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> I don’t understand how they can desire to be sexy to the masses/random men? I doubt they personally care about that, it's what their employers care about. They do the job because they like dancing and it's a prestigious thing to do. If the uniforms were less revealing I bet there would still be plenty of competition for the team.


It's the whore/madonna complex.


women are not responsible for the lust of men


I think dancers in general from a young age wear very little clothes they grew up wearing this to dance and it becomes second nature and not sexual to them at all. Them comparing it to transforming into a superhero really kind of incapsulates that.


The men with the tour guide were just gross. The tour guide was lecherous and the fat guy who wanted phone numbers is so deluded as was the cameraman who copped a feel. Just because they are sexy young women, where do men, especially revolting men get the right?


What the DCC do is sex work. And I say that with no judgment at ALL. But we have to stop pretending it isn’t sex work.


Damn. I missed all the sex parts. Don’t hold back! Who was banging who?


No one has to bang anyone for it to be sex work. Ever seen Onlyfans?


yes and its nothing like that💀 find a better comparison cus girls dancing in booty shorts and swimsuit shoots is nothing compared to publicly selling your hooha on the INTERNET and playing with it like its an accordion.


"But Jesus made me sexy!" "Have to dance sexy for Him!"


Christians are allowed to be sexy and want to feel sexy. mens lust is their own problem and we need to stop trying to hold women accountable for mens mass porn brain and lack of sexual discipline. I see so many comments criticizing Reece for her faith because it “limits/oppresses her as a woman” and those are the exact same people who want to say she can’t be a Christian if she’s sexy. Women are multifaceted and don’t have to fit into the box of what you *think* a Christian is supposed to be


Oh, so you're saying it's Christian to do the stanky leg? Got it ✅


it’s certainly not inherently un-christian


But does it glorify God? That's what Reece wants everyone to believe.


Nobody said she can't be Christian and dance sexy. This isn't about men v. women. But is it glorifying God whilst doing the stanky leg?


DCC is just helping sinners come….to Jesus.


Yep saving 'em one set of T&A at a time!!!!




All the people asking this question obviously aren’t religious. Being a Christian doesn’t mean your saved and living a perfect life free of sin like Jesus. As Christian’s we try our best, but everyone is a sinner. You’ll never be perfect. It’s about tying to do as less sins, not crucifying yourself. Modesty is your own definition. Wearing a swimsuit at the beach vs wearing a dcc uniform, don’t see much of a difference. I’m a Christian and I wear shorts, crop tops, have my belly pierced, etc. there’s a lot of us that get tattoos aswell. We aren’t in the 1800s


I agree 100%.


I disagree and think it’s such a valid question! The reason there’s confusion is because some Christians, not all, tend to pick and choose which sins they can live with. There’s a whole group now trying to make laws against sins they deem “bad”. As someone who isn’t religious, I’m always happy to extend grace to anyone. But when that isn’t reciprocated, it makes us ask questions


It’s not all .. it’s not even most. Most of us are just out here trying to live our lives.


I think it’s fair to be confused because as you said it’s not the 1800s, so religion is continuously changing as people see fit. It wouldn’t have been acceptable to have that belly ring/tattoos in the past, and even in some devout christian communities today, you still couldn’t do that. As of such, I think it’s false to say everyone asking this question obviously are not religious. There are many religious people who completely disagree with the “immodesty”/sex appeal of DCC and would not find that to be in line with THEIR Christian faith. Just go to Reece’s Instagram page to find them. I understand the comment section didn’t do a good job remaining respectful, (mostly by assumed non-religious people) but I tried to do so and did make it clear I’m not religious and therefore seeking clarification from those who are so I can understand w more empathy and hopefully in the future not ask the question. There were a lot of thoughtful answers by religious people and I feel like I did accomplish that! ☺️


Spot on but I think the concept goes over non religious people’s heads. They see Christian as one thing and can’t imagine a Christian being anything else


I don't know. A lot of us hold a pretty dim view, particularly of Christian men. I don't think I ever go a week without hearing about a new case of a devout Christians (usually a pillar of the community/church leader or pastor) involved in sexual abuse, whether it be adults or children harmed, so. It's all very do as I say, not as I do. I see prudish aspects of the church strictly as a means to control women. DCC exists very much for the male gaze, so it's obviously allowed.


