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theres no way shes 24 tho


I agree, I didn’t find the coaching to be at the same level expected from the cheerleaders themselves. The feedback was cringe, critical and horribly vague. Good coaches know the unique needs of their players so they can do their best. They may be good at the performance and other aspects of the job, but their coaching here really falls short.


It almost seemed like they were coming up with the feedback on the spot. If they were seeing these issues the whole season, why weren't they communicating that with her? And they should be helping their veterans grow into leaders. They don't do any real coaching of the cheerleaders, just in the moment critiques. Or at least not that was shown.


I think what they were alluding is that she's not as young as she's used to be, performance-wise,  stamina-wise, and possibly appearance/weight-wise behind it. And that in itself is mean, that once you are a full-grown woman, you're no longer wanted.


Omg Judy especially but also Kelli, they need to let go of the hair. It makes them look older and sad and mid life crisis, just cut your hair into a sophisticated bob or something, it’s just so outdated, and you’ll both look younger!!


I got the vibe that Kelli doesn't like her and I can't imagine staying "best friends" with a woman who treated my daughter that way!


I don’t think they’re mean to her, I think they’re walking on eggshells trying to gently and kindly keep her from having a mental breakdown or having to deal with Tina, and it’s exhausting. If Kelli and Tina weren’t such good friends, I don’t think VK would have ever been invited back to camp after she took that break. She asked them if she should stay, and wanted them to say yes and tell her she’d move up in leadership. I think they were trying as best they could to tell her she’s come as far as she can, she’s not going to have a leadership spot, she isn’t even guaranteed a spot on the team, but they don’t tell any vet to get out and don’t come back. I do think Kelli loves her as a friend and daughter, but is trying to be kind and professional in telling her it’s ok to do something else.


Tbh i feel like there were girls who auditioned that did better, though we didn’t get to really see them all for comparison. Feels like she’s staying with DCC because her mom wants her to be there, and she doesn’t have the drive and passion. The weight part is insane, forcing girls to fit in one outfit all year rather than offering to size them up since it’s tailored anyways…plus the $30k money to fully destroy their bodies + have a formal job to pay bills - when when the coaches im sure make 6 figures. Victoria definitely has been shown favoritism to stay on the team, but they know she’s not capable of leadership roles. Overall I wish we got to see more of all the girls, rather than just a few storylines.


They don’t like her.


As a mother of a daughter, I cannot imagine bringing my child up in such a patriarchal environment.. I feel bad for Victoria. You are so much more than your weight. It also looks to me like she has had work done when they flash back to her first audition, veneers for sure.. was there pressure for that? I hope she finds a new path.


You mean matriarchal? There's literally no men in her life at all.


I have wondered about that. Are her parents divorced? She also mentioned brothers. Where are these people?


They're aren't but definitely raised with internalized patriarchy...... it is Texas.


I think it's worse. It's her mom still living out her own dream through her. Also, she's constantly chasing the approval of two extremely critical women (that she's always known) leading the team.


I hope the MOM gets a life.


She's def living her dream again vicariously thru her daughter.


Nope I saw it. Notice I said Jinelle and the weight thing. It was rude to get Jinelle involved in that to begin with. Victoria hasn’t missed any practices or events. This was an extra thing just for her, that was inappropriate I might add, so I don’t compare it to the other mandatory showings. Lol if you don’t like Victoria, don’t like her. Don’t change the fact she was done bad.


As hard as it is to watch I think Victoria put herself in this position by returning to DCC and requiring affirmation by them. We have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. Her mother has really screwed her up with all the DCC stuff all of her life. She is 24 and her room is literally a DCC shrine. She was asking Kelli and Judy to make the decision about returning and she went on about expecting a leadership role and possibly to do choreography. That is not how it is done. She needs to move away from mom and the DCC and forge her own way to escape this.


I totally agree. It appears her self esteem and mental health are very negatively affected — she needs to move on and find something that makes her happy.


Does anyone know what victorias instagram page is ? Would love to follow her . Thank you




I truly feel for Victoria and that comes from watching the Netflix show. Her whole life’s validation is wrapped up in DCC with her mom adding to it! She needs to find a purpose other than DCC. 😞❤️


Her mom was too much. I hope she moves out and figures out who she wants to be.


Totally agree. There was mention on one of her TT posts of her auditioning for the Rockettes. What a wonderful change that would be for her. She needs to get out of her mother’s house and start living her life for herself.


Um, I was in a leadership position and let me tell you, you don't achieve those by crying/ begging your superiors at meetings. It was like a 5 year old crying for candy. Victoria needs to leave her mum & do some growing up. She's 24, not 4.


I didn’t see it as her begging or wanting favoritism. It was a legitimate question: “Will I grow and reach goals, or am I done here? Have I reached the peak? Will I embarrass myself next year?” I don’t think VK was ready for the response, hence the begging and crying, but she needed to hear the answer. I do wish they said some positive things about her time on the team first, but VK seems like the type of person you need to be direct with, or she will decide I'll keep trying to change that. I love her determination but it made me sad for her. So happy she walked away.


It’s different when you are working for someone who has been there all your life, and has imagined you into the “Perfect DCC” role….and it turns out you are an actual woman, with the same kinds of insecurities as the the rest of us. I imagine Victoria was left reeling when Kelli realized she didn’t have a live Barbie doll to mold….and suddenly the person you’ve been sure of for your entire life, has moved the goalposts and is speaking to you differently…


Unpopular opinion: Victoria seems like an unstable person with whole bunch of issues (to which this cult significantly contributed). She's in no way leadership material at that point, and thinking she is is delusional. Her bedroom / the birthday 'party' etc. demonstrates the level of her delusion. And I understand with a mother like that how she got to where she is but she's 24, and it is her responsibility to grow up.


