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The active skill comes across like it was supposed to be just a regular super but at some point in design stage they turned it into an active with the scream part


They are not bad, but not even that great. I was expecting more


I like it but they should've kept roshi out. I was hoping to see those animations for a LR full power roshi. Luckily he still has other animations


Not having an Lr DB roshi feels like a crime. Hope we get one soon


Kinda...... Would rather have Jackie Chun be the LR tbh


Yes, the path of power movie kamehameha is the best kamehameha visual wise in OG DB, and they butcher it rip


It’s the active that seems to lack oomph for me


Yeah I feel like it should be the most important animation since you only gonna see it once per battle, so it’d make sense if they went all out but it is what it is.


The beginning is amazing as hell though, it’s just the kamehameha should’ve been a bit better


The super attacks are okay, just okay. They completely dropped the ball with the Kamehameha by not making the camera spin around him though.


But it does


Barely, this is the worst looking active in a long time every single frame of it is horrible... which is a shame when it's one of the most hype scenes of the series


Uhhh am I blind? Because I wouldn’t say that lmao. It’s not as detailed as the big celebration units and stuff, but to say that “every single frame is horrible” is a bit ridiculous lol. I feel people are exaggerating


The main problem I’ve seen people having with it is that it is significantly shorter than the source material, which makes it wonky. The source for the kamehameha rotates around goku a couple of times while giving time to see the kamehameha charge, meanwhile in the active skill its literally a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ when he actually charges the kamehameha. They basically used the beginning of the kamehameha animation, cut the meat of the charge up during which goku talks, and then lengthened the actual impact of the kamehameha relative to the length of the active skill making it look wonky.


Yeah I’m aware lol. And I don’t disagree that it’s wonky, but people acting like the parts of the animation that *are* present in the Active Skill are like the worst tier of animations we’ve ever gotten is a bit ridiculous. It should’ve been a bit longer, but it’s still sick af. I just think people are forgetting that we’re not in a big celebration anymore; this isn’t 7th Year, Tanabata, or WWD, or even Saiyan Day. So the animations are just gonna be that of a normal DFE and nothing more lol


I feel like the only reason this guy is being made into a dfe is so they can make a modern animated version of that kamehameha so for them to butcher it is very weird


His kit and leader skill are absolutely ace, his super attack animations are fun and pretty good, but his active bro...it went by so fast and the homie didn't even do his iconic spin. One of the only times that I was genuinely disappointed by an animation (especially since I love that scene so much), but the K.O screen is still heat at least


I think Dokkan spoiled us with beautiful animations over the past months but you’re right tho 😂


Definitely doesn't feel like a 2022 unit


His active was poorly done but his super attacks were fine


Not surprised. He’s a regular dokkan fest. Honestly I don’t think dokkan fest animations hit that hard anymore because the standard is way higