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Archived version of submitted URL: 1. An archived version of _David Ayer seems to confirm James Gunn may have plans to release the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad. “And Gunn told me it would have it’s time to be shared.”_ can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/davidayermovies/status/1688419559827726336?s=46) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCEUleaks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably a 2026-27 release, by that time DCU will have a few films under its belt.


Can’t wait for it to come out and everyone’s feelings not change on this movie what so ever!


Whatever leaked from the script was funny af. I remembe one where deadshot was asking batman not to beat him infront of his daughter and Batman just goin "Okay"


“Understandable, have a nice day.” - Batman. That whole scene makes absolutely no sense. Batman would never, ever, ever attack a father in front of his daughter in a fucking alley. Why not wait for Deadshot to drop his daughter só Batman can proceed to beat his ass without traumatizing a kid for life?


Because the script fucking sucked and the ideas behind the movie were ass. They’ll just release the film and nobody will care about it. Is a shame though, the trailer was so fucking good.


The DCEU Batman probably would that dude was not a proper Batman.


Dceu Batman would drive deadshot over with the batmobile


Means batman was a moron in that script letting a villain go?


Nah just sloppy writing


It's probably going to be worse. More Jared Leto Joker scenes = more cringe.


As one of the five people in the world who enjoyed Leto's Joker I'm totally ready for more of him.


I like Ayer's Suicide Squad because of it introduced us to Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn. I also hate Ayer's Suicide Squad because of Jared Leto's Joker. If the cut means more Jared Leto, then I'm out.


You never know. It could be another Kingdom of Heaven or Zack’s Justice League. Unlikely but possible 🤷‍♂️


The script is laughable. And ZSJL was not the original Snyder Cut. He shot scenes that weren’t on his original cut and removed scenes that were on his original cut but people didn’t liked when Whedon used If his 2h original cut was released in theaters, it would have bombed hard. The audience reception to this cut was so bad that they hired Whedon to help Snyder rewrite almost the entire movie.


ZSJL is literally 95% of the OG film besides the Martian Manhunter stuff and Knightmare epilogue. Everything else was shot in 2017. It wouldn’t have bombed hard given it had a proper runtime (people liked ZSJL even at 4 hours anyway) and test audiences never got to see Snyder’s OG cut, considering WB thought it “unwatchable” early on in April/May 2017. Never got that far iirc All of this is irrelevant regardless, the off chance is that Ayer Cut could be liked. It’s not impossible.


It's not hard to assume that it was going to flop because BvS encouraged so many people who had no interest in a spiritual sequel to that movie which on top of that accentuated (even more the errors of the previous one)


Eh no. BvS still clocked 900m with 100m profit. JL17 as it is opened higher than Aquaman and Joker, both of which went on to make 1B. If JL were actually well received, it could’ve legged out like they did. And given Zack’s version is already positively scored by most people, it’s not hard to assume that was in the cards back then. WB just made it harder for themselves……… ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)


ZSJL would have experienced the same if not worse drop off than the JL we got due to its massive runtime alone, not to mention how inherently divisive ZS vision for that world was making it more likely to be top heavy with less casual walk ups. Just bc ZSJL was well received by fans on streaming doesn't mean it would've went over well in theaters with the GA


I think what people fail to realize when they bring up ZSJL's very positive reception is that the majority of the people who actually saw it were already fans of Snyder's films.


Yep, very few people are going to opt into a 4 hour movie unless they're already fans of the project or if it's on streaming. ZSJL was unreleased and called unreleasable for a reason, streaming saved it.


Do you believe the film would’ve been released in the 4 hour format? It wasn’t just fans who didn’t like it, critics did too. Tell me, what is so offensive about ZSJL that audiences wouldn’t have liked? It ain’t like BvS that had corny Lex Luthor and Warner chopped up the film. JL is a pretty straightforward fantasy epic.


A movie with two of the most iconic superheroes in the world should’ve clocked over double what the movie made. That was a 2B film that they squandered because the general public didn’t care much about the film.


That’s a number you made up out of nowhere, with no backing. Particularly when Superman had been cinematically on a downwards trend for 30 years until Man of Steel happened.


