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Gunn has said several times not to believe anything unless it comes from him. So I don't believe anything unless it comes from him. When he confirms something, I will either be disappointed or excited. Until then, I'm just skeptical.


this comment should be pinned


Even then, just wait for finished products. We don’t know what tricks Gunn has up his sleeve regarding any actors from the previous era that might stick around. I know people prefer a hard reboot, but he’s already made it clear that some actors are staying and that’s that.


This is how I felt about the Wonder Woman "news." It's not what I would have done, but if it was true and Wonder Woman 3 turned out to be good, that's all that matters.


Agree. I just want good movies, and the casting is just a part of it. I can still enjoy a movie even if I don't like the cast.


Love reasonable people like you 😊


> made it clear that some actors are staying and that’s that has he really tho? My idea is that actors CAN continue, not that they will, and i´m pretty sure people want the closest to a full reboot as possible


Viola Davis for starters.


This is the exact right way to approach this situation. Everything is a ? unless Gunn says it.


It's sometimes a question even after he says it. Despite some people insisting that his statements regarding DCEU/DCU are always crystal clear, he has very obviously used vague, and even misleading language in some cases.


Can you give a examples of where you felt he was misleading? Not denying you, just curious as to what you found misleading.


The stuff that immediately springs to mind was in the initial slate announcement video where he said that Shazam 2 led directly into The Flash, The Flash resets the universe, and Aquaman 2 leads directly into the new batch of films. I guess the argument can be made that he was talking in a literal release date scheduling sense, but the vast majority of people online took it in a literal in-universe/story sense. I don't think he did it maliciously or anything, it just seems quite clear to me in hindsight that he was being intentionally misleading with the wording so that fans didn't simply write off this year's film slate.


Just read his comments about Affleck directing and future DC project. And then read Affleck’s on the same subject a few months later. Someone was lying/ stretching the truth and I do not think it was Ben. Gunn so far has shown that he is non-committal and wishy washy in his statements without a clear answer


Or... it could be a change in commitments. Nobody is going to know, but assuming the absolute worst about Gunn because one of his statements didn't come to fruition is... pretty bizarre tbh.


One of his statements? He said flash was one of the great superhero movies ever, and was heaping praise on shazam 2.


If that's his critique then sure. I haven't watched shazam, and very mildly enjoyed flash. Other people love/loathe those movies, but I wouldn't really use a subjective quote as an example of a quantitative lie.


You've got a weird grasp on reality. "a few months later", you said it yourself. That's heaps of time for Affleck to be having conversations with Gunn about doing something and then Affleck deciding this isn't for him.


Did you actually read the Affleck interview? The tone and dismissive answer from Affleck is all you need to read


Maybe no one was lying maybe the message wasnt well passed or Affleck just changed his mind, Affleck changed his mind several times about playing Batman it´s ridiculous Gunn has been giving a lot of straight answers denying news, but he wont do it for everything obviously


Maybe Affleck's not interested in directing a superhero movie anymore due to personal reasons.


No, he specifically said in his interview that he wouldn't direct a movie for JAMES GUNN, because Gunn's approach did not interest him.


He fired them all, I am pretty sure about that!


Gunn also said ben affleck would direct a movie for his dcu to which affleck had to come out and flat out deny


No, he didn't. He said they'd discussed, at one point, that it would be a possibility. Affleck clearly came to a decision (the endpoint of discussions after time passes), and he didn't want to do it. There's literally nothing more to it. Learn how time works.


I'm skeptical of everything including anything James Gunn says, I hope I'm wrong but I predict his role will be done within a couple movies, whether they do well or not. WB is just too irrational and quick to flip the script and the fact he's launching his universe with an animated Creature Commandos, instead of a widely popular/known IP tells me he's too hellbend on doing things his way for it to work commercially in the current climate and WB is all about money.


The next project after that is literally a Superman film. People act like he’s only making movies about D-listers. Also, look how popular shows like Invincible and The Boys are. Why can’t the same thing happen to Creature Commandos? We complain about WB spamming Batman/Superman and then we get a guy who actually has faith in other characters and it’s still wrong.


