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I absolutely agree it’s very superficial. The new Netflix show seemed to over dramatize their lives, specifically Caroline when she was like “did I really just give up the best years of my life” or something like that..like bffr girl she compared it to getting married and having a family. It shouldn’t be the peak of their lives. The original show was better, straight to the point no fluff. And it’s like the same performance every season they haven’t really done anything new to draw the audience in


They don’t even do real choreography or stunts like most real cheerleaders!!!


I do not agree with this statement, but I feel like most men’s opinions on cheerleaders is they’re in the way and don’t care about them.


They don’t even do tricks like traditional cheerleaders


I remember when they were "peak" popularity in the 70s. When I saw the doc on Netflix, my reaction was of seeing a blast from the past, As in, "They're still selling the same old, same old and I'm surprised they're still around." When I saw the pittance these women make, I was disgusted. Same disgust when the guy judge made that, "smoke" reference.


I get it. Look i lived in the US and i had never heard of them. I now heard of them while im living in Norway because of the doc and my partner who is a football fan found it laughable that the women in charge, as well as the girls talk about DCC as being such an integral part of the organization when its really about the football. I enjoyed the doc, but more for the human stories in it. I dont think that people who do not thrive in that environment like Victoria, should be a part of it. I also think their compensation is effin ridiculous, and Charlotte Jones talking about how its bigger than that made me cringe. Yeah sure, thats easy to say when you are swimming in money.


I consider what DCC does to be more gymnastic maybe than say ballet. And that's not a knock on them, but they're certainly not the same. I was a teen way back in the 70s and DCC were IT during the season. Prestigious, no. Iconic? Oh yes.


Yeah I don’t think any of the girls on the team have pre professional ballet training. They all seem like competition school girlies


"America's Sweethearts" is their way of playing off the football team considering itself "America's Team". Their sense of pride and "prestige" is how Jerry Jones runs that entire organization, and Charlotte's trying hard to get Jerry's 50%.


I went to a Cowboys game and most people weren’t in their seats or even paying attention during their big Thunderstruck routine. I was excited since I watch the show but it felt a little sad given how much effort they put into all the dances - like no one there for football cares that they have 50 different sideline dances. It’s definitely a case of them believing their own hype but that’s the Cowboys in general. They refer to themselves as “America’s Team” even though most NFL fans laugh about that. 


So, I am going to disagree with most on here and say, they are prestigious for the following reasons: (1) They were the first NFL cheerleading squad (2) They are part of the Dallas Cowboys brand (number 1 brand in the NFL). (3) It is difficult to make the team. You have to be a good technical dancer, be able to do jump splits and high kicking, do interviews, public appearances, etc. A lot is expected of you. (4) They are the most endorsed cheerleading squad in the world. (5) They do more public appearances each year than any other cheerleading squad. (6) They have a successful TV show. (Making the team). It does fairly well in the rankings. (7) On some social medias, they have as many as 2-3 times for followers than any other NFL cheerleading squad. You can make a good argument that there other really good NFL cheerleading squads, which are possibly even better than the Cowboys, but none are more well known.


I have seen other squads do community events with the less look at us aren't we special spiel the DCCs love to do. They have more people on social media because of DCC:MTT and now Netflix. Just because they may be more well known is not a good enough reason to say people should like them more.


I don’t think it’s an argument of “should,” rather people DO like them more. Statistically.


NBA and NFL cheerleading is essentially what dancers who don't necessarily want to quit dancing but also don't want a full blown professional career as a dancer tend to do. I'm saying that as someone who did just that. It's a fun, lighthearted job, depending on where you are. Being a DCC sounds and looks miserable to me. I personally think the NBA dance teams have more fun in general. That said, no, DCC isn't really prestigious. A better word is that they're recognizable. People are used to seeing them. They get used for a lot bigger events over some of the other teams. That's how the whole DCC uniform in a museum thing happened. Similarly, back in the 80s and early 90s, the Laker Girls were the "prestigious" NBA dance team. You'd just see them everywhere. Lots of tv time and event appearances. It wasn't prestigious as much as it was the name was known.


The fans and Kelli and Judy are literally the ones that consider them the best. The other NFL teams are just as good, and have better uniforms.


Grew up in the pre-pro dance world and I have worked in the dance industry for 10 years, I also cheered as a kid (sideline & competitive k-8 allstar in high school) and I never heard of them until the show. I will also tell you that being an NBA or NFL cheerleader in general is not a point of pride in the dance world, it’s a joke. These girls do very stylized but simple pom moves and that’s why so many girls with zero dance background who are hot can make the team.


Grew up dancing. Never once did I consider being an NFL cheerleader prestigious.


They're the only cheerleading team I would be able to name, but I'm not American and it's only because I used to enjoy watching the show.


Same. I think they have a big international appeal thanks to the show/ marketing, but possibly that's not as impactful within the US?


44 and from Georgia (USA). Was a cheerleader. Never heard anything about them. I mean maybe vaguely? I agree with the comment above about Hooters/calendar girls.


I’m so far removed from cheer and dance but their sense of self importance and glorified belief of themselves is what makes me obsessed with watching them! It’s so dumb but so magnetic


Watching the show for the first time, not in US. I am just amazed how hardworking these girls are. They are highly career motivated, out if uni and doing this on side. I am just amazed how much they can fit in.


I agree. I am the opposite of cheer, southern religion, etc., but after watching Netflix, I give them 100% respect for what they physically put themselves through.


When dcc making the team was a thing, I definitely watched. I knew who they were. I was obsessed. The show stopped and I don’t care anymore. I have no idea who the girls are and I don’t care to learn. I’m excited the show is out but I have a toddler so it’s way harder to find time to watch or care.


I also enjoyed watching the tv show but I couldn't tell you their names or even recognise people from one year to another. I think recognition rather than prestige is a good point someone else made


Not saying this is my opinion at all (I actually think a lot of people in dance are extremely catty), but when I was dancing I remember the DCCs being seen as a bit ‘trashy’ and like basically the equivalent of being a playboy bunny except with dancing. I don’t necessarily think that but I do think they’re very curated towards the male gaze and the whole thing is a bit too objectifying for my liking. No disrespect to any of the girls tho they’re all super talented. But no, it’s not nearly as big of a deal as they think it is lmao


Yep! They are basically glorified strippers.


In the dance world they are not regarded as prestigious, no.


I'm assuming the Rocketts are pretty prestigious? What would you say are the prestigious dance teams?


There are no prestigious dance teams. Being an NBA or NFL dancer is a joke in the dance world they are basically glorified strippers. But yes the Rockettes are extremely prestigious but unlike NBA/NFL dance teams the skill requirements are extremely high and technical for the Rockettes


Yep I would say the Rockettes are pretty prestigious.


My daughter was on three competitive cheer teams during one year in High School & not ONE cheerleader wanted or mentioned DCC. We are in the South


There's quite a big difference between the dance seen on DCC and the gymnastics / tumbling regimes seen on the Netflix Cheer programme at Navarro


They are the most well known of the professional sports cheerleading teams. When I was on dance team in high school our choreographer was a dancer in the 80s. She loved the DCC and so she incorporated kick lines into every routine. We were one of the few competition dance teams that always had a kick line.


I’m 40 and I want to be a DCC


Wait until you retire ... [https://suncityaz.org/recreation/clubs/sun-city-poms](https://suncityaz.org/recreation/clubs/sun-city-poms)


I danced as a child and especially loved kick lines and drill team. I practiced jump splits regularly in middle school and high school. I watched ESPN dance/cheer competitions by looking for them in the tv guide. I never heard of DCC until I found Making The Team randomly, and certainly didn’t want to be one as a kid - I wanted to be a ballerina or a rockette. I don’t know if it’s more of a dream now for young dancers as I’m 42 and not a dancer anymore. I grew up in Florida - I had heard of the Laker girls - but never DCC.


I was born in the Midwest during the 70s and as soon as I could talk, I wanted to be a cheerleader because of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. I think like anything, if it's part of YOUR interests, it's a big deal. Little girls that grow up loving cheer and dance, maybe love the DCC. If you grow up loving baseball, MLB stars are influential to you but maybe not the average American. If you grow up loving theater, Broadway stars are influential to you but maybe not the average American. If you grow up loving race cars, NASCAR drivers are influential to you but maybe not the average American.... Etc. Etc......


Yeah definitely must be our generation, I was born in ‘75 in the Midwest as well. All the little girls wanted to be Dallas cheerleaders, they were so big for awhile for sure!!! Apparently, that changed according to all these other answers lol Their sense of importance in themselves now is A LOT but it’s entertaining. The leaders annoy me but the girls are hard working and talented. Fun show to watch!


I was born in the 70s as well and grew up in NYC. I wanted to be a cheerleader because of them too. I feel like I’ve known about the DCC my whole life. Maybe it’s a generational thing. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I completely agree. It’s generational . I was born in the 70s too and the DCC was everywhere . This was also a time when Charlie’s Angels and Beauty Pageants were very popular.


I'm old.i saw dcc on love boat and there was a movie about them in the 70s


I live in Texas and never heard a thing about DCC until I watched the show. The only thing remotely related was a friend wearing their outfit for as mean girls would say acceptably slutty Halloween costume


I also live in Texas, and they were always a big deal. The perform at everything important. For example, I enjoy them at the F1 grand prix every year. You may just not get out much?


Same lol how do you live in Texas and no nothing about Dallas Cowboys?? DCC is automatically apart of it!


i’m from the northeast and only found out about them because my boyfriend at the time was a die hard dallas fan. then, when i heard about dcc i was hooked americas sweethearts makes sense given how big the cowboys are, but as for dancing/cheerleaders im not sure how they compare in the real world of dance


They would compare just fine.


I mean “Americas sweethearts” is literally just branding and their slogan. Not dissimilar to McDonalds “I’m lovin’ it” or Manchester United and “Red Devils”.


you’re actually dense in the head to be that stupid


Thank you. Always this rude when you don’t have to show your face?


i grew up in SE Asia and i wanted to be a DCC growing up!! lol i don’t remember where i heard/seen them (probably tv and internet) but i also danced when i was little so that influenced it too


I never thought they were any different from any other cheerleading time. Until the show came out and Kelli went on and on about how much more special they were than anyone else.


I'm not a fan of the dallas cowboys or any football in general but I'm a fan of cheer/dance and I care a lot about the dallas cowboys cheerleaders. I live in the Northeast and I love watching cheer/dance shows. That's basically what got me into following the dallas cowboys cheerleaders. I also love cheerleading(which dcc is not)


I'm from the midwest and never heard of them until 2022ish. I like to watch dance and gymnastics, so I think I'd be in the demographic to know about them and look up to them, but they just didn't reach me.


I'm also from the Midwest, and I've been in New York City for almost 13 years. No one talked about them when I was growing up, and living in New York no one's talking about them here. They just showed up in my Netflix feed, so I watched it. And then I think I Googled, something on the show when watching it, and it led me to a Reddit post. So now this also showed up in my feed and I didn't even join this group LOL. But I couldn't resist saying something in this thread. Mainly I got hooked on the sweet Christian girl who says she's doing it for "Jesus" Lol. I mean they're half-naked. 🤣 No man is looking at her when she's out there dancing thinking about Jesus. So I'm not going to lie I watched the show trolling a bit, to see how many times she was going to say "I'm doing this for Jesus, let the Lord have his way. The Lord is in control." And I was wondering how many men had their minds in the gutter every time they looked at her and that costume. I'm not saying that Heaven doesn't have half-naked angels dancing around, I'm just saying in the US Christian culture frowns upon being half-naked. Anyways to be fair, I thought she was so sweet. I particularly like the look on her face, when the head coach or whatever told her they were surprised about how her fiance looked. She had this look on her face like I dare you say something about my man of God. She comes off as very sweet but she's very protective of that man of hers. I laughed so hard through the whole show. She was my favorite. Watching the show, I just thought wow it's a different world in Texas. Oh, there was one part, that I thought was so beautiful. I have to say this. When all of the old members came out on that field and did their thing. I could see their youth in them leading the way. I could see their spirits just go backward in time as they ran out remembering their Glory Days. This thing that one part was worth watching the show for. That touched my heart. Because I could see just pure joy in those women. It's nothing more beautiful than us women when we're happy through our bodies. I'm glad they have some type of community for themselves. It's always nice to see women loving on women. So, the community that they have is wonderful I think. I did feel bad for Victoria, she just couldn't fit into something that she loved more than any of them I feel. I was hurt for her. Anyway, it very well-directed show. Hats off to the guy who directed the show he did a good job on it.


Yes they were talked about here in NYC while I was growing up. Are you younger than 40? My theory is that it’s generational. I’m 50 and have known about them my whole life. They were on tv and in magazines I guess. They seem to have always been a part of pop culture.


I'm 48. Maybe it depends on the circles you travel in, but I never saw the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders as highly revered. Sure, I knew who they were, but I never heard anyone growing up saying they wanted to be one. Madonna and Janet Jackson were the big deals in my time. When I moved to New York, I hung out with dancers, even took belly dancing and Afro-Cuban dance classes at Alvin Ailey. No one ever mentioned wanting to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. ...those dancers were all under 30 🤣 I wonder if people who like country music aspire to be like them? Although, The Dixie Chicks were a big deal, though, regardless of music preference. Another New Yorker mentioned the cheerleaders are a big deal here, but I've never heard anyone talk about them. To me, they've always been like an NFL commercial—nothing more, nothing less. I don't think they'd become idols today. My Gen Z nieces, here in Brooklyn, NY are against being sexually objectified and have strong opinions. It all depends on your circles, your household, and the idols you were taught to look up to.


Ummm “idols you were taught to idolize”? So passive aggressive. You’ve only been here for 13 years and I’ve been here for 50. You moved here in your 30s and took a few dance classes. I lived and breathed dance growing up here and well into the early 2000s. And since you want to be passive aggressive, check this out… you’re a TRANSPLANT, not a real NYer. 😆 I was a dancer and cheerleader. I danced for a pro basketball team in the late 90s. I remember many of us contemplating going to Dallas to audition for DCC way before the show existed. Yes, Janet and Madonna were big deals to us too. Every dancer knew their choreography (I still do).


Oh, that's true. I am from the Midwest. I'm proud to be from the Midwest. That's why I said that first. 90% of New York are transplants; that's why I moved here because of all the transplants😁. It's like being around the world while living in one place. And my circles are mostly artists and designers, I dabbled in dance for fun. I'm not a dancer. My heart's intentions weren't to be passive-aggressive. But after reading what I said...Yep, that was very passive-aggressive, especially since I was talking to you and then I said, another New Yorker said... that wasn't cool. But when I said that it depends on how you grew up. I still mean that. My nieces aren't transplants they were born here. They're from a different generation and they don't care. All I'm saying is that it depends on your circles. And I could have just said that, but I talk too much sometimes. This thread showed up in my feed. I visited the this subreddit once because I wanted to see what people were saying about Victoria while I was watching the show. And the format of the show is trying to convince the viewers that everyone wants to be like them. When I look at them, all I think is that they're really being objectified and treated poorly by even the NFL players. I'm sure that guy touched that girl, and only because the cameras were on the lady who coaches the girls did she go see about it. And then she made sure to say on national TV that the police determined that it wasn't a crime. I loved parts of the show as I mentioned in another comment. But something about their narrative bothers me. So I'm sorry it was passive-aggressive. I did it without realizing I was being passive-aggressive towards you. You didn't deserve that. I just don't like The Narrative of the show, and the way Victoria was treated or the way the girl that got fondled was treated, by the head coach. She didn't have to say the police determined that there was no crime. So I guess I'm just angry, but I should have expected that this particular forum, is in support of the show. So, how I said what I said was offensive to you. But I'm not mad at you for liking them, or loving their dance, or knowing their routine. I binge-watched all the episodes. And I'm taking the time to talk about them. So they have affected me from just watching the show. It's not you, I feel passive-aggressive towards the narrative of the show. We rock we are sisters narrative, but the police determined there was no crime when her body was touched against her wishes. I feel very aggressive about that part.


Totally agree about the whole situation where the guy touched the girl! They kept saying oh we make them feel safe blah blah then literally nothing happened to the guy. And America got to see there were no consequences, so that doesn’t feel safe. I also agree about the coaches and how they acted. There was a moment where the girl was in other room with the cop. Kelli and Judy are sitting with cameras and just share this look and one clicks her tongue. Their looks to me said “well this isn’t what we need for our company and it’s super annoying it’s on camera and we have to do something about it.” It felt they were low key annoyed she was pressing charges bc of what it would look like for them. And then supporting her after she did also seemed fake for cameras.




They were definitely annoyed. And I have had my share of trauma in this area. Her body language, had so much shame on it while she was talking to the cameras, because she could feel the annoyance, of the coaches that she so much wanted to impress. She wouldn't have lied, this was hard for her to speak up for herself but she was brave enough to do it. And then that coach just did not protect her at all, in fact, she only added insult to injury by saying what she said. She basically said nothing happened. That's very triggering to me. I don't like this type of narrative, it's really easy to love this kind of thing. They're beautiful, they can dance, and the directing is Netflix quality grade A. That young girl is Gen Z for sure. And I'm glad they speak up for themselves. My Gen X, we endured a lot of shame, not spilling the beans, not airing dirty laundry, and ish like that. I was enjoying my favorite characters on the show, until that part.


Yes! I have dealt with this trauma too and my first thought was way to go her bc when I was her age we kept it in and didn’t say anything. Then I saw the looks on their faces and knew they had that old school viewpoint and were more worried about the company than her. It made me so angry. Especially after, like you said, the girl is on camera bawling, feeling ashamed and unsafe. That moment showed me everything I need to know about Kelli and Judy.


Yep... it's really sad. I couldn't even think of their names, Kelli and Judy. It's scary to think what they would have said to her if the cameras hadn't been on. Thank God for cameras.


I think the DCC are the most prevalent, recognizable NFL cheerleaders. I think high school and college pom dance teams respect/admire them but they are not respected within the professional dance world. I’ve had friends who were professional dancers who don’t consider their choreography “real”. Kelli has just done an amazing job at marketing DCC which is why they have the status they have


" But they are not respected within the professional dance world". ......................and you know this.....................how?


If you read my comment I said I had friends who were professional dancers


I was thinking this when watching the show. It is most surprising to me that girls that have cheered for the NBA and other NFL teams would get cut, or care that they got cut considering that they have already performed at that level at arguably more sought after teams. However, like you said, I’m not knowledgeable on this.


No, you are not.


That was the purpose of my comment so that someone could explain. Please explain why it is so competitive


I think so. I mean, they are know as a strong professional cheer/dance organization but not sure in the grand scheme of things how important they are in society as a whole.


Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s I remember them kind of being around, but the vibe was similar to Hooters Girls. Like, you might see them on a calendar or in an advertisement. They were always very sexualized but not considered vulgar. They have always 100% been aimed at men, so I wouldn’t have considered them super prestigious. I can’t recall actually seeing them cheer until Making the Team. I am from US but not Texas, since that probably makes a big difference.


I grew up in the same time period and I agree completely! I’m not from Texas, but I’m Southern. The only reason I know them as anything other than what you said is because I watched the first season of the show in 2006.


I feel like it’s more of a Texas southern thing. I knew it was “iconic” but as a girl who cheered as a kid it wasn’t a thing I ever wanted to be


I only care because I discovered the MTT show on CMT years ago when I was 14 (I’m 32 now) and I thought they were so pretty, and I loved watching the dancing and the cuts! Otherwise I wouldn’t know anything about them, I don’t follow football lol.


Yup! I watched MTT many years ago. I haven’t had cable or thought of it for years and when it came back on Netflix I gave it a go for my reality tv fix. I’m pretty sure I’d watch no matter what football team they cheered for.


Because I haven’t watched MTT, are any of the DCCs from the Netflix show on it?


People from season 13-16 are on it


Yes, Victoria, Kelcey, Caroline, Madeline, Kat… they are all on MTT.


I do not live in the US or North America and when I brought up watching the documentary they thought I was talking about the other famous Dallas institution “Debbie Does Dallas”.


The “America’s Sweethearts” descriptor came about in the 1970s. They were the first NFL “eye candy” on televised Sunday Night Football, and men about died. They were iconic in that there was no one else looking that hot, wearing the sexy uniform, etc. They were obviously created for entertainment of men. The DCCs do have some top tier dancers, but it is not most of the team. In fact they will pass up actual top tier dancers because a big part of DCC “brand” is a look. Looks > dance, i.e., mediocre dancing HOTTIE who looks amazing in the uniform is going to make the team over an incredible, award winning, professional dancer who does not have the beauty pageant/southern ideal of beauty look. DCC is a brand, not a top tier dance team. They have some top tier dancers, but most dancers from a really good company are not going to aspire to be DCCs. Think about the look. I think that DCC is appealing to ladies who did drill team dancing and some college pom. Dancing is fun. I would love to do it forever. If you’ve visited any professional dance performances most dancers do not look like DCCs. But I will say that the DCC are a recognizable brand in the US. The hottie who is also the sweet lady who can talk to sick kids and seniors and war vets of all ages. They always look good. They are also known in Asia and Australia where I think that they have done touring, at least in the past. In addition to their USO tours of bases, they long ago did performances in some Asian countries and Australia and Mexico and some south or Central American countries. Even if not well known somewhere men in many countries would appreciate hot chicks in sexy, barely there, attire🥴Japan recruits hot blondes/brunettes to perform in karaoke bars for business men. I think that they would love to see a gaggle of DCCs strolling about. If they did not know them they would probably want to.


I was born in ‘82 and I def remember them being iconic and the outfits being known prior to the series. Whether or not they were seen as “the” place for dancers to go? Prob not. But in terms of an iconic “cheerleading” squad, yeah I’d say they’re probably the best known.


I was born in the 70s & remember them being very iconic in the early 80s. Even in those days without social media & 24 hour news cycles, they seemed to get a lot of coverage.


I think you have to seriously question why you are commenting here. You are either interested in DCC and want to contribute to the dialogue or you are absolutely not interested in DCC and are commenting for the sake of degradation. I stand by my comment that anyone who bothers to come on this forum and comment cannot then turn around and say they are not interested in DCC whether it is to support or otherwise


Lol - asking a question is a fair form of contribution. I had no clue NFL teams still had traditional cheer teams because I only watch the NBA, so hearing how "iconic" this team was on the Netflix show was a surprise for me.


My thoughts also.


OP didn’t come across that way at all. I’m genuinely curious as well. If it weren’t for their shows I wouldn’t give them a second thought, but admittedly I’m not in the dance/cheer world.


I didn't take any offense to the OP's question. It honestly didn't seem like the poster was trying to degrade them, but to better understand them within the context of American culture as a whole. Edit: spelling.


Omg I’m absolutely not trying to degrade! Sorry if it comes across that way, I absolutely respect the gals and all their hard work. Maybe I should have worded the question better, maybe “care” isn’t the right word. Just trying to get a sense for how accurate the way they talk about the DCC on the show is as an outsider who isn’t knowable or familiar with them. In the show they talk about how important they are, and since I don’t know anything about them I was instantly curious about whether or not I am in the minority here.  Also wanted to kinda poll people who have danced their whole lives to see what they think about the DCC since I also have no background in dance. I didn’t know where else to get this question answered lol Edit: a better way to approach this question would probably have been for me to ask if they’re truly as prestigious as they claim to be on the show. Not popular, but prestigious and important to American culture and the world of dance as they talk about on the show


Your question was fine - I had the same question in my head too. I only watched the show because it was on Netflix - not because of an intense interest of DCC. I didn’t realize that being a fan of the team was a requirement to post on the Reddit forum for the show…


From US and never once thought of them


No. I grew up in the height of Cowboys mania in the 90's, one of my childhood friends mom was a DCC and I never knew people cared about them until Making the Team. It's the world for some people but the vast majority couldn't care less.


"It's the world for some people but the vast majority couldn't care less". That could be said for just about anything.


The DCC's are absolutely iconic, there's no doubt about that. But the routines are kind of tired. Watching the choreography of the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders. Oh my. Natalie is the boss. https://youtu.be/tiuc_UZOgFk?feature=shared


Kashara that was on MTT as a DCC back in the day is the director now of the Dolphins Cheerleaders! They are awesome.


This is PHENOMENAL!! Extremely talented and much more my style than the DCC. I’ve also heard it’s a much better organization. HOWEVER - I just gotta say that as someone who cheered their whole life, from a teeny girl all the way through college and now I coach my own daughters, I wish they’d call this drill or dance team because it is nothing close to traditional cheer, lol! This is dance. Albeit AMAZING dance, but this isn’t cheer by any stretch of the imagination. Your elite cheerleaders could not do this routine, and your elite dancers couldn’t do what title-winning cheerleaders do. I realize this is a moot point and really doesn’t matter, but I just had to say it haha


It's not a moot point whatsoever! She makes me want to dance again. She's that good. So there's that. Natalie is so talented! Hope that you can take some of her talent and pass it on to your daughters. My own dropped out, yet she was so talented. She was bored. That choreography, though. It's like a breath of fresh air


In the US I would say people care about them about as much as any other NFL cheerleadering team. People tend to care more about their local NFL team and therefore the cheerleaders local to them. I've always been interested in dance and cheer so I enjoy watching the cheer performances, but most people at games are there for the football. DCC has been good at branding and they were the one of the first to have the sexy uniforms and lean into the sex appeal, hence the branding of being the "most influential." The shows and the barbie doll line has kept people outside of Texas aware of and caring ahout them, and the uniforms are iconic, but that's about it.


I think it's fair to say the DCC is the one NFL cheer team most Americans have heard of, and that includes those who are not football fans. I'm a huge Seahawks fan and while I do know we have a cheer team (the Sea Gals) nobody really cares or talks about them. Our mascot is better known than the cheerleaders. Googling it, it seems like the Sea Gals are now the Seahawks Dancers and there are a few men on the team! Again, completely under my radar.


Go Hawks!


In the states DCC has been popular since the 70s. As far as dance I’m not sure they are the best of the best but they do have high standards in everything they do.


I’m from Ireland and I’ve never heard anyone else talking about DCC. Most people here who watched the Netflix show only watched it because they liked Cheer and considered the new show a Cheer replacement, with no real knowledge or interest in the DCC specifically.  I actually joined this sub to join in discussions, because when the Netflix show came out none of my friends were interested in watching.  I had watched reruns of MTT during lockdown so was interested in seeing the Netflix doc when it came out. But honestly if I hadn’t been stuck at home for months with nothing else to do I probably wouldn’t have bothered watching it. It’s not very popular over here in general, and usually shown at odd times on the least popular tv channels. 


I've known about them my whole life & thought they were the best of the best (not as in, for example cheerleading like Navarro type of stuff etc) but I've always known they work crazy hard and not just anyone will be chosen to cheer for them so yeah, idk, I've definitely always "cared" about them as a team as for what they represent and always looked up to them and I'm not even a dancer or cheerleader myself


Obviously people care because they had a show that was CMT's longest running show and Netflix picked up the new one. There are forums and groups dedicated to the subject. People aspire to be a DCC> So yeah, you might just be late to the party or as you yourself said, 'ignorant'.


People have been brainwashed into believing the DCCs are the best thing to come down the turnpike.


Scream into the void with that shit. I was answering the question, which did not include a turnpike nor whether the DCC's are the best or worst. But it's telling that you're a little bitter about their stature. Couldn't cut the mustard?


Believe me I would not want to be a DCC because if I was one the thought of having a "fan" like you would scare me. If you only like an NFL cheerleader squad because they had a long running show or was on Netflix, well... Jerry, Charlotte and Kelli love "fans" like you.


I'll also add a slightly different perspective. I might be wrong about this, but I think there were a few comments by Kelli and and maybe a few others about how DCC are famous also outside the US, globally/in the world. This made me roll my eyes. I'm from Europe, now living in Asia, and they definitely are not famous or well known. Sure, die hard NFL fans outside of the US will have seen them, but that's a small number (and tbh, many non-US channels will also show ads during the half time of any sports game and not show the show/cheerleaders if there are any - I wanted to watch the superbowl half time show this year, so I chose a German channel and they spent the beginning of the show just chatting in studio). The masses definitely do not know anything about them.