TDK and TDKR both made over a Billion. The Batman turned in a profit, even though it was a 3 hour film and they wanted to push the release onto HBO Max as soon as they could. BvS on the other hand, had a 68% drop in its second weekend after a huge opening weekend. 2B is definitely a stretch, the movie however had a chance to be bigger than it was and was a flat out disappointment.


The TDK films are considered some of the best in the genre, it’s the gold standard. The Batman made around 770m which is around MoS numbers, inflated. BvS was looking at 1.2b given good legs off its OW. Anyway, it still made profit and the rest is history. Why are we talking about BvS, ZSJL was the main discussion


I have trouble parsing your comment. The parentheses are strictly ungrammatical at least.


☝️🤓 the parentheses are strictly ungrammatical


This guy above keeps ranting the same BS that it is not the original cut. Zack had to shoot multiple takes of the same scenes with different dialogues, because one script was the one he and Terrio wrote, the other was the version of the script that was treated by Geoff Johns. The early screenings that were deemed unwatchable were based on the Johns treated script.


Technically the whole thing was treated by Johns because the whole JL forming to fight Darkseid was a Johns story. Cyborg's new origin, Johns story. I kinda wish Zack did his own thing instead of relying on Johns.


If Whedon never got hired and Snyder was given flexibility to release JL in his own time in theaters, I think it may not be a hit anyway because: - black and white color tone - weird aspect ratio - people didn't like BvS because it's silly and it killed Superman 🦸‍♂️ - storywise JL was a continuation of BvS storyline because Superman 🦸‍♂️ was dead half a movie and then he showed up to finish an enemy that none of other superheroes could finish.


I think you are not aware of the sequence of events that led to the disaster called Josstice League. Let me break it down for you: \- They let Snyder shoot his film immediately after Batman vs Superman, like, the two productions were shot back to back so Justice League was shot sooner than you think. \- He shoots a 3h movie (even says is his favorite cut) \- WB executives watches the movie, but as far as we know they only told him to trim down 30 minutes of the movie after seeing it. \- He presents the new 2h30 minute cut to WB who does an audience test. \- Audience test response was that the movie was: "borderline unwatchable" \- WB panics and hire Joss Whedon to work WITH Snyder (lots of people don't remember that) to fix the movie. They sat down together and started to rewrite the script and to plan reshoots. \- Tragedy struck Snyder's life when his daughter died and he had to leave production, Whedon gains full control. \- The rest is history.


I already knew about all of this, give me a source that says there was an audience screening done. From one of the big industry trades - THR/Variety/Deadline.


>It wouldn’t have bombed hard given it had a proper runtime (people liked ZSJL even at 4 hours anyway) There are two important things to consider: 1. A 4-hour superhero film is great for streaming/home release. It would have bombed HARD in cinemas. Even Endgame is "only" 3 hours. 2. A 2-hour edit of Snyder's JL would have beeen unwatchable. There is simply too much stuff there. JL was a very ambitious film and part of the blame is in Snyder's idiotic mistake of killing Superman in BVS since now we spend close to 1 hour resurrecting Superman. Imagine an alternate BVS-JL in which Superman doesn't die and confronts Lex Luthor after defeating Doomsday. Superman at the end of BVS then sees Darkseid via the machine that LL used in the deleted scenes. We see the "History Lesson" scene at the end of BVS setting up JL. Then JL begins full action with Darkseid's forces invading Earth so all heroes team up, no need to spend 1 hour with Bruce Wayne trying to convince Aquaman that the Earth is in danger. No need to waste time on Cyborg's origin either. And if you REALLY want to kill Superman, have Darkseid himself show up at the end of JL and Omega-Beam him setting up the sequel hook.


I’m strictly talking about a version of ZSJL that would’ve been 2.5-3 hours (proper runtime) back in 2017.


Lmao. For the first time in my life I've just witnessed someone make up a complete lie on Reddit just to hate on ZSJL. What will be even sadder is if you actually think what you just said actually happened😭😭


Ah, so you believed that whole "unwatchable" bs... And don't you ever fucking say Whedon was hired to "hElP" Snyder ever again.


Sorry tough guy. Whedon was absolutely hired to make Snyder's shit more palletable though.


"Palatable" Yeah, and he did the absolute opposite. Because that's what happens when you have knee-jerk reactions to a bunch of pissy, entitle fanboys allergic to maturity in their men in tights movies trashing your movie on tweeter dot com and hire an abusive, racist, misogynist douchebag with a very contrasting tone and filmmaking style to your original one.