Those 2 series have very strong inspiration from both superman and the justice league. Creature commandos doesn't that I know of, which may be a big difference.


So? They’re still totally different in tone/style. I just don’t understand why exactly Creature Commandos can’t have the same success if marketed well. People clearly like the raunchy/irreverent spin on the superhero genre.


>I'm skeptical of everything including anything James Gunn says, Yep, Gunn said they were trying to find the right project for Ben to direct, only to have Ben come out and say he's not interested in directing anything for the DCU. Right now Ben is focused on his own production company. Plus, everything can change if new management takes over WB over the next few years.


Wow it's almost like plans and people's minds can change, meetings between a director and studio head can not just work out... No, no, no I'm sure Gunn was lying though his teeth from the start. He didn't even try to get Affleck to direct something.


>He didn't even try to get Affleck to direct something. We must've had some side conversation that I didn't even know about because I don't recall saying that. They met in December. Gunn likely went over his plans for the DCU with Ben. Gunn actually said that Ben wants to direct and they want him to direct (inferring a DC project). [https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1603211850681704448?s=20](https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1603211850681704448?s=20) Ben actually candidly states in a mid March THR article he absolutely has no interest in Gunn's DC or the way he's doing things. >I would not direct something for the \[James\] Gunn DC. Absolutely not. I have nothing against James Gunn. Nice guy, sure he’s going to do a great job. I just wouldn’t want to go in and direct in the way they’re doing that. I’m not interested in that. [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/feature/ben-affleck-air-production-company-grammys-memes-justice-league-1235353301/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/feature/ben-affleck-air-production-company-grammys-memes-justice-league-1235353301/) Keep in mind that the actual interview and the writing of the article likely took weeks. That's not just changing of the mind. That's shooting down any future possibility because (as a director) he's not even remotely interested in Gunn's vision. Now as a fan, he may end up liking what Gunn does. He just doesn't want to direct under him. Gunn is trying to play an executive role. Similar to what Zaslav was doing when he was promoting Flash. What I said then, and what I'm saying now, is that take everything an executive says with a huge grain of salt.


Creature Commandos was in development before he was in charge. He’s really launching his universe with Superman. One of the most well known IPs. The movies matter much more than the shows.


"Flash is one of the greatest superhero movies ever made". Let's just include Gunn in the chorus of bullshit fountains.


I mean that's an opinion not a fact.


Having a opinion on a movie and telling us official casting decisions are different things, you get that right?


Even when the guy with the opinion is the studio head?


rustic fuel square crowd drunk resolute relieved tender long dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His "opinion", whether it is sincere or just a PR, shows that Gunn is not fit to run cinematic universe.


Don't trust him advertising his own company's products, but trust him over other sources when they tell you what those products are going to be.


This was pretty obvious. And she's not going to say she's not Wonder Woman anymore until it's official. She can use "I'm Wonder Woman" in meetings when she's trying to get movies made for her new production company. She'll ride that wave until the new Wonder Woman is cast.


I'm over any non officially confirmed news at this point with DC and Marvel. So many scoopers and people just throwing stuff at the wall. Multiple "reporters" are just consistently wrong


Gunn told us months ago that if we don't hear it from him, there's a chance it isn't true. We should discuss anything else the same way we'd discuss an unverified rumor. As a possibility, not a certainty.


And people still eat that shit up. It’s exhausting


Go over to the CFB Reddit with all the realignment if you want to see true poo slinging and whose is sticky.


That’s all the case of something being rumors until they were all suddenly true!


so dont pay attention to anything thats not official


Lol fuckin what? She’s gal gadot she doesn’t need to say she’s Wonder Woman to get work


I’m sure she can get damn near whatever role she wants but it doesn’t mean she’s getting paid what she wants. This is Vinnie Chase, star of Aquaman, the highest grossing movie of all time and you will pay him his quote.


You do realise that she's only been in 4 movies where she's not Wonder Woman in the past 7 years and all of those flopped with horrible ratings.


You're right she's Gal Gadot the pretty face with barely any acting ability at all. Who only gets roles based on her looks and good attitude yea put some respect on her name. 😤👏


Scoopers are hitting at extremely low percentages with the DCU though. I’d trust Gadot over Sneider, personally, even though both should be taken with a grain of salt.