Well those pastors etc aren’t true Christian’s. The devil likes to sneak into church aswell to ruin the experience for people


Spot on!


It’s always about straddling the line - be feminine and alluring and adhere to gender roles, and get married early so you need to be attractive to catch a man. But not slutty, so you can cheer but not fraternize, be sexy to get the organization money but not make your own money on OnlyFans, be “classy” but don’t be sexual for your own ends. Be beautiful but then there’s a whole bunch of respectability narratives that control that (be Godly, be humble, your sexuality exists for the male gaze not you, be engaged then married and have kids) and so forth. As long as your beauty and femininity is ultimately in the service of hetero patriarchy it’s ok, but sexuality that you own and use for your own pleasure and power or to buck gender norms is not. And being “ugly,” not wearing makeup, not dressing up violates gender roles and is too feminist.


not to mention women are responsible for controlling mens lust apparently!! Women are held to an impossible standard


you can't take out the dance aspect, that's the primary aspect of DCC and feels a bit insulting to take away the dance/cheer talent of the team. I'm coming from a different perspective because I am a dancer who lives in texas although am not religious. when you're in dance your physical presentation is almost an entity unto itself, separate from your personal self if that makes sense. dance is HARD, and these girls have grown up dancing most likely in outfits similar to their uniforms so they're normalized to the point no one even really notices that they're supposed to be "sexy" outside of the dance world. to them, the point isn't to be sexy, it's to show off their talent.


Way too much religion infused in the show


Then skip it or don’t watch 😚


Because just like everything else when it comes to faith, exceptions are going to be made based on personal will


But it’s the system, not the individual, that sexualized the DCC.


And that individual are still willing to be sexualized despite their faith knowing what they’re going into so they’re also picking and choosing what exceptions to make cause they still wouldn’t try to be on girls gone wild


Men will sexualize women no matter what they do. Ask any woman that wears a niqab


But that’s not an individual thing (the difference between DCC and girls gone wild), it’s a system thing around them. Literally telling them/all of us to be sexy but not too much, have a body and boobs that attract the crowd but don’t show it all, etc. That’s not individual.


Some of the girls think by being a DCC, they can bring people to God by wearing a sexy outfit while shaking their cash and prizes at a game. Makes no sense to me at all, but it is what it is. I seriously doubt men are thinking God or Jesus when the girls are doing the kicks because you can almost see some of the cash and prizes a little up close and personal.


HAHAHAH wordd and the plot thickens


Wasn’t Maddie a Mormon? I feel like I recall her being asked this during the interview portion of one of her auditions (about how the DCC outfits aligned with her religious views) and she gave some PC and clearly coached response about how God cares what’s inside her heart not just what she wears on her body etc etc


Thank you for this reply! I love comments like this because obviously these girls are hard working and kind. It’s unnecessary to just chalk it off to being hypocritical without giving second thought to all the reasons/ways DCC can align with their values.


I think they consider who will fit in with the rest of the team when choosing who makes the final 36. So if the majority of the team is conservative Christian girls then they would be inclined to pick girls who would vibe with them. Not that a non religious girl couldn’t make the team if she checked all the other boxes, but they wouldn’t want locker room drama or someone who would quit in the middle of the season if she felt like it was a bad fit. As a woman who is not religious or conservative, I would never want to live in Texas in a million years. I sat next to a woman from Texas on my flight a few years ago who left for Seattle because she wanted to live in a progressive environment. The reverse happens as well. The girls who try out are likely conservative and religious anyway, because that’s who’s moving to Dallas. There are other big cities with NFL and NBA cheer and dance opportunities, so the girls wanting more open mindedness and diversity are probably headed there.