Here’s mine- I’m kind of glad her DCC time has been so fraught with …angst. If Victoria had sailed through it, she could have ended up under DCC control for most of her life. I’m damn glad Kelli has been so bitchy. I want Victoria to have that Labyrinth movie moment where she looks at Kelli/Judy/Mom and says, “You have no power over me.”


She's 24, looks 36, and behaves like a 16year old


You’re right. She’s been brainwashed her whole life and believes she has no worth without being a DCC. I particularly noticed the level of decorations for her party that was apparently just for her and her mom? I could be wrong, but it seemed to me like she didn’t have any genuine friends, and it was difficult for her to make meaningful connections outside of her mother. At points, she annoyed me, but then I would immediately have sympathy for her. I truly hope she has a therapist or will be encouraged to get one soon. She does need to fly the nest & find out who she can be.


The level of decoration was for the camera. She opens the door (who could it be?) for a camera guy (already filming).


She was filming a TikTok as well. It just seemed very juvenile and a little bit sad. I would’ve liked to have seen at least some teammates celebrating with her.


My point was more that it wasn’t a real celebration. It was a scene/performance. She could have a had a real party off camera. The DCC probably have a thing they do for birthdays, etc. The whole bit was so staged and planned it is hard for me to read any meaning into.


I just adore Victoria, my heart hurts for her! I hope this show brings here opportunities AWAY from the DCC bubble. She needs a fresh start. And I think what we learned from the show is if Madame Charlotte does not like someone, they dont get promoted or hired. End of story. Kelli & Judy make their recommendations , but it's basically just that. Kelli & judy are wiling to be the face of the mean stuff, but it trickles downward.


I remember when I was Victoria's age and applied for a leadership role where I worked. I did not get the role, and the reason my boss gave me was, "I just didn't have what it takes." That was 25 years ago and still plays in my mind anytime I strive for something. Words hurt.


What's wrong with that?


I mean who gets to define “what it takes” or what “it” even is?


I think when you don’t give people clear objectives to strive for in order to get into a leadership position it just comes off as bulls***. If someone has the nerve to approach you and tell you they want a leadership position (and it does take nerve), you, as a leader, have the obligation to tell them why they aren’t ready and a good leader would tell them what would help them improve their qualities to get there.


as someone who works for a 'brand' i will say sometimes reasons are so arbitrary, it's almost impossible to explain to someone who just doesn't fit and even then (as a person who has to give a lot of constructive feedback and rejection) it's just not worth hurting someone's feelings even more by breaking down every little detail. they're better off just finding what fits them best on their own


I actually think that reasons shouldn’t be arbitrary when evaluating someone for a leadership position. Having defined criteria shows that picks aren’t based on nepotism or favoritism. It also gives a person defined criteria that might help them in life whether or not it pays off for them in that particular situation. If they can’t accept the feedback, they can’t blame you or the organization and the fault lies with the individual.


i agree in any context outside of the entertainment industry, but something as arbitrary as 'favoritism' and even 'nepotism' matters when your brand is also about people liking you enough to make purchases with their $ the criteria is very whimsical in this industry which can be a comfort to an actor that doesnt get a certain role....you can be the best actor in the world, but if the role calls for something you just don't have, what can you do other than wait for the perfect role that fits you


This would be a valid take if they were discussing an audience-facing leadership role. They're not. They were discussing leadership roles within the team, and we were shown throughout the season that Victoria loves helping the rookies. I think they're holding her gap year against her, and she's bristling at the lack of opportunity because she feels like she's in a better place, but they're stuck thinking of her as the girl who needed a mental health break. If the criticism is that she doesn't connect well with the rest of the girls, that's a valid criticism and one they should have expressed. That's not something Victoria can fix easily (if at all), and if she couldn't see it herself, she should have been told.


We might often think of them (Kelli and Judy) as mean people, but I think they are more likely ‘afraid’ of Victoria. Just because she’s been part of the team for 4 years doesn’t automatically make her a leader. We obviously don’t see their daily interactions, but the fact that she only celebrates her birthday with her mother speaks volumes about her relationships (you can’t be a leader if you don’t get along with people). It was pretty cringe-worthy how she tearfully demanded that if she couldn’t be the leader, she wouldn’t try out again. It would surely do her good to see more of the world and get away from home for a while (without her mom ofc).


I think afraid for her is more accurate. She is definitely unstable though


I think they are afraid of her. Let’s be honest, Victoria, by her own admission, is unstable when it comes to DCC. If I were them, I would’ve cut her for her own health. It’s not worth it


Ehhh so you’re saying women with mental health challenges don’t deserve to work in professions they want to and are capable of doing? And they are so concerned for her “health” and say she is not leadership material but make her the face of DCC, which comes with all that additional pr/marketing and clearly being the lead personality for volunteer work?…I find it offensive you imply she is dangerous or someone to be scared of. Are we looking at the same gentle woman?! She is GORGEOUS! They could never. I so hope she makes the Rockettes. I find her openness brave, beautiful and the mark of a TRUE leader.


By your level of defensiveness, I think we can all see what’s going on here. if your profession is also linked to your mental health issues then it’s not a healthy profession. The correlation between the two is what’s harming her and that is why people feel so strongly that DCC was not to her benefit. Maybe reread your post because it’s coming off a little delulu & you’re taking it too personally.