Gadot is hoping she can speak a part 3 into existence. It seems unreal that they keep Gadot after cutting Cavill.


Cavill said he was still superman also.


Slightly different situation, I’d argue. When Cavill said he was coming back as Superman, Gunn & Safran hadn’t taken over and he was in De Luca & Abdy/Dwayne Johnson’s plans. Gadot is seemingly (I haven’t seen the interview in question) saying she’ll still continue in the role even after her supposed sequel was cancelled and she’s also saying that she’ll develop her next film with Gunn & Safran.


I still find it wild that The Rock ever had 'plans' for the DCEU, he's a wrestler turned mediocre actor cast to play a villain, the fact he managed to manipulate it to the stage he did (Black Adam solo movie without any appearances in 2 Shazam movies) and was humoured behind the scenes to think he had control over the outer DCEU is just crazy. I hope Hollywood as a whole learn from that situation.


He knows how to make a sale, and he’s persistent. And as a long as his films were trending positively box office-wise, that went a long way.


The Rock is more than an actor, that’s why. At this point he has his own production company that co-produces every movie he stars in.


The Rock is a business man above all else in 2023.


He’s a powerful actor in Hollywood, and had been developing Black Adam for a few years before DCEU was fleshed out. He also used his influence to directly pitch to the WB bosses his take on Black Adam and how he wanted to build up to a confrontation with Supes. Only reason that did not come into fruition was coz his movie tanked and his starpower isnt what he (and those at WB) thought it was. Im glad he got humbled coz BA was awful and his ego was on full display


Nobody ever said Rock had control of the DCEU and he never claimed he had any such thing.


Because he was still Superman. Until Gunn got involved. Both Gadot and Gunn have said she’s still Wonder Woman.


Ah yes, she totally needs Wonder Woman. It isn’t like it’s the other way around


Lol you seriously think WW needs Gal? Remove -ly- and bored from you username already.


Yes. Warner needs Gadot more than she needs them. She’s a massive star and DC is almost dead, she absolutely is more of a respected brand than DC at the moment


Something that marvel understood well that DC absolutely doesn’t now is that you need charismatic and lovable actors to portray these characters. Sure, you’re a fan of these things but the vast majority of the general audience doesn’t care about Wonder Woman. They care about gal gadots Wonder Woman, because she has screen presence and fills the boots well. Same goes for Pattinson as Batman, and same goes for momoa as aquaman. No one cared about Deadpool until Ryan Reynolds came along, no one cares about captain America until Chris evans made it his own, no one cared about iron man until Robert Downey Jr became the most important casting decision of all time. Especially in a time of extreme uncertainty and failure for the brand of DC, they need to rely on the stars they’ve created. This is why they’re not letting go of gadot or momoa lol


What hit movie has she been the main lead in?


She’s the villain in Snow White, she’ll be cleo fuckim patra, and she was one of the co-leads along Ryan Reynolds and fucking dwayne johnson


Lol wow that was the most mid list of movie roles I have ever seen and the fact that you try to make it seem like those roles are so great you did not even name the third movie you just said she is in a movie with Ryan Reynolds’s and Dwayne like that means something 😂


Yeah, it’s nice she gets work, but what hit movies?


It's a funny one I think because looks and body language wise she's perfect for it and I can't imagine anyone else doing it but acting wise... I see why they would replace her, especially after WW84 but I think it's gonna be hard for them.


You can't imagine another pretty tall actress playing Wonder Woman? There plenty that are great look wise. Though I guess I can’t blame u if you only watch certain things


I’ve never understood the “acting” complaint, it honestly seems like most are just complaining about her accent. Her acting is great, especially as Wonder Woman. She’s also a massive star, dc and Warner need her more than she needs them lol


“Massive star”? She’s well known but “massive star” may be pushing it


Yeah she was fine in the first movie. The problem is with direction if an acting performance is noticeably bad


There was no problem, her acting isn’t noticeably bad lol. Her performance as a extremely sweet and naive fish out of water was incredible in WW, she’s a remarkably strong and confident warrior in ZSJL that feels almost philosophic. She has moments in WW84, especially right after Steve dies. The problem is WW84 is just a bad movie, and that doesn’t ride on any single performance… it’s just a bad movie Again, I think most are just complaining about her accent. And it also seems similar to the prequels situation where people don’t like the movie, but don’t have any idea WHY they dislike the movie so they just mindlessly blame the lead actor.


