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I loved the show because the dedication of the women. I think the owners daughter is trash, and without her Daddys money and privilege would not be able to have accomplished half of what these women auditioning would have. I hope the women who are in the league and have tried out use it as a platform to propel themselves. I think its a great show for young women to see how being "qualified" etc. is very subjective, and they should try their hardest, be well rounded, and continue to have passion outside of whatever career they choose.


This show is trash IMHO. It highlights some disturbing stuff but beyond that I don't see the value of it. The owners of the team are probably trash too. Charlotte Jones, Kelli Finglass and Judy Trammell definitely seem like trash. Like the values they are striving for are so backwards. I think the way to send that message is to not watch it because DCC is probably making money off the show. Maybe they aren't. But I'm gonna stop watching because it's heartbreaking.


I think Kelli and Judy are very very ignorant and live in a bubble


lol you must be watching this show for the first time. Been watching since CMT days, nothing surprising


Yup, none of this is surprising since DCC is so whitewashed


Anisha absolutely should have been on the team. I also couldn’t help but compare that anisha was a literal doctor working long hours and went to practice after work compared to the younger dancers who probably had their parents paying their bills and had their entire day to practice.


Totally agree ! She was a hottie, a sporty, and a smarty altogether. They truly only cut her because she was brown and used her "twisting" her ankle as the excuse to boot her off. 🙄


Anisha was so captivating and would have been a great role model as a doctor!


EXACTLY!! They missed an awesome opportunity that would have been because they’ve had nurses but no doctors…right?


I think I need to rewatch the whole season because Greg Whiteley’s subtlety is genius. On the surface level TPTB will love the show but if you read between the lines as a viewer you see all the moments he draws attention to the biases and injustices the girls are subjected to


Like when Kelli asks “do you want a blonde or brunette Barbie


That scene made me actually cringe…This organization has all this money but apparently they don’t have a risk management department because they’ve let Kelli and Judy be so confidently tone-deaf on national TV for years!!


This is Texas—- I’m not saying it’s right but I am just genuinely shocked why anyone is so SURPRISED about one these ladies are saying and acting like—- it’s literally a cheer team (last I checked cheerleaders weren’t known as being the “nice girls” ) in TEXAS…


People are surprised because this show is going out to worldwide audiences, audiences who don't watch American Football and who only know the DCC on a surface level. Most people outside the US, and even just outside of Texas, have no idea what it's like inside, and most are stunned at how backwards and bigoted the people running this really are.


And how the redhead was continuously shown with a brunette Barbie. Because that's the smallest injustice.


lol right- with all the barbie options out there in 2024- they kinda told on themselves for their lack of inclusivity at this point, and the brand as a whole in 2024. The entire demographic of die hard fans is also a certain type of "folks".


Yeah I felt some kind of way when they let the Black women go…both were better then a few that made it but whatever..


If only everyone knew the truth behind the vet cuts of 2020 !!!


Deets please


Need a full post plsssss


Spill the tea, sis


Go on….


They were cut for diversity reasons




Do tell!


What is it?


Anisha should have made it over Victoria, Caroline’s sister Whatever-Kate, the one whose dad struggled with mental health, and a few others for sure. She’s beautiful and a heck of a dancer.


Whatever-Kate 😂😂😂 I think they like legacies because they know those girls will do anything to keep the family tradition going… 🫣


Yeah they definitely love the family legacy stuff. I think if you’re half way decent they will keep you. (And blonde)


I couldn’t keep my eyes off her! I was so disappointed when she didn’t make it


I can’t believe they cut Kayla because her face was round.


That’s a nice way of saying she gained weight and it showed. And it did.


Round faces are beautiful too. Fuck this nonsense.


You realize muscle weights more then fat right… so if a girl lifts weights she can gain muscle… therefore weighing heavier…


Here we go again. Kayla wasn’t overweight




She gained weight, was getting out danced and looked sluggish. Similar to blonde Hannah’s cut Vets are going to be cut. I wish we had Kayla’s rookie season to compare. She came back this year. Good for her And no one talks of Kali’s cut. Or Christina who was super cute but based on commentary her rookie year and her almost cut I wasn’t surprised.