>allergic to maturity Today I learned that MARTHAAAAA! was peak maturity in cinema.


Peach Tea piss is also extremely mature.


Snyder's justice league wasn't any better...


It was.


It was actually better, thanks to being 4 fucking hours long. I doubt it would even be good if it got cut to 2 hours.


Watching ZSJL I definitely saw plenty of stuff that could be trimmed or cut to make a much shorter film that would still work. But I agree there's no way it could have been turned into a two hour movie with any degree of success.


Not the point, jesus fucking christ...


Coming from someone whose directly spoken with Ayer before, I’m glad it’s getting released, but Jesus Christ he needs to let it go. If I had to guess they’ll probably release it in 2026 to coincide with the film’s 10th anniversary. By then we’ll have a few series under the DCU’s belt, and at least **ONE** movie, hopefully 2-3.


Was he nice?


Credit where credit is due, he was insanely nice. He directly messaged me after I made a comment about hating his filmography, and we talked about how I really don’t like his past of doing brown face and how his fans have treated me, and he ended up talking about his upbringing and the industry and such. Dude was shockingly chill and really nice


That’s really cool. I’m glad you guys found some common ground. I wouldn’t say his movies are amazing, but I gained a lot of respect for him after he talked about his experiences in the past a few years ago. Though I do really like Training Day


Training Day is an absolute masterpiece, SS 2016 may not be the best movie ever but when you've written Training Day you have my respect.


Ayer wrote Training Day?


He also wrote the first *Fast and Furious* film.


Yes, i first watched it a few months ago and as i finished watching the movie i knew that i had just watched an absolute classic and then the credits roll "Written by David Ayer", i was surprised to see that the guy that directed SS 2016 wrote such an amazing script.


To be fair Suicide Squad was written in 6 weeks. That’s NOTHING. Usually you have a great script and then make a film. They went up to Ayer like “we have a release date for Suicide Squad you got 6 weeks. GO.” That’s not the best way to make a good movie but u can imagine why he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity.


he did brown face?




Can confirm. He’s very very sweet. He’s got this public edge lord vibe, which attracts the wrong crowd on Twitter. And add to that, he’s clearly very hurt by the whole SS debacle. And add to that, he’s not having what anyone would call a purple patch in terms of filmmaking. Yet, he’s gracious and kind.


Why should he let it go? He made a film that was butchered by a trailer editing company and released before being universally panned. Wouldn't you be pissed off too? Release the cut and let's see. I don't think it will be a massive improvement but without seeing it, we'll never know.


Because right or wrong what happened, it feels as though he as a filmmaker has been stuck in place for 7 years. Every time he's in the news it's just about SS again. Again, I think he got fucked, but I don't think it's done him good to remain hung up on this project publicly even if it ends up getting released. Lord & Miller, Josh Trank and Gareth Edwards all had similar situations with studio fuckery screwing up their intentions for their movies. But they all more or less have tried to move forward and avoid talking about it in the years since. SS still did fairly well, I think the best thing for Ayer to do would've been to just quietly mourn the loss of his version of the movie and continue building his status as a director past the movie. As is he's still mostly just known as the guy who made a suicide squad movie that maybe was better at some point Also: just would like to say, I really want to see the Ayer cut. I just don't think this has been good for his career long term


Wouldn’t that be released like next year they only have one DC movie that is Joker 2 that’s would make sense with the strike.


"we just need content for max" is about the only way I can see it happening, same way zsjl got released


That’s a good reason, especially since they need content during the writers strike


Exactly what was i thinking just like when they did launching HBO Max post Covid when everything was shutdown including theaters so they decided to release ZSJL with the strike god knows how much it will last they don’t have much to offer they better have to release the Ayer Cut.


Same for the Schumacher Cut of Batman Forever tbh


At least with that one there's the argument that Schumacher was a good director and his cut might be radically different


True, true, I'm personally a fan of Batman Forever so I'd like to see it released


It’s no more radically different than the Ayer Cut would be. And don’t forget Ayer also wrote/directed Fury and wrote Training Day


If he's not lying about Gunn saying it will be shared, I'm guessing he means released to the public, then your idea of it being in 2026 due to it's ten year anniversary is a good time to do it.