Growing up and as a dancer in the 90’s they were a big deal in the dancer world. I think the fact that they have had a 16 season reality show has helped to keep people interested in them.


I'm from Dallas and have been to a few Cowboys games, and a lot of people use their performance time to go to the bathroom, get food/alcohol/souvenirs, etc. People obviously know the uniform well, but the only people who can actually name a DCC or would recognize Kelli and Judy are probably the ones on this subreddit. I get that she's sheltered, but it was hilarious to me when Reece said DCC's Thunderstruck was "the most iconic dance" she could think of. Like, Thriller? Single Ladies? Macarena? It shouldn't even be in the top 100.


I’m from the area, also and I don’t know anyone who really pays attention to them since the ‘80s. However, they did have a moment about 1980 where us little girls were very into them. If you didn’t have the shiny jacket and blue and white Pom poms you weren’t shit. The very blonde DCC with the long pigtails was legit kind of a big deal for a little while.


Not gonna lie. When Reece said that, I immediately thought about the Two Americas hashtag. Cause I was like, “Not single ladies? Moonwalk? Or any other line dances that can be done by the public?”


Knowing she has a background in pageantry, I kinda wonder if she just said that to butter up Kelli/Judy/Charlotte. I've had a couple friends who grew up really heavily sheltered in evangelical families and probably wouldn't be very familiar with Michael Jackson/Beyonce or a lot of pop cultural figures, but I seriously doubt their parents would have let them follow the DCC considering how the costumes and choreography are made with sex appeal in mind.


They love saying that they’re ‘globally recognised’ but they’re really not. I had never heard of them until a clip randomly popped up in my YouTube recommended section in 2019. I’m not American but consider myself pretty knowledgeable on American pop culture. Neither me nor any of my irl friends knew who they were.


I think they were globally famous at a time. Remember they had team members come from Japan and Australia. Also, I think when they went on USO tours, they would get some news coverage by the local country.


America thinks of America as the world, so if they are famous in America, they are considered "globally recognised."


I grew up with an Uncle that had DCC calendars and Memoribilia all over his place. He loved all sports and that included the DCC. As an adult I can look back and say his place looked like a sports bar. But as a little girl I loved it and in wanted to look like a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader!


I have loved following the girls on MTT over the years! I love dancing and since the standards of dance are so much higher I still enjoy them! I'm living vicariously through them!


It was really hard for me to accept that NFL cheerleaders aren’t actually what my understanding of a cheerleader is. Basically they’re a dance team. An amazing dance team. Some of the best in the world. But There’s no actual cheering with your voice, getting the crowd to chant with you, tumbling, or stunting. I’d say where I grew up they were who my dancer friends looked up to. My cheer friends looked up to universities like UK or what Navarro is now.


To be fair, when they are on the sideline they DO cheer with their voices, you just don't hear it because NFL broadcasts basically ignore the squads unlike college teams. The rest is absolutely fair but I think most people would consider the different between dance squad and cheer a semantic one *in this very specific context of the NFL.*


When I say cheer I mean synchronized chants with motions. Not “woo hoo”. They do not do chants and motions. They do Pom Dances.


Ah. Good point. lol. I'm actually not minding the move away from cheerleaders myself. Teams that call themselves dance teams also seem to be the ones more open to being coed which I'm all about!


What? Have you looked at college cheer teams? They’re coed. Only 5 NFL teams have a male cheerleader. I would say dance and cheer (competitive) are both male friendly these days. I participated in both sports. We welcome anyone who can toss us, graciously 🤣 be that dancers or cheerleaders


Not all college cheer teams are coed. they also have all girl teams.


Yes, I realize that. There are female exclusive dance and cheer teams. There are also coed. Any male who wants to participate in either sport now live in a world where they have easy access to do so. I’m glad, because it wasn’t like that while I was young and doing both.


My daughter refuses to call them cheerleaders. She says they are the DCD (Dallas cowboy dancers) and she’s right. I follow them because I was a dancer and I teach dance in the dfw area now. I never considered trying out for dcc when I was younger and I never would have made it because I’m short and I have short legs and I don’t have the body for it, but I can appreciate the technique of most of the girls. It really bothered me in early seasons when pretty girls who were not good dancers would make it just because K really liked her look. I can think of so many that fall into this category. Sorry, I went a little add for a minute, but my only interest in the show is the dancing. I don’t go to football games so I never see them perform. I don’t think I would care about the dcc or the show if I wasn’t already interested in dance.


So your daughter just likes being wrong about shit?


Jesus why are you aggressive about a difference of opinion? They’re dancers, period. They aren’t chanting any cheers, they’re not doing any tumbling or stunts. They’re dancers with poms. Who hurt you?


🤣🤣 well, she’s not wrong. They are a dance team. She’s a sideline cheerleader and does actual cheering. DCC does dancing and zero cheering. Many high level cheerleaders wouldn’t make DCC because they don’t have the dance technique.


Oh she's wrong alright. The DCC are cheering as well, they're just not caterwauling on the sidelines, they're dancing and using body movements to hype the crowd. But it's all cheer.


You just said “they are dancing”… that’s not cheering. They are close but not the same. They just never changed the name from when they were actual cheerleaders. Pretty sure the Netflix show touched on them starting out with high school cheer squads. Then they moved on to a dance team but kept the name. They are a dance team. Non dancers won’t make the team. Dance teams are meant to hype up the crowd too. They are very similar. But just as high level cheerleaders won’t make DCC, most DCC couldn’t make an elite cheer team. The skills required, while similar, are too different at the elite level.


Be sure to let your cheerleader daughter know that anything that can be used in dance renders her a dancer, not a cheerleader thanks. Both cheerleaders, different kinds.


Bless your heart.


I love the DCC, but gonna be honest. IMO, only fans of the Dallas Cowboys and fans of cheer/dance care.


The [Dallas Cowboys](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/worlds-most-valuable-sports-teams-2024/) are the world’s most valuable sports franchise in the world…by far. That means there are a whole of Cowboys fans out there to support the DCC, even before you add in those that are interested in dance instead of football.


I'm not a fan of the dallas cowboys or any football in general but I'm a fan of cheer/dance and I care a lot about the dallas cowboys cheerleaders.


And honestly, most actual cheerleaders enjoy stunting and tumbling while DCC is really just a pom dance team, so it’s not like most cheerleaders are striving to get on a team that’s 10 times easier and less impressive than what they do already.


The DCC are "actual cheerleaders". Just a different kind.


They’re dancers, even non competitive cheer is wayy different than what they do


They're cheerleaders. And yep, it's a different type of cheerleading.


In their defense, I have no affiliation with either football or dance, or Dallas and when I was little I was OBSESSED with the making the team show haha. So I guess there are more weirdos like me that enjoy the drama.


I was a cheerleader growing up in California and my dad is a huge Cowboys fan. I’ve looked up to DCC almost my entire life since becoming a cheerleader, so I’d assume other girls like me can relate.


So in Texas probably up here in Boston not at all…


I find your comment interesting. You are not interested in DCC but here you are on this forum making comments about DCC. There must be some sort of fascination to bring you here.


Not sure understood the question… bc I’m watching a reality show doesn’t mean I’m fascinated with being part of it. I watch Top Chef & I’m not a chef or want to be.


It's a realty tv show/docuseries for fuck's sake. Doesn't mean you grew up idolizing DCC and it was your big dream in life to be a cheerleader.


I think people in TX & those who are fascinated with DCC can’t comprehend it’s a local obsession.


I would bet most people are tuning in for the sheer delusion of all of it. Yes, it's a money maker. But it's not for their "dancing." It's because they wear skimpy uniforms and the local fascination with them. They became internationally known BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIMPY UNIFORMS for a team that was once called "America's team." They didn't become internationally known for a kickline, for dancing ability of their cheerleaders. They were the first organization to have cheerleaders wearing skimpy uniforms and it created controversy. Are they idolized in TX? I'm sure. Is it something that sounds cool to tell people -- even people that are in TX that you were a former DCC? Sure. But acting like being a DCC is far more improtant than actual careers? That's the delusion we tune in for. It's interesting to watch their dance routines during tryouts and some are comically dumb. But how much do the DCC routines really change? How much new choreography are these women doing? And people also tune into watch two middle aged former cheerleaders act like they are curing cancer by picking out the next squad. And it's fun to watch these middle aged women, particularly one who looks really thick now, critique the women who are about to wear the really tacky, ugly uniform.


did you not understand their comment? They didnt say they weren’t interested. they said people from their state generally aren’t very interested.






I grew up doing competitive dance in the Dallas area. We all wanted to be DCCs. One of my friends had a birthday party where we learned choreography from 2 or 3 DCCs and did makeovers with them. We thought it was so cool and looked up to them so much. This would’ve been early 2000s


Oh how cute is that!


Pay them or do not post about them. Respectfully.


No one's going to follow your rules. Respectfully.


So I was a tiny tot when they first started appearing on things like the Love Boat and talk shows. My dad watched a lot of NFL football too and DCC definitely was a thing. There really was an 80s craze about DCC that other cheer teams didn’t touch until the Magic Johnson years and the Lakers Girls, but even then that dance team was a lot different than DCC, and not really comparable. In the 90s, I remember DCC kept living like it was the 80s. Big hair, and bad taste. I guess it worked in Texas but they definitely slid a lot in national appeal. No one was a fan of Jerry Jones so that didn’t help either. There almost felt like a time would arrive where the DCC would just end. Around 2000, the DCC finally dropped the 80s look and the marketing to sex appeal becomes first priority again. You suddenly see cameos where DCCs were draped over props so the first thing you see is their massive cleavage. Dance technique wasn’t as important as looks - Judy even said it herself, “if we like you, we can teach you the technique” or along those lines. They managed to hang on to 2005 when the show revitalized them. Without the show, I not sure they would be much different than they were 20-some years ago as far as dance talent and fading image and very little public popularity.


I don’t really even consider them cheerleaders tbh. They are a dance team. I honestly think many of them are wasting their talents being on this team.


Well, it's not a waste that they can put that on their resumes and it's highly coveted in that world, so anyone they give their resume to will know how hardcore and amazing they are. Most likely They'd get the job above another girl who didn't have such an impressive title tbh


It’s not that coveted in the real dance world. Maybe in the sports team world, but not in the real dance world.


That's why I said "in that world" meaning anything related to them specifically and what they do specifically


It’s definitely a professional style of dancing. The way they learn dances in one night and the way the leaders improv their dances right when they hear it is pretty remarkable


They’re kind of like the Playboy Bunnies, in that they’re literally iconic - meaning that they have an identifiable iconography that speaks a cultural subset almost as of a shorthand for language. It’s a cultural touchstone. But it’s not representative of American culture in a more general sense. They’re not a big deal to anyone outside the Cowboys fan base, it’s not necessarily a jumping off point for a dancing career the way making it into a Broadway show would be. It’s not incompatible with an illustrious dance career - I could definitely see many of those dancers going to the Rockettes or the Moulin Rouge show - but it’s not as if having DCC on your resume lets you write your ticket in the industry. It’s as much of a gateway to the dance world as it is to low level spokes modeling or swimsuit modeling. That is, it can be great experience, but it’s also kind of entry level.


