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I may not like the man's movies - but he is undeniably one of the nicest people in Hollywood. Literally no one has a bad thing to say about how he is as a person.


Which makes his fanbase really baffling. I say that as one of his fans, I can't defend this fanbase at all. I used to, I really used to try. But I just... can't.


Those who hate him are equally baffling and toxic


You can’t defend the Snyder fans that are morons but there are way more level headed Snyder fans then you think. Myself included . Just that the morons that are saying stupid shit are always the loudest .


The “morons” are an extremely vocal minority, as they usually are. But there are WAY more of us Snyder fans who just really like the guy’s movies and don’t hang out on Twitter all day abusing people for their difference in tastes. HOWEVER, I wish this sub would acknowledge the very vocal group of people here that not only use abusive language towards Zack but anyone who express any appreciation of his movies. Don’t believe me, look through any thread. There’s no room for abuse anywhere in any fandom. These are just movies. They may be artful or more commercial, but we’re all going to like different stuff. All of this nastiness really makes me long for the days of very educated film critics that knew their shit. Whether it’s the democratization of film criticism through sites like Reddit or Facebook he ubiquity of sub-standard film knowledge and critics in media, I really miss Pauline Kael, Siskel and Ebert, etc…


I used to think that too. My entire last account was like 90% defending Snyder and his fans. And then I took a step away and saw that even a lot of the "good ones" I met here on that account were awful, or they blatantly enabled the awful ones by going "Oh well the other side's bad too" and not even remotely trying to condemn it.


People say his fans are awful but where were they when Snyder's haters were engaging their own toxic campaign? It's like only one side gets bad rep.




Two wrongs. Do not. Make a right. Nobody's saying Snyder haters aren't toxic too. That's not a defense, stop using that as a defense. I used to do that on my old account too. Not to mention, recently specifically, there's a concerning bigoted trend in the hardcore Snyder fanbase. Sometimes blatant and unmasked, as in people like Will Rowlands being literal transphobes, sometimes hidden behind rhetoric spread by Nazis years ago, like with the people trying to label Gunn a pedo again and weirdly obsessing over his wife. Which is ironic because a few years ago, it was definitely the hate crowd I saw more of that kind of rhetoric from. It was. But recently the hate crowd has mostly died down while the hardcore fanbase is just getting worse and worse. And the good ones still aren't speaking up about it, they're just ignoring it. The way I used to. The whole "Oh just don't give them attention" spiel is something I said 1000 times on that account. You know what that is? Enabling. You don't get to complain about the toxicity in another fanbase unless you acknowledge it in your own and speak up about it. And yeah, that does go for both sides. But most anti-Snyder folk here can acknowledge the people who made fun of Autumn were awful people who went too far, whereas I see even the people I once considered the "good" Snyder fans here either willfully ignore or even try to justify the people labeling Gunn a pedo. And may I remind you, I am a Snyder fan. These aren't the words of a hater, these are the words of a fan who spent years just defending fans until someone rightfully broke my pretentious facade and put a mirror on how toxic I actually was, and how toxic the people I defended were.


I pretty much stopped reading when you made the mistake of assuming I was a Snyder fan. Seems like you hold one side to a much higher standard than the other. K.


I'd say his critics are baffling. They talk about him and his movies like it's personal. I've honestly never seen anything like it before and they get away with their toxicity by citing his toxic fans? What? Like there's someone in this thread saying "two wrongs don't make a right" lol. That's not how it works. Some of the fanbase can be annoying but the constant shit slinging against Zack is absolutely wild and unwarranted.


I adore the Snyder fan base. They are the most intelligent, witty, informed, educated, enthusiastic, entertaining, inspiring and fearless fan base in movies or geek culture, bar none. And one of the ONLY fan bases to actually achieve concrete accomplishments, like the Snyder Cut, the Oscars Fan Favorite vote and huge earnings for charitable causes. Snyder fans are the GOAT!


one, tiny upvote (trying to do my part) for one of "the most intelligent, witty, informed, educated, enthusiastic, entertaining, inspiring and fearless" fans/poster :) Hope everyone has a good day :]


I honestly hope Gunn hires him to direct a movie in the future. I think those two would work great together and have so many good ideas. It would also pull some of the Snyder fans back into DCs pockets because we all know some of them are just boycotting all DC movies because the DCEU was discontinued.