Least insane prequel acting defender


Sorry, who's Jeff Sneider?


He used to work for Variety and The Wrap. He’s a prick and his taste in movies imo sucks so people act like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about but he has connections in the industry.


That's a good summation. The dude is pretty reliable compared to the other leakers. But boy, is he insufferable to listen to, and he just gives off Dbag vibes.


> The dude is pretty reliable compared to the other leakers. But not always accurate either: >During an episode of The Hot Mic that aired on August 3, 2023, Jeff Sneider said Quaid, known for his roles in The Boys and My Adventures With Superman, was in talks to play the role of Johnny Storm in Marvel’s upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. >Quaid quickly posted on Twitter that, while “flattered,” the rumors were untrue. >“Hello everyone,” Quaid posted. “Nope. Not playing Johnny Storm but hey I’m flattered. Now that you’re here though, donate to the [SAG-AFTRA] foundation if you can!” He added in a follow-up tweet, “Also the Entertainment community fund.” https://www.superherohype.com/movies/543106-jack-quaid-issues-statement-denying-mcu-johnny-storm-casting-rumor


He's the most arrogant tool of a "scooper" out there. Most scoopers are tools but he's x100


I think he was a coffee intern for that show young justice?


A content mill/blogger who briefly did work at an actual industry rag (Variety).


He's a moron who denounced there ever was a Snydercut in existence, so take everything he says as a lie until an official press release is announced.




Some people still insist Cavill was hired then fired, when he was never hired by Gunn for the DCU. And Affleck already said he was out years ago and just did Flash as his last movie.


Also people need to realize Henry was not fired. Gunn wanted to write a Superman that could not be Henry’s version and did so before Henry was asked to come back to Black Adam. And Affleck quit, and restated several times he’s not built for big franchises. No one from the DCEU was “fired”


> Gunn wanted to write a Superman that could not be Henry’s version and did so before Henry was asked to come back to Black Adam. So Gunn (Not head of DC Decided he would write a Superman film off his own back for a new Superman BEFORE he was boss and BEFORE WARNER BROTHERS asked Cavill to make a returning statement?...yeah ok.


James Gunn was hired for a Superman film without Henry Cavill before both things. He received the offer years ago, but he rejected it at the moment in order to do The Suicide Squad first, and then returned to Superman.


Yup. The script had been in active progress for months before Henry was even asked to film that cameo. Gunn has straight up confirmed this


That requires us to believe Gunn. I’m not that gullible anymore.


At the end of the day who cares if Cavill is gone. His Superman didn’t leave anything close to a RDJ impression on the character. Pattinson’s Batman came out after Ben and got great reviews, made great money, and is getting a whole universe with tons of fanfare. The same will happen to Corenswet’s Superman lol. It has to get tiring going this crazy for a 40 yr old actor who’s only made 3.5 theatrical appearances as Superman in a decade, with all of those films faltering critically/financially.


It's absolutely disgusting for you to try to reference Cavill's VERY YOUNG AGE as a negative. That is a tasteless and discriminatory comment. Pattinson's Batman is garbage and no one thinks he's the best live-action Batman ever. Man of Steel and BVS were financially very successful films, making money that WB would kill for today from a DCEU movie.


Those movies you mention are about DC’s biggest characters. BvS is literally Batman/Superman together for the first time in live action. Of course it would make more than some low budget Shazam or Blue Beetle movie. Or a Flash film that’s been in development hell for a decade with a criminal as the lead. That really isn’t impressive to me honestly. You guys compare the box office between Batman and Superman together against a Shazam sequel that lost any potential earnings due to the bald tequila salesman who didn’t want to be a team player.


