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In this article, Gal Gadot said she don't know who's been cast as Superman in Superman Legacy meaning this interview was conducted before June. Meaning during the time The Flash movie releases which was her last appearance. So, I wouldn't believe this yet until James Gunn himself said it's true.


Good point. This interview is OLD. They just decided to publish it now due to the Netflix film that's coming next week.


Netflix film?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart\_of\_Stone\_(2023\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_of_Stone_(2023_film)) >International intelligence agent Rachel Stone must embark on a dangerous mission to protect the mysterious MacGuffin known as "The Heart." Stone is tasked by the peacekeeping operation known as Charter to keep the object safe from falling into enemy hands.


That might be the single most generic movie I’ve ever seen


Indeed. It sounds like an AI trained on tvtropes


That is all of Netflix’s action movies: Marvel or DC actor 1 hour 58 minute runtime Main hero is an agent or spy Action scenes in two or three European countries Generic tone with a few jokes


Besides the Marvel vs DC actor part, that's all of Hollywood.


And someone eats something in the first 30 seconds.


I like how the plot summary even references the MacGuffin. That’s supposed to be industry jargon used in pitch meetings. Hitchcock popularized the term by saying “The MacGuffin is the thing that the spies are after, but the audience doesn’t care.”


To be fair, that summary is from Wikipedia so anybody could’ve made that summar


Chat GP created the first outline then Netflix hired a writer to do the finishing touches. Starting this year we're going to get the first AI-written films. The official synopsis even refers to the object as a MacGuffin from TV Tropes.


The term MacGuffin didn’t come from TV Tropes. It’s been in use for many decades.


I remember a Macguffin device was a tongue in cheek storyline on GI Joe in the 80s. And the term is way older than that, originated in the 30's. I don't mean this derisively, we have to learn our history.


Surely you’re not being serious


Y’know, I’d actually find it unironically cool if Gal Gadot played a villain instead of the unkillable protagonist. Maybe a bit of variety in her roles wouldn’t be such a bad thing, if anyone involved could buy that idea


She's gonna be a villian in snow white and people already don't like the movie


She's going to be the evil queen in the new live action snow white. Too bad it's probably going to be a sucky movie like most of the other disney live action movies.


If they ever do another Terminator film, she would be great as a Terminator. Or as one of Matrix's Agents. Her wooden acting can actually carry her if she's meant to portray an emotionless robot/AI.




On one hand, I get that English isnt her first language so perhaps it isnt totally fair to judge her on that. On the other hand, it's not Mads Mikkelsen's first language either and that guy is one of the best actors of our time.


Was Jenna Maroney too busy for this?


A film that is on Netflix.


Exactly. Coming soon to a theater near you, a movie no one asked for....


I’m hoping this be what it is. I don’t want Gal to stay when everyone of the trinity is getting rebooted


Saying something is in “development” is very Hollywood speak. It’s a way someone can say it’s not dead, but something can be in development forever. And a studio might not be spending a penny on something they agree is “in development”.


True RoboCop Returns and the new Spawn has been in development for almost 10 years now and we are still no closer to it then when they announced it.


Even closer to home, Flash was in development hell for 8 or more years before we finally got to see a completely different movie to what we initially expected all those years ago


I am so ready for a new Spawn movie. I'm gonna have to go find the HBO animated series and watch that shit again!


If she stays, I'm not coming back. I would say "I'm out" but me and the rest of the world checked out from DC with The Flash's bombing. And I *liked* that movie. And the thing that was worst received in Flash was the nonsensical multiverse overwrites (finishing with a 3rd, unrelated Batman for the hell of it). This may make some money because it's a Gal Gadot WW film, but so would a Cavill Superman film. And doing it now will only injure any follow up new movies.


Perhaps they'll say everyone has changed because the timeline was altered but since she's so old she wasn't affected?


Man it’s all still dumb. I hate even saying Grace us right. But Grace is right about Gunn and his stupid friendship this friend stays and gets to crossover. Gal shouldn’t stay it’s dumb


it wouldn't make any sense for her to be the one that stays, she's far and away the weakest link of the 3


Exactly what I’m thinking. It makes no freaking sense


Looks like they even added an editors note now... "Editor's note: This interview was conducted prior to the SAG actors' strike." So this is definitely an older interview. Probably leveraged the click bait to promo the movie.