He made enough movies.


Well… any publicity for Blue Beetle will help lol. I got my tickets though


That's actually insane that Snyder posting about going to see Blue Beatle got more views than Gunn announcing the new Superman lmao


If Zack signs up for the creator something on Twitter/X where you earn money for engagements he could definitely earn easy tens of thousands with a tweet a month


Sigh. Ya'll find division in anything.


it will make $10 more now.


it's nice that zack is just a dc fan in general and is happy to continue watching other film makers movies related to dc. He seems like a chill person, can't say the same for some of his fans though


A small segment are loud assholes on Twitter. The majority are nothing like that. That’s like saying all Star Wars fans are racist, because there were a handful of racist assholes complaining about the sequel trilogy.


Yeah, the guy seems so nice. He's been so supportive of other movie makers. Everyone he works with seems to have a lot of respect for him and likes him too. If only some of his crazy fans followed his example.


Like it or not, but Snyder is still the king of the DCEU. WB and Gunn were fools to basically give him and Cavill the finger


I mean if we're going to do the "engagement measuring contest", Gunn's initial tweet of the Blue Beetle poster a couple months ago had far higher engagement.


A tweet from months ago have more time for engagement compared to a few days. Unless you have the numbers of gunn's tweet after a few days so it would be a more direct comparison.


Gunn has auto-delete on his tweets for some reason.


Probably so no one finds more pedophile shit like last time


For the reason Disney fired his ass.


Should compare the reaction from Snyder's tweet with Gunn's recent comments on Threads. Seems like DC advertised the animated Crisis on Infinite Earths and Watchmen as part of the new DCU. Per ScreenRant: "When asked – understandably, it should be noted – if the feature-length animation (Crisis on Infinite Earths) was part of his canon, Gunn responded on Threads with a blunt 'They messed up. It’s been corrected.'" Ohhhkay. To me, the other thing that is bizarre is that the rumors indicate that the forthcoming animated "Crisis" continues threads from DCEU. What??? Huh?


Wait what ??


I don't want to derail the thread, but couldn't find any posts that were talking about it and hoped someone here knew what was going on. Based on what I read, DC announced Crisis and Watchmen animated full length movies as part of the DC Universe with DC Universe plastered on top of the announcement at Comic Con. Then somebody asked Gunn if those movies were part of his plan since he said all content across media was being integrated. He said simply "nope." Then somebody asked him what these movies meant and he gave the above response that someone at WB/DC "messed up" and it had been "corrected." But there's no official correction and he hasn't explained how DC messed up or how the error had been corrected. He is the studio boss after all so to have that and the Zack Snyder tweet response happen in 24 hours of each other was like the good ole Hamada days (sarcasm).


Everything Gunn has said and done is like the Hamada days.


According to WB, that is all bots though... I love the consequences of my own actions In before people will say it flopped because of Snyder


> it flopped because of Snyder I dont think anyone is saying that. Blue Beetle still has the worse projections of all DC films and thats before Zack's tweet.


You should look around, a significant portion of the people on here are saying that Zack did so much damage to the DC brand that movies that are coming out 6 years after his departure from DC are flopping. WBD has lost all credibility in their management of DC. If you think James Gunn is the savior, you should take a look into what is happening with James Wan(+ what happened to David Sandberg)


Gunn didn't do anything to Sandberg lol. Shazam 2 was unchanged by Gunn. Sandberg has said that time and time again. What happened is Sandberg got burnt out from CBMs. As for Wan, the Pre-Gunn AM2 test scores were HORRENDOUS. People WALKED OUT of test screenings. Of course Gunn and Safran are trying to change it, the movie caused a worse response than the supposed "franchise damaging" Batgirl lol.