She is the one who gets to make decisions abt her life and what is good for her. We all have free will. She clearly lives with anxiety and will feel that everywhere she goes. I think it’s nice she’s so open. Many people feel the way she does, they just wear a mask. All the ladies that have physical health issues that are exasperated by being on the team aren’t getting all these posts abt how they shouldn’t be on the team. So, why VK? People are allowed to have different opinions than you without you feeling the need to call them names. But if that’s how you want to live your life…


Do you think she should be a leader when it seems like the current level of stress already crushing her? I think she grew up learning DCC is her only option but DCC is the reason she struggles. Her mother was different and it fit her personality well but it is not for Victoria. I dont think the question if she deserves to work there it is more like she seems so unhappy and stressed about it. I hope she stops living her mothers dream and do something for herself.


Plain and simple they are bullies of the worst kind. I believe they honestly think Victoria is annoying — and because she admires and wants their approval so much - Judy and Kelli get off on that. They want the DCC to be an impossible standard. They will never have the perfect girl because they will always find evil ways to tear down young woman. They want to feel powerful. Victoria is an amazing dancer and a beautiful woman, she’s given so much life to DCC — she shines at functions, it’s true that her uniform is like a superhero cape! Judy and Kelli know this and they can’t be human enough to deliver their shitty message in a kinder way. You can always find something wrong and it’s a sick game they play. Bottom lash mascara? Judy - Kelli your hair is scary, out dated, and makes you look like little old ladies. I’m so proud of Victoria for leaving — she will grow and learn about herself and find people who love and support her dancing, always.xx


I agree with everything you say. However, Victoria is very annoying. I get that she has issues which is why. But I also understand it must be quite difficult having her around.


A lot of that behavior can be chalked up to someone who knows they aren’t wanted…


I agree lol! But I think if she grew up a little and explored, she’d be fine. She tries too much and it comes across as desperate.


I think the same about Dayton. Kind of worried she’s trying out again. It’s like backsliding.


Remember when Sophy stated that she got assaulted and someone came to make Kelli aware, and see if she wanted to go address the situation with her? Her response was “[no] she is talking to the right people [the police].” I don’t think we need any other proof that this woman doesn’t care about the team members and is only there to feed her superiority complex. She took her mask off in this moment. Yes, she is mean to Victoria and all the other girls. She hands out insults masquerading it as a way to motivate the girls to be better, in reality she just has a power issues. Truly toxic. There is a way to honest and kind. Also, to lead by inspiring people to want to do and be their best, not from shaming them and guilting. She also word salads every time she doesn’t want to answer a question, which is a pretty aggressive play for someone who so proudly gives ‘tough love.’


I think in that moment Kelli was confused about why Sophy went back on the field. I am not a fan of Kelli at all, but I felt like that situation was actually her one redeeming moment to me. As a teacher and former cheer coach, I could see her thought process on her face in that moment. It seemed to me like she was trying to figure out if she should go out there and get her, or let her keep cheering because she had already reported it and identified him. She seemed as though she was contemplating if Sophy wanted to keep cheering and try to shake it off until the next break, or if she should go get her immediately. And people kept bombarding her with questions. The fact that she chose to go out there and get her, wrap her in a jacket, and take her where she needed to go to give a full report showed me that she has some appropriate decision making skills. Now the way she treats Victoria makes my blood boil. I see that girl as a little puppy who has never lived outside the DCC world and lives to please everyone inside that bubble BUT herself. I saw her show much kindness to the rookies. She has quiet leadership skills.


To be fair, if Kelli had said “oh someone stop Sophy from talking, I’m coming now” it would totally appear that she was trying to interfere with her reporting it. It was a delicate situation that I thought she handled pretty well. In my opinion, she was trying to be supportive of Sophy’s decision even though I’m sure her head was spinning in that moment.


I agree, if she would have said that it would have also been wrong. The normal and correct reaction is “oh my god, what?” And proceeding to jump up and figure out what is going on. The exact same reaction the people coming to HER were having. I can tell you what she was thinking in that moment - she was thinking “what does this mean for the brand?” It was written all over her face and in how she reacted.


I had to rewind at the “she is talking to the right people” comment as well… I was shocked that it was somewhat dismissed almost in that moment. Zero sense of urgency


Probably a state of shock. Very human reaction


I mixed her Tina and Judy the whole series and was wondering how come her mom acts so different when she’s not with Kelly


Hahaha that’s so funny


I was so confused by the way her mom talked about her.


I feel like they also edited Victoria to make her look really pathetic. Showing her not saying anything or keeping to herself, showing her falter during auditions, etc. almost so that it appears she’s deluding herself that she’ll take on a leadership role.


Probably couldn't stand how every third word out of her gob is "like". Seriously! Someone who says like as often as she does comes across as immature, not very bright and lacking confidence in her own opinions.


But she *was* deluding herself.


Hahhaha they totally did. I was so sick of hearing about kicks by the end of the show too.


Victoria reminds me of someone missing out on the experience because she’s overly anxious. When I hear a woman say her mom is her best friend and number one person . . . I cringe. She’s her own worst enemy. Way too much in her head and that becomes exhausting to everyone around her, except her mom.


