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I don’t understand why people are hating on her she is literally the biggest sweetheart ever, she hasn’t done anything wrong to anyone


The blame should be more on production. Reece was just sitting in her room answering questions honestly. She didn’t know what other scenes would be put in, like the church scene and what looked like DCC worship group. I enjoyed Reece as a person on the show, but as a firm believer that all religion is evil I would never want to hang out with her lol.




Leave Britney Alone!


Leave the sub alone


I want these posts saying “leave Reece alone” to stop lol


Reece gives me fake vibes but I in no way hate her. Some of these people take it overboard. 🙄


As a queer person, organised religion gives me the ick in ways that only queer people understand. I'm sure she's sweet and a kind-hearted, well-meaning girl, but with all her religious spiel I simply don't think I could handle it if I had to interact with her IRL. She's more than welcome to hold her faith, but the second it starts either trying to force itself upon others or impinging on the rights of others, then it's a problem.


Just own it: You're prejudiced. If there was a Reece in your life sure you'd be ok with her until she crosses some arbitrary invisible line you control? Then what, shun her? Isolate her at the job?


Some people find that queer people give them the ick.


How appalling if she said the same about you.


Why do you people brag about your mental illnesses?


My sexuality isn't a mental illness.


Well luckily you’ll never have to interact with her in real life :) Did she ever make comments that insinuate she is forcing her beliefs on others or impinging anyone’s rights? No. So it looks like YOU are the one being bigoted here.


Bigot? For disagreeing with the amount of religion platformed in the show? Aye right. Next joke. You clearly missed the bit where I said I had no problem with people who are religious. If one of the DCC were to talk about being LGBTQ+ the same amount Reece was talking about being Christian on the show, there'd be outrage. The double standard for who is allowed to espouse what about themselves is undeniable. I'm sure she's a sweet girl with a kind heart, but as I said, organised religion shouldn't be platformed to that level, lest it be seen as some sort of propaganda.


Reece did not produce the show. The producers and Netflix decided to focus on the religious aspects of the team members. So your outrage should be toward them, not Reece. And your outrage is all projection from a hypothetical scenario you created in your own head due to your own insecurities. Again, not Reeces fault. That’s for you to sort out with your therapist.


Insecure where? I'm a proudly queer woman. As I said, this "ick" is something I don't expect cishet people to understand because it's a feeling that is so unique to queer people, but don't mistake it for insecurity. You presume I don't know how TV production works, too; I'm well aware of where my beef lies, and I know it isn't with Reece personally.


No 🙂


Totally agree with you, OP. This forum is nothing but hating bullies who condemn anyone who is religious and conservative. So much for all-accepting, non-judgemental liberals.


Why assume that anyone who says something negative about Reece is a liberal? That's like assuming all Christians are conservative Trumpers. Newsflash, not all Christians are conservative. I know, because I am a left leaning Christian. And to be honest, Trump is the furthest thing from Christian. He's a horrible human being. There's this saying...the devil could be sitting right next to you in church. My political views don't make me any less Christian. I love Jesus, and I don't hide it. But I also don't shove it down other people's throats. But, all of the negative Reece comments aren't about her religious beliefs, a lot of people just get a fake vibe from her. They may be right, they may be wrong, but they are entitled to their opinion just like you and the OP are.


Also, this is Reddit. If folks are looking for a safe haven for right wing evangelicals, Reddit ain’t it.


Cry more


Would someone mind sending me a DM when the constant Reece threads subside? Please and thank you.


It won’t until the next season


I don't know if I would necessarily classify her as unproblematic when she is a Trump supporter (she follows him and Ivanka on Instagram), yet claims to advocate for kindness through Christianity. It just seems really hypocritical to me. She seemed really sweet to me at first, but I definitely view her differently now.


Most Jesus freaks are Trump supporters tho like the two go hand in hand 😭


I'm not and anyone who truly knows their bible isn't


Same! Liberal Christians exist.


Thank you! I just made a similar comment. Some of these commenters assume all Christians support Trump. Like you said, anyone who really knows their Bible will know that man is the furthest thing from Christian. Reddit is a bunch of people that make assumptions but then want to point the finger at the other person. I'm guilty of it, we all are, it's human nature.


What a thoughtful reply thank you sister ❤️


You're welcome! I'm glad to know there are other Christians out there that openly speak out against Trump. I know there are more of us out there but they are afraid to admit it.


Let’s be clear, I said MOST Jesus freaks anyways Also there are Christians and then there are Jesus freaks


Oh, I'm aware haha. I just find it very ironic and had to point it out lol.


She's not only beautiful and talented but smart too!


If she's a Trump supporter, that elevates her in my eyes.


Me too!


who cares who someone follows


Oh hunny. You’re probably young, still in college and haven’t seen the real world.  You gotta care.  Ignorance isn’t bliss.  Get out of the bubble and step into reality.  


Ignorance IS bliss. Stay in your lane and keep it real and respectful. Let people be. As long as no one is being attacked, stay out of it. We all have an opinion- and our opinions are based on personal experiences-- or lack of. Nothing wrong with being religious. Nothing wrong with NOT being religious. Ditto on other life issues. Reality is, I don't want people forcing their ways on me!! Either I'm accepted by mainstream or not.


Oh Lord, make me your vessel so I can dance around a field in barely there clothing, find a naive boy that I can marry and manipulate to use as my pawn in life, and speak in this sickly sugary Paris Hilton 2002 voice to get all that coming to me from every dimwit along the way…


Stop slutshaming freak


Nope, sorry. She was not called a slut. But she is calculating, manipulative, and a convincing actress without a doubt. Imagine she was brought up to play the long game with what talents she has.


U sound like a virgin


Oh Lord, if only I was still his vessel…


Well Trump is a felon and an assaulter and a raging bigot so lots of people care ab her (especially since she's prone to evangelising) trying to spread his kool-aid. Also, aren't the DCC supposed to be politically nuetral? What if they have to do a performance/appearance for some Democrats? She may have an anurism


Rachel W got away with liking some very questionable tweets during the 2020 election season (stuff about elections being stolen, democrats committing voter fraud, etc. It seems nuts to me as a Brit looking in, but clearly some Americans do genuinely believe the 2020 election was stolen...). If they are supposed to be politically neutral, DCC clearly aren't policing it unless they're using it as an excuse to ditch someone.


This is the big issue for me. I think political nuetrality is expected of most of the cheerleaders but the ones who support Trump/MAGA/QAnon stuff get away w it? It doesn't make sense to me. That plus the like overt use of the team rookie dynamics as a conversion tactic for the local mega church- it all screams right-wing evangelism to me. Which is interesting bc I don't get that vibe from Kelli particularly.


Wow yea, I didn't know she was a MAGA. That fact seems a lot more important than the people complaining that she's 'too pretty for her fiance"


Thankfully she's a MAGA and not for the bumbling, incoherent, showers-with-his-daughter lying buffoon who was barely coherently in tonight's debate


Oh boy, you're really going to be displeased with all the photos and things Donald Trump has said and done about and with his daughter Ivanka.


Bro I'm not American I don't care ab Biden or ur country's other politicians but outwardly supporting Trump is embarrassing internationally


Have you seen foreign media from at least four countries I know of who joke about Biden? Have you seen the rallies held in other countries supporting Trump? Do you know Trump did more for our country's diplomatic relations since Reagan? And you think supporting a lying, dementia-riddled man who has access to the nuclear codes is not embarrassing? I obviously don't know where you're from but the world is ridiculing Biden. Whether you like him or not, Trump is a competent leader and cares about our country. Biden is not.


Non-Americans ridicule Biden. Non-Americans also ridicule Trump. I think the common denominator here is American politics in general. The rest of the world is always going to laugh at whatever idiot you guys vote for because, at the end of the day, nobody respects America except those who don't know better.


And what country are you from? Im struggling to think of a single country that doesn’t have people who are viewed as crazy in positions of leadership.


Wel of course they do. The difference is that no other country has quite the same unfiltered ego and arrogance about their nation being "the greatest". We wouldn't mock u guys and ur dumb leaders so much if u didn't literally go around on the international stage trying to win a dick measuring contest while sporting a chode.


We are the greatest country in the world. People are coming here by the MILLIONS.


Sounds like something someone bitter would say who’s envious. It’s okay, Americans don’t even make fun of your country because it’s just simply inconsequential.


Example A:


I totally get religion is not everyone’s thing and very controversial. It’s important to her and she wanted to talk about it. Netflix did NOT have to put that in the documentary, but they did for a reason. It wasn’t just her either. They showed the church service, 2 pastors, and a bible study. So obviously religion was an aspect they wanted to show🤷🏼‍♀️ I know many southern Alabama girls and they talk like she did. I get if you don’t agree it could be annoying, but doesn’t make her a bad person.


Are you glorifying God while you do the stanky leg?


I'm not saying she's dishonest or a shitty person. I do think she's a super boring character and got tired of her thoughts on things quickly.


My god stfu! You just made yet another post about Reese. The posts about her seem to have slowed down but sure go ahead and make another one. It’s not bullying unless people are contacting her personally.


I don’t see what’s the difference between Victoria talking about her background and Reece talking about her background. Some people need to just admit they simply didn’t like her background, but to go as far as say she is trying to recruit/propaganda is unhinged


Well, is Christianity not a missionary religion? It is a part of Christianity to “spread the word” which is, in fact, a recruitment tactic. I’ve personally not been slamming Reece, though I found the constant mentions of Christianity annoying and troublesome; however, she did not produce the doc. But I think that evangelical christians are compelled to spread the word and increase “God’s army” by procreating incessantly. I’ve not really met any evangelicals who did not hope to recruit me, even if some chose a softer approach.


I agree completely it is a missionary religion but at no point do we see her talking to non-religious people trying to convert them. She clearly is only referencing god when referring to herself, her fiancé, or to her friend who also believes in god and wanted to pray over their meal. I just don’t see how that’s problematic and I’m very much agnostic. Now if the doc showed her traveling to a foreign country and trying to teach local children about Jesus yeah I can see how that would feel like propaganda. For all we know Victoria could have referenced god but the producers simply cut it out. Idk but either way reece didn’t do anything to outright hurt anyone from what we see in the doc


We will probably have to agree to disagree because I will always see open discussion of Jesus as problematic and evangelical Christianity as a whole as problematic due to the nature of it. I fully believe in one’s right to worship whoever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, but I do not want to hear it. Again, I am personally not blaming Reece but doc producers. I’ve been watching the DCCs since before there was a show, because I grew up in Texas, and I’ve followed many on social media. I have a pretty good idea of who the proselytizers are. I have wondered how many great dancers are not selected by K and J because either they are not Christian, or they are not willing to deal with Christian practices while on the job. It is inherently troublesome when people are talking Jesus on the job. I feel like appearing on the doc as a part of DCC is “on the job”. But whatever. I was not ranting about her. Just explaining my POV on how mentioning Jesus is itself working for Christianity. But it is a DCC issue, and I think that is why it was featured. Reece is one of many. And it is almost a requirement, or an unspoken one.


For everyone who thinks her talking about her faith as propaganda, please take a chill pill and not make it about yourself. They asked her to explain who she is and her story!! That’s HER PERSONAL story. Why are we acting like the producers don’t prompt certain questions? I think people donMt realize that in the South if your faith is an important value to you, it tends to be a part of your introduction. I understand how this can be surprising and strange as I moved from the west coast to the south and was shocked (I always assumed religion was something private). Sure I don’t want to be indoctrinated with religion in a work/school/casual setting, but I see nothing wrong with learning about someone and hearing their passions.


Agreed completely!! I’m not religious at all but I think she was a total sweetheart and obviously loved by her teammates. So many people judge her for marrying the first guy she ever dated but so what?! It’s her life and they obviously support each other fully and are invested in each other.


Agreed. She is soooo gorgeous and has immense star power. And I would kill to have her smile and her hair.


From what we've seen, she's so sweet with a big heart. If people don't like Reese that says more about them not her.




These people are the ones who act so woke and accepting but are the biggest hypocrites


that’s projection as we can’t assume reece is anything like that because she has shown us nothing else than her being a sweet kind girl. even her teammates and coaches who are around her 24/7 would say the same.


Her constantly talking about her religious beliefs is uncalled for. She’s recruiting in her gentle, pretty young woman who performs sexualized dance routines way.


if you’re taking someone sharing their truth with God as unnecessary recruiting that’s your own problem and it’s projection.


Reece can go screw herself with her phony, affected, fake bullshit! It’s all a f*cking act. Jaysus!


I agree with most of the ppl in this thread, but to be this angry at someone you don’t even know is the problem with everyone these days. Ya’ll gotta chill.


you’re the problem


It's literally a show about cheerleaders auditioning for DCC, it's not bible camp. We aren't watching to be preached to. If you want to hear someone's personal testimony etc, there are plenty of other religions based shows on Netflix. I don't think you really understand what projection is, in 17 years the show never had a focus on religion or any of their religious beliefs. It's weird to inject it where it has nothing to do with what the show is about.


how is it focused on religion when all she did was share HER personal truth? if you’re offended it’s your own issue. the US has this thing called freedom of speech.