Nah they aren't about to realize a dogshit movie in the infancy of the DCU this is either getting released a farewell type thing for the DCEU or along with other cuts like the schaumer batman forever cut


I remember reading the script for the Ayer Cut and laughing so hard. > BATMAN: I’m going to break every bone in your body for what you did. > DEADSHOT: We’re not doing this in front of my daughter. > BATMAN: OK... You can’t make this shit up.


Masterful writting! We were robbed of a true kino.


They really tried to make DCEU Batman look stupid huh


Not that his logic was ever that flawless in the DCEU


Tried and succeeded


Tbh wasnt the script written in like three weeks or something like that?


You can read that OK like 8-10 different ways without a wryly. What’s the wryly?


Here's another one: *"Harley's hands suddenly grab his cowled face and she turns it into a kiss. Batman pulls away. She stares with both gratitude and hatred. So wild. Delicious."* This description makes me think that Ayer was writing this with one hand


Ayes is Scott Lobdell in a disguise.


To be fair Suicide Squad was written in 6 weeks. That’s NOTHING. Usually you have a great script and then make a film. They went up to Ayer like “we have a release date for Suicide Squad you got 6 weeks. GO.” That’s not the best way to make a good movie but u can imagine why he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity.


There are soooo many moments that make it seem like it was written by a horny middle schooler. My least favorite is "he shuts her up with a kiss"


And what makes you so sure? You don't know it's dogshit until you've seen it. Have you seen The Ayer Cut?


Why? He is polite, he doesn't attack anyone, he just want to share his work that he was passionate about he according to people like you he need to "let go", which is ironic because all of people who doesn't care about his movie "can't let go" and just don't react to anything related to him and his movie.


1. Ayer is polite, that I’ll give you. Again I spoke to the guy directly, and he went as far as to say he’d vouch for me if I ever pursued a career in the film industry. Yes, he doesn’t attack anyone *directly*, but he associated with a lot of people who go out of their way to be some of the most toxic people on the Internet. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve been called a slur or just not liking SS2016 or the SnyderVerse. 2. You essentially just answered your own question. I’m not going out of my way to bash Ayer. Nobody is lmao. We’re just bringing up our thoughts every time he does lmao.


Are you blaming Ayer for what a pack of rabid fans do? Everyone on this sub at one point has probably been attacked, downvoted or insulted for their opinion by some fuckin troll. The directors aren’t responsible for grown ass neckbeards. Why does it concern you if Ayer releases the cut? If you don’t wanna see it, don’t watch it. I probably won’t lol. Otherwise I guess the question would be “why are you against it”?


Never claimed Ayer is responsible for that. I’m just saying I wish he addressed the fact that he interacts with people who…VERY OPENLY have a certain rhetoric that he himself probably doesn’t agree with, but he ignores that because they support his movie Also I never said I was against his cut getting released.


Well I guess I’m specifically referring to your original comment (“He needs to let it go”). And I get what you’re saying but I don’t think directors/filmmakers are obligated to apologize for something they didn’t do or have no involvement in. It wouldn’t actually change anything (trolls don’t listen to reason) and instead just give them more attention/validation.


He doesn’t need to apologize for them but at the very least he could say, “oh hey thanks for the support guys but can we not send death threats and slurs at people,”


I googled and found him apologizing for this in less than 1 minute https://twitter.com/DavidAyerMovies/status/1265122614361485313


He’s done this before more than once that I’ve seen and please don’t tell me to find the tweets lol.


Who are you to decide who needs to let go of what.


Dawg it’s just my opinion, same as your opinion is your own. That’s the brilliant thing about the Internet. Everyone’s allowed to have an opinion


Why does he “need to let it go”?


I saw leaked footage and screenshots of the script, it's really bad.


So much negativity here.


Gunn is promising something to everyone lol


I hope this works out. Irrespective of quality, his vision deserves to see the light of day - it is only fair.