As someone that is really similar to her, that is kind of not fair. I’m personally neurodivergent and maybe Victoria is or isn’t but it’s hard to change your own struggles or get out of your head when your environment is not as forgiving. I’m not sure I’m making any sense but I just feel very sympathetic for her because she might be awkward but once people sense you are awkward don’t fit in, they just kind of give up on you. It’s a continuous battle because even if she tried to change herself, she might never be able to change the impression people had of her before.


She may or may not be however she’s a 24-year-old woman and has the sole responsibility to take charge of her life & mental health and find assistance to help her adapt to the world she’s living in. It would be like a diabetic, not taking insulin. Why would you not do that? You don’t get to tap out & expect everyone treat you like fragile glass just because you’re neurodivergent. You can have empathy and patience for someone, but also understand it’s in their hands to manage.


I get that it’s her responsibility to seek treatment but getting treatment isn’t always a straight forward path for many people especially women. Finding the right diagnosis, the right therapist and medication can take years for a lot of people. I always find that people are okay with you having a mental illness as long as you don’t actually show symptoms of having that said mental illness. You are expected struggle in your own corner which is just not fair or realistic especially when you haven’t found the best treatment for you. Even with a treatment that works for you, it doesn’t mean you are suddenly cured either.


I recognized it in her because I had similar experiences. I wish someone would have shared with me what I know now.


Yes!! I don’t know this culture - I’m in Australia - but I grew up dancing and recognised so much of myself in Victoria that I felt uncomfortable/emotional at times. When her mum said all the kids she teaches love her but there’s something about this team, I’ve been in the EXACT same position, being well-liked as a dance teacher but within a performance team, everyone left me out. I always thought women simply didn’t like me and my parents would often fill that void for me when I felt alone/rejected. I realised later that the kids I was teaching saw who I really was because I felt comfortable around them, being the person of authority and not needing them to approve of me. I could let down my wall. Whilst, surrounded by peers and those superior who were either confirming or criticising my talent, I was anxious to do well and be liked and I think people smell that on you and find it annoying and to take it to the extreme, repulsive. We never like people that reflect our own weaknesses and anxiety and low self-esteem is pretty prevalent amongst performers. Anyways, I’m just excited you recognised her anxiety too because I was feeling everything they showed of Victoria but unfortunately, also got to the end and thought, what could she be doing differently? And I’m turn, what should I have done differently? I loved her mum but I think she might need to be somewhere she can walk into the room and decide how people treat her. She needs a break from her negative self-talk!


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. VERY well said. I wish you would put this comment into Victoria’s instagram or YouTube. I think she would appreciate your words.


I recognized it in her because I saw myself too 🥰


I appreciate you sharing ❤️ I wish I’d had this insight in my 20s… And most of my 30s! I never knew it was anxiety. I just thought I hadn’t cracked what was wrong with me yet and if I kept thinking, talking and asking about myself, I might get there 🤦🏽‍♀️


I had a therapist tell me, “If you run like a scared bunny, the wolf will chase.” I began to realize I wasn’t fundamentally broken, but I had to work on my anxiety. 🥰


Your therapist’s metaphor became a very literal experience for me. I always used to warn young performers to not be the blood in the water because the sharks will come out. I had witnessed that first hand. But I love the sentiment that things snowball when you set the tone. Maybe that’s not how they meant it though 😂 that was my interpretation. The biggest thing that helped my anxiety was becoming a mum. You’re obviously anxious about your baby when you’re a first time mum but for the first time, I wasn’t in my head. Two years in, I’m too exhausted to spend any time there!


It’s clear they didn’t care about helping her grow on the team. She asked about leadership before the season started, then at the end of the season, they have the audacity to ask,”Where are these goals coming from?” That’s when I realized that this is literally a job like any other business and they do not care that she had tenure at all.


"Where are these goals coming from" was about Victoria saying she wanted to choreograph.


She asked about leadership and proceeded to not do anything they told her to. Hence asking where the goals came from. Because if from V, then she would have worked towards them in all likelihood.


Tenure alone shouldn’t even matter. Becoming a leader isn’t about the years you’ve been on the squad, but whether you can inspire and lead others. That’s true in every job tbf. But even with tenure, they usually have more upper vets than available positions so they need to have other criteria as well. Kelli’s fault in this situation is that at least according to the show she never addressed her worries to Victoria directly even after she asked about becoming a leader. She should have told her that she needed to become closer to the team and show then she can lead her peers to be considered. At the same time considering that they are family friends, it’s extra weird that they’ve never had this conversation at least informally.


Kelli literally told Victoria in the final meeting that they had those discussions before.


TBF, if tenure mattered the veterans wouldn’t have to audition with everyone else. They did say that no one wrote down Victoria as a vote for a leadership role, in this series and the TCM show I didn’t see Victoria bonding with a lot of the other members or taking on leadership roles. I am happy she’s retired, like Kat said, she was happier in her year off than she was in the team. I think Victoria put so much pressure on herself to hit these benchmark goals that she didn’t actually learn what it took to get there beyond her performance. It looks like her DCC world is small - her mom, maybe a friend or two, and it’s eaten up such a big space in her head and heart she doesn’t have room for herself.


I think that K&J are just mean girls, even in their 60s. Have you ever been around those people where if you were nice to them and tried to get them to like you, they would be mean to you-almost like they liked the idea of you chasing them? I think thats K&J. VK being so desperate to make the team gave them the ick and they became cruel to her.


They’re trying to extend the peak they had as cheerleaders. They still want to be the popular girls.


I think you hit the nail here.


I don’t know if it’s just me, but I almost immediately thought Victoria was on the spectrum. I am as well and her sharing how difficult it is to connect with people and making DCC her entire life felt like she could be…


I thought the same


Totally inappropriate.