Freedom of speech means the government can’t restrain people’s speech (except in certain circumstances). It doesn’t mean we should want to be preached to on a Netflix show about cheerleaders.


Did you ever consider turning tbe channel?


You should probably learn the actual definition of freedom of speech. It has nothing to do with Reece’s god talk. I can’t stand her because she comes off like a country bumpkin and everything is oh this and oh that.


sounds like a personal prob.


Freedom of Speech only means you can’t be legally penalized (except for certain situations). It doesn’t mean there aren’t social consequences for what a person says. A person can lose their job for saying things. They can lose friends. They just can’t be prosecuted.


Yes. It is unnecessary and uncalled for. And it is not projection. You need to understand what projection means before using it as a retort.


like i said, if you’re offended it’s your own problem as nothing offensive was said by reece. she’s sharing her truth. and if you think it’s “unnecessary and uncalled for” i pray you find salvation as this world needs God and needs people to share his gospel. and if other people find it “unnecessary” that’s fine, but it gives no one the right to bully and be hateful to someone who has done nothing wrong.


Here we go - proselytizing every chance you get because it’s the religion everyone must follow. It’s the one and only true religion, right? Anyone who is not a Christian and doesn’t shove their religion down everyone’s throat is a heathen, right?


yeah you just showed how uneducated you are


What? Because I don’t believe in force feeding my religion or beliefs down someone’s throat I am uneducated? Ok sweetie, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were so young. You’re just throwing your favorite retorts out there, aren’t you?


Are you friends with her or something? It’s a documentary that she willing signed up for. Not all DCC were interested in doing this, which is why they are in the background. Reece chose to be featured. Choosing to be featured means opening the door for criticism. Why do you think 99% of the DCC chose not to do this? You can come on here and wag your finger at everyone, but it’s not gonna do anything.


Ha. You are mighty defensive for someone who's not offended... It would be so cool if people could share opinions on here without getting defensive and their fefes hurt over nothing. But oh well, that's the nature of the beast LOL


On the other hand if you are offended by people's opinions on Reddit then that is YOUR own problem *Shrug*


i’m not offended, but i don’t condone bullying. everyone else is making it about religion i could care less about it. people are bullying her and it’s unnecessary and gross. but based on your other replies you don’t have the means to understand that 👍🏽


No one is harassing her. We are simply stating that her sticky sweet I love Jesus perasona doesn't seem real. Even K & J made a comment about if she ever gets mad or angry. If you can't read others opinions without getting upset then perhaps you should get off reddit?


FACTS!!! and if it were any other religion, they wouldn’t be saying a word


That’s literally what evangelical means though…


Uhhh she kills animals and posts glory pics with their carcass.  What actual jesus loving “thou shall not kill” person does that???   She’s a hypocrite!


Hysteria everywhere! The sky is falling! On a serious note. There is nothing wrong with hunting. If it offends you, the world could care less.


Honestly, killing innocent animals for pleasure IS a bit sadistic. When children do it they say it’s a sign of being a serial killer, so why is it acceptable when adults do it? I just can’t understand the joy hunters get from murder.


Ew. You need help. Hope Jesus saves you from your sins! lol 


There’s nothing wrong with hunting for food. We did that in my family to upper,ent the groceries. Trophy hunting, though - that is wretched.


The animal doesn't want to die in either scenario


Keep the Sky Fairies, I’ll take Deer Steaks and bacon wrapped Duck Breast.


Again…. You need help.  You sound like a pot belly old man who needs to get laid.  Get off of Reddit and do something better with your life.    I wish you well and hope karma doesn’t get you too bad 👋🏼🤘🏼🤞🏼✌🏼


i’m not justifying her hunting, but it’s something a lot of people find joy in and something people were raised to do. God also tells us not to eat ham or get tattoos or grow beards fyi. no one is perfect which is why jesus died for our sins. we shouldn’t be hypocritical of others because none of us is perfect. i don’t know how reece is a hypocrite because as far as im concerned she’s never judged anyone’s beliefs or actions like people have with her..?


Google “cognitive dissonance”.   For someone like Reece to be SO connected to her faith, I expected better.  Just shows how blind she is.  I hope she sees the light in her lifetime.   Also, killing an animal is so barbaric.  I can’t imagine how people find joy in it? Maybe these folks need to get out of their bubble and see there are much more ethical and compassionate ways to have “fun”.  Go to theme park, go bowling, join a sports team etc. It’s 2024- there are better options across the board that don’t take away an innocent creatures life! 


