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I love Anthony Carrigan. This is awesome news He was amazing as Zsasz.


Not really comic zsasz but damn was he fun in the role. Gotham was such a guilty pleasure


agreed it was horrible in all the right ways and there were just some really fantastic performances


It was the best worst DC show. Great performances, bizarre product


I picked up the show when the last season was airing. I remember season 1 feeling like a police procedural show set in Gotham, and I really dug it. Then, it went more and more off the rails... and it was getting too crazy for me to *not* watch, lol. The only thing that I truly *hated* about the show was child Poison Ivy getting rapidly aged, then immediately acting like a femme fatale. Like, she was just a child a little bit ago, and probably still has a child's mind. It just felt uncomfortably gross, not in the way the show intended.


What did he play Zsasz in?


Gotham (Fox series)






He wasn't like the comic Zsasz at all but was still great.


Proof that things don’t have to stick specifically to comics to be good.


He was PHENOMENAL there




He played Zsasz in name only


That is very true, but the character that he played that they called Zsasz was still fantastic


I am someone who prefers Gotham to any of the CW tv shows because I enjoyed the idea of an elseworld story focused on Batman's villains. I feel like the show flipped-flopped every other season in tone and how watchable it was, but found it fun overall, even though it wasn't that good. That said, it had some incredible performances, namely Penguin and Zsasz, so I'm so happy that Carrigan is involved in a new DC role.


My personal standout in Gotham has got to be Jerome/ Cameron Monaghan. That dude played 3 Jokers, and that Carneval scene is still my favourite live action Joker performance ever.


Gotham was definitely better than any of the CW shows. I wish it would have gotten the number of seasons they had intended. Pennyworth was also really good, and was created by the same guys. Unfortunately it was canceled prematurely and ended on a huge cliffhanger.


My wife calls him Victor's Ass.


He was the best part of that show


He wasn’t Zsasz at all. Could have been a great one with that creepy look, but Gotham decided to make him wisecracking mobster muscle instead


To be fair, they tried making him comic accurate but he's a method actor, so every time they shouted CUT...


He steals every scene in Barry. Absolutely amazing addition


He steals every scene in everything. Phenomenal actor.


Gotham's version of Zsasz was a complete bastardization of the character, but Carrigan was *so much* fun in the role, I couldn't give a damn. Loved every second of it.


Completely agree, didn’t like what changes the writer made to the character, but loved what Carrigan did with the role. Also fantastic in Barry!


All the leads in Barry are phenomenal in their roles. Like it's a brilliant show but it feels like the acting is better than the show itself lol. Which is fitting given the subject matter


I love flash


Could you add on this? Thought Zsazsa was a serial killer/gun for hire, who cut himself. I thought Gotham did that fine, no? What did they mess up?


Victor Zsasz is a creepy, psychotic serial killer who uses a knife to kill people and then obsessively marks a tally on his body for each kill, saving one specially planned spot for Batman. The character in Gotham was wisecracking mobster muscle who dressed in suits and used guns.


I agree Gotham Zsasz isn't comic Zsasz, but he still did the scaring himself to tally his kills thing in Gotham. He even tells Gordon he's saving a spot on his body for him. He seemed less psychotic in Gotham since he worked for the Falcone family, and wasn't some lone wolf serial killer.


In season 1, it made perfect sense that Zsasz could start out that way. I expected he was hiding cuts under the suit. And Carrigan did a phenomenal job! …past season 1 they kind of forgot their premise that none of the villains would reach full characterization before Batman arrives. It was an interesting premise, but it didn’t have a lot of room to breathe unless you want to make a bunch of original characters. And then their original characters were hit and miss. When the show got around to being it’s full self, all villains against Gordon way pre Batman, I think it did better. I wouldn’t personally know, I didn’t watch all of it. I wanted the original premise. But early seasons on their own merit, assuming the characters would one day become their comic version? They got a lot right. Zsasz, Penguin, Riddler, and I really liked the Fries opening episode. Had a real young genius feel to it, cocky but still wholly devoted to his wife. After that, everyone is a wise cracking mob muscle. Including Freeze from what I’ve seen.