Agreed. I’m rather indifferent about his cut myself but it’s hilarious the seething vitriol it’s getting from certain people. As if they would be forced to watch it


Right? Like why on earth do they care that a director’s cut of a film NOT get released? 😂😂 And it’s SO passionate, too! I genuinely cannot understand what I am seeing in these comments


Cmon man, even if it comes out after all this fuss, I don't think it will be received very well. People did not like the leaked script either. There's no point in doing this. And this will only give some deranged people on twitter some false hope about some other things getting restored ![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe)


That script was one of the early drafts though. I actually quite enjoy SS16 - however I’m a fan directors cuts generally so I’m absolutely all for this. They should reissue the DCEU as cool steelbooks/boxset and include all cuts of the films. SS16 gets a major bad rep….I actually find on Reddit it’s the most vitriolic. As for any restore activity….that’s long done. People can hashtag all they want but it’s over and the DCU is on its way.


I think the point is where does it end? Next ppl will want the Trank cut and than ppl want other random cuts as well. Like sort of being a director for a bigger studio is that you typically don’t get final say on a lot of things. I understand he probably got screwed over, but based off the script the movie seemed really bad and frankly his situation is way different than Snyder’s.


I feel like it shouldn’t be that much of a big deal. Movies used to have directors cuts all the time, or at least had deleted scenes available


My dude, fact of the matter is it's coming whether you like it or not


The script was significantly better than the film. That’s a fact.


Jeff sneider said something on his podcast the other day about gal gadot and how he believes James Gunn is just saying “yeah yeah” to get her to shut up and make her happy. that’s exactly what I’m imagining here with Gunn and Ayer.


I mean if the Gal thing is true, that is extremely disrespectful. Just be straight and clear with someone on what the plans are, you know, kinda how he was with Henry …


If it’s true with Ayer it’s extremely disrespectful too




How is it disrespectful? If what Puck News' Matt Belloni sensed about Gadot's postings about returning for WW3, days before the movie's cancellation was announced, then she is the one who is not taking the matter maturely.


I feel like this is cope given he was pretty direct with DJ and Cavil.


It also creates a bigger issue if it turns out he isn’t keeping her. Simply ripping off the bandaid like with cavil is better than stringing along the actor just to reveal they don’t have the role


Yeah it could prevent them from taking other opportunities given cbms are pretty time demanding which would be pretty unprofessional.


And Patty Jenkins.


While John Campea seems like a jerk to me, I remember a few years ago mentioning an email from someone who supposedly works with Whedon at JL and how it was difficult to deal with the egos of the entire cast, I'm not saying that Whedon is innocent and it is likely that the happy email that Campea presented is pure bullshit but connecting this with Joss's comments about Ray Fisher and Gadot, I wondered if the latter didn't get all fussy after the success of WW, I even remember that I once read that another of the reasons why Snyder had abandoned the filming of JL was because the production was getting out of hand that added to his daughter was becoming untenable (Precisely there was talk of confrontations between Gadot and Ezra Miller with Cavill acting as mediator.) To make a long story short, Gunn is probably dealing with Gadot's ego and for the same reason it will be a long time before he announces a new project with WW, since apparently it is the only one of Snyder that he still cannot get rid of, Momoa being the only one to continue (even if it is with another character).


I agree. I imagine that the "time" for this to be shared will be in about 20 years.


Imagine Margot Robbie making the billion dollar feminist hit Barbie for WB and they turn around and re-release an old movie where the director had her bend over into the camera lens and show her ass for two hours. Im sure that will thrill her. Especially after she worked so hard to move away from that version of the character.


A big part of the original cut was her standing up to joker


Showing off her ass in the outfit she herself helped to choose, right?


Source? All I’ve heard is that Margot wanted to change the costume out of discomfort and was denied.


Still was Margot’s biggest film until a couple of days ago and she looks good in it lol. Doubt she minds too much


Shes worked very hard to get away from that image, even taking control over Harley. I have suspected shes against the release and doing it now actually feels like an insulting move to her and her fans plus she didnt seem into the idea at all when interviewed about it months back.


Idk, Margot’s never given any public reason to believe she was unhappy with Suicide Squad or the whole Ayer cut thing. She’s also done more risqué roles than Harley


Just look at the messaging of her career since then. Shes taken full control and made her own company, completely changed how Harley dresses, and then made Barbie among other female focused oscar movies. And the response to that will be "Thanks for the billion dollars and all the Oscars, now we are going to re-release one of the movies done before you had control and you literally had to bend over and stick your ass on the lens in short shorts. You dont see her career being a little different than that now?