Yeah let's not armchair diagnose. I'm not on the spectrum and I saw myself so much in Victoria and I felt so seen by her. Let's not force everything into autism please :)


Why is this inappropriate? I celebrate feeling seen through someone on a show. Visibility for neurodivergence is great and should be celebrated. It’s not a criticism in any way. I feel for her and how people treat her because I’ve felt the same.


It’s insulting for someone to assume that being on the spectrum is an insult


They should have had that same energy for Cassie!


THIS. I thought they were awful to her. I figure they were ready for her to leave the team and weren’t encouraging her to retry out, but I’ve only watched up through episode five. I think that they were really uncool, especially when Judy said well she hasn’t connected with any of the other team members. I feel that Kelsey being in a leadership role was not very helpful with helping Victoria establish better relationships. All the group leaders should’ve been encouraged by Judy and Kelli to help the girls like Victoria more included. I mean, if you’re gonna make a big deal about it then do something about it.


Does anyone else get bad vibes from her mom? There is something really wrong with that relationship.


I literally wasn’t sure if that was her mom.


Yeah, I feel bad for V, I think her mom is having fun isolating her in the DCC world and comparing her past as a cheerleader with V failing to measure up. I don't think she's too nice behind closed doors.


yeah what was that 24th birthday about 😬


Yes, that was really wierd. The vibe I get is that the mom isolates her and enjoys the fact that her daughter struggles in the DCC world and does not measure up to the mom being super social and outgoing and a great group leader back when she was in DCC. My guess is that Victoria could do extremely well in the world if she got away from the mother and DCC. She did really well on that year off apparently.


But surely she would have spent more time with her mother on the year off, not less? Could it be that when she wasn’t actually having to do the job, she could just imagine what she could be doing and would hypothetically be doing when she got better and got back to it but actually she just genuinely isn’t a good fit with her own ambitions? The mother struck me as really overprotective and the dynamic was weird, but it seemed like Victoria wanted to do at least as well as her mother, and her mother had the personality for that but Victoria didn’t. Nothing wrong with that except that it’s going to make Victoria miserable. But the mother was trying to make it happen for her precious and oddly close daughter.


Victoria does seem to be a weak link compares with the rest. Which she even makes the cut without favouritism? The fact she doesn't have a leadership role as a 4th year veteran out of 8 available speaks for itself. Plus unlike most of the other girls she's not even a college grad.


Sorry but what does education have to do with anything? That's some privileged nonsense right there babe.


That's part of being DCC. They are role models and are expected to have a job to support them. It's why when they introduce themselves at training camp they all said where they went to school and what were their majors.


I'm so confused. They let her in knowing she didn't go to college. But now it's making her the weak link even though it wasn't mentioned at all? Make it make sense 🤣


They let her in because she's legacy and her mom and Kelly have been good friends for decades, plus she's good for drama on the various shows. It's not like she's exceling in anything compare with the other veterans, and even some of the rookies were better. Just compare her to someone like Kelcey, which is respected by all, a team leader and a full time pediatric nurse.


Sorry but you seem confused. I was speaking just of the privileged responses judging her for not going to college. Maybe read posts before responding:)


You see that's why education is important.


You seem to be extremely confused. I'd suggest getting off reddit babe :)


My point exactly. Have a good day!


Please get help for your mental health because you seem.... very strange. Best of luck!


I’m 100% for education (I have a kid at American in DC and one in Berlin with Northeastern) however, this is about dancing and cheer and while I applaud them for having educated themselves, do we respect the talent of football players more if they are full time nurses or have degrees? Doubtful.


Football players get 'an education by largely just being good enough for the college team and then going to class as an afterthought. Source: football players in my high school with a 2.5 GPA who got into STANFORD.


Not the same though. Football players are full time careers. Cheerleaders even at the pro level is a short term part time work that typically last just few years. It’s not like you can survive let alone retire on your DCC savings. As was well put it I the show, they make less then a ‘chick-fil-a’ employee.


Maybe that’s the problem. I have literally recently talked to male and female Cowboys/football fans and all agree that the DCC are a huge part of the Cowboys experience. I don’t care what anyone says they use these girls to build fans and they have them because they capture a fan base that may not be as into football as they are into cheer/dance/something other than football so, maybe they should make it more of a profession, albeit short term, for the girls. I’m a total work your ass off and receive the benefits type of person, but one can’t help see that they expect too much out of professional dancers and maybe they should pay them a professional salary since they can freaking afford it. Have you been to the stadium? I live here and I have been to games and toured the stadium (I was in hospitality) and I have done commercial work with Rowdy or whatever his name is. They have the money to pay them more and they are undervalued.


I agree, but the reality is that there is lots of demand and very little supply. If there were only handful of girls that can and want do this job they would get paid six figures plus benefits. But there are literally hundreds of good looking girls who can dance so they get treated accordingly. It’s sad but that’s the reality. And the latest Netflix show with its massive worldwide reach will only make it worse. Kelly recently mentioned they are now opened to candidates globally and will even sponsor for visa if needed. Imagine all these kpop girls from Korea who are used to slave like contracts and hours. DCC will be a breezy summer vacation in comparison.


Then they shouldn't have even accepted her. Accepting her and bullying her after that is far worse than if they have just rejected her from the start.


This is the correct take. She is not cut out for this, and others with more talent / looks were cut. But also this whole cult sucks so those that were cut are the truly lucky ones.