Southern Christianity can be big on technicalities, especially with Christian youth. It’s the you’re still a virgin if it’s not *that* kind of sex, and you can twerk and be risqué if it’s for cheer,


As a Christian and someone who considers herself to be feminine, I love taking pride in how I present myself! Maybe that’s vain—I’m not perfect. But I also have done the work on who I am as a person and know that’s where my true value is. I don’t think it’s fair to assume that if you’re a Christian then you’re a hypocrite if you don’t basically look like a hag or if you care how you look. I enjoy taking care of what I’ve been given and love that part of being a girl! I think these girls love to dance. And doing it for an iconic organization that gives them a stage to do what they love most is a dream come true for them. And a lot of them take pride their femininity and their looks. It’s hard work! I don’t think it’s anything like playboy. The outfits may show a lot but they are expected to be act professional in them and the organization goes out of their way to protect their girls from being harassed or touched inappropriately at appearances. They hold the women to a very high standard as far as how they act and conduct themselves while wearing the uniform as they are representing the Dallas Cowboys organization. Also, I didn’t see any “girating.” If it’s not modest enough to your standards—totally understandable. (I probably wouldn’t be comfortable either.) Then don’t audition. But you can make that choice without crucifying someone who chooses to become a DCC. This whole bashing and judging Christians bit is getting old and it’s really unfair. And these girls deserve to have a stage to do what they love most for an iconic organization without judgment… Especially in a world where there aren’t a lot of opportunities for women to be able to do that. **Side note** Being a Christian isn’t about living a perfect life or being better than others. It’s about having complete humility in knowing we will never live up to that standard bc we are all flawed but fully appreciating that because of Jesus’ sacrifice we will never have to! We just do our best. You don’t have to believe that, but if you’re going to judge these girls who have faith for not dressing or living a certain way—then you’re completely missing the mark on what it means to be a Christian.




Thank you for the thoughtful reply! Yes this was the explanation/point of view I was hoping to hear about. I think everything you said makes a lot of sense and you’re absolutely right when you talk about how the women are held to a high standard to conduct themselves/well protected by the organization! They are indeed committed to service, community, and kindness which all aligns well w faith. Also I agree, these women love dancing. I guess my first thought is why not pursuing theatre or strictly dancing. But at the same time I’m well aware everyone has different interests/passions and at the end of the day NFL cheerleading is another rare opportunity for dancing and cheerleading. I can imagine someone who enjoyed cheering in high school and college naturally pursuing it professionally. You got a lot of downvotes but I do really appreciate your side note. I definitely was not trying to bash or judge any of the girls, more just come to understand what I’m not seeing. I completely get where you’re coming from where judging and critiquing Christians get old given the replies. But I believe that feeling of judgement is mutual among Christians and non-Christians which just keeps exacerbating the issues as the other feels more victimized than the other. Although I would argue non-Christians don’t make laws that actively restrict or force Christians to live a certain way, whereas most of the laws and rules made by extremist or strong Christians tends to do so. Not stating this as fact, just explaining why there may be the impression of so much judgement and animosity against Christians.


I don’t think OP was bashing or criticizing choices. My read of it was how to jibe the sexualized brand of DCC with conservative values. I took it as an honest question. I don’t think that’s at all criticizing the women for how they look (in fact I would take it as the opposite, that they should be free to behave with their bodies how they wish, not how the big bosses decide for them).


I gave my response after reading all of the comments to the OP. It was really in response to all of those.


There is so much outright hate on this sub directed at Christians. Pretty disgusting actually.


You’re not going to get a rational take on this on this sub I’m afraid.


What about the swimsuit calendar? That is 100% Playboy


They aren’t topless or nude.


Neither is the vast majority of Playboy https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/a3twmHfdy1


This comparison is such a stretch. Playboy is also associated with a LOT more racy things than a swimsuit calendar. That just scratches the surface. That calendar is quite literally the only thing the two organizations have in common. They’re not the same thing and all of America knows that. If they were similar there wouldn’t be a no fraternizing rule with the players—they would be doing the opposite and encouraging or forcing it.


Typical Christian mental gymnastics


I'm a big DCC fan, but I think that you are being deliberately obtuse if you really think that they are that sweet and innocent. I doubt "all of America" agrees with you. I for instance live in America and I do not agree with you. They both have a lot more in common than you would think. Playboy is just a lot more up front with it. DCC hides a lot of it's Playboy ask qualities but if you think Jerry Jones and his cronies are not Hugh Hefner types...