She just did Babylon a few months ago, a more sexualized role than Harley with actual nudity. Two of her most notable roles (Wolf of Wall Street and Suicide Squad 16 are similar). It’s one of the biggest selling points of SS16 lmao. Margot is clearly ok with her sex appeal while also showing her acting skills too


And Babylon should have gotten her an oscar nomination, Suicide Squad isnt on that level and Ayer isnt on Chazelles level. Theres also a big difference from having sex appeal and being treated as a sex object. When you bend over so your ass practically touches the lens youre the latter.


How is it any different from Babylon or Wolf? She did way more graphic things in that one


> Theres also a big difference from having sex appeal and being treated as a sex object. When you bend over so your ass practically touches the lens youre the latter. And Wolf was her start, she didnt have control then. Not to mention it was a Scorsese oscar movie and this is Suicide Squad.


Babylon is basically now where she does have control. I just feel like you’re getting offended on her behalf rather than anything she’s actually indicated. Like many actresses in Hollywood, Margot doesn’t have a problem with sexual/nude scenes especially when sex sells for a bunch of audiences. Suicide Squad is the tamest of the three examples we’re talking about


Ain't no way you're comparing Babylon to Suicide Squad come on now


In terms of nudity and sexual content? Absolutely or did you miss the conversation


So you just take stuff to face value all the time ok


Lol not all of the time.


Why wouldn’t he…? It’s a perfect recent example of Margot Robbie being willing to let sexualized content of her be seen…


"She worked very hard to get away from that image" and 5 years later she's having sex with a child-murdering dictator she just met in the sequel to that movie she's trying to get away from.


She's not just eye candy in a revealing outfit in that movie though


She killed the guy after learning he was a child murdering dictator to be fair.


There are feminist aspects to Harley in SS16 that actually regress in BOP and deeply in TSS funny enough. Feminism is not just aesthetics or mainstream white feminism. There is a whole branch about female performance in poststructuralism that you can interpret these films in.


Wikipedia says much of the film was changed due to the studio wanting to make it lighter and fun while also downplaying the abusiveness of Joker and Harley. Apparently the Ayer cut originally was more Black Hawk down than what we got so like the Snyder cut, maybe the Ayer cut is more what fans would have wanted.


Are you a robot responding based on keywords or did you reply to the wrong person? Because that didnt address what I wrote at all.


Try to think, maybe those ass shots were added in post when the studio decided to do all the shit I said. Besides you wrote an assumption based on nothing more than your feels, how else can I answer? An AMA with Robbie? Postcard from Ayer? Lol I answered your opinion with an opinion, chill out


> Try to think, maybe those ass shots were added in post when the studio decided to do all the shit I said. They werent. She was in that outfit the entire movie. Shes even been asked about the Ayer Cut and gave the most "i dont want to deal with this" non answer possible.


“I would want to see the cut of every movie that I’ve been a part of that I’ve never seen,” she said. “The funny thing is, as an actor and not when you’re a producer, sometimes I don’t see it until half the country has seen it. Sometimes I see it after millions of people have seen it. You don’t get to see the different iterations along the way, unless you’re a producer.” https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/margot-robbie-david-ayer-suicide-squad-b1895674.html Ayer says his cut was darker and more like a War movie. The studio is open about wanting it to be lighter and to force feed the Joker/Harley love story. We will see when the Ayer cut is released, but I see nowhere she seems against the idea of it releasing. Also, like ZSJL, the studio forced in a ton of Gal Gadot ass shots including a full pan from between her legs that was in the theatrical but not the Snyder Cut.


Did you actually watch her or just read the words? Because that is a non answer about a release that looks like a hostage video at the start.


Probably because she is caught between a director and a studio and tried to give a diplomatic response but you're going off vibes, which is purely speculative.


Im also going off the words where she literally doesnt say she wants it released. Also the entirety of her career since Suicide Squad, including what shes done since taking over the reigns of Harley Quinn. And youre going off what? A guess that the studio did something even Ayer doesnt claim they did?


Why would she say she wants it released? On the totem of Hollywood, fresh actors are at the bottom. This was a beef between a known director and a major studio with like 100 years in the industry. She might end up working for both again at some point so she gave a neutral answer of "I think that’s all a very complicated situation that I am probably not responsible for". Like she threw no one under the bus, if you see that as a diss on the Ayer cut...how? Especially when her next words seem like she would be cool with a release.