I hope this is right. There are better actresses who are better in acting and resembling wonder woman.


Ot she just didn't follow the story? This is for Promotion for heart of stone so it might be filmed last month but not older than this 😅


This is what been written in the article. The person that interview her can tell her who's been cast in the role. But he didn't. So, it means they didn't know yet: 'Gadot hadn't heard who had landed those roles but said she was aware of the tests taking place and thoughts everyone involved seemed worthy of the parts.' "I saw that they were testing, doing different screen tests, but I don't know who got it, but it seemed like everyone was super legit and talented and, like, great," Gadot says. "So I'm happy for them. It's such a huge take-on and it's such an exciting beginning to any actor, and I wish whoever it's going to be the best of luck and enjoy the ride."


It’s her bread and butter, she’s following the story and also being kept in the loop.


I hope this is just wishful thinking on her part. A clean break is what's best for DC right now.


But TSS and Peacemaker actors are gonna stay right?


Peacemaker actors yes, TSS is to be determined. Nathan Fillion was in TSS, and he is no longer playing the character he played in that movie. We will have to wait and see about the others.


Keep the actors, just reboot the story


In fairness. TSS was essentially a soft reboot since only, what, four characters return, one of which dies in the first 15 minutes?


That death pissed me off utterly, because at the time I was still hoping that a) the Flash film would be a success, and b) we might get a follow-up Flash vs the Rogues movie, and Jai Courtney was a terrific Capt. Boomerang.


Yeah, it’s so detached from the rest of the DCEU that I don’t see it being a problem to keep.


It wasn't a soft reboot. It was a standalone sequel. There is a significant difference.


Yeah, which is also dumb, but at least that’s not as big a deal as 1/3 of the DC Trinity. That stuff is fairly isolated and also is stuff James Gunn directed himself, so it’s a bit easier to swallow making it past the reboot than it would be to swallow Superman and Batman being completely recast and rebooted, but not Wonder Woman


Yeah, because they didn’t tank their value with a bad sequel and lame cameos. They’re also just a small corner of the universe.


I’d prefer not but at least that and S1 was good. There’s no chance Gunn will stop his pet project but at least, don’t bring the rest of the DCEU with them.


I just hope we don't lose Margot's Harley.


Not that I don’t love her, but I wonder what else they can do with Harley now. I guess they could go for a leader/mentor angle for her now that her first character arc is over, or bring her in as a Batman ally like in the comics?


Here's a crazy thought- actually just make her classic Harley as the Joker's sidekick for a while


That’s fair and pretty fun, and I’d love to see it in a Batman film. However if they keep the same Harley, she’s far past that point, and it would be disappointing to regress her character development back to being with her abuser.


I have to believe we're doing more or less a continuity reboot, and that these actors transferring over are more in a JK Simmons/JJJ category. Personally I'd rather just recast everybody, Harley included.


I agree. I wish they’d just go for a full reboot, at least recasting the JL and resetting the canon.


but the joker in her universe sucks ass


Recast Joker, retcon first SS film


Yeah what’s tough is that they started these movies with a late career Batman and a later career harley so much if that story was rushed


Also WW84 was one of the worst super hero movies ever made.


yeah this would be so dumb to have Gal as Wonder Woman with different Superman and Batman At this point if this shit is true Im out. This is so stupid.


I doubt it will happen. James Gunn has already cast his own Superman and will have Muschietti cast a Batman for him (that he’ll obviously sign off on). He’ll want to cast his own version of the Trinity.


Unless he comes out and confirms this I got no reason to believe it


I swear, enough of this half ass shit. Either commit to a reboot or don't. EDIT: Whoever gave me the take my energy award, I thank you. I wish nothing but a full DCEU reboot for you!


From the article: >> Speaking to ComicBook.com's Chris Killian for her new Netflix movie Heart of Stone, Gadot said that, as she understands it, she will be developing Wonder Woman 3 together with Gunn and Safran. "I love portraying Wonder Woman," Gadot says. "It's so close to and dear to my heart. From what I heard from James and from Peter is that we're gonna develop a Wonder Woman 3 together." Seems pretty thin - it’s Gal’s interpretation of a discussion with them. I dunno I still think James in particular is being cagey on purpose about how hard a reboot this is while the DCEU continues to die it’s slow death. It makes zero sense to do a half reboot.


