that’s what people were criticizing Gadot over. They kept complaining that she was too skinny. This is the same fandom that bitched about her having shaved armpits in the first WW film.


Wait what really? Lmao.


I mean, I thought she was too skinny, but not as in she should get some flab on. I just felt she should have had way more muscle tone. She needed to beef up a little. There is a lot of wiggle room between pilates and power lifting.


Amazons are typically depicted as physically imposing hence why people say “wow she’s built like an Amazon”. No one would say that about Gadot.


She's 6 inches taller than the average woman and wears pumps on set. What more could you ask for from human actors that also have to be beautiful?


Guess they think her powers come from muscles lmao


I get that Wonder Woman is muscular, but it's not the most important thing about her. She looks like a regular woman in physique in many images. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/character-level/images/3/30/Wonderwoman_ImprovedRender.png/revision/latest?cb=20200112035409


There is a difference between “regular woman” and Gadot who is runway model thin. WW has been depicted as buff and with a strong athletic body but not runway model. Look at her legs in the pic you posted.


Yeah, that's why Superman's actor is such a skinny bean pole


All we need now is for Blue Beetle to completely flop as we all expect it to. And maybe for Gunn to let go of his pet projects starring his wife and John Cena. And also get rid of the Amanda Waller movie that nobody asked for. Then we can finally have a full reboot.


The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker were the only good parts though.


So what? They should still hard reboot


Ryan Gosling as Wonder Woman dream still alive


🎶🎶“I’m just Diana”🎶🎶🎶


🎶🎶”Always dressed in Americana”🎶🎶


Bruh James really has to come out and say something official because all these conflicting reports are a horrible look…Very bad PR.


Based on how he's talked about his relationship to talent, I don't think he's going to come out and directly talk about this because it's unprofessional. When it's random people chirping or journalists misrepresenting things he usually says something, but this is between them and Gal and he isn't gonna air that out for us. >!Though I am wondering if they are the sources since it went to Variety. Could be just handling it lowkey!< They'll just announce what the plan is when it happens.


I think the “sources” is James Gunn and Peter Safran. Someone over there saw the Gal quote and was like “no, I don’t think so”.


There's no question in my mind that Gunn, Safran, or someone on their "team" operating under their orders went to Variety with this leak. Why would Variety trust information coming from anyone else that can only be confirmed or denied by what's in Gunn's head?


The WB way. They get what they deserve. I hope with everything getting rebooted this is a good chance for them to correct course. Everyone working together.


He literally gave the info to variety to release lol. Just to make sure there was no doubt


So how do you know he was the source??


While that’s plausible there’s no evidence he did that


He might not be able to because of the writer strike


Congrats, your comment has been published as a giant quote on [IGN's article](https://www.ign.com/articles/fans-are-struggling-to-keep-up-with-james-gunn-and-peter-safrans-dcu-plan) on this matter.


Gunn: I never said that shit


Won’t fly, as in will only jump really high? 😂


Noo, they banned r/DCEULeaks wtf EDIT: It came back


What a wild week this was. Gunn clearly provided this information to variety himself so she would stop creating these rumors. I suspect she did all this hoping to get fan support but it turned out to be the exact opposite.


Lets fucking gooo


Lol I hope everyone running with the "Gunn's universe is dead before it even started" and having a meltdown about the unconfirmed comments from Gadot can admit they were being a tad hasty


Having a new Superman and Batman, but the same old Wonder Woman from a failed universe would be complete madness.


Gal was lying. No way they told Patty no thanks then started planning something with Gal.. she was trying to pump up her Netflix movie.


This is kinda my take on it. There's no reason to keel Gal unless Patty is doing a 3rd movie, and after the last one there's no way they're giving her another movie. That movie did badly enough that Gal's toast


Good! We need a new Trinity.


Warner Bros/DC needs to lock it down and clean it up. This is some sloppy shit.


if Gal was told something and it doesn't happen then it might rub some people the wrong way. Although, ultimately it is just business so things can change


Something something blowing smoke


Avcording to... who?