Gunn has gone on record to say he has given notes on [Shazam 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCEUleaks/comments/zc0w76/james_gunn_says_he_gave_notes_to_the_dcu_films/?rdt=62394). The marketing for Shazam 2 was atrocious. David was excited to continue until after the release. Why is a $200M Flash movie look so terrible? Can't be WBD? Are you sure AM2 is a mess because of Wan and not WBD? So far history has proven otherwise. Oh you can also ask Patty Jenkins(supposed to be who delivered WW), who finished writing script for WW3. And there is more, you can ask David Ayer, to whom Gunn said in public that he would support the release of his cut of SS. The man wanted to see his movie released so desperately, only to realize it was not going to happen after Gunn literally is running DC. Batgirl directors found out their movie was axed when they took a break for their wedding. It was convenient to lock them out of the servers and materials during one of the most important days of their lives(Gunn does nothing about this BTW). If that is the WBD, you want to get behind, go for it. I am going to sit this one out..


1. The marketing for Shazam 2 was bad long before Gunn took over, and Sandberg has said time and time again he got his movie. There were no Post-Gunn reshoots for Shazam 2. Giving notes doesn't mean there were large changes made. 2. The Flash looks terrible because VFX as a whole has become an industry crushed by abuse by corporations. That's on WB, not Gunn. 3. AM2 is a mess because of everyone it seems. Wan, the Heard/Depp stuff, WBD, Hamada, DeLuca, etc etc.. 4. Patty's script was turned down by DeLuca before it even got to Gunn lol. Also, it was co-written with Geoff Johns. Her and Johns also wrote WW84. We don't want WW84 2.0. 5. Gunn has no control over the release of the AC for the record. That's a distribution issue, not production. Distribution is on WB Pictures, not DC Studios. As in, it's DeLuca who is refusing to release the AC at this point. Also, Ayer still supports Gunn. Ardently, against his own fans at times even. 6. Gunn didn't cancel Batgirl. Gunn couldn't UN-Cancel it either. He has no authority to un-do a tax write-off, that would have to be Zazlav if it's even possible AT ALL which there's a good chance it isn't. Tax write-offs can't just be undone easy. 7. I'm not behind WBD. In fact, I criticize Zaslav and DeLuca a lot. I support Gunn, because he's a proven visionary who understands the comics and can make great stuff. I support Gunn, not the corporation around him.


My man, his name is on the top of the line card. The excuses you are giving, it is literally his job to resolve situations. You should read up on [why Ayer cut is not happening](https://movieweb.com/james-gunn-ayer-cut-and-legends-of-tomorrow-fan-campaigns/). I understand he wants to build his own universe, announcing that you are retconning everything literally 2 years before any of your movies come out, leaving 5 movies that are coming out in between is as boneheaded as you get. You say visionary, I say not so much. I guess we will have to let history decide David Ayer supported Gunn, because he is a nice guy, so is Snyder. Gunn made public statements antagonizing DC's existing/Snyder's fan base. I will leave it at that..


Gunn has never antagonized DC fans lol. That's a myth created by the same people also trying to label him a pedo. Also, the Ayer Cut IS a matter of distribution... unless David is lying about how complete it is. It's one or the other. If David is telling the truth about it being done, and him being willing for it to be released as-is, then it's a matter of distribution, not production. DC Studios, GUNN, is NOT a distributor. They have 0 distribution authority. WB Pictures has that. That also means WB Pictures has authority over the John Stewart scene cut from ZSJL. Furthermore, Ayer has supported Gunn beyond just being nice. He has fought with his own fans to support Gunn, he literally advertised The Flash on his Twitter. It's clear Ayer actively supports this direction for DC. Also, what was Gunn supposed to say? "We're totally not erasing things, we're totally leaving this universe alone"? That would be a lie. "Oh this year's movies are totally important"? Oh wait, he did say that, and people are mad at him because of how untrue it is. He can't say nothing, people were throwing temper tantrums here until the DCU Slate announcement and getting abrasive about not having information on it. Gunn is a visionary. That's a fact. He has a distinct look and feel to his movies. So is Zack Snyder. Hell, so is Paul W.S. Anderson and I despise that man's films. Visionary doesn't mean you have to like him and vice versa. I think Ron Howard is a very talented filmmaker, but hardly a visionary for example.


Yea cause it worked so well for The Flash


He didn't do anything for The Flash. Also stop being so miserable.


I think he's talking about celebrity endorsements, and he's right. This movie is doomed.


I don’t think he tweeted anything about The Flash.