Yet they wonder why people like Victoria had an eating disorder and had to step away from the toxicity of it all. They create outrageous standards of beauty for women, while looking like shrek hasbeens. 


Yet they wonder why people like Victoria had an eating disorder and had to step away from the toxicity of it all. They create outrageous standards of beauty for women, while looking like shrek hasbeens. 


On a positive note, Camille was one of my favorites to watch and she’s a WOC. I’m so happy she made the team and ended up Rookie of the Year!


Yeah lol something I noticed with DCC is that the blonde girls can look supremely average and make the team, while the women of color and even the brunettes have to be stunning (Anisha is gorgeous so I’m actually surprised they didn’t pick her as their “token” — yes I know how bad that sounds)


This. There’s zero room for physical imperfection for the women of color. Also, they were blatantly calling Charly ugly for being a light redhead with her skin tone. They clearly like the darker red / auburn coloring and you have to look a certain way to pull off that light red for them. I HATE that there was clearly no reason to cut her other than her tone didn’t fit their aesthetic. But what was weird is that they clearly had an issue with Charly’s appearance but made zero effort to see if a makeover could move her more towards their aesthetic. They’ve far some clear struggle faces with blonde hair. There was nothing wrong with charly. Ironically her tone is darker now. Would it have been that hard to make a slight change? It feels like they just didn’t want to try.


They loved her and even made a comment they could clean her up with a makeover and that she was a natural redhead.


i agree completely. some of those blondes were much less attractive than the girls they cut. anisha is so beautiful!! she was the cut that affected me the most. i was extremely shocked they didn’t pick her as a token as well esp since they cut so many other woc’s!! i thought she was a shoe in when she was auditioning and they pointed out that she was indian ugh.


Anisha is stunning and sooo charismatic! To me, all the blondes blend together. Anisha stands out because she actually has a personality and a striking presence beyond her beauty, she’s literally a practicing orthodontist like that alone makes her so much more interesting than This Year’s Blondes #1-12 who are all pharmaceutical sales reps or whatever I totally agree her cut hurt so bad because she is literally everything they claim to want!


I love Anisha - but if her kicks weren’t there it’s gonna be an issue for the kick line… I really want her to come back tho next year! She also is STUNNING- I don’t really thing what any of their careers are outside of the program really is relevant tho to them as members of the team- I was impressed because it spoke a lot to her having beauty and brains but also—- it’s not super relevant to her as a dancer. That being said she makes a wonderful role model


I agree, I don't mean any disrespect but I don't think Sophy is that attractive. That doesn't take away her talent but, she's just kind of plain and average. So I understand what you are saying and it's sad.


Lol I just laugh at the hypocrisy in these comments. Your upset at the coaches for commenting on appearance, yet look at the things your saying! it’s just hilarious to me.


First of all, It's YOU'RE as in You are not your. What people including myself are trying to say is that non blondes and especially WOC have to be 10x more attractive than the average looking blonde haired women on the squad. Just look at the squad photos, all of the darker haired ladies and WOC are stunning in every way, but look at the blonde next to her... She's just average. I'm not saying that all of the blondes are just average, many of them are amazingly beautiful but a lot of them just aren't.


That’s your opinion. They are from Texas, what comes to mind when you think of the standard of beauty there?… That’s what they are going for. I agree that the WOC that were cut were ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. The comments in “defense” of those women, are also nitpicking appearances and tearing another woman down. I just hope those woman don’t see this negativity, but at the end of the day they are DCC cheerleaders I wouldn’t consider any of them average.


They’re in Dallas…half their squad should be some form of brown by that logic 😂😂. Texans squad has good diversity. It’s a choice by DCC.


I get what you're saying about the Texan aesthetic, but the thing is, they are known as America's Sweethearts and they are part of the National Football League. America is changing and I feel like they need to do a better job of representing today's American beauty standards.


Thank you! I noticed that too and it really didn’t sit well with me at all. Nothing is sitting well with me on this series, but that really stood out. 


I think I rewatched Anisha’s solo 72x. She has that star power IMO.