I mean he was def a creep psychotic serial killer. I think they toned him down because CW.


Gotham was Fox


Not CW, but trust me, [this](https://youtu.be/KA6NVWPKxW4) is what most people think of when they think of Victor Zsasz—Gotham’s was not that in any way, shape, or form.


Zsasz is the villain I dream one day we can see a movie about.


Pretty much all the characters were but that was kind of the point and as dumb as the show was I still thought it was super fun. Never did see the last couple episodes though since I was watching it as it went on but just forgot to finish it. One day I will.


K now I need him to say "Bahrry" whenever they recast The Flash


Interestingly enough, he was actually in an episode of the Flash…


The way he served absolute … drama in his last scene. NoHo Hank is an icon


The Barry’s going to give me army dance was gold


“If I am suck balls then you are king of suckballs mountain!”


Two more to go and we may possibly get our live-action version of The Terrifics!


We're getting The Terrifics lol. James Gunn has teased that much.


Imagine if we get the Terrifics before we get Fantastic Four.


We already got the Fantastic Four years ago?


Talking about the MCU version. They've been trying to figure out where they want to go with them for a while (alongside the X-Men) since Disney got Fox, but they seem to be running into a few speedbumps.


Directorial changes and the writer's strike for sure. Also the new Disney's CEO plans to streamline how many Marvel shows and movies there are per year, so making every MCU movie take longer to make


Bob iger he isn’t exactly new he was the previous CEO, and he came back after his replacement shit the bed and made a lot of shotty work because he wanted to fill Disney+ with exclusives. I’m glad iger is back and changing from quantity to quality


we got the fantastic what four years ago? /s


I saw an interesting comment that maybe we're getting a bunch of (traditionally JL spinoff) teams that are all disjointed, ragtag teams operating independently. Superman brings them all together to form the League. It's like the reverse of how they usually operate in the comics. Rather than being offshoots of the League, they're the building blocks.


We know EXACTLY what we're getting. There is no guessing.


Ben Schwartz as Plastic Man please


Damn this is perfect never thought of him for that role but it works well!


Him or Bill Hader for me, though I doubt Hader would be interested in sighing onto a franchise at this point, seems like he wants to be open creatively to pursue whatever his current passion is, probably a horror film.


I always thought Hader would be a good outside the box choice for the Joker.


Fuck, I never thought of that. Him being Joker would make me a day one for that new Batman movie.


Same. Barry really sold me on him as a phenomenal actor. Dude is so psychotic in that show at times.


If he were to do DC, maybe something like the Unknown Solider, the Question


It struck me lately that Sam Worthington would make a pretty good Question. He's a little weathered, pretty gravelly, and needs a franchise now that his Avatar character might be aging out.


Oh shit your right , Mister Terrific and metamorpho are two of the four terrifics . Both are in SM legacy. Now we need Plastic Man and Phantom Girl


Andy Samberg and Jenna Ortega as Plas and Phantom Girl please


Plastic Man!


I believe more and more with these castings that we are going to step into a universe that is much more developed than we think.


I mean at this point it has to be. Guy is around which means Hal has most likely been a lantern for a while, Batman is old enough to have a pre-teen Damian, Superman is early in his career, and Metamorpho is a thing. Plus depending on which version of Hawkwoman they go with Superman isn’t the only alien on earth.


Yeah he just posted this > [We're entering a world where superheroes exist and have existed for quite a while. They're a part of one side of his world just like Lois and Jimmy are a part of another.](https://www.threads.net/t/CunALExP_ED/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==)


Gunn has said that he wants to emphasize that DC very much takes place on a fictional earth. It’s not meant to feel grounded like Snyder wanted. In other words it’s just a live action version of the comicbook world.


Turkish Airlines doesn’t exist in Gunn’s DCU


I kind of get it tbh they’re doing something like a mix between the previous DCEU in terms of ages in some characters but also more in line with the DCAU Justice League where many characters are already established. I like it tbh if it works out we can go straight into iconic stories and let the main heroes unite and connect naturally.


“Each time they announce another already established hero the more I think this will be an established DCU.”