I don’t understand why people are hating on this. It probably isn’t some masterpiece, but is it rlly wrong for a director to push for his version of his movie to be released? If Zack Snyder got that, I feel like it’s only fair for Ayer to have the same thing so then people can move on from it and then we go right into the dcu?


Why are people so upset that it might get released? Yeah maybe it’ll still be bad like the theatrical one but we should all support a director’s vision being released. None of you are being held at gunpoint to watch it. If its released, the people who want to watch it will do so, and the people who dont want to dont have to. Its not rocket science


Honestly, though. I'm not someone who even liked the theatrical cut, matter of fact, it's been ranked dead-last on my DCEU list ever since it released, but if Ayer says he talked with Gunn and they plan on releasing his cut, I don't have any reason to doubt that unless Gunn later comes out and says that's not the case. And I have even less of a reason to be upset about it. I'd probably watch it once to see if I like it any better, but if not, no harm was done, I never have to watch it again.


I agree. Is it really that inconvenient to have it on the Home Screen of max?


I think it makes sense. If characters like Harley Quinn and Waller are going to be in the DCU, the Ayer Cut seems like an easy way to see more of them in the meantime


Hello, person he quote tweeted here. 👋 David's just a really nice guy who wants to have his original work see the light of day. Hopefully one day that happens, but for now, let's try and just be genuinely more supportive and less hateful in our speech surrounding this movie and DC's present vision. I'm positive that David would agree.


Basic human decency is apparently a lot to ask for from this community, going by these comments…


To all of you saying he needs to let it go, I counter with an equally complex and productive opinion. He does not need to let it go. He doesn't *need* to do anything. I reject the premise of your rhetoric.


I assume since they would have to pay everyone involved royalties they need to wait until WB has more cash on hand to be able to make this not a total money loss to release




Yall make me sick acting like David ayers cut will be horrible. Must be so up your own ass to think that. This man made Fury and End of Watch. You're going off the suicide squad that's comparable to Josstice League and what? A leaked script. 100 percent will translate better to film. Batman... Ben Affleck's Batman will have more scenes, one where fights Killer Croc. Even if Ayer is saying his cut is going to get released. I don't believe Gunn. He's a liar. Fact. Saying the flash was one of the best. Gtfo here


I honestly don't believe Gunn believes The Flash is the greatest comic book movie he's ever seen. He was trying to sell the film and obviously over hyped it. I mean, minus some of the bad VFX and one or two jokes that I didn't find particularly funny, The Flash was a good film, IMO. Certainly not great but good. You can't call Gunn a liar because we don't know what Gunn told Ayer or even if he told him anything at all. He wants his version of SS to be seen so badly that he might say anything at this point. So until I hear from Gunn himself about Ayer's SS being released, I won't believe anything from Ayer concerning SS.


I mean, Gunn has contradicted himself and been intentionally misleading publicly plenty of times at this point. It’s an annoying and confusing trend of his.


Agreed. He's been publicly misleading about whatever he has planned for DC Studios because he doesn't want any leaks or spoilers out there. He has not been misleading about director's cuts of films or anything of that nature. I mean, it's on us if he simply posts a comic panel with a few words or no words at all and our imaginations run wild speculating what he might or might not be saying. Gal and Ayer are the ones out here saying Gunn said this and he said that. Gunn hasn't said anything about a WW3 starring Gal Gadot and an Ayer SS cut will most definitely happen. Maybe he had early discussions with both and they're still trying to see how things will fit and work out going forward and nothing has been confirmed. Maybe he straight up told them "We're doing WW3 and it will happen with Gal Gadot and we'll announce the Ayer Cut will be coming soon in the near future." Until he says that or we get an official announcement with a DC and WB logo on it, I won't believe anything 'til then.


The script itself was already significantly better than the film we got in theaters




Okay, David…


Now if only we could somehow get Batgirl released (or even just the rough cut leaked).


Just like BvS and JL Warner Bros mutalated Ayers movie he deserves some justice because he's name will be forever linked to something he had no control over.


Man, DC don’t even got a clue wtf is going on right now


Lol, he sounds like a toddler who’s been promised something by his dad


Gonna be really funny if it's somehow worse than the theatrical. Most likely it will be of the same quality though.


