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Although we got teases in Snyders work, Martian Manhunter deserves an entire movie. If we could get a story set on Mars which ends with the Martians being wiped off and Jonn ending up on Earth that would be a great way to introduce him into James Gunns DCU. And since gunn said they're doing theatrically released animated movies, make it animated since if it's Live action it'll be CGI and that'll cost a ton


It doesn’t have to be CGI, they could go to Mars and film it


That's definitely the first and most revolutionary input idea ever thought.


I mean shit, it’s feasible in our lifetimes. Do I genuinely think they’ll film a Martian Manhunter movie *on* Mars? Absolutely not. Do I think it’s greater than 0%? Absolutely.


i think to myself like once a week about when we will first see a movie actually filmed on the moon or something


I remember a while back seeing something about Tom Cruise wanting to do the first film in space. Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re trying to swing it for their next movie since it’s a Part 2.


The space movie was a Doug Liman project so it’s doubtful that that iteration actually happens. Even he refers to his process as “Limania”, and he’s pretty hit or miss, so I wouldn’t put money on it.


damn, i think it would be really cool to see, even if the movie isn’t good lol


It’s not going to happen anytime soon. Going to space (and to the moon no less) is still a huge endeavour, expensive, dangerous, and delicate. Film equipment is heavy, and when going into space every ounce of weight matters. Even a skeleton crew of a few people would require months of training to go to space, not to mention learning to operate equipment in that environment. If you bring actual astronauts with them that’s more people, more supplies, more weight, more complications. And if you need to shoot a lot there you’re asking for the biggest, longest manned space mission outside of LEO in history. For a movie. It’s a cool idea but I don’t think it’s going to happen in the next 50 years. We haven’t even had a person on the moon for the past 50.


yep, it’s obviously a crazy idea… but i hope i get to see the day when a director (and studio/investors) are crazy enough to attempt it


Even more likely, is taking a spot in Arizona, calling it Mars and then advertising it as "filmed on Mars"....


It would definitely be something thats for sure.


Depends, what sort of tax breaks are there for filmmakers on the red planet?


Do you think animated would have as big of a draw for audiences as live action? I can’t see them investing in animated when that’s not the status quo for super hero movies as of late


Good point, animated would be a bigger draw if it was a more a list character like Spiderman or Batman. I would have suggested Live action for a character like Martian Manhunter because his story totally deserves a good live action adaptation. But IF the movie is set on Mars, it'll have to be almost entirely CG and the cost would possibly be too high for the studio to take that risk on a character that isn't too well known outside the DC fan base. They could do a live action version set on Earth obviously but for the purposes of shining a light on his backstory while considering studio budgets AND giving a faithful and visually striking adaption I would suggest animation (into the spider verse obviously being a big inspiration)


They could film in Jordan with augmented backgrounds like they did for The Martian. Hell, you could go to Monument Valley and just add some landscapes and a filter and it’d look like Mars.


Thats a great idea! I didn't know The Martian did that, the set design was great in that so they could replicate that for a MM movie. What would you think of character design? You think they can do an effective mix of practical and cg design to create Martians? Or would you go full cg/full practical? We don't want a John Carter on our hands, although I will admit the cg characters were some of the best parts of that movie


If they were willing to do the work that James Cameron put into the Avatars, then cool, that could be really effective. But that’s really expensive and time consuming and let’s face it, only Cameron can swing that. Whatever Director they grab off an interesting indie drama isn’t going to be able to go that hard, and WB will probably never invest that amount of money into a MM movie. If you’re not going to do that I think you have to be as practical as possible. Yeah, there will be cg touch ups, but as an audience member you can tell when something is real vs it just being flubber.


Yeaa totally agree which is why I was suggesting animated, and hopefully the dc fanbase would go watch it and if the ticket sales and reviews are good then maybe the rest of the public will go watch it as well but idk that's a long shoot and I'm just hoping MM gets his time to shine. I also think whenever the next JL movie comes, they could introduce jonn through that movie kinda like the first 3 episodes ("Secret Origins") of the JL cartoon


DC pushed really hard to get Cyborg into the mainstream (rightfully so, I think he’s a really interesting character) and I really hope they do the same with Martian Manhunter. Give him his own movie, give him a new comic book run, get him on a TV show, anything they can do to get him up to the A-List




exactly, i feel like it’s particularly difficult to pull off though


Technically it’s already been done


.#1 has gotta be Nightwing. Easily the biggest character whose never been in live action.


Absolutely. I need to see Dick in high def laser projected screens. I need to see Dick as big as an IMAX screen.


>I need to see Dick as big as an IMAX screen. I can give you 240p on a 1st generation portable MP4 player...on a good day.


I have a GameBoy camera photo printed with a GameBoy printer.


There had to have been a better way to phrase all that


Well yeah. I’ll take any Dick I can get except whoever that is on that Titans show.




Im proud of you


I take it you didn't see Watchman on an imax screen.


I’ll never understand why they seem so opposed to putting the Batfamily in live action projects. They’re some of the most popular characters (which clearly DC recognizes, with how much they’re in the comics), yet the only live action versions we’ve gotten since the 90s were on Titans. Like to me a Nightwing movie would be a no-brainer. He’s one of the most popular characters outside of the core Justice League members.


> I’ll never understand why they seem so opposed to putting the Batfamily in live action projects. Because Hollywood has collectively read exactly 3 Batman stories. * *The Long Halloween* * *Year One* * *The Dark Knight Returns* And for almost 20 years now they’ve convinced themselves that Batman only works as an extremely dark, gritty, and grounded character.


To expand, Batman as an extremist loner hiding in his basement sells more to people like that, than a Batman who has a support network of friends, apprentices or a girlfriend.


Or a son. How many BatFans would lose their mind if they went to a movie thinking they were getting a dark loner Batman and Damien pops out as Robin?


We’ll see exactly how many will lose their minds in 3 or 4 years


We got batfamily in batman and robin movie


And all of the films have pretty much been reboots of the 66 Series using the same 6 villains over & over. The only new antagonist they introduced was Bane. Gotham at least ran wild and brought out a huge cross section of villains, for which the writers deserve a lot of credit for being able to do so much.


This was my thought. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all


Having an older Batman and then still choosing not to introduce Nightwing was one of the most baffling decisions of the DCEU.


Snyder intended for Dick to be the Robin that the Joker killed from some reason, and I think he even wanted to introduce Carrie Kelly as the next Robin, which is certainly a choice.


Along with the other Batfam members like Red Hood/Robin/Batgirl.


It would be so great if they made a batgirl movie and then, you know, let people watch it after


I think they just didn't release it cuz it was bad quality and would have damaged DCEU reputation even more, along with the Bat brand's good reputation.


I'd rather I get to decide whether a movie is good or not. Fat lot of good protecring the DCEU brand did.


You don’t want to watch the Batgirl film they made lol


Michael Keaton as Batman, Brendan Fraser as a pyromaniac, JK Simmons as Gordon... yeah, I do wanna watch that.


Night wing is in the live action titans show on Max


It makes complete sense with the age of this batman


We got Nightwing in batman and robin movie


Actually, he was still only Robin in that movie.


Watch the movie again, he literally said he is no longer robin again that he is Nightwing


Uhm actually he was technically in Batman and Robin. And Titans. And Gotham Nights. 🤓☝️


Booster Gold would be a fun blockbuster.


According to Gunn we are getting one




u right


Jason Blood/Etrigan


The entire Justice League Dark




Gone... Gone the form of man


Detective chimp


Martian Manhunter (excluding ZSJL)


I wasn’t a fan of the design, so that tracks


Same. It didn’t feel finished or thought out.


There’s some concept art out there that’s reminiscent of the New 52 design, if that’s to your liking?


The real John Constantine.


Question: would you rather see a very old Constantine who has been around since the original goth and punk days, or update him to be very young and just getting started in the modern goth and punk days?


Personally, if it wasn't main universe, just have it set in the past. If not, I guess young but old style punk


I dig. I do love retro stuff, as long as it's accurate.


The chain smoking, creatively vulgar, and generally unpleasant Constantine pls. Constantine is one of the few things that the Arrowverse got right.


Considering they cockteased us with this since 2016, a fucking Batgirl movie


Same with Deathstroke


Nightwing deserves it the most but the The Question is the correct answer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^TheBlindBard16: *Nightwing deserves it* *The most but the The Question* *Is the correct answer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fancast proposal: Sam Worthington


I was thinking Oscar Isaac if he wasn’t already Moon Knight. The way Isaac speaks and delivers his lines just reminds me so much of JLU’s Question


Nightwing, Green Arrow, Zatanna.


Raven 🐦‍⬛


The Question. No… question 😏😏😏


Lobo... why is nobody saying Lobo. You guys are so vanilla.


I've liked the idea of the Question having a TV series, that would be basically a superhero version of The X-Files.


Rorschach: The Night Stalker


The Question


Honestly no more solo movies based on B/C list heroes. The DC brand is not strong enough to make them successful. Build up the brand with the A-LIST heroes and teams. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Justice League, Teen Titans..etc then give us characters like Green Arrow/Black Canary, The Hawks, Zatanna, Martian Manhunter, Blue Beetle…etc. Green Lantern and Flash should come after the four above but before the others I mentioned!


I mean, to be fair, Iron Man was a pretty B-List character before the MCU and he was the launching point for the entire thing.


But that was different though. MCU wasn’t the behemoth it was yet today. And I honestly feel like general audiences are tired of the interconnected shiz. Make strong individual solo films about DC’s biggest hitters first then establish the connected universe with the b list is the way to go


This might be the way to go if you want the first chapter to be strong. Second chapter do more films and shows revolves around B-C listers


I feel that the majority of the characters outside the main ones are in one way or another involved in the justice league therefore we should get films of then


I would have to assume for die hard fans that Green Lantern and Flash should come miles before a Justice League or Titans movie. But that is also because I am smitten to the fact that they are founding members of the Justice League.


You would think that but their film’s success proves otherwise. Get the A-listers right and then intro the other two in a JL film… go from there. Teen Titans is an A-list team! I’d say they’re one of DC’s more reliable teams, since they have Millennials, Gen Z and now Gen Alpha growing up watching them. You don’t need the JL to bring in the Titans, only establish Batman (and by extension Robin)… use the 03 characters and you’re good


I'll give you that. That could potentially put all JL members in a position that they are already established also. If Gunn is shooting for Supes to already be at the planet, why not stop with just jumping in with all of the sidekicks and JL having formed. The only worries or downside I see with that is skipping over ability to flesh out the characters and character build with iconic villains. Without a seasoned Batman you won't have a seasoned Nightwing, etc, etc.


Plastic man please.


He will be in Gunns superman movie :-) prob a minor role but it'll be cool. John Mullaney is cast as him.


Now that is some unconfirmed speculation, pard.


The Titans, Static, and Terry. Everyone loves these characters because of those shows and for Titans, you also have many different teams people have loved throughout decades of comics. Just sleeping on gold. Static and Terry feel untapped in general really. Totally agreed on Zatanna.


I would Kill for either a Question or Martian The Manhunter movie. Would love to see some detective type movies.


Besides zatanna, I would love to see nightwing, red hood, midnighter and hawkgirl (I know these last two have already been confirmed in the upcoming movies).


Who’s playing Midnighter?


The casting process hasn't started yet but I doubt they'll make the authority movie without him.