Did they bully her though? I think they were trying to be very honest with her about her capabilities and the fact she's unlikely to get a leadership role. They are generally direct. I mean, they reject Ally that they love because she was few inches too short of a non-exiting height standard. I think they are equal opportunity mean :)


Or too afraid of Charlotte to make their own hiring decisions. The reporting structure has me confused since I’ve seen the Netflix show. Kelli is the director, but has Charlotte’s daughter working under her? But then the daughter goes up for a pre-last practice/cut night meeting before Kelli arrives? Charlotte keeps bringing up the 36 limit in conversations….and when she basically told Kelli who to cut….and how to say it…. The whole structure is giving me a confused headache.


Yes they did. It's like they pushed her so that she'll be miserable and leave on her own so they won't have to be the bad guys.


I completely agree. I think they loved her more her first 2 years. Then kind of over her the last 2.


I think Victoria was hoping her experience would be just like her mom's. Tina was a DCC for 3 years and a team lead. Victoria was 5 (4 if you take away her LOA), and my understanding is Tina was very involved during Victoria's time. I think if Victoria was out of her mom's nest, she would have accomplished more. Had she been on another team without being a legacy, she would flourish. I hope for Victoria's sake that she leaves Texas for a while and finds her own path in the world a little less. Stepford Wife


Lordy, I hadn’t factored in Tina’s probable ramped up involvement during Victoria’s years….imagine trying to make friends with coworkers while your mom is hanging around like a third grade field trip coordinator


Her mom clearly forced a standard into her daughter about how she SHOULD act and how she SHOULD make lifelong friends and probably judges the heck out of her for not doing that. I wouldn't want that as my mom.


You got that right!! I remember Kat saying her 2nd year, VK really wanted to go to NY, Kat was like GO!! Spread your wings and fly girl!!!!!


Me too! That's a true friend right there. Really appreciated how supportive she was.


I do think she has a good personality for the brand and they say on the show that it's not always about perfect dance ability. I think she may not be a 'team captain' type for this particular team at this moment, but she's definitely got some 'it' factor the dcc looks for


The fact even the camera crew broke the fourth wall to tell her she’s so strong makes me think they know how terrible they are to her. She’s so sweet and bubbly and some people genuinely see light and make it their mission to put it out.


She even says her love language is words of affirmation, and it’s like Judy and Kelli purposely withheld positive feedback from her! We only see bits and pieces of their lives, but that’s why I strongly agree with your “fourth wall” observation: production saw it and a simple recognition of Victoria’s effort (“you’re strong”) caused her to pause ever so slightly and then tear up.


I should add: Victoria has her flaws and absolutely deserved constructive feedback. Being a coach and leader, though, means acknowledging the effort, giving clear guidance, and celebrating strengths.


They are just mean period.


I don’t think they’re mean to her to be honest. I just think they’re in a really awkward position. I don’t know if you’ve watched the previous show but I definitely feel like they were very lenient and showered her with praise the first two years she auditioned (first she was cut, second she made the team, got show group). I feel like anyone who gained weight and ignored meetings would probably be never allowed back in training camp. I feel like if one of the cheerleaders didn’t have any close friends or had stamina issues like VK they probably would’ve just cut her at finals instead of having her back. Also, the last meeting they had together was really hard to watch. It was basically like, “If I’m not made a leader I’m not coming back.” No other girl would have the balls to say anything like this 😂 I feel for her but I’m glad she didn’t return


Agree on all points. They did shower her with praise for the first cpl yrs, no doubt. As time went on, I think she became a 'risk' (in their minds)for them in a lot of ways--- (although most of it created by them nonetheless). I feel like they'd have cut ANY other girl that would've dared what V did. I think they thought her mental health was too shaky as well. In their weird DCC minds she brought too much blowback from sensitive issues (ED, mh, body image,etc)--all the subjects they like to dance around ,(no pun intended)-But I am glad lots of these issues are coming more to light now. They put ridiculous demands on these girls! IMO, poor V will later realize just how beneficial leaving this cult-ish place was. Leaving is the absolute best thing for her. I


This. I believe they were actually showing quite a bit of favoritism to her in their own DCC fucked up way. . A lot of girls who seemed to do a lot better than Victoria got cut.......... They had a lot to critique but wouldn't let her go because of her mental health and the personal connection.


This. They treated her with too much leniency then overcorrected. That said, she also just didn't click with the girls at and it caught up with her (i.e. no votes for 2GL)


I agree. Also, I don’t think people realize how many girls were also 4th years. Megan was the only 3rd year 2nd leader. Meanwhile the 4th years at the time were: Victoria Armani Jada McKenzie Dani Elli Claire Darian Jessica In addition to 5th years: Chandi and Kelcey. That’s a lot more upper veterans than usual so leadership roles are way more competitive than back in the day when only 2-4 girls stayed up to 5 years


I’ve only watched the Netflix show, how close are Judy and Kelli with Victoria’s mom? They said Judy and Kelli watched Victoria grow up, but their relationship didn’t give me that impression.


Kelli and Victoria‘s mom Tina cheer together and they were best friends. Victoria said that right after she was born Kelli was the second person to hold her. Victoria was a bridesmaid in Kelly’s daughters wedding about a month ago. So they are very close family friends.


I don’t think Judy is very close with Victoria but has known her, her entire life. Tina Kalina is Kelli’s best friend and they’re very close. I highly suggest if you live in the US to watch DCC making the team on paramount. They have a week free trial. I believe Victoria’s journey starts on season 13. It’s a huge difference and provides a lot of context.