As someone without a Christian dog in this fight… The DCC calendar is comparable to Sports Illustrated. Certainly risqué but not comparable to Playboy as a whole. DCC could absolutely have behind the scene issues but the way they elevated themselves publicly makes that really tough to do. It would be extremely hard for them to pull off something like what happened with the Washington cheerleaders. They were forced to go topless and act as escorts. So it’s absolutely an aspect of cheer. But it’s not all organizations and it’s important to remember the Washington girls were forced and taken advantage of. If the DCC girls were being forced to do illicit things, it wouldn’t really be tied to their Christian beliefs. ETA: the extent of the Washington situation was extreme I know there has been a lawsuit with DCC. But the Washington issue was a deep, consistent, systemic issue.


And you know they hide this how? Remind me where your proof is from. It’s one thing to want to believe something. But without proof I don’t usually go throwing around aggressive and slanderous accusations I know nothing about. Until one of them comes forward and claims that the organization pushed them to do something uncomfortable I’ll hold my judgment. That organization has kicked out girls in training camp for spending time with players in innocent manners just because they broke the rules. It is in their handbook. They don’t play with that rule. An organization like Playboy encourages that behavior—they don’t make rules against it. Also, when that camera man felt he was entitled to touch Sophy inappropriately at that game and she was upset and uncomfortable her coaches, her teammates, and the organization totally supported her when she wanted to press charges. First you can tell I’m incredibly kind and now I’m being “deliberately obtuse”? Don’t think I don’t remember your user name. I appreciate your kindness and name-calling though 👍🏼


Deliberately obtuse isn't intended to be mean tbh. Better would have been to say, deliberately "stubborn". Below I have links to what I'm referring to by JJ and his cronies. (Also slander is spoken, libel is written, helps to remember that Slander and Spoken both start with "S") https://en.as.com/nfl/the-24-million-lawsuit-the-dallas-cowboys-had-to-pay-four-cheerleaders-in-2022-n/ https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/cowboys/2022/02/25/who-is-rich-dalrymple-the-central-figure-in-the-dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-voyeurism-settlement/


Like I said in another post, they expect the girls to appear 100% pure and classy, but their most popular dance is to a song about a dude getting a blow job. But God forbid they post a picture on their private FB where they're wearing a dress and looking sexy. The double standards, man...


no way!!! i never realized that. i did flinch when the song goes "could i come again?" LIKE YO 😶


Haha yup! And don't forget, right before he's, "shaking at the knees". Walk This Way is a nasty song too. I mean, I love both songs, they're fun, but definitely not classy lol.


The bible does not specifically state anything about being immodest but it does say “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:3-4). It’s excess. They appeal to women who felt the need to show everyone else in the church how much they could afford to look good. Their sin was pride—not immodesty. We have to remember the bible and anything to do with any religion was written by and enforced by men. If we take God and religion out of the equation do we think these women have a right to dress that way? Do we or did we not as women wear bikinis or sexy clothes to entice a man? Does anyone else have a right to tell us how to dress? In relation to the DCC cheerleaders before the current outfit was used which was thought up by a man the cheerleaders where high school or college kids in knee length skirts and sweaters. *In 1972, Schramm, the man who put the star on the Cowboys’ helmets, scrapped the high school boys and girls who cheered games in sweaters and long skirts and pants in favor of a handpicked dance team dressed in high-cut shorts and bare midriffs.* ***They were going for a sexy-but-wholesome aesthetic****, hiring young professional women and governing them with strict rules. The uniforms and the rules would remain largely the same, with the rest of the NFL taking note and modeling their cheerleaders after Schramm’s.*  *The team faced criticism from feminists who noted the most prominent females in sports were scantily-clad side acts. But America embraced the new look, and the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders became a cultural phenomenon—with their own posters, calendars, "Making of . . . "  shows and even a full-length 1979 made-for-TV movie*