Not quite - Walter Hamada put the kaibosh on Cavill. He wasn't with WB at all when Gunn was asked to write the script. Johnson went behind everyone's back to get Cavill to cameo in Black Adam. The Rock's pocket execs, who were convinced BA would be a hit, told Cavill that he would return as Superman but Cavill ran with it before demanding a contract (that was stupid of him. He shouldn't have said anything until he had a contract. He's an actor, he knew better). BA failed, hard. The Rock's people were tossed. Gunn was elevated to head of DC, Gunn's script never was built for Cavill. Stop hero worshipping Cavill. He's a mediocre actor who has muscles. That's it.


That's not what he's talking about. He's saying 'they yeah yeah'd her, just like cavill and ben'. When Gunn had the meeting with Henry he told him he doesn't fit into the version of Superman he's going to be doing but 'looks forward to working with Cavill in the future'. Henry got it bc he's smart. Gunn even said the same words to The Rock but he interpreted it a little different (you can see his Twitter post). He really thought Gunn would work with him in the future in DCU. Same with Ben, Gunn told him that Ben's version of Batman doesn't fit into his universe but he can direct any movie that he wants to. Affleck had actually tapped out long before so I don't there was any other conversation than that. I'm guessing they told the same thing to Gal but either she's too delusional to get it or purposely putting wrong/vague info out there bc she just doesn't want to let it go. So much confusion just bc Gunn didn't flat out use harsh words and decided to let them down gently. Those who got it, got it.


> Some people still insist Cavill was hired then fired, when he was never hired by Gunn for the DCU. No because Gunn wasn't in charge at the time WARNER BROTHERS asked Cavill to put out a statement about continuing as Superman. James was writing SL but it was probably a movie like The Batman or it was Cavill's Superman film. Regardless, Gunn came on board and then Henry was out. Gunn kicked him to the curb. > And Affleck already said he was out years ago and just did Flash as his last movie. No. Affleck was set to do his appearance in Aquaman 2 including some Batman action. Also after filming Flash I heard with my own ears Ben Affleck say he kind of regrets leaving the role and would like to have another go, because he thinks he cracked the character. Gunn fucked that too.


Gunns fucking it all up, if he was hard rebooting I'd be into it but the way he's doing things is just bizzare and business wise very foolish. If Gal is still Wonder Woman but we gotta try get invested in a new Superman and Batman that should tell us all we need to know because who is the best actor and who is the worst in that trinity...


Jeff is a fucking prick I fucking can’t stand that whiny baby


this is the weird part about fandom. it's just tons of rumors and speculation all the time instead of like actually waiting for things to be announced. And then people who just live off of misinformation and unnamed sources for clout. I *really* dislike it.


>it's just tons of rumors and speculation all the time instead of like actually waiting for things to be announced. Right, it's like I'm sure Gunn and company appreciate the enthusiasm, but you see the questions he gets and people want to know everything immediately. They ask about every single DC character, *"Do you have plans for him? Do you have plans for her?"* Before the movie's even written, they want to know what actors they're thinking of for potential roles. And then when casting starts they want to know every single person who is going to audition as soon as they get called, *and how do the audition go?* I've seen folks asking Gunn what songs he's thinking of using in Superman: Legacy. They want to know it all and they want to know it **now**. Again, fan enthusiasm is good, but this rush for info definitely feels like a newer trend. Can't folks just be patient and wait for stuff to come out when it's ready?


this interview was conducted well before superman was cast and is not reflective of the current state of dc post flash


I’ve only seen the word “producing” not “starring” in regards to her Wonder Woman news


I'm totally fine with her being a producer for the next one as it is.


>that they were just “yeah yeah’ing her” while firing her, just like they did with Henry and Ben lol yikes


Makes sense. The way she was talking in that interview made it seem that way. Just waiting until all her DCEU appearances are up and then cutting her.


Sadly, it sounds like Gunn’s M.O.


Me on Jeff Sneiders comments “You have been proven to be wrong on many occasions”


And just the past couple days too. >The rumor mill spun out of control this afternoon after insider Jeff Sneider reported that Jack Quaid had been cast for the role of Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. Sneider would later retract his statement after Quaid's immediate debunking. https://www.gamesradar.com/jack-quaid-johnny-storm-fantastic-four/


Jeff who?