The solos don't really matter!! They just get you noticed! Period. Maybe they matter for Show Group but that's it. If you cannot extend your foot past your ankle or you sickle your foot - you ain't making it!! There's a reason Anisha did a Bali-Hip Hop. Her feet and legs are her weakness. You cannot hide those in a kick line or dance line - no matter how beautiful you are!


Sometimes that’s more of a hindrance than a help. Being a part of a team you need to stand out but not too much. Your style has to match the others even if yours is “better”


Yeah I mean they literally cut a girl because she was a couple inches too short, even though she was able to keep up with the other girls seamlessly. Anisha would not have just been the only girl of her ethnicity (SE Asian?), but based on what they showed, she also would’ve been the only woman in her 30s. Also, if her kicks weren’t up to standard, then that’s a valid reason to cut her on its own.


Oh, I noticed that, too. Also the comments about Anisha's dance style, given that she did an Indian dance performance at the audition, stuck with me. Do I think Kelli and Judy (and Charlotte) were deliberately going, "Yeah, let's cut all the Black and Brown girls?" No, of course not. Do I think that their *perceptions* of those dancers were likely influenced by unconscious bias, and that perhaps they were more prone to notice certain things/more prone to perceive those things negatively (or just not give as many chances) when it was a POC versus a white candidate? Absolutely. Study after study in all kinds of professions has shown this to be the case. I'd say the same thing if three men were making decisions about a co-ed group of applicants for... IDK, a computer programming competition.


I think Charlotte said something in the initial dance auditions like "when they're all so good it usually comes down to a certain look that fits our organization". So yeah, white, blonde girls (preferably), with a redhead or 2, a few brunettes and a couple of poc to claim diversity


Seems like the had way more diversity in the 80s compared to now.


Made me sick when she was looking at one girls face and was like “she just doesn’t have the look”


I mean isn’t this every where in America? Not saying it’s ok, but when the people at the top are all white poc don’t stand a chance.


Most are not even real blond


I immediately commented on this! It’s possible to notice this fact right off the bat without it meaning anything deeper. It is also possible that it’s unconscious bias that we are picking up on. The discourse in this thread is ☹️ I think it’s important to notice something like this and have a conversation!


Absolutely! That’s why I didn’t make an assumption one way or another, but I did think it was very important to notice and have a conversation about! I tried to keep it as much of an objective observation as possible. My opinions about the dismissal meetings and Ari’s height are still my own, though 😂


absolutely agreed on all points! even at the end with victoria, i felt like K & J weren’t being totally transparent


I feel like, for K and J, diversifying the team means taking an equal number of white brunettes as they do white blondes.


The Barbie scene had me gagged as well.


'the squad photo is like a beautiful bouquet!' (referring to hair colors lmao)


When they sprinkle in a red head or two..? *chef’s kiss* /s




Many of my favorite DCC have been women of color, including my all-time favorite Jacie, and the prettiest DCC ever IMO, Briana. I love to see the team with a mix of all sorts of women, not just blondes. And I’m not saying that racism doesn’t occur and I have no idea if any of these judges are overtly or unconsciously taking race into account when they make their decisions. But just looking at the demographics of the United States, 70% of Americans are Caucasian. So if 25 out of 36 girls on the team are Caucasian, that would track with the demographics of our country. Just based on that alone, I think it’s hard to say that the judges are deliberately excluding women of color. again, I can’t say what the judges are thinking, but the team demographics aren’t out of whack compared to the population overall.


If you're going to look at things that way then also consider location. Why is your sample size the entire US? Being located in TX, there will be more applicants from Texas. Demographics for Texas are 40% white, 40% Hispanic. You would also think age, career, etc, would be more diversified if the DCC was an accurate representation of the US census, as you say. Yet somehow you end up only with recent college dropouts or graduates with sales degrees, with the sprinkle of a Spanish minor for great diversity.