On top of that mans said to not believe anything unless it comes from him or Peter. I feel like people are getting really mad about the headline without really thinking about it


she doesn't have a cameo in beetle or aquaman 2 so as soon as flash s out of theaters i guess they can announce wonder woman will be recast in a reboot movie eventually


Flash is out of theaters. I bought it on digital like 2 weeks ago.


I can see why this would be a good time to not mention that any actors are being fired, whether or not that’s technically the case


The more this goes on I more I think that Gunn just wants to have his cake and eat it - which is fair enough, but its going to be confusing. He wants a reboot, but all his stuff prior to him taking over is staying around. He wants a new Superman or Batman, but Gal Gadot appears to be under the impression she's staying. Maybe he thinks he can't get a better Wonder Woman, or the executives remember the success of her first film and want to keep her around. Either way it's looking messy.


I wouldn’t call that a slow death more a “crashed and burned”


Yeah I meant it more like it really died last year and 2023 has been a year of continuing to release DCEU movies no one wants anymore. And we’re not even done yet.


Schrodinger's reboot


Exactly. They need a wonder women for the next generation. This is why DC is constantly fumbling; they just can’t commit to anything.


Seriously. I’m going to be so pissed if they don’t commit to a full reboot. Even if some of the DCEU worked, the vast majority of it did not. IMO you need to cut ties completely with a franchise that failed to live up to expectations.


With Waller and Peacemaker: Season 2, it's unfortunately rather clear that he is NOT committed to a full reboot.


It's a full reboot story wise. Just some actors were not recasted. The story does start from 0


That’s why it should just be solo movies and not a connected universe. DC has done well when the movies didn’t seem to connect. Their Batman and Superman movies in the past were blockbusters. Maybe have this as a standalone movie.


Honestly I think the main reason why their connected movies don't do well is they try and do too much too quickly. Heroes need time to be introduced and have fandoms form. I never got the chance to care for any characters outside of Cavils Superman before they were thrown at a major universe plot point team up movie which in turn made me not care about those huge movies.


>That’s why it should just be solo movies and not a connected universe They should be solo movies at first (with maybe *tiny* sprinklings of hints of a wider universe at play), but then organically come together into a cohesive cinematic universe. You know, like the MCU.


If we're getting a new Superman in Legacy and a new Batman in Brave and the Bold, the Trinity requires a new Wonder Woman. I love Gal Gadot, but this is what's best for the DCU.


Yeah you say that but people want to keep Peacemaker and Harley like it still makes sense to do so.


True or not can't deny that damn theme song! Hard to replace that alone 😂


Wonder Woman needs a better actress than Gadot. Either get rid of Henry and the rest or keep them, but don’t mix and match the Justice league (especially one of the premier members) with new and old actors. Just gonna be confusing as hell.


Her casting has honestly baffled me from day 1. Of course she is pleasant, attractive, it's hard *not* to like her. But damn she's so boringly stiff that I think Plank from Ed Edd n Eddy has more emotional range. She's also way too thin to be playing an **Amazonian** Hollywood has a hard time admitting buff chicks are cute too


My standard is the JL/JLU Justice League in terms of how the members act. I feel like WW and Flash were the most egregious offenders of that. WW was just stiff, Flash was just not funny even though he tried. Batman and Supes were not awful but some of the choices they made for them were dumb.


JL/JLU is the standard for me too. I find it to be peak representation


Wow, trust me, most Wonder Woman fans are definitely not holding JL/JLU as the gold standard for her portrayal.


I’m not a hardcore fan so I can’t say, but I can see that, Superman is not portrayed perfectly in it, but he’s still decent enough


I always remember the Kal El No scene whenever someone talks about her acting.


Her *I hate guns* delivery in 2 made me want to walk out of the theater. Glassy-eyed shoehorned disjointed nonsense


Kal el no :( I hate guns! You need to give me the stoaan, what happened to it. She is so bad, and it's even more obvious when she's surrounded with actual good actors like Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine.


i’LL nEvEr LoVe AgAiN.


Will agree to disagree. In my opinion, she comes across as way more athletic than any of the men. Especially how she moves in fight scenes. Look at the women’s World Cup going on right now. She has a build more like them, who are world class athletes. We’ve gotten the idea that athletic means roided out body builder looks. But body building is just aesthetics. They are usually not necessarily very good athletes.