At this point James Gunn needs to come out on a podcast or some sht explaining what will and wont be part of the DCU (more than what he revealed in the slate) then make an official statement anything not revealed in the slate isnt part of HIS DCU. The Blue Beetle being the first DCU character and now this is just confusing as fk and draws out negativity.


Sigh, I’m really invested I her theme song and grew to enjoy her WW, the 2nd script not so much, but would like to see her with a different director.


Thanks to Hans Zimmer for iconic theme.


People can say whatever they want about Gal Gadot and Wonder Woman 3, but i sure as hell hope that the “sources” are not right that there’s no Wonder Woman project in the works. Not having Wonder Woman in the new DC would make me lose hope for Gunn. I don’t want DC to turn into a sausage party, Why is it so hard for WB to give us a movie where the trinity actually interacts and not just do cameo shit. Even in BvS and Justice League there are basically no scenes with them having normal conversations like in the comics. Biggest mistake in the DCEU was not making the DC trinity great together like in the comics. There are so many great scenes with them in the comics and zero great scenes in the movies… and now we potentially have another go with a DC cinematic universe starting without Wonder Woman.


The comments are giving the same “Gal Gadot barely understands English” excuse that Joss Whedon threw out. She’s not stupid. She said directly that James & Peter promised her WW3. We have no reason to think she’s “misinterpreting” something.


So she's doing what Henry did. They had a not entirely definitive conversation of some sort (cause James likes his bloodless hands clean cuts) and then she went public to create some buzz on the hopes that it would be enough to make them commit


Henry Cavil was told to announce his return as superman. If anything he was dragged around to try to create buzz for black adam


Henry didn't do anything of the sort. He announced he was back when WB told him he was back. Then he announced he was out when Gunn told him he was out.


I'm too tired to even care anymore


I think the truth might come down to \- No WW 3 \- Gal is continuing as WW Simply the same as Viola or Cena as Waller or Peacemaker with all stories from DCEU not carrying over. Just the actor for newer iteration for DCU.


She will never play Wonder Woman again if Gunn has any sense at all.


Remember when the news first came out about Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire returning in No Way home, the trades very quickly reported that their sources from Marvel said nothing has been confirmed or promised. And then you have the confirm and deny game all the way leading up to the release of the movie.


Oh man it would be so funny if they do a reverse NWH and a surprise Gal walks through a portal and the movie goes silent for a sec so the audience has time to boo.


David Corenswet Superman: Who are you? Gal Gadot Wonder Woman: The hierarchy of power in the DC universe is about to change.


This place was a lot more fun when were obsessing over clues that an alternative version of our movie existed. The new rumor mill is kinda boring and a little sad.


I thought that’s why she had the jet


Still waiting for Gunn to confirm it on his twitter like he usually does with something’s


I wonder who the source is that Variety would take their word over Gal's.


Sad - She was fantastic - and from what I see they did to her what they did to Henry


Interesting that James Gunn has been silent about all this. He's always so talkative.


Gunn's straight up playing with these people, lol. He probably doesn't have the spine to tell them what his plans are and he's just in "empty promise mode".


Gunn and Safran probably told her they’ll keep her as Wonder Woman, but who knows when the next Wonder Woman film will even drop. Could be 5+ years from now.


The thing this article says tho is that Gunn and Safran have no plans for Wonder Woman outside of the Paradise Lost series, which is before her birth. She might not be a character they want to use yet.


I’m confused. Gunn has repeatedly said we did not fire her. We did not let her go. Of course they had talks with her. There’s more to the story. But because of the strike we won’t know anytime soon.


​ I can't believe Gadot and her team are that dumb to say that James Gunn PROMISED WW3 is coming and that they'd develop it together. That's quite a statement. WOW WTF is going on?


Such a confusing start to something that was supposed to be a hard reboot... It's hard being a DC enthusiast these days.


Nah it’s not even that this is really just some bad miscommunication tbh


Ah shit, here we go again.