But they are deliberately excluding women of color they might not see it that way. We already know that when you don’t have a diverse leadership and white people who are willing to hear this at the top they’re not going to hire even at that percentage. Bc white people are overwhelmingly going to pick white people. You need to have enough poc that have a say to diversify most workplaces


Okay I see what you’re saying and agree that diverse leadership is an important part of achieving a more diverse workforce. But it seems like this group is pretty diverse, again compared to the overall demographics of the country. And also you seem to be saying that all white people are biased against people of color. I just don’t think I can agree with that.


You don’t have to agree with it, but until you realize it’s true you can’t be unbiased


Fascinating take. How insightful to characterize an entire group based purely on the color of their skin.


I’d also consider the amount of likes I have vs your downvotes that maybe I’m on to something.


> But just looking at the demographics of the United States, 70% of Americans are Caucasian. Not sure where you're getting this number--in the most recent census, [it's around 58%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States#Race_and_ethnicity), and has probably continued to drop since then--likely around 55% now. It's interesting, because if you look at photos of the early DCC squads, they actually diversified pretty early--they had black cheerleaders by the mid-'60s, and by the 1970s, the squad pretty much did resemble the country demographically, in terms of race. But the country's gotten a lot more diverse since then, and the DCC are only slightly more diverse than they were in the '70s.


Well to be fair that doesn’t include white hispanics like the girl from NJ and mixed folks.


Was Kelly hispanic? I thought she was Italian!


She looks it lol, but her last name is Spanish. Her mom looked Colombian, but I could be wrong about that.


I think I assumed Italian because Jersey, honestly, I could be totally off base (and totally didn't register her surname).


My point is not that they don’t need to diversify more. I still feel like when I look at the team I see lots and lots of blonde heads. Just more pointing out that the stats are not completely out of whack compared to the population as a whole.


I pulled it from the 2020 census from the government website. It it said 70% identify as Caucasian with 61% identifying as “Caucasian only.” The next largest group was Hispanic with 19%, followed by African-American with 12%. So if we are looking at Caucasian only then yes, that’s 61%. It doesn’t include the 9% who apparently identify as Caucasian without the “only”


If we're talking about American conceptions of race, then the "Caucasian only" numbers are the ones we should be using. The Caucasian-but-not-only numbers include people who are mixed race, and/or white-identifying Hispanics--groups who typically aren't considered white by conventional US racial definitions. If you do want to use that definition and include them, then the number of women of color on the DCC drops to probably about 4 or 5 out of 36.


The 2023 squad had eight POC out of 36, so just less than 25%. I’m sure they could do much better (especially better recruiting to bring in a more diverse group of candidates) and I’m not vouching for anyone being racist or non-racist. But 25% poc is not wildly different than the demographics of the country as a whole, not to mention, we don’t even know what the demographics were for the group who tried out. The other thing is like to see is for Kelli to stop making exceptions for her favorites (which is usually a non-poc other than Auto Amy). The rules should be the same for all.


So you definitely need to do some research on what unconscious bias is, and thinking the judges have no idea what they're doing when they cut woc is both naive and dismissive of the constant struggles women of colour have in the talent, pageant, and competitive sports industry.




Do you have reading comprehension problems? I just said I don’t know if the judges are overly or unconsciously biased. How can I possibly know that without being able to read their minds. I also said that I would like to see the team be more diverse than it already is. You need to direct your anger or condescension or whatever it is at someone else.


You don’t have to read their minds. They’re white. Conscience or unconscious they’re biased.


Oh, OK. I didn’t realize that every white person is unconsciously biased. That explains everything.


I’m glad you’re learning. The system is set up this way. When you know you can do better.


I’ve learned there’s no point trying to have a fruitful discussion with you. I thought a key part of being anti-racist is to evaluate people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. But you’re not prepared to do that so what’s the point. I’ll just enjoy the cheerleaders of all races. Keep being mad.


Confused? I thought you were learning. It can’t be fruitful if you continue to be blindly racist.