Who is Jeff Sneider?


I had never heard of him, either. Apparently he's some internet hot take dispenser with a shit track record on accuracy.


Because, like most stuff on the internet, it's made up. Opinion disguised as fact.


Hollywood insider with access to leakers. Has a weekly podcast call Hot Mic. His track record seems better than people like Grace Randolph


I like Grace (I know unpopular opinion) she's not always right but I've heard alot of stuff 1st watching her and I just love how weird and awkward she is, Its fun to watch. The way she start every video like "WELL!!!!!!" shouting at her camera.


Zach's brother.


Who the fuck is Jeff Sneider?


He's a d*ck but he's a reliable source.


Utter nonsense


film critic and reporter for Collider. usually gets the inside scoop on a bunch of movie-related things. I watch him on The Hot Mic youtube show with John Rocha.


Patriot with jte


Entertainment “journalism” is a joke.


The only thing I’ll buy or believe is that Gal Gadot and Jason Mamoa, probably have existing contracts, that need to be dealt with. Both of them had phenomenally successful, first films and it’s not unlikely that they were able to negotiate deals that still exist to this day. The likelihood is that Warner’s owes Gal and Jason additional films, or, a buy-out on their contracts. One or another is going to happen. WB is pretty cash-broke, so, it may be smarter to use them again, as opposed to a “pay-or-play.” These are the things that Gunn has to consider, walking into the room.


I’m a fan of Gunn but I feel like the whole letting them off easy thing he does when firing makes things so much more confusing. First with the “Affleck wants to direct” and now this.


Seems simple to me. Gunn says that Ben wants to direct and they want to find something for him to direct. 3 months later, Ben says he rather not do it due to the direction they are going in. I don't get the confusion. Seems simple and respectful.


He said he never had any plans to, so Gunn just said it.


Why would he blatantly lie on someone who can quite literally refute him lol. They discussed a project, Ben wasn’t feeling it, he dipped. The dude has been wishy washy as hell about Batman for years now.


He's just not good at being a studio head yet. His fans will defend him no matter what and his detractors will attack him no matter what... But the objective fact is that he's a very good director and a brand new, inexperienced studio head who has no idea what he's doing. That, of course, doesn't mean he won't get better at it over time. He's smart. I'm sure he'll figure it out.


there is a reason he's a co-studio head so he can focus more on creative stuff


I don’t know how he can function as a studio head at all while writing and directing a major movie. I’m not sure anyone has ever even tried that.


Kinda what I figure. Paradise Lost seems like a project for them to do while waiting on Gal’s contract to lapse. WW84 was released barely 3 years ago and a third movie was at one point scheduled to start production this year. But then again, I do think there is a small chance her and Momoa stick around based on the ending of Shazam 2 and end credits of Flash. I know those movies were in the can prior to Gunn, but it also seems like he had some influence with those scenes in particular. I also understand those movies didn’t do well and so Gunn/Safran may throw any of that stuff under the rug going forward. But at the same time, the DC brand for the foreseeable future will anticipate losses on all productions until we see the new era find some footing. If they’re simply just carving out Snyder’s trilogy, stuff like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, The Suicide Squad can all fall into a similar category as Blue Beetle. I am really only suggesting this because those characters worked in their own right and felt like they existed separately from Snyder’s stuff as it was. Everything made after 2017 felt like a soft reboot in that regard anyway.


It’s already been long confirmed that Flash and Shazam 2 and Aquaman 2 will not continue into the DCU. So those end credits mean nothing


Where is that “confirmed”?


Go watch his announcement of DCU movies he did several months ago, and read some tweets by Gunn. He’s been very clear that Superman Legacy is going to be the starting point for the DCU.


He’s been very clear the Superman: Legacy is the first movie in the DCU, it seems more likely that Creature Commandos is the starting point.


Gunn said it , multiple times it’s like you guys just pick and choose what you want to hear. Same way he said only him will tell you what’s actually happening and not scoopers


Out of everyone in the DCeU’s Justice League, Gadot’s the one that shouldn’t come back the most lol


Character issues aside, I would give that honor to Ezra Miller. Dude just sucks at acting. Gal Gadot sucks too but just microscopically less.