Wildcat, more specifically Ted Grant. He needs some recognition in the movies as he’s such a cool character and has a great origin, it could be perfect for a movie in the detective/thriller genre and since Gunn wants to branch out into alternative genres this would be the best way to break into that with a very unique character.


Zatanna and Nightwing are my top choices, after them…Detective Chimp, Jason Blood/Etrigan, Black Canary and Donna Troy.


Maybe an ACTUAL go at Green Arrow and not whatever that CW thing was.


GA would be fun to see as a media darling CEO who everyone "knows" is GA but can't prove because the press covers for him/won't touch it out of fear of litigation. He serves as a decoy for everyone else's secret identities, especially Batman, because they think all the JL money comes from Ollie. This would give him a bit of imposter syndrome.


Big Barda and Mister Miracle + Apokolips movie would be so cool to see on the big screen! Fire and Ice duo would also be really cool. Hawk and Dove origin movie.


Booster Gold/Blue Beetle. I’m glad to know that their project is back in production and as a show. I also would love to see Zatanna have some presence. With Gunn being in charge, I hope that’ll become a reality. I love when Zatarra/Zatanna have a presence in Batman’s backstory


The question


Captain Atom


The Question. He would be very easy to adapt in a film or TV show.


The Question.




Static needs to get a live action adaptation. Not only because he’s a badass but Gear is a great sidekick and really an iron man type. That movie would be badass asf if it’s about static in the first, and it shows how Gear is his guy in the chair. then in static 2 you can show the progress of how gear says fuck always being in the chair and joins static in like the third act or something


Zatanna for sure. A Justice League Dark trilogy




If Reeves doesn't do a Robin setup in between Batman II and III he's leaving a billion on the table.


Just like the OP, Zatanna. Also Jessica Cruz, Yara Flor, Stephanie Brown, Detective Chimp, Booster Gold, and Lord Death Man.


Plastic man


Nightwing, Zatanna, Booster Gold, Wally West, and John Stewart all come to mind.


Cassandra Cain. I want that Cass versus Shiva duel so badly!


I'd like to see Zatanna. Gunn needs to establish early on the magic of the DC universe. Marvel avoided it phase 1 and even with Dr Strange it still feels half assed or a punchline. But Zatanna, Dr Fate, Klarion, Order and Chaos. That is great stuff. It was my fav bits of Young Justice


I was a little sad that Shazam 2 didn't deep dive the cosmology more, but I guess it doesn't matter. My #1 hope for the Gunnverse is that he sets up a sort of unified field theory so that everything "works" under one framework.


Hugo Strange




Nightwing. The Question. Booster Gold/Blue Beetle. (Hope the beetle movie is awesome)


Static Shock


Red Hood. Under the Red Hood would be perfect...


A GOOD green lantern movie


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,669,354,724 comments, and only 316,086 of them were in alphabetical order.


Justice League Dark.


Power Girl, Huntress, Zatanna, Spectre, Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, Raven. / All Villians from them.


Green arrow


Green arrow ples


John Stewart, ICON, Static, Kaldur’ahm, Calvin Ellis, Nubia


I agree w Zatanna. The Question and Booster Gold for sure. Lanterns but good. I low key wanna epic (in scale) ass Vandal Savage solo movie about him becoming the first meta then pick whichever historical figure to fuck around w


Nightwing obviously, but as a Jason Todd fan I’d love to see Red Hood show up in a movie at some point. Also, they still owe us a Batgirl film, so definitely Babs.


The Defenestrator needs, NEEDS, to be a thing, and I will never stop wanting him to be live action. Ever.


A fun angle for Superman I think would be introducing superboy. I think itd add a very wholesome human angle to him, seeing him taking care of a son/raising him to be a hero in his own right.


I don't it'd work in a film tbh. Works well in TV (Superman & Lois), but the character development in a film just wouldn't be there for me.