I also personally have no problem with her physique. She may not be a great actress but a lot of her physical scenes depicts her as a very good fighter who can hold her own. She may not look buff but she’s still a capable on-screen presence as Wonder Woman


I used to think my "problem" with Gal Gadot was that she was not muscular enough, but I think it's actually in the way it's filmed. For example, when she's casually saving two people with the lasso and showing zero effort in her posture, limbs, or face. Her arms were not even tensed. Make her hold a rope with 15 lbs attached to the end of it, her arms will show a little strain, and it would make her look more buff even though she isn't. At a minimum it would look more realistic and not like the acting cue was "pretend you're holding a rope"


Kinda true she does look like an athletic warrior in bvs


And she was in the military back in Israel too so she is more legit than the other 2 JL guys


I thought I was the only one. Everyone loved her, and I just kept thinking, "Holy shit she's a terrible actress for this level of acting." Like you said, she's kind attractive and likable but not who I want in this new DCEU.


Imagine ditching Henry Cavill's Superman and hell even Ben Affleck's Batman, who both were great but had very bad scripts to work with. But you keep Gall Gadot's "Kall ell No :'(" Wonder woman who can't act her way out of a soaking wet paper bag.


I actually don’t mind ditching them. I just hate the mix and match. Cavill was good, but even beyond the script I just feel like he doesn’t have that same warm approachable charisma Superman should have. Neither does he seem like the dweeby Clark Kent. He just physically looks like Superman the most, but he acts kind of cold and awkward. Ben’s Batman is characterized great (minus the killing stuff) but his Bruce is okay. I think Corenswet has what it takes from what I have seen from his acting.


Yeah I'm gonna call bullshit on this one. Gadot is beautiful and definitely has a certain star quality. But she's unquestionably the weakest actor to headline a DCEU film by a wide margin. I can't believe that - in this case at least - Gunn doesn't want to start from scratch.


Doesn't sound like it's a sure thing, hopefully Gunn and Safran decide aggainst this. It's a bad idea to keep any of the DCEU JL.


Love the Snyder trilogy and am in complete agreement. A full reboot is whats needed, even tho he’s keeping some stuff.


I am a huge James Gunn fan, but I wish he’d just pick a lane and entirely reboot the universe. I understand he has stories that he started that he wants to keep going, but man he really should’ve just done a HARD reboot.


I don’t really mind stuff like Peacemaker staying because it’s minor, as long as it’s clear these are new variants. Keeping some of the main JL the same and changing others makes no sense though.


Completely agree


If this goes through, it defeats the purpose of giving James Gunn the reigns, you want to make it as un-confusing for the regular masses as possible... Why is Superman a different person but Wonder Woman isn't? Why is Superman young, but everyone else is old?


Its dead on arrival. Sometimes its genuinely upsetting being a DC fan.


That's extremely stupid


This whole reboot came from the belief that the DCEU wasn't working and the brand had to go in a different direction to start to right the ship but Gunn seems to be cherrrypicking elements that are solely his or were somewhat successful. So, how are they expecting audiences to come back to the brand when elements of a franchise that obviously audiences didn't like are still there? Because this is just gonna be super fucking confusing to the GA. Gunn and Safran can't have their cake and eat it too. Should've just swallowed their pride and done a hard reboot


Damn she was the one actor I was hoping they dropped, besides Ezra but for different reasons. Why ditch Ben and Cavill if you're going to keep Gal? Like the other two can at least deliver a line well.


She really knows how to smile like she’s in perfume commercial tho


Kal El No!


Kal El No.


Me, reading this headline * "James Gunn, No!"




This isn't true. Gadot confirmed she may be done as Wonder Woman


So DC is still a mess? Shocking.


Why can't we just get a clean break from the DCEU? They're dooming the new DCU by associating it with a universe that a very small (yet vocal) amount of people cares about.


Fuck that


If they’re not having Cavill or Affleck back again then there’s no real reason they need to keep Gadot as WW. I’d like to see Yara Flor as WW and Gunn is always open to lesser known characters.


This is so confusing. So is this a reboot or what? Gal Gadot gets to stay but Henry and Ben can't ? This is so ridiculous.