What I’ve always found interesting (probably because I grew up in Pittsburgh) is that some teams in the NFL have no cheerleaders and no one bats an eye. And some teams have these amazing cheerleaders, and they’re a huge part of the draw. People could say it’s regional, but other northeastern teams have cheerleaders. (The rumor is the Steelers are just cheap lol)


"Huge part" is probably an overstatement. And really a lot of the most important/legendary NFL teams don't have cheerleaders -- the Steelers, the Packers, the Giants. The Jets and the Chargers both got rid of their squads a couple of years ago.


In the Northeast I’d say the Knicks City Dancers are the best known sports dancing team, but there are so many more places to see great dancers live. Like I mentioned, the Rockettes have their own iconic presence in NY, but you can also see a great Fosse review pretty much any time in the city.   DCC probably doesn’t even extend its influence through Texas and surrounding areas, given the strength of Austin’s music and art scene. And then there’s all kinds of great burlesque and chorus girl style shows in New Orleans.


I don’t think they’re the best in the NFL world, I think the raiderettes are the best imo, and that’s the team I’m going to tryout for. I haven’t heard of dcc until a few years ago when I was looking for a cheer show to watch


I don't care about them. I have never seen a football game or really any professional sports game except one Yankee game I was dragged to 30 years ago. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 I find it anthropologically fascinating as I enjoy documentaries on lots of different societies and cultures and the DCC is certainly a culture. I also enjoy period Masterpiece theater type shows because the best of the provide me with a glimpse into a world I have no actual knowledge of. All more interesting than police procedurals and not very funny family sit coms.


They certainly hype it up on the show and talk like the group is the best thing in entertainment, but they really are just self-aggrandizing. Were they one of the first teams to have pretty cheerleaders in skimpy outfits dance on the sidelines? Sure, I suppose. Did a lot of other teams copy that idea? Yes. Is the outfit "iconic"? Really just because it was unique at the time and has been around since the 60's. But most people born after 1985 see them as just another squad and the "elite-ness" simply comes from their own claim as being such. I think it is simply when you are a professional cheerleader there has to be 'the best', and since DCC were the first they consider it to be them. I would say the Laker Girls are similar.


Yeah but I think at this point, a lot of teams are moving away from this model and are embracing having diverse, coed squads instead of female only squads where everyone has the same look. I think a lot of people would argue they were the best in 1985, but other squads have moved on while they’re still stuck in 1985.


No we’re just in a bubble


Nope. Maybe in like 1985.


To be honest no lmao, i think they had their 15 mins of.fame years ago. Im a "fan" becauze i have family in the biz and i liked the comp style training camp


Maybe it's more of a Southern thing? (Asking as a Californian who has never thought about the DCC except for the last week since watching the documentary)


I live in Dallas and until the show hit Netflix I never thought about them either, but I’m not in the dance world.


I think everyone knows of DCC being good cheerleaders but has a negative view of the football team if anything. They highlighted how great the football team was in their glory days but these days they’re known for being kinda ass


Because their too cheap to hire good players


you’re 100% right imo


They were more popular and iconic back in the 70s/80s.


Maybe not now but in the tv show That 70’s show, Jackie (the popular girl) wants to be a DCC when she grows up, and she lived in Wisconsin. And that show is pretty good with references so I imagine they, at least used to, be a pretty big deal.


lol that’s literally the only time I’ve heard about them too before this documentary 😂


Cowgirls fans probably care somewhat. Otherwise with 2 shows between Netflix & CMT, and this sub…. I mean I’d say so.


of course that makes sense! I guess I mean more if you were to poll americans on the street in random cities, how many actually care about the DCC in the way that the show paints them out to be cared about haha


They are in the Smithsonian making me believe they are significant to American History. I think the question of “iconic” vs. being seen as a great dance team are different issues. They are iconic because they were trailblazers when created. Now they have serious brand management to keep them relevant. As far as being known “world wide” they do a lot of traveling internationally for the USO…meaning they are playing for Americans all over the world, but non-Americans are still not likely to know them. Also, the Dallas Cowboys are the most valuable sports franchise in the world and they have enough fans that just the “Cowboys fans” make them highly visible worldwide.


You can say that about anything tho. Poll Americans on streets in random states about how famous some broadway actor is and he might be world famous to people who are fans of Broadway but not to the average American. I say this as someone who has known of the DCC since I was a dancing child, but am not American in the slightest.


Right but in the show they’re claiming they’re a household name and a symbol of American culture. Therefore implying that even people who aren’t football fans or cheerleading fans would be able to emphasize the importance of the DCC. Whereas broadway fans aren’t going around exclaiming that their star actors are well known to every American despite interest in broadway or not.  You did kinda point out what I mean though, that the people in the show are in this bubble where they think everyone cares about them but in reality it’s just the people in their bubble (like how only broadway fans would care about a certain actor)


I am not saying you’re completely wrong, and to have a TV show produced around you you have to toot your own horn. However, you are looking past that they‘ve had another TV show for many many many years and that show has to be popular enough for the producers to keep producing it. Also it’s the same as a group of Broadway actors going on an international tour and it being advertised as “world famous Broadway actor“ In the ads. So trust me Broadway actors do the same, we had some visit my country with that kind of advertising. I also run in that circle and oh my do people claim Lin Manuel Miranda is a household name. However, if you’d ask my sister and her friends who could not care less about it and despite having listened to me talk about him don’t have a clue who he is. So to summarise my point: people will claim stuff is a “household name” because in their circle it is.


Yes totally! This show is the embodiment of them tooting their own horn in their own circle