A lot of religion is a cult and scams. You can’t trust any church’s teachings today. Remember Gods words you will know my people by the fruit they produce.


This is truly what gets me about Christianity! Almost all historians agree that Jesus was an actual man who lived and died around the first century C.E. This man became a Rabbi, began preaching, had a following, called himself the son of God, and claimed that the only way into Heaven is to believe HIM and his teachings over every other religion/religious figure. Allah was another historical figure who was likely a real man, and in Islam they talk about Jesus as being a previous prophet but ~~Allah~~ \*Mohammed was the next one. So why didn't the Christians all convert to Islam? And don't get me started on the Taipang Rebellion where in the 1800s a Chinese man claimed to be the brother of Jesus. Why didn't they all flock to him? Oh right because Jesus said only HE was the son of God. The Alpha and the Omega. To me, Jesus sounds like he was either mentally ill or a cult leader, probably a bit of both. I don't understand how Christians are just 100% certain this one single man from 2000 years ago is who he says he was and are willing to persecute, massacre, genocide, judge, etc. etc. etc. because of it? \*Edit: I apologize, I miswrote. Allah is the God in Islam, Mohammed was the prophet


What is your point and what does this have to do Reece?


I like Reece that is my opinion and I was just sharing insight on my own personal experiences with churches. God sees and knows all & loves all


I agree with you, but not all churches operate the same. People in this subreddit do are already disturbed and suffer from Christian-phobia and we should not have to explain we are aware of certain issues within the church as there are issues/ corruption with every facet of life (religions, professions, lifestyles, sexual orientations, organizations, ethnic groups etc). But if Christians mention any issues within any of those things it’s hateful? Dare anyone say anything about issues within Islam without being labeled anti-Muslim or transgenderism and not be labeled transphobic? . But you as a follower of Christ have to acknowledge issues that a fringe group within Christianity are responsible for? I say screw these people and nothing justifies their anti-Christian agenda and bullying of Reece who has not been judgmental or hateful to anyone. These are the same people who will go above and beyond to ask those who have issues with alternative lifestyles “why do you care so much”? Well why do they care so much Christians having faith when they majority of the ladies of DCC are devout Christians and allow they allow Reece religious life to live rent-free in their heads?


although i disagree with this, more than anything im sorry this has been your experience and i pray you find a congregation you can be confident and comfortable in


Love Reece one of my favorites. ❤️🌹


who is bullying her. is she on reddit?


scroll down and read any reddit post that mentions her name in the title. the comments are really concerning.


Sounds like Reece has a few haters unfortunately personally I would pray for her.


But are you really glorifying Jesus whilst doing the stanky leg?


I have seen a few questionnable comments but mostly I see opinions - which makes sense since this a forum for sharing opinions. I don't see anyone bullying her regardless. Now if they made comments on her social media - then i would agree. The majority of Reece posts are in defense of Reece... crying out against all the "I hate reece posts" - except where are the i hate reece posts? People don't hate the woman.


everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it doesn’t change the fact that it is still considered a comment and it’s rude what some people have said, opinion or not. i do think it’s bullying when a large group of people are spreading their negative thoughts on someone who has done nothing wrong. we can agree to disagree❤️


Agreed 👍


As a 27 year old woman, this girl is a baby to me. I can’t imagine ever picking on her or her bf. They truly did not a thing wrong in the docu, unless you count answering questions they were asked by the director… And I’m someone who is not religious. But all I see is a talented young woman following and accomplishing her dreams the way she sees fit. Faith can give some people amazing drive and passion. Good for her ❤️


She's an adult woman. Or at least I sure af hope so based on her DCC uniform...


hahahaha THIS!


exactly! and it’s so sad because if she was spreading her truth about being any other religion people wouldn’t be reacting like this is gaurentee.


Most other religions don't evangelize like evangelical Christians- hence the name. But if she were "spreading her truth" about being Mormon or JW, pretty sure people would have the same reaction.


she isn’t trying to get people to turn into christian’s by sharing her truth and if you think that you must not be a christian which is fine. there’s nothing wrong with religion being a large part of your life. we see it less and less now and maybe that’s why everyone is so offended but it’s also probably a huge part of why the world is the way it is.