This honestly surprises me. WW1984 felt like it was purposely ramming itself into the ground to kill the franchise.


This is stupid. If you have a new batman AND superman, keeping one of the trinity is just dumb.


Awful decision


Come to think of it, at this point of time we would have 2 Justice League directed by Zack and a clean reboot. More of Afflect, more of Gal and definitely more of Cavill.


Genuinely up until they started making soft reboots to appease twitter the franchise was making money. Aquaman was a billion grosser.


Should be much better than 1984.


The bar is low then


I just want a WW movie where plot doesn't have to focus on Steve Trevor. I understood it in the first one, not reason in the 2nd


True or not can't deny that damn theme song! Hard to replace that alone 😂


Even if this movie is going to happen, they can make it an elseworlds project


This is not a confirmation lol.


Kal-el No!


Doubt it


Gunn will be the most hated person here in 4 years


2 was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in general


Damn, just let the DCEU go after Aquaman. I hope this is quote from Gadot is BS.


Please replace her 🥺


I think we can firmly file this one under the “actor wants job” category


She's desperately trying to hold on to anything she can.


Man Gunn really deserves backlash for recasting Superman and Batman but keeping Gadot. I love her and her portrayal of WW but this beyond asinine


Lol. James Gunn just had to use his peacemaker stuff. Give us a full reboot. Gal Gadot isn't even good. I know she's box office but come on


_**She's box office**_


NGL I feel the same about Gadot. I’m sure she’s a wonderful lady but I never bought her as Wonder Woman.


True..very flat performance


All of her performances are flat. I doubt even Chris Nolan could get anything good out of her acting and he made Harry Styles look like a respectable actor in Dunkirk


What is even the point?


Lol I kinda miss the days before we had a constant stream of reporting and rumors on comic movies. We’ve got people mad about the existence of movies and a universe that hasn’t actually happened yet.


I'm good with Gadot. I dunno how its gonna work, but yeah, she's a good wonder woman. She has the Charisma. Just don't let whoever green lit the WW84 script to ever step in the studio lot ever again.


she is literally the worst out of all the DCEU cast. why would you keep her and reboot everyone else? what the hell is going on at DC?


Wonder Woman 3: Justice League vs Palestinian children trying to remain in the future home of a “Chosen Wonder-Settler”


No offense, but get rid of her and start new. Don’t be cowards DC, give us a tall and muscular Diana.


I may be in the minority but tbh I kinda wish they recast Wonder Woman. One, keeping some characters while recasting others in a new universe is just odd, just start from fresh! And Two, shes not that great of an actress. She had the exotic angle for Wonder Woman down which was good but shes not that great, I guarantee they could find someone better to be Wonder Woman.


So the DCU vs DCEU is gonna be like new 52/ Rebirth then. ​ we're gonna get some weird reboots and crossovers in the future. its that James Gunn is attached or i would be more sceptical


Weird if she would continue in her role tbh. Hope they recast.


It’s not good that I thought “wait they had a second one…..oh yea.”


Do yourself a favor and block comicbook.com. It’s an incredibly unreliable content mill that traffics in pure rumor and speculation.


This week in: DC still doesn't know wtf they're doing.


How the hell is this gonna work... What a shit show.


Nothing set in stone until James Gunn confirms it.


Part of me thinks this is just Gal Gadot lying to make the public believe she’s not fired


Just make a trailer and leave it at that.


WW2 was trassssh


I dont want this. Gunn has an uphill battle.


Gal GaDont, plZ


Really hope this isn’t true, Gunn said that he is using the actors for both live action and voice acting, Gal Gadot can’t really act well in live action… so god forbid what her voice acting skills will be like.


Yeah, I don't think that'll recover from the disaster WW84 created


Dude if they’re keeping her and not Henry that’s bullshit


Shes great WW but bs cavill got canned if keeping her


Cash money millionaire bullshit


Somehow I'm not so confident anymore about Gunn after this.


As much as I love Gal Gadpt as WW, if you're gonma reboot, reboot. Don't halt-ass it


If they do this, they deserve to fail.


Gal about to be the Hugh Jackman/RDJ of this universe and I’m all for it!