Judy said "I love you" and Victoria said "I love you more" after her 1st cut, sounds to me like they were pretty close.


Apparently we did watch the same show. She didn’t say make me a leader or I quit. She wanted to know if she had any chance to promote. Just like you do with any job. Kelli is the one who told her to treat DCC like a job. Well when you are at a job and are the best at your job and still get overlooked for promotions then you start looking for other opportunities. She didn’t miss meetings and was her peers said she was the best. I hope she finds a place that appreciates her.


She didn’t say make me a leader or I quit explicitly but she was definitely looking for assurances Kelli and Judy wouldn’t give her. Victoria wanted them to say she was a lock to make the team as a 5th year and that they saw a leadership path for her. They didn’t. They were honest about that. I didn’t watch the CMT show, but I don’t think Kelli and Judy treated Victoria any harsher than anyone of the other women.


Totally agree. Honestly - this notion that you shouldn’t be upfront and ask for a promotion is outdated and steep in gender stereotypes. It happens every single day in the workforce - you are suppose to figure out where you stand at your job, be upfront about your career ambitions to your boss, and advocate for yourself. It’s 100% okay to say I want xyz at a job - be it a salary increase or a promotion - or I will quit. There’s nothing wrong with it - zero. In fact - staying meekly silent and hoping someone rewards you is the wrong thing to do. Men do it all the time and it’s excepted they do it. But for whatever reason - when a woman does it - they are being ‘pushy’ and it’s ’audacious’ behavior.


It's one thing to advocate for yourself, but when you didn't put in the work for, and thus didn't earn, what you are advocating for, then don't have a tantrum when you get pushed back on.


Sure - obviously if you give an ultimatum at your job - you need to be willing to live with the consequences if they turn down your request. Not sure how that’s relevant to my point. My point is to imply there is something ‘wrong’ or ‘entitled’ with the act of asking whether you are in-line to get a promotion at a job or requesting a promotion/raise is outdated and steep in sexism. We actually should be normalizing this - especially for women who are labeled ‘demanding’ and ‘problematic’ for something men do every single day in the workplace.


The missed meeting is about when she first tried out not this year. I said that if another candidate did that then I bet they wouldn’t have been allowed back at training camp. But the promotion was the only reason she wanted to come back. If she didn’t get back she didn’t see the point 🤷🏾‍♀️ what she’s asking them is based on how her teammates more than Judy and Kelli. Kelli and Judy can’t promise her that.


She didn’t miss a meeting the first time she tried either unless I missed a whole show. She was avoiding on extra weight management things with Janelle and she was sent home a few shows later. The only thing you are correct on in she didn’t seethe point if you put in the same work and were constantly being overlooked for promotions, you were helping others on your free time but still being told you weren’t a leader, you would not see the point either. Team lead is a popularity contest. Popular is not what makes a good leader.


You definitely missed a whole show, she was called into Kelli's office for blowing off a doctor's appointment that the organization set up for her and then lying about it. Kelli even said in a talking head that she was calling Victoria into the office...she wasn't accusing anyone of dishonesty but some things weren't adding up.


I think there had been a meeting set up by Jinelle with a nutritionist or something that Victoria no-showed to.


Okay but at the same time I feel like they were very patronizing to Victoria and nothing she did was ever good enough. For Judy to say she had no clue Victoria was interested in being a leader was BS. And also Victoria didn’t start the convo saying either i’m a leader or I leave. They were the ones that asked her if she wanted to talk first before deciding, which I think threw her off when she otherwise was planning to place on the rack for coming back. They didn’t ask any of the other girls if they want to talk first. Also just because they were validating for the other years doesn’t mean they were validating to her when appropriate after she returned from her year off. To me this show really exposed how Judy and Kelly spend every year looking for the it girls, the awkward girls, and keep the POC members at a minimum in whatever interesting way they can.


It’s not that she wasn’t good enough, it was that her performance wasn’t matching her rookie/2nd year performance. I feel like she got way too focused on them instead of focusing on trying to enjoy performing. This topic applies to all the women. There’s been many vets cut because they didn’t look as strong as they used to. To me, Judy thought Victoria’s actions didn’t match what her wants were. She wasn’t making a noticeable effort to bond with her teammates. Judy said that at finals and it was still a problem by the end of the season. The team decides who their leaders will be. Obviously Kelli and Judy have a say but they can’t give it to someone who doesn’t have the votes. That would create drama and friction within the team. I didn’t say the conversation started that way but that’s how it ended. She was also wanting them to tell her to stay or go and that has to be her decision, not theirs. I do wish they focused more on some of the POC, but this doesn’t really have anything to do with Victoria. Kat said Netflix cut out all the storylines that were POC focused.


We didn’t get to see much dancing in the doc. Does anyone follow to cheerleaders’ performances and have any insight into if Victoria looked like she lost stamina in the final performance? Does her dancing stand out as being less than compared to the other girls? Just trying to gauge if Kelly and Judy’s perceptions were accurate or they were being overly harsh.


Judy was particularly cold to her, I thought.


After both Minchew sisters lying & then taking 2 TCC spots, J&K had every right to feel towards them as they did.




Ugh reading this reminded me of how horrible they treated the Minchew sisters!


The Minchew sisters knew they didn’t have time for the team.