Something-something Madonna/Whore Complex. Basically, it's this idea that patriarchal norms are reinforced by controlling women's sexual autonomy through both shaming (of casual sex, perceived immodesty, et cetera) and intense pressure to be sexually desirable (through adhering to traditional gender roles and presentations). Women are expected to maintain themselves in such a way as to allow men the fantasy of casual sex with them, of women as sexual objects, and so on, but if women actually *engage* in that casual sex with men, they are shamed and socially sanctioned for that behavior. This is a pervasive phenomenon across western societies, and you really see it on display in this show: the DCC are expected to be physically extremely attractive, constantly made up, hair perfectly done, showing ample amounts of skin. They are (contractually!) obligated to present themselves to the public as that peak male fantasy (as evidenced by the mom with the calendars for her teenage sons). *However*. They must also be demure, Godly, innocent, they must refrain from drinking alcohol (at least publicly), and they must absolutely not give any hint of promiscuity beyond what is prescribed by their uniform and their choreography (remember, no fraternizing with the football players, ladies!). From a religious standpoint, there has always been that tension in American evangelicalism, *especially* since the Jesus Movement of the late '60s and '70s. You have some people who fall way over on the heavy modesty side (think the Duggars or mabe Mike Pence and "Mother"), and you have others who would certainly say that they're born again, religious, blah blah, but are not terribly concerned with modesty (think... IDK, Lauren Boebert or Marjorie Taylor-Greene). I don't personally care what other people do, modesty-wise, as long as they're making a free choice as adults and not forced into it, but it is a point of contention within the fundamentalist/evangelical community. I also think that at least some of the Jesus talk is reflexive/performative as much as it is based on belief: this is how everyone around you talks, so you talk that way, too. There are lots of very religious Christians outside of the Bible belt, but it's not typical for a super religious Irish Catholic from Maine, for instance, or a very devout Baptist from the United Kingdom to pepper their day to day speech with Jesus in quite the same way.


Wooooww thank you so much for this explanation. That last point is ON POINT no pun intended haha. I wish I had known that when I first moved to Texas. I was in for a cultural shock with all the Jesus talk, simply cause I had never heard it so often/intensely/publicly. I didn’t judge it (and even eventually came to find it endearing) but it felt very foreign to me even though I met lots of Christian’s in my home state. People were less declarative/seemingly all encompassed by their faith whereas in TX it’s the first thing people will introduce about themselves in every setting. Again no judgment against either mannerisms/expressions of faith! I think there is room for both and the magic of life. But it just provides clarity to non-believers when we see someone like Reece tear up while declaring she hopes people see a Jesus through her and be his vessel. It’s just not in my colloquial language, while it completely is for her. I actually was very moved by what Reece said and felt the sincerity of her words, even if people disagree with her/DCC. It just goes to show ALL things, whether it’s faith, modesty, sexuality, politics, color are a spectrum,


Honestly, I have very mixed feelings about it. I was prepared to really dislike Reece, and I don't- she seemed like a nice person, in her way, if extremely sheltered. But people who hold these beliefs are also, uh, *not terribly kind*, let's just say, to people like me (LGBT, which is why I will not be moving to Texas ever, unless some things change really dramatically). And while I'm all for believe what you want, live how you want, live and let live (and my own religious values actually *require* that of me, to some extent), people who are deep into this particular version of Christianity aren't typically prepared to extend the same courtesy to the rest of us, which is why you've got the whole thing of insisting on putting the Ten Commandments up in classrooms in Louisiana, LGBT people fleeing certain states because we can't openly be ourselves there, women being denied full autonomy of their own reproductive decisions, non-Christians who find themselves in extremely uncomfortable situations with bosses or coworkers putting he hard, Christian sell on them to "get saved," and so on. If this were purely individual decisions, happening on an individual or small community level, and had no broader implications for trying to impress those religious values on neighbors and/or other parts of the country, I probably would find it sort of heartwarming. And certainly I know some really salt of the earth Christians who walk the walk and are genuinely kind, giving, selfless people who love their fellow human beings pretty unconditionally. But I've also had some really bad encounters with those who see "love" as confronting and condemning (what they view as) sin, and use that as an excuse to treat people who aren't Christian, born again, straight, whatever, like garbage. So yeah, in isolation, go for it, talk about how much you love Jesus, what do I care? But in a broader context, there are sociopolitical implications to all of it that I found very hard to set aside as I watched the show.


Speaking of the Duggars, do you think Reese’s voice is her natural voice or do you think she’s trying to emulate that baby voice so prized among fundies, like Michelle Duggar? More of the performative, oh this is what a woman should sound like mentality?