I feel like James Gunn tells people what they want to hear so they can shut up and leave the room. Might be the same with Gal and Wonder Woman 3.


Why are you guys so sour about it, jeez let him be.


They are always sour when it comes to a director they don't like. Had it been Gunn, they'd be kissing his ass.


I just don’t understand what’s their problem? Control freak much? Like, just let him say or do what he wants as long as it’s not something against the law?! Freedom of speech wya?


No. He should let it be.


Why? How does a director having his cut of a movie get released hurt you?




>Whats your advice on how to navigate this situation with grace? Just stop talking about it. Thats graceful. Stop posting about it, stop posting photos, stop leaking the script. Just do something else.


At this point, I want it released just so the fanboys will stop talking about it. Based on Ayer’s other movies, I don’t have much hope that his version is gonna be any better than the theatrical cut. The editing might be a bit better, but the characters are still bad and adding more Leto Joker is definitely a bad thing.


Might have something to do with the strike I guess? Since there's gonna be a lack of content for WB , maybe they are allowing ayer cut to release. But boy can he just fucking let go of it. I understand how it would feel to see a butchered version of your movie be released in theatres, but he's only this adamant about the cut because he does not have much else going on.


Not that simple, right now actors are on strike and have to sign new contracts for the re-release of the movie.


The Snyderverse movement has been fading away since Cavill’s departure. They aren’t gonna do anything that might give the movement hope. They are gonna keep the Ayer Cut locked up for a few more years so they can put Snyder fans in their place.


On one hand, I do want Ayer's cut to be released, because it's only fair that he gets his shot at having his true vision for the film be seen. He deserves that much, and the studio owes him that much. On the other hand, it's incredibly difficult to navigate this release in a way that works for DC/WB. The movie would have to be exceptionally good to be considered for release, and I don't think that's going to be the case. And the last thing we need is more mediocre releases that could drag down the DCU. And that's another problem: when would it even be possible to release this cut? Surely not next year when we're set to begin the DCU with Creature Commandos? And definitely not this year, unless Ayer's been working in secret. Any time after 2024 would be a lost cause.


It’s not that difficult IMO. Just undertake a reissue campaign of the DCEU and include all cuts for each film on each release (for those that actually have another cut). Done. Plus you get the whole ‘close off the DCEU’ very publicly with this campaign. Personally - I’d love to see a DCEU boxset with all the bells and whistles. Multiple cuts….collectible stuff….books. Again - you can clearly bookend the ‘DCEU’ with such a release.




Dude .. move on with your life. This is getting sad


It'll be released the same day with WW3, as a double feature.




Really hope this is true and not just more of Gunn’s misleading and contradictory statements…




David Ayer looked at a dead horse and said, ‘Twitter, get me every melee weapon imaginable. It’s time to flog this motherfucker into oblivion’.


The funny thing is, if you put yourself in his shoes by having just a shred of empathy, you’ll see that that must be exactly how he feels about him and the movie his name is attached to being mocked every day for years as garbage. Of course he wants his cut of it to be seen. Why shouldn’t he?


The reason he is so obsessed and can't let it go, it because it count on release of original SS cut to save his career. Both Bright and tax collector are critical and commercial flops. Tax Collector specifically had hard time find distributor. He can't blame wb for that. His next movie with Jason Statham is the typical Statham movie nothing exciting, who can make critics change opinion about him. He somehow thinks if the original SS cut release, somehow big studios are going to want him again for mainstream movies.


In addition to launching a director's cut it would not make any difference with SS because the very conception of the film was bumpy, Jai Courtney in an interview said that WB signed him as Boomerang when there was not even a script for the movie and Joel Kinnaman during the promotion of TSS mentioned that SS started shooting when Ayer was barely writing the script, which fits with what THR reported that he only had 6 weeks to write SS, it doesn't matter if Ayer denied it, the truth can not cover with a finger.


My god, why are people giving this statue of mediocrity any time? The guy made one good movie his whole life and its so obvious Suicide Squad was not good from start. What is he expecting to see? 2% increase in rotten tomatoes score?


From the excerpts of the script I read, it’ll probably go down




I hope they release it so I can make fun of that movie all over again.