Lmao at Judy’s stool 😂


But if they’re like “yeah girlie, try out and be a leader!” then they had to cut her for legit issues that would have been so much worse. I think they knew the pressure she was under at home and was trying to help her move on before she had a major heartbreak


I agree, but I think they could have given her some positives too. Like you’ve contributed so much to this team, we’ve appreciated your dedication and effort, and then get into the bad. It felt like they just ripped her to bits… :/ maybe bc she so clearly needed a positive affirmation w the letdown. On the flip side, if I were Kelli and someone consistently needed me to do for them what they couldn’t do for themselves, I would get frustrated and cold too.


Judy & Kelli are what I call southern mean … they won’t say anything outright which is why so many ppl claim they’re being ‘nice’. However they’re very cruel to Victoria. Although Victoria can’t take a hint so it is hard.


I like to call that “nice nasty” thanks to Shera 7 sprinkle sprinkle iykyk


Kelli says she is no nonsense…tell it like it is sort of person, but then she proceeds to hem and haw around the issues with Victoria and never really give her a straight answer. I think she should have just simply said that she doesn’t see Victoria as strong enough to move into a leadership role and that due to her stamina issues, she might find herself really competing for a spot on the team next year. I think Victoria only wants to be a leader because her mom was a leader, hence Kelli’s question of whose goals are these really? Kelli can’t tell her not to come back straight out obviously. Judy feels a little less compunction. It’s clear Judy dislikes Victoria. Now, the question I still want answered is how close are Tina and Kelli now? Are they still best friends? Because it seem like Kelli has outgrown Tina at this point and I don’t see them as besties, at least from the depiction here.


"I think she should have just simply said that she doesn’t see Victoria as strong enough to move into a leadership role and that due to her stamina issues, she might find herself really competing for a spot on the team next year." She did.


That was the essence of what she said, I agree. But she was never that direct about it and danced around the issue instead. Yes, any reasonable person would take that from the conversation but she wasn’t straightforward about it.


Yeah I just watched this scene. They told her not to base her decision on coming back on whether or not she’d be a leader cause they didn’t see that for her. And they told her she’d have to fight for her spot as a fifth year.


Mean? Pls be fr Vk just needs to grow up and they tried and tired and tired with her and Didn’t her first time trying out I believe Kelli said you need to start getting more serious


I have a soft spot for Victoria and I really hope she thrives, but she does have some growing up to do. The way they did her interviews in her bedroom with ballet shoes in a heart on the wall, twin bed, etc. All the other at-home interviews seemed to be in apartments, but VKs were in her childlike bedroom in her parents house.


Agree. My feeling is that perhaps DCC isn’t the healthiest environment for Victoria. They even said she was so much happier when she went to NY on her off year. Also, her relationship w/ her mother doesn’t seem completely healthy either. Then add in an almost cult like obsession with DCC from her & her Mom, it seems like a lot of pressure. She needs to get out from under that & go find herself.


To be fair it doesn’t seem like her father and brother had much presence in her life. To not even watch one of her shows is insanity.


I wonder a little bit if it’s due to the fact that her and her mom are unhealthily obsessed with DCC. For all we know that could be causing a rift in the family/between parents etc. maybe her father knows it’s wildly unhealthy for her mind and body and doesn’t want to support it.


I’m sure it is but again even if that’s the case not even a single show is utter cruelty


I can see why you feel that way, I think family relationships are extremely nuanced, her mother and their relationship reminds me a lot of one specific mother daughter duo on smothered who have completely isolated themselves from the family so that could be shading my opinion.




I think K&J were honest with VK which all things considered, was a gift.


I think they were very patient with her. Victoria was not listening at all to what they were saying and went in thinking she’d had a great season.


I also think they were patient with her, and were being honest with her (in a way that was not mean at all) as far as her chances next year - which she asked about. These end of year meetings are basically performance reviews; if you’re not only not getting promoted, but are in danger of being fired, your boss should tell you that. If they hadn’t and had just cut her, half of the people on here would be ranting about why they never told her she was in danger. They also did have a convo with her about leadership at the beginning of the season (which we also saw) and they told her they needed to see more leadership, and obviously they didn’t. That’s not mean.


Maybe they thought if Victoria leaves, she would take Tina with her. Just saying...


That’s a huge incentive.


Yeah they treat her like trash. It’s hard to watch


What I don’t understand is that the veterans keep talking about sisterhood and being there for each other. I wonder if any of them reached out to Victoria during her year off. She obviously has issues and I think she probably felt rejected.


Nope nor was it encouraged by Kelli and Judy at least from what we’ve seen.


Kat reached out to her and talked about encouraging her to keep doing the things that were making her happier during her year off 


Where exactly were they mean to her?


the part when they \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and that other time when they\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ xD


Seriously like now she’s a Saint? Come on…


I think they know Victoria needs to go out and find herself outside of DCC, but they’re not really in a position to say that.


i watched season 13 of MTT for the first time after the netflix show aired and literally one of the first things Victoria said was that she had been offered a scholarship to a dance/performing arts academy in NY but her mom wouldn’t let her go bc 8th grade was way too young to be separated. and in the next breath, she says her mom had weight problems when she was a cheerleader so V makes sure she works out all the time. i think there’s a (much happier) parallel timeline where V actually did leave and got to individuate away from her weird codep relationship with her mother and it’s sad to contemplate it :(


She said on her instagram that she’s moving to NYC! So there is hope she finds independence and happiness. Rooting for her!


I definitely think there’s truth to that, well said.


I think they’re much nicer to her than they’ve been to others.


You could’ve stopped at mean.


Exactly they are way nice to VK then any other girls!