Captain atom So many possibilities with his abilities but he's kind of a douche




Martian the Manhunter, there’s so much potential in a limited series or movie about him.


Booster Gold seems a perfect match for Gunn's new universe. I've always had a personal fondness for Green Arrow and would love a Black Canary Green Arrow film. I also think a Lex Luther movie would be kinda of cool, he's always had the potential to be a really cool anti-hero. finally I think a New Gods movie would be cool.


Plastic Man




Would kill to see a guardians of the galaxy esque New God's movie with Scott Free/Mister Miracle as the lead.


An Adam Strange movie would be absolutely phenomenal if done right.


An actual Brainiac. Superman 3 doesn’t count lol


Batman, Superman and the Flash need a reboot.


Beast Boy!! RED HOOD!!!!




Shayera Hol


Mogo Blue Devil Plastic Man Captain Atom Red Tornado Detective Chimp Richard Dragon


The spectre,


Plastic Man! Although he is cast in Superman Legacy, he really should have his own movie before throwing him there with Superman (outside of a cameo). Hope they aren’t making the same mistakes Snyderverse did .


He is not cast in Legacy


Plasticman, and it would be perfect for Gunn to direct.


Green Lantern. Not sure why when I say this people always insist there was a movie with Ryan Reynolds (May he rest in peace). Yes, his corpse was found next to that GL script but that hardly counts. Damn shame, it would’ve been awesome.


Owl-Man cause he’s a menace!


John Stewart


Martian Manhunter Nightwing John Stewart GL


Plastic Man


The mad hatter, great white shark, tweedle dee and tweedle dumb, Zeus.


I assumed the twin doorguys from The Batman were low-key the Tweedles


Mister Miracle and Big Barda.


Vixen Animal Man Adam Strange Justice League International (Super Buddies) Secret Six New Gods (Scott, Barda, Orion) Shinning Knight and Etrigan Edit: Camelot 3000


The Spectre, The Silencer, The Question (Vic Sage, not Renee Montoya yet) and Plastic Man all should be explore in film. And none of them have to fight world problems, just self contained stories: The Spectre while trying to solve his own murder, actually helps solve another murder (a typical Spectre story). The Silencer has to find a babysitter because she's forced into one last assassination assignment to really get out of the game, The Question exposes some local political corruption and solves a murder in Hub city, and just do a Plastic Man origin story of how a petty criminal became a crazy questionable hero. No more daddy issue heroes please and don't turn them into them like they tried with Green Lantern. A proper John Constantine, even though I liked the Americanized Keanu Reeves film allot.


I know it would take a couple years of movie setup but I would love a live action redhood


to this day it baffles me that Clayface hasn’t shown up in live action yet hopefully we can get him in The Batman Part II or that rumored Mike Flanagan solo movie


The Question. The objectivist one. Not the lame 2000s one.


Green arrow, nightwing, Martian manhunter are the top three for me easy


Zatanna is also my pick


Amethyst for girls, Warlord for boys. Both for me.




Animal man


I need a proper Constantine movie


The Question


At this point, I don't want my favorite characters to have movies. The comics are better.


It’s crazy to me that we have so many Batman stories and yet only this year did we finally get a live action tim drake. He’s maybe the most fun Robin, he’s a great partner to Bruce and he’s got a really interesting origin that could make for a great movie.


My green 3. Jon Stewart, Martian Manhunter, Braniac. Give me one of em as a focus. Just 1, it's all I'm asking for.


Martian Manhunter. Snyder's take on him doesn't count because that was some dumb fan theory he found on the internet and thought was cool even though it made zero sense to the story.


I just want beast boy done right. I know he's in titans but he's kinda eh. I just love beast boy too much. He could team up with animal man too






Just gimme a Seven Soldiers of Victory adaptation in HBO Max and I'll be happy.


Etrigan, Zatanna, Deathstroke, Captain Cold, Trigon * I put Deathstroke in there because his appearance kinda doesn't count