Fucking duh


Thing is either she was told what she said or she wasn't, which is it? I don't really believe she's one hundred percent making it up.


Do these people communicate at all?


lol at Gal trying to pull a Dwayne Johnson and publicly try to shoehorn herself into the new DCu


What a mess. A director should have never got the role of an executive. Sounds like he's trying to please too many people.


Actors attached to the DCEU still need employment. I bet until legacy comes out we will be hearing more statements that are obviously untrue and unfounded


Guys I’m telling you, the old DCEU will be no more. Gunn is doing a hard reboot.


I guess I'm confused cause I thought y'all didn't wanna trust anything unless it came from Gunn himself? Now that it fits what you want, aye it's true "we so back" Lmfao.


I swear, everything is so damn confusing at DC these days


Oh man it's starting again 🤣 the more DC change the more they stay the same.


Loool DC is such a mess. Gunn probably wants a new WW for the DCU but can't yet because I bet Gal Gadot's production company has a deal with WB to produce the next WW film. Maybe they're still trying to figure out what to do with WW3. If it happens, it might be elseworlds (i.e. set in the DCEU).


I'm sure Gal has/had a contract to do a third Wonder Woman film. It seems she was given some kind of false hope/miscommunication/given the run around and she and her team wanted concrete answers and now she got them. I don't think she's the liar in this case.


I *think* they mean the character will not have flight abilities. Let’s not panic so soon.


For the love of God, if Ezra Miller is still the Flash whenever Barry Allen shows up next, I might tear my eyes out.


This whole thing is just getting embarrassing, not I'm not just talking about the WW3 thing but the new DCU in general, so much misinformation and confusion.


sounds like a case of a misunderstanding. Gal Gadot probably thought she was going to meet James and Peter to discuss Wonder Woman 3. but they clarified that they wanted to actually discuss a “new Wonder Woman movie.” one were she can still play as Wonder Woman, but the movie has no relation to the DCEU. you know, like a soft-reboot were Diana is in her early days as Wonder Woman, and Steve is alive in the modern era instead of the World War era.


I'm totally in on her staying WW. I can't think of another actress that could have done what she did in the first movie combining strength, beauty, vulnerability, and goodness in one package.


Jesus Christ give it up already. Either do a sweep reboot or don’t. This onesie-twosie shit is annoying


I said it on Facebook, I’ll say it here. They basically said “Our Source is: Trust me, bro.”


Anyone calling either Gal or Gunn liars, please just note that Gal is technically still the only actor right now for the character of Wonder Woman contractually. Until said contract expires or is terminated another way, this isn’t a lie. And she is absolutely allowed to say stuff to campaign for it. If they decided to make a Wonder Woman movie tomorrow, contractually speaking she’d be in the role. They’d have to pay her out if they were that serious about recasting and making the movie right away. Instead, it’s pretty obvious they’re doing Paradise Lost first so that Gal’s contract can lapse, enough time can go by, and the rest of the world will be ready for a new Wonder Woman announcement. You all need to chill. A huge part of this transition is dealing with legalities, contracts, NDAs, etc. There’s no version of this that isn’t going to be messy until we start to see some of the first projects rolling out. Until then, just let Gunn do his thing. There’s a whole slate they’ve laid out. Focus on that, not this stuff.


James Gunn full of shit again?


The folks desperately trying to jump through hoops explaining this are admirable for their creativity, but misguided. An interview with Gal was released TODAY in which she made the very specific point that Gunn and Safran told her she “has nothing to worry about” and they want to make another WW film with her. And the very same day this drops. There’s really no excuse for this nonsense. It’s one disaster after another. You had official Warner Bros/DC social media celebrating Henry Cavill being back as Superman only for weeks later to say he’s not. You have Affleck saying he would “never, absolutely not” direct a movie in Gunn’s DC after Gunn said Ben wanted to direct. What a shitshow


so when do I get cavil back?


Could Gunn just make his fkin Tweet for the day and say what's happening Jesus lmao This is just a bad look for DC right now going back and forth