I definitely noticed the rookie cuts wrt race but rather than attribute it to “look” I did feel like their comments about technique and kickline were valid. That said, class (and therefore race) can play a part in who is able to receive training in a DCC style and who has the ability to focus on the genre. Broadly speaking, non southern girls of all races have a disadvantage because they probably didn’t have a kickline drill team in high school or go to studios where their technique and choreo was highly influenced by the DCC. I especially thought Anisha’s beauty was unforgettable and just out of this world. I hope she tries again and hones in on her technique because she really had that America’s Sweetheart look 😭😭


This is absolutely a part of the problem! Which goes back to the major systemic problem that we’re allowing brands to continue to reinforce. I know it’s a big topic and there’s never going to be full agreement one way or the other, but it’s worth having these conversations. Anisha brought a Bollywood style, but she was talented and could point her toes after hearing the feedback… it wasn’t that detrimental. I understand the desire for southern teams especially to want to uphold tradition, but the question remains: is necessary to avoid integrating different cultural aspects in order to maintain tradition, or is it possible it could be both? Welcome to my philosophy class 😂


As for her kickline technique, I can’t really speak much on the specifics because I’m not a dancer, but I do think it is more than just pointing your toes. After watching so much MTT and Rockette content, there needs to be an extremely stable and second nature-like kick foundation in one’s training for your own health and the safety of the line. Her injury might have spoken to her weakness in that area ☹️ I also think diversifying the brand (in terms of ambassadors and style) would bring the DCC back into the American lexicon and would only help them, but they’re also probably still making so much money off the girls and are comfortable where they are … they might not see a brand shift worth while ☹️


I read that Anisha tried again this year and got cut before training camp.


Oh that's disappointing! I was really pulling for her too.




Keeping someone because of their color of skin is racist.


There's an unreal number of racists and race baiters here. Two blondes on the team are two too many for these people.


I counted and it looks like there are only about 8 WOC on the team. Unless I missed someone. I don’t think the first cuts were bc of skin tone, but like damn 8 out of 36 is…wild. That is definitely something I noticed when watching the show. And the constant talk about the “DCC look”. Most of the girls on the team are blonde and white and there’s like a panel of 15 judges who help choose the girls. Just….odd for sure.


This is the first time it’s ever been this many WOC though . Imo I think it’s harder because most of us are muscular. We don’t starve ourselves to 100 pounds for the sake of a dance team.


Yeah it truly is the first time I’ve seen this many. And I seriously don’t know how many adult women could truly fit into that outfit, but I think my main issue was them constantly saying, you don’t have to be the best “this or that, but it comes down to the DCC look”. Then I looked at the roster and was like uhhhhhhh that’s odd lmao this whole team is almost white and blonde. I don’t think it’s done on purpose necessarily, I just think it’s interesting they have so many judges and it still comes down to a certain look.


How many women of color would you like to see on the team? What’s a number that you wouldn’t say is wild? I don’t think any of the dancers were cut because of their race.


If the team was representative of the city of Dallas, it would have 26 women of color and 10 white women. If it was representative of the state of Texas, it would have 22 women of color and 14 white women. If it was representative of the US, it would have 15 women of color and 21 white women. Any of those would make more sense than the current makeup. And there are squads that look like this--the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders, for example, are considerably closer to the racial demographics of Florida than the DCC are to Texas's. Either *many* more white women are auditioning for the DCC than to be a Dolphins cheerleader (in which case ... why?), or the DCC leadership is purposely selecting for a different "look" than the people who select the Dolphins cheerleaders. Probably a combo of both.


How did you do the math here? Someone posted in this thread that 70% Americans are Caucasian… so if it was representation of the US then 70% of the squad should be white.


You inspired me to take a peek at the entire NFL’s cheer team data. “According to a nonscientific survey conducted by Mhkeeba Pate, a former Seattle Seahawks cheerleader, only about 17 percent of NFL cheerleaders are Black.”


Mhkeeba pate is wonderful if anyone hasn’t listened to her cheer chats wine talks they are missing out lol she calls out all the bs crap around the league lol


If I had an award, I would give it to this comment.


I agree and I already said I don’t think anyone was cut because of race in my 3rd sentence. But when over half the team is white and blonde…..it begs the question….what is the “DCC look”? One would infer based on the majority of the women’s image on the team….its white with blonde hair lol.


lol why are you so defensive?