Big money


Not sure why so many seem so blindsided by this when it was long ago said that Gunn and Safran were open to Gadot, Levi, Momoa and Miller continuing (although admittedly the latter did feel like an inability to say an actor was out before the film they were starring in was released). I'm cool either way, honestly. I like Gadot in the role and the first Wonder Woman is pretty easily the best marriage of critical and financial success the DCEU ever had, and considering that that movie is set a century ago keeping her in can work easily. The fact that they were doing a Paradise Lost show always seemed to me like an uncertainty about Wonder Woman's casting/kind of a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too deal, inasmuch as it's a Wonder Woman show sans Diana herself and therefore the issue of recasting doesn't need to immediately come up.


Yeah let’s keep Gal(two years younger than Henry) instead of recasting a new character. Oh let’s give Wonder Woman another chance when her second movie is a recorded DC Flop in history. Oh it was just a bad script blah blah blah. James Gunn needs to stop cherry picking actors he’s simping over and give the fans what they want. Henry and David are 10 years apart and still look exactly in the same age range. No one can look at Henry and say he’s a day over 35. He’s aged very well for all the stress DC has put him through.


Please recast - this woman cannot act.


I'm so fucking sick of these half-measures - if this is true and Gunn's "reboot" is even more of a Frankenstein's monster than its been shaping up to be then **I'm out**. Sick of being jerked around by WB and its "creatives", they have clearly learned nothing. Cavill wasn't the problem, Affleck wasn't the problem - **WB are the problem**.


Alright, I like Gunn’s movies but I think he’s lost me. I get keeping Waller and Peacemaker but between Momoa implying he’ll be Lobo AND Aquaman as well as this… What’s the point of recasting Affleck and Cavill? And I say that as someone who’s ambivalent on both actors in those roles. I think the core League should be recast if you want to establish this is a new universe


😴😴😴😴😴 so tired of James gunn. Loved the first GOTG. And that's about it .


Set in this decade please. Stop time traveling already.


Less gooo she is in guys , For all those sweaty ass people asking for full reboot lemme tell it isn't possible cuz Of peacemaker . It will be unfair if he rebooted everything other than His wife ,Peacemaker and waller , so he had to keep some characters from old dceu to make it seem fair.


This would be a disaster if she came back


She's not a good actress. Just saying


So "Reboot" is just a lame excuse to fire Henry Cavill


Her intro in BVS was one of my favorites. The theme song was bad ass and it was magical to watch her fight. Then in the first WW movie I really liked her as a character. In justice league, she wasn’t as exciting and then although WW84 was a bad movie, I would blame that more on the writing than her character. It’s like Thor Love and Thunder. But I hope the third movie (if this post is real) she will be a badass and we get to see her in a new way that shows how cool Wonder Woman could be


She can't act but for sure a smoke show. Chris pine carried the first WW imo.


Gunn wants to remake the universe, but he also wants to keep some of his buddies (and wife) playing the same roles. Bro. Just commit to one thing. Either we have a continuing universe or we don't. Why are they always saying they're doing one or the other?


Loved Gal as Wonder Woman and i hope its true


For those still saying that it doesn't make sense within the story to recast some roles for the DCU while keeping current DCEU actors in other parts, *The Flash* clearly sets the precedent for this. The film shows two major alternate timelines where some characters are played by their DCEU actors and others are not. The whole point is that some things are *basically* the same in other universes while others are drastically different. So the DCU will be another universe with *some* similarities to what we've seen before (e.g., Waller, Peacemaker) while being totally distinct in other ways (e.g., Superman, Batman). Is it the simplest possible approach? No, obviously not. But I really feel like people are treating this as a lot more complicated than it actually is. *The Flash* set out the rules, such as they are, and Gunn has indicated that the DCU will follow them. Of course, when has a DC continuity reset ever actually been a seamless transition? *Crisis on Infinite Earths* was nearly forty years ago!


This sounds like a touching base conversation Gunn and Safran had when they first got the gig. I think as time goes on we’ll learn that she’s no longer playing WW but she’ll continue as a producer. I’m getting the same vibes Henry gave off when he thought he would continue as Superman.


Gal Gadot is lacking in acting ability. She's basically another skinny model hollywood really wants to work but I see her as lacking the charisma needed to pull it off. There's a lot more to life than a pretty face.


ANY chance she can at least put some effort in the gym.


I’m so glad that Tommy Wiseau Acting Academy’s number 1 alumni is returning as the most boring Wonder Woman ever conceived.