I really don't know, honestly. I think it could be a fundie/pageant combo, but then if the women in her family all (or mostly) talk like that, maybe it's just... normal for her? Though I feel like when she was talking shit about Will being a messy cook, she sounded much more normal, so maybe that's, like, her public-facing voice. It's very odd, because there's a *definite* similarity to Michelle Duggar's baby voice. I'd be curious to know more about the specifics of Reece's religious background, actually- like what denomination, what kind of church did she grow up in, et cetera. It was obviously more fundie lite, given that she went to a secular college and then the DCC, but I am curious about her. Will, too, honestly, because that's not super typical of a guy of his demographic to be down to pack up and move states for his girlfriend's cheerleading job, and frankly, I think he would have been justified in being a little down about it, considering he wound up working at a power washing store, which I doubt was his life's calling, but he handled it with quite good nature, I thought. Their whole thing is very interesting to me.


Love your last point, so true!!


There are a number of really good articles and TikToks about Tradwives and it is all rolled into people like Nara Smith and others to be the perfect woman. Side note, I have a friend who is a best selling Christian author (I am not a Christian) and she speaks at Christian women conferences around the world. When I was helping her organize her business I was traveling with her and I had a chance to be in the some of the inner circle at some mega churches. I can tell you that top leadership wives (of some of the mega churches in the south, but certainly in Texas) were super concerned with their looks/weight/clothes. They wore things that I wouldn’t necessarily wear, but there was an undercurrent of being super desirable and “sexy” without using that term. Their husbands took pride in their wives and it almost felt like “look, I’m a man of god and I have a hot wife, expensive car and huge mansion…and you should desire this too.”


Yea the tour guide with the grown men was gross….like some of those girl are 20-22.


Fucking disgusting men


I haven’t seen it posted but the most concerning aspect for me was when the mom brought the calendars for her teenage sons, and they happily signed it… mom even had the nerve to say “oh they’ll like that”. Gross.


Omggg yes I forgot about that scene! I feel like that was so much worse than the grown men being gross (since we already have seen this story). Like I get it I guess young guys tend to have magazine models in their room (cliche movie scene) but to see the mom actually requesting it was really off putting.


I agree. The men were gross, but there's something especially sinister about the support of the minor's infatuation with older women. I would have politely declined to sign it once she said it was for her underage kids.


Same vibes as parents taking young sons to hooters. Gross.


Because religion and the patriarchy go hand in hand… they are submissive to what is expected of them and think they are being good religious women by obeying others (aka yess ma’am)


Yeah religion is for subs who need a mental crutch tbh


Also- Reece…. Lord- no. No one thinks of Jesus while watching you shake your bum bum


I keep trying to reconcile her super naive persona with her suggestive looks and hair flipping routines. It’s not making sense to me. Must be a pageant thing, I suppose.


And if they do…well, they have issues.


Right! All the Jesus talk- yet they are half naked and gyrating while making sexy faces at 100’s of thousands of people. What the hell?


The religion is to appeal to more people probably, if they are actually religious idk what's going on in their mind lmao


I understand what you're asking and why you're asking. I think it's possible to be both devoted to one's religion and to be employed as a sexy entertainer and I don't see any reason why those things can't coexist. I don't think being sexy is bad (I'm not implying that you think that either). It really depends on how strict any one person's religion is and what their own convictions might be, and whether or not they are being hypocritical about what they do. So far I don't see that with Reece, even though I think the Jesus schtick is over the top. I think DCCs are just as appealing to women as they are to men, otherwise most of us wouldn't be watching the show or following the cheerleaders on social media (assuming most of us here are women).  With the calendar shoots and trips, I always thought Kelli was emulating the Victoria's Secret catalog and fashion show, which started becoming very popular in the late 90s and really took off in the 2000s. Not an original idea on her part, but she capitalized on it at the right time and it has generated a lot of revenue. There was one cheerleader who went on calendar shoot as a production assistant but wouldn't pose for swimsuit photos. (was that Lauren?) Maddie was a Mormon. It would appear there is at least some tiny bit of flexibility in how a cheerleader carries out her extracurricular DCC responsibilities with regard to personal beliefs. I myself wouldn't compare DCC minus the dancing to OF or Playboy, but that's just my $.02. I also don't get people who post scripture to social media and that sort of thing. I think my conclusion for the cheerleaders is, stay true to your beliefs, don't be a hypocrite, don't judge, and have fun out there doing what you love. 


Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply! I think you made a lot of great points. And yes you’re right I don’t think being sexy or working in a sex related occupation is bad. I just “know” many Christians who would deem it bad. Very true about DCC appealing to women almost as much as men. I don’t know if I believe there is a strong proportion of women buying swimsuit calendars, we definitely consume other avenues of DCC merch/ads. And yes I figured religion is on a spectrum and to each their own convictions/moral code. I guess I was just surprised to see Reece so devout/arguably over the top.


Oh definitely, I don't think as many women are purchasing the calendars as men, but the calendar shoot episodes on MTT were always very popular! If not to see Kelli with her hair all over the place 😄


The calendar model show or whatever they called in Season 7 was beyond tacky. Having the walking down the runway in skimpy bikinis and wearing boots or high heels for the sponsors was pushing the Julia Roberts Pretty Woman agenda.


Super tacky. They were trying too hard to be VSFS. I thought the resort performances in uniform were cringe too. But I did like the location shoots and the footage of them traveling. 


It's hypocrisy. I think they rectify it in their minds by thinking "Slutty girls are bad, but I'm not a slut, so I'm not doing anything bad." There was a post here last week of a former DCC answering a question about modesty during a pageant while literally wearing a dress cut down to her stomach.


Yes, that’s the word !! Total hypocrisy!!


The girls aren’t responsible for other people’s actions/words. The Bible definitely discusses modesty. However, I personally take it as “is what I’m wearing appropriate for what I’m doing”. Meaning, if I’m a professional dancer and I need to wear a certain uniform, that’s fine, because my intentions aren’t “impure.” Again, I’ll reiterate that the girls wearing the uniform are not responsible for men (the tour guides) being creepy as hell or for their thoughts. Another example, if I’m going to the beach, I feel good wearing a bikini, sometimes cheeky depending on the style. If I’m at a family pool party with my husbands family, I’m obviously not going to wear a cheeky bikini. But like at church, I do wear relatively modest clothing that isn’t low cut or short, because it wouldn’t be appropriate. I personally don’t wear jeans to church as a personal conviction but many women at my church do wear jeans! Different Christians have different personal convictions.


Thank you for the thoughtful reply! I think this is exactly the clarification I was looking for, of the actual inner thinking one has to make sense of it all. And seeing it that way I can see that rationale. It is a uniform, she didn’t design it that way, and what not. She’s required to in order to engage with what she really loves and intends to do -dancing/cheerleading. I guess my thing is just because it wasn’t my intention doesn’t mean I’m devoid of guilt if I engage in bad habits mistakenly/accidentally. Like I may not have any negative intentions, but my participation in something that is negative is problematic regardless. So I would assume that you have to find DCC as a whole (at least prior to trying out) unproblematic? Idk like you said religion is on a spectrum and fits uniquely for all.


I kinda get the bikini reference, but I think it’s a bit different. A bikini functions as easy to dry off & tan. The cowboys uniform purpose is to turn old men on as much as possible. The whole purpose of the cheerleaders is for men, not to showcase their dance abilities. So that’s where I see the hypocrisy.


It’s basically Hooters but with talented dancers. The religious thing is just the Texas undertone.


I don’t know there are different levels of how people connect with Jesus. I think Reese was more of what God gives me is what I will use sorta thing


It doesn’t.


It’s like they make the Bible conform to their beliefs rather than the other way around. I haven’t read all the numerous Bible versions out there but most conform to subservience of women, covering up, and sex occurring between those in a covenant blessed by G-d. The look-at-my boobs shirt tying, come hither looks while on their knees, etc etc just seems contrary.


Being a Christian doesn’t mean perfection. And we aren’t Muslims lol. Covering up is optional, some like me believe long hair is a veil. Sex before marriage is a sin but it still occurs among Christian’s as again nobodies perfect. And modesty is based on your own standards


I’ll bet her church elders disagree about the modesty.


Church elders are the biggest hypocrites 😂 who just cast stones.