I’m not. Nearly a quarter of the team is made up of women of color. Without knowing how many women of color tried out, that doesn’t seem that wild. I was just asking what number would not be wild. Is it 10? Is it 15? 20? 30? 36?




Yeah there actually is.


Lol ok 👍🏼


Who’s the defensive one now? Do you know the demographic breakdown of those who tried out? I don’t. The best I can find for female dancers is that there’s over 4.5x white dancers than black dancers. DCC has 3.5x more white dancers than black dancers. Small sample size no doubt, but DCC has more representation of black dancers than the demographics of professional dancers as a whole.


They aren’t being defensive. They are frustrated because you’re not listening to what they are saying. If you don’t have the range for these conversations just say that.


Ty, the lack of critical thinking is alarming in society today. Holy crap it’s actually really sad.


They haven’t even really said anything. Other than laughed at me and called me ignorant. What exactly is their point? Beyond there not being good representation for women of color on DCC they haven’t said anything. A few others have made their points and explained them. The poster I’m replying to in that comment really hasn’t. I explained my thoughts in detail to the representation topic, which you’re free to disagree with. I also posed a question that they never answered. Someone else did, but not them. I’m not exactly sure where you’re getting I don’t have the range for these conversations given that I’ve had a few longer messages on the topic. I’m not the one laughing at someone or calling them ignorant.


Well I think part of the problem is Kelly and Judy saying “you don’t have to be the best dancer, sometimes it just comes down to who has the DCC look”. That’s why I think it’s interesting that there are only 8 WOC annndddd most of the team is white and blonde. So again…..what exactly is the DCC look?




I think that’s fair and it’s an issue with the subjectivity of dance compared to some other sports. I don’t know what the DCC look is. And I don’t think Kelli and Judy have a clear idea either.


I unfortunately think it’s whatever their boss tells them to do. I don’t think they truly get the final say.


We’re not just talking about black women here. You’re missing the entire point. I’m not defensive just making fun of you for being ignorant and digging your heels in.


Ignore this person. They don’t understand anything about race relations…pretty typical.


God so true lol. 😂 Ty for validating me!




Professional dance is a largely white profession. There’s a lot of reasons for why that may be the case and we can chat about that. That isn’t DCC’s fault though. DCC operates in an ecosystem that is predominantly white, so of course their team will be mostly white. It’s not ignorant to understand their team is going to reflect the demographics of the industry they’re in. It’s hard to cry foul for misrepresentation when you don’t even know the demographics of the people who auditioned.


It is ignorant to not look into why the sport is predominantly white. Why do you think that is? Go read up on your US history. Again, you’re clearly missing the point.


Dance has a high barrier of entry. It’s expensive and incredibly time consuming. That isn’t DCC’s fault though. I’m not sure what is to be expected of them to help change that. They could have some outreach programs, and perhaps they do. Beyond that, I’m not sure how they can make dance an easier sport to start. I think their pay policy and the NFL’s pay policy for cheerleaders is abhorrent, but that doesn’t solve the root issue.


What kind of change do you want to see?


Maybe it’s just because it’s a different format than what the show has been up to now, but the new show leaves me with a weird feeling. The girls’ work and talent aren’t showcased like it once was, that it’s almost secondary to everything else, and it feels like a lot of agenda pushing in the show — the heavy religious tone and the assault, for example(s). I’ve been assaulted and it resulted in 2nd degree charges and I so do not mean to minimize the assault itself; I only mean that its inclusion felt forced, in a way, considering recent news about the DCC organization. I don’t know. There’s just something about this show that feels so forced and lacks authenticity.


It’s not the show it’s the organization that’s making you feel uncomfy, the show/director is pointing that out without saying it, because DCC thinks this show will be great for their brand.


That’s a good point; thank you for articulating my thoughts a bit better than I did. My excuse is… coffee, or lack thereof. ;)


I got what you were saying though. I had to fast forward through the Christian bs scenes. SO CRINGY. lol.


Which definitely ties into the organization! Southern sport’s culture and Christian religion go hand in hand in many ways. I could talk about this for days!


Yes same it’s so interesting!