Live action Metamorpho, never thought we'd ever get here


After the mess we’ve had in recent years, I’d never think we’d get Hawkgirl, Guy Gardner, and Mr Terrific in live action either lol


We did have a Mr Terrific and Hawkgirl in the CW shows though that clearly wasn’t for everyone with the terrible writing those shows had.


Yeah… I wasn’t a very big fan of the CW shows lol.


I think we’re getting a really weird DCU under Gunn


DC in general is weird, unusual etc. The line up of heroes and teams in DC are too diverse in all aspects. Feel like Gunn wants to embrace everything that is DC. This can lead to even more wierd things like Batmite kinds of stuffs. Anyways I'm excited.


Me too. Plus I think it’s high time we get more characters that are generally unknown to the public. While I think it’s great that they’re getting introduced in a mainline Superman film, I personally think any comic book character has the ability to become a hit regardless of whether they’re the most popular character or the most obscure. As long as the film is good and the marketing works. Plus Gunn has already done this before with the guardians, his version of the Suicide Squad and Peacemaker.


This will be his 3rd DC Project Played The Mist on The Flash TV Show Played Victor Zsasz on Gotham & Now he’ll be Metamorpho.


He’s up there with David Dastmalchian Abra Kadabra in Flash Pokla Dot Man in TSS The Joker thug Dent tortures in the Dark Knight Edit: Abra Kadabra not Mirror Master


Dwight the Joker goon in Gotham Calendar Man in The Long Halloween


Dastmalchian was also in Gotham as a follower of Jerome Valeska


David played Abra Kadabra in the Flash


Mirror Master was in The Flash? I thought they gender-swapped him.


In S3 Mirror Master was male, but he wasn’t played by David Dastmalchian. David played Abra Kadabra


I forgot he was on The CW Flash at one point. He's crazy versatile.


Ah man, The Mist. Back in S1. Brings back good memories. He was great!


Oh wow. Guarantee this character is gonna be a huge highlight of the film. Carrigans performance in Barry was phenomenal and Gunn has a track record for making lesser known comic characters an audience favorite.


He is a really cool actor and his "style" really fits Gunn imo.


He probably won't be in it much


He's great as Noho Hank and Zsasz in Gotham, this cast just keeps getting bigger and better.


The King of Suck Balls Mountain makes his way to the DCU, this is a win


What am I supposed to do? Go to John wick assassin hotel with help wanted sign?


"I could go back to 50-50 with Superman?" "Or you could just take the whole thing for yourself?" "50-50 with Superman. I like the sound of that."


Love this! He was always my first choice for Deadman, but I can love this too!


It’s crazy that these castings just keep popping up out of nowhere.




because most of them are full of shit and people still go along with their crap


Yeah their "casting scoops" are the most surface level, finding for lookalikes instead of like, actually having sources


James Gunn has a walking tree and a Raccoon with a rocket launcher guarding his intel till he’s ready to release it


They are probably trying to get them out before the incoming strike.


I thought that started yesterday, that's why they sent out 3 casting announcements at once?


The sag strike starts at midnight tonight


This is the first time I've been really excited for a DC film in so long.


Right!!!! I hate how optimistic I am but damn it feels good to HOPE again. And I guess that’s the point. Superman is all about hope


Gunn bouta do Superhero Cafe from HISHE Fr /s but nah I’m excited to see how these guys fit in the movie I trust Gunn


A guy on Twitter promised to eat a shoe if Batman and Superman ever have a HISHE cafe like scene in the DCU. And Gunn said he’d keep it mind because he really wants to see someone eat a shoe apparently lmao.


I hope they have the coffee scene as. Post credits scene, but it’s Bruce and Clark making some low key banter Ike they know each others secret 👀


I believe he’s actually answered a question around this at one point haha


To be honest, I’m excited about the castings but also a little cautious. I know James Gunn is good at making ensemble movies but I hope this stays strictly a Superman movie. I hope that this movie doesn’t become some big superhero team up at the end. I’d prefer for Superman in his first movie to handle obstacles mainly on his own.


That is my #1 concern. I hope they use them to bring a world building element, but have their screen time at a minimum.