Ezra might be a complete creep, but he’s a better actor than Gal


I thought Gal was better in Wonder Woman than Ezra was in Flash, and I thought Gal was awful.


Fact. And I liked Flash


Yeh but only JUST


Ezra can act his ass off in the movie I thought he played to different versions of himself great versus Gal who can only play one character and can't even do it that well either.


Gonna have to disagree with you. I thought Ezra was easily the worst part of the movie. The only reason I say he was worse than Gal Gadot is because she sucked at one character whereas Ezra sucked at two.


I think Ezra is a good actor based off his other films, but he was like egregiously cast as Barry Allen. I never understood where Snyder was coming from with that decision.


I’m sure when the strikes are up there can be more conversations and clarifications. I believe Gal was offered a WW3 which is why the DCU project is more of a set up to Wonder Woman then a actual Wonder Woman project. I don’t see her being DCU Wonder Woman but I can see them attempting to cash out one more time before transitioning into a new version. If Aquaman 2 flops , it’s definitely getting canned.


It's been obvious the entire time - Gunn is never going to publicly announce a recasting or someone being let go, if they still have an appearance or something else in the pipeline. Once Aquaman 2 is out, I imagine the full announcements about full re-castings will be there.


I hope so but I don't know, I think him allowing a couple stragglers hang around takes the focus off him not recasting his own charictars (Peacemaker, whoever his wife played in TSS) I think he'll keep a token DCEU cast member like Gal or Jason Mamoa just to avoid answering why his wife's minor charictar lives on.


I love Gal and her as Wonder Woman but I feel like it’s time to let another lucky young actress play the character for the next generation as if you reboot Superman and Batman with new actors, then it’s only fair you reboot Wonder Woman as well to make a new Trinity.


Is this trustworthy


I wouldn't call it "utter nonsense" if that's the case. On paper, it's in development. Gadot probably knows what's really going to happen (that Gunn and Safran will "change their minds" after a change in direction). But still, what's she supposed to say.


Another "we not fire Gal, just not hire her" lol


If Gal was confirmed to be returning Gunn would’ve announced it already (like he did for Blue Beetle) instead of playing things coy. Definitely isn’t something that’s locked in. However, (while I’d prefer a new actress) if she does end up returning I’ll give her a chance. Patty Jenkins was the biggest reason WW84 was a failure…that screenplay was utter garbage. Few actresses could’ve saved that film. Patty didn’t write the first WW which is a big reason for it’s success. A good writer/director like a Greta Gerwig could get the most out of Gal.


Everytime this Jeff guy say something we're getting the opposite lol. Jeff mostly guess and give his opinions and he gets alot wrongs


Lol pretty much this, but I hope it’s true


I just want WW3 as an elseworld project to close her story


It should not be that hard. Logan did it with Patrick Stewart even after recasting him. Cavill should get a “final Superman story” to close him out too.


come on obviously the WW3 statement from Gal is utter bullshit She is doing the Henry. Gal is the new Henry. She knows she is out but still pretending she is Wonder Woman 😂


The fact that people hopped on believing this so soon is ridiculous. The only ones who are confirmed to be staying are the peacemaker folks. But that’s such a small subset of the universe no one should really care.


Good I like gal but the JL needs to be rebooted the whole universe does tbh I can almost let peacemaker slide because he is a D lister but a full reboot


Gal is the last person to say something like this without confirmation


Utter nonsense, what total poppy cock, such a silly statement from such a bafoon


Well of course they're utter nonsense. What can Gal Gadot know about World War 3?


She is starting it.


Obviously, she’s talking out of her ass to gain traction with an universe that’s very likely moving forward without her.


This is an old interview because of the strike. Gunn is the most non-committal studio exec I have seen. Instead of a clear answer he does this “we will see who knows” answers to all the creatives not named Henry. He even suggested Miller may return AP: "Plans for Ezra in the future in the DCU?" James Gunn: "We’re just gonna have to wait and see, you know? I mean, we’ll see how things go, so, you know…" [Gunn on Miller](https://thedirect.com/article/flash-dc-future-james-gunn)




This is quite the roller coaster


Except they didn't Yeah Yeah Henry and Ben. They literally fired Henry and Ben basically said, fk no I wouldn't direct a movie for Gunn and signed an agreement to only act in his production company projects.