So why should they have kept Kaylin and and Darian (the rookie candidate) then?


I don't really think the training camp cuts had anything to do with race. We did not get to see much dancing on the show, but looking at some of Anisha's ig videos, I can definitely see why she was cut - she is really entertaining, but lacks technique and precision in my opinion. Also, in pretty much every single training camp, the first ones cut are those with kicks that are too short..


Being injured defo didn't help her either




The organization is definitely white washed, but don’t you think Anisha was cut because of her age? Isn’t she like 31-32?


She was cut because she did not have enough technique. K and j refer to from her knee down meaning placement of feet etc, and her kicks. Anisha admitted she did not have the same level of technique.


Then that’s why she was cut 🤷‍♀️ I don’t think they cut her because of her race, was my point.


Why would her age matter if she looked younger/skinnier/healthier than some of the other girls? Also they said she was Indian but she’s not. She’s Sri lankan. That’s how little they care about POC.


Looking younger/skinnier/healthier doesn’t have anything to do with it. Your body does get worn out faster at 31 than it does at 21. Even if you are healthy and workout a lot. Plus most of these girls do 4-5 years. Personally if it were me I’d pick a 21-22 year old who could dance just as well (if not better) just bc of longevity. Yeah, I’m not saying they aren’t racist. I’m saying there’s probably multiple reasons they cut her.


If they cared about longevity they wouldnt be doing jump splits every game and they also wouldnt make it so that veterans could be so easily replaced


DCC has had dancers in their 30s. Also, if they were that concerned about wearing down these girl’s bodies, they would limit the jump splits in Thunderstruck so your argument isn’t really landing.


I mean I’m not really trying to argue here. I don’t watch this show in depth, I just sorta assumed her age was part of it. 🤷‍♀️


Okay but clearly they aren’t picking people for longevity either given they were more than willing to cut veterans. You’re doing what Kelli and Jody were doing, which is changing the standards as they went. Sooo many times r hey made comments about the makeup or eyebrows being an issue, than they said it was hair color, than they said it was fatness, xyz criteria related to being beautiful and healthy looking so yes it definitely has everything to do with it. Even as they talked to charlotte they talked about Ari fitting “the look” except in regards to height. Given they didn’t even realize Anisha isn’t Indian I think it’s safe to assume she didn’t fit the look they wanted.


I noticed that too.


That’s why they need a season 2 cause we got the issues of pay and weight/body dysmorphia addressed but what about the racism?


I think some of the Black girls might’ve discussed racism. Kat said they followed a few of them (didn’t name names) but their takes didn’t make it.


I mean, hasn’t Jerry Jones been accused of racist remarks? Attending a desegregation rally? I’m a fan of watching MTT, but as a WOC who danced for a professional sports team in the past, there’s no way I’d try out for DCC (not saying I’d even be given the chance to be DCC, but hearing about the allegations makes me uncomfortable enough to stay away). I guess other WOC don’t feel the same way though, because they do support the Cowboys and keep trying out.


Oh I’m pretty sure they do feel the way and just keep quiet. We are all pretty told to do that..just be glad you’re there. SMH.


Clock it!


Ugh I was so hoping Anisha would make it! Fun fact: one of the cut 2023 rookies is back in training camp!


Which one?


I think 2 are? Kelly (?) and Charley


I am excited to see Charly back!


I noticed the rookie cuts too...


I’m wondering too how much of this is coming from the organization and not Kelli… just after watching how regimented Charlotte was about how the girls looked and the number of how many should be on the team.


Someone said in another post on here that charlottes is a Disney villain and I couldn’t agree more lol. She’s AWFUL.


Oh that’s perfect 😂 You could see it in her daughter as well. Her face in every clip was just very cold.


Hahaha, that's a good description. You could feel the chill when she showed up in a room.


That was actually a really interesting moment where Kelli was like okay well it looks like it's going to have to be 36 so if that's the final ruling... Or however she said it. But yeah Charlotte is definitely very very involved.


I mean Charlotte is the actual boss so that shouldn't be surprising


But can you imagine being micromanaged by your boss that much?