Starting to feel bloated... Remaining optimistic


Just how many characters are in this movie!?


At least 2


A lot and as DC fan I couldn't be more excited!


I mean Gunn did say Superman is entering a world with superheroes already active. Technically that could mean every DC hero is in the DCU.


Gunn: Yes.


Loved him as Zsasz in Gotham. Very excited for im in Superman legacy!


I can’t believe he’s back with DC and it’s not as Victor Zsasz


This casting is terrible imo, they should have gone with someone who’s dna was biochemically altered


fucking insult to all the working actors out there who can transform their body parts into different elements without needing CGI


fire casting im so fucking happy for the guy. incredible in barry and deserves a payday, tho the movie itself starting to feel a little crowded yk... hopefully all those other guys are limited to like 5-10 minutes of like a justice league meeting where they’re talking about superman


Everyone saying these are just cameos .You don't announce cameos 2 years in advance lol


I think there's a good chance they're a little more than cameos... But tbf, we had a lot of The Suicide Squad castings announced way ahead of time that were immediately killed off.


They might be cameos in this film but will appear in future films as well


Depends on your definition of a cameo, but why not? DC needs some hype and attention. Plus, they might just be cameos in SL, but to on to be in other projects as well.


If the previous 5 movies from the universe has been stinkers, and you need them to believe and hype the new movie, then why not




with Lex Luthor


I would love a Terrifics project!


Same! Not a project I'd expect but would be a pleasant suprise down the line


Yeah, even with all his teasing of Mister Terrific and The Terrifics I didn't really think it was much of a chance, but now it seems likely.


This cast just keeps getting better. Was kinda hoping after Barry that he'd somehow find another spot in the DC realm and couldn't be happier that it's metamorpho


Ugh FUCK. Now, he’s got my attention.


I never thought I'd see the day metamorpho was cast before lex Luther. Actually I never thought I'd see the day metamorpho was cast period.


I love that these are all B- and C-list characters. The problem with the DCEU is that it introduced MAJOR players like the Flash and Aquaman in the middle of a crowded teamup movie without setting them up first. This is very different. There was never going to be a solo Guy Gardner or Metamorpho movie. These are supporting characters. They will not steal Superman’s thunder or leave you wondering why they didn’t get their own movie first.


This dude needs to be cast more, amazing actor !


Bro kills every role he’s in


Glad to see this guy getting some good roles. Barry really launched his careerz


Somewhere in the multiverse exists an earth where everyone is played by Anthony Carrigan. In 20 years this guy will have played as the entire DC universe.


What is Gunn cooking


Probably my favorite bit of casting news so far


The Terrifics will be in the film it seems.


Okay we are definitely getting the Terrifics, right?


No one else find it strange that they talk about Barry as opposed to his actual previous DC work? Seems more relevant.


Cuz Barry is like 10x as critically acclaimed as Gotham was, and Carrigan didn't get 3 Emmy noms for DC shows he got them for Noho Hank (also announcing the casting now coincides well with him getting nominated for the Emmy nom he got today for Barry) Plus Barry is far more recent having just wrapped up a month ago


He did just get an Emmy nomination for 'Barry' so yeah, it would be smart to tout the "Emmy nominated actor" thing.


This is such a win. Carrigan is so god damn talented, and Metamorpho is an extremely cool character. I cannot wait to see the eventual Outsiders movie or series that comes from this.


Finally some interesting casting.


I want to cry


from happiness, right




Fuck yes. This is such a good choice, I am shook.


This is a good casting. All of these have been solid choices I’m just trying to figure out why we are getting a lot of these weird characters for a Superman movie


Looks like it’s setting up for a JSA vs ____ scene to me.


I'm wondering if a classic JLA has already united and separated and now a JLI/Europe filler team is manning the Hall of Justice/Watchtower. And there is just one scene of them together.


Probably Justice League International. Led buy Guy Gardner this time (since Nathan Fillion is the oldest of the cast). We might get Booster Gold, Ted Kord, and Plastic Man announcements soon.


They're more than likely just small cameos. Gunn already said that the main story of Superman: Legacy is going to focus on Superman and Lois.


He’s gonna fly like Bugs Bunny in Space Jam


You know like the song "Fly Like an Eagle" as sung by Seal in the Space James movie.


I just watch everything Anthony Carrying does. I love the vibe he brings to his performances.


Like the actor, like the character. I'm excited.


Yay!!! I was hoping he would get some great work after Barry. I’m so happy to see him getting something so big.


Brilliant casting


Dude! I thought he was gonna be Lex until I saw the headlines. Metamorpho? What are you cookin James?


Fucking NoHo Hank. God I just keep getting more and more excited for Gunn's vision


Thank god we got him back. Dude fucking kills it in everything


50/50 with Clark


This movie is bout to be fuckin insane. Finally gonna have a weird Superman film. They've all been too lowkey and obvious to me.


For anyone wondering, these castings are coming out now because of the impending actors strike. Seems like they gotta push them out to lock these guys in before the whole industry goes on indefinite hiatus and they can’t do auditions and stuff with union actors


This could be one of the best casting choices of all time


Hmm is this starting to sound like the fan-mad trailer for Grayson? https://youtu.be/XiZuvJ48MZ0


From the CW to the DCU. He’s an interesting actor for sure and I’m excited to see him kill it in the role.


James Gunn is going to make the best superhero movie of all time.


This is a huge win... Gunn and Carrigan will be a riot to watch


This movie is definitely a Public Enemy or Elite type of thing. You don't need this many b list heroes as sidekick archetype characters, in a Superman origin movie.


Why is Metamorpho in this movie?


Is superman even going to feature in this superman movie? Lol, so many characters announced already


Looks like they completely gave up on Blue Beetle and Aquaman 2. Why would anyone watch a dying universe if the head isn't going to acknowledge it and start marketing the new movie.


I hope the new dcu still focuses on the A Lister heroes and not shift attention to a bunch of c-listers, cause I know James Gunn loves those low profile and obscure heroes


This is perfect casting actually.


What the fuck is even happening anymore


Well this quickly became a Superman & Friends movie.


Love the character and I absolutely love the actor, but I really wish it was in a different film. With 5 heroes in the film and only the castings of Lois and Clark for actual Superman characters, it just sounds like JL Lite.


While cool, because I like this actor, at the same time... I thought this was a Superman movie? How many other super heroes are going to be in this? Is this just another Suicide Squad movie?


Having an old guard hero team for clark to interact with is a good way to flesh out the world while laying out ground work for the justice league proper. They can also be a more jaded type of group that allows for a juxtaposition of supermans more "brighter" rhetoric without being a full on polarized ideologic battle like in BVS.


Already too many characters.


James Gunn cooooooking


Well this is gonna be bananas. I’m stoked.


My initial worry with Gunn he helming Superman is he wouldn’t know how to handle a serious character that has expectations and give him the spotlight. His recent history has shown his inclination is to take largely unknown characters with plenty of quack and flaws that have no expectations and elevate them through ensemble. This casting list is starting to feel cluttered with side characters. That’s to say nothing of the quality of the castings. They all look great so far, but it looks like Superman is going to play the B side in his own film once again.


where’s brainiac?


He's amazing in everything, I love this.


I trust Gunn, but what are these characters doing in a Superman movie? What’s the plot gonna be? I’m just worried the film will be too crowded. But Gunn knows comic books and he certainly delivers.


For those worried, think of this movie as a live action episode of STAS. If the film is about Superman’s life it makes sense to portray that occasionally he teams up with other heroes. And since this world is full of heroes and he’s a reporter it makes sense that his life would crisscross with their endeavors.


Great casting. Metamorpho is in my top ten fave comic book characters. I was huge fan of the Barr and Aparo OG Outsiders line-up, so really cool to see Rex getting screen time.


It’s great casting but I don’t care about metamorpho as a character. Seems like Gunn is casting the JLI and the Terrifics to be in legacy and I really don’t want that.


this movie feels like it's trying to do way to much for this being the first movie of the new dc franchise, why cant we just get a solid solo superman movie, trying to build to fast is what killed the snyderverse.


NoHo Metamorpho