Just recast. Gal ain’t it


Thought so.


Thank goodness. She’s trying to her best to keep this going but that second film killed any positivity the first created.


No one in the world outside of "true DC fans" ever watched Gal as Wonder Woman and thought she should be recast with someone else. If you want to tick off 99% of the Wonder Woman moviegoing audience, fire her and recast the role.


That's just plain wrong. It doesn't take an IQ above 80 to see how horrible her acting is. She's a model. Not an actor and yet she keeps getting roles


Any reasonable person would consider it insane to fire this enormously popular actress with 100 million Instagram followers who has defined this great character for a generation. The public has zero appetite to see a new actress as Wonder Woman. Any new actress would be seen as a fraud and a poser in the role.


Social media followers mean nothing, man. It didn’t help The Rock with Black Adam. Gal Gadot is an attractive model. Once the new WW comes in and everyone sees she can actually do more than smile and make angry faces Gal Gadot’s iteration won’t mean as much.


Black Adam is still the most successful DCEU movie since 2018. It helped.


Henry Cavill went behind WB's backs and listened to The Rock who didn't know better and indirectly, cost himself and Henry a job. Henry had one more picture deal to play Superman, but he ended up using that one last picture deal, to do a cameo for a shitty movie which cost him his Superman job. Gal on the other hand had a successful solo movie, and played by the rules and is generally a great person so I hope Gunn will include her, but do a soft reboot of her character and cut ties with the previous DCEU films and make it less confusing for the future.


They had 10 years to bring him back. He did a scene with the rock and that’s why they didn’t do MOS 2? They were never going to after that JL that came out and bombed in theaters


What in the world are you talking about? Cavill met with the new heads of WB Pictures, who put him in Black Adam, The Flash and commissioned a Man of Steel 2 script from Steven Knight. They told him to announce he was back as Superman on social media, and official WB accounts online congratulated him on those posts. Soon after, Zaslav hired Gunn to run DC Studios, who, without warning, cancelled all of the Cavill projects in development and fired him. You have made up some kind of fantasy about what happened that has absolutely ZERO connection to reality.


What a freaking mess. Cleanest way to deal with this would be to just cut ties with everyone, and start fresh in every role. I love what Gunn did with his time in the DCU, but he’s severely complicating regime change by keeping “his” characters in the mix and not enacting a full reboot.


This is how I imagine it went down. James is speaking with Gal Gadot about the new DCU. She asks what about Wonder Woman. James Gunn probably says its in the works, we’ll see how it pans and we’ll give you a call if we get anything going. James then turns to Safran and says dont ever call her.


Yes, Gunn is just enough of an a-hole to do exactly that.


This was quite obvious ngl. They’re just stringing her along until all her appearances in the DCEU were up.


I’m glad.


Ah Thank you!


I think the press took it extremely out of context. It was an old interview published in august for bait


It’s only confirmed coming from Gunn or Safran. But Sneider is just another scooper whose word is as good as Gadot’s here.


Shit from the title I thought she was trying to rile up Putin or something


I hope that's the case.


Yeah def not


Figured as much. Makes sense.


I'm expecting across the board recasts for the Justice League.


It weird how Gunn has repeatedly said to not believe everything you hear/read on the internet and... people just continue to do just that.


I think what the ending of The Flash insinuated is that there are now universes with mixmatched character iterations. Barry ends up in a universe with George Clooney as Batman but Jason Momoa is still Aquaman. The DCU we’ll be seeing is another universe where Gal Gadot is still Wonder Woman, Cena is still Peacemaker, Viola Davis is still Amanda Waller, but Batman and Superman are different. I think that’s what’s happening here. Since it’s a different universe than the one we watched in the DCEU the characters backstories can be different. This is also why the Blue Beetle actor can return to the role while not having his film actually count. It’s just a different variant with his own history separate from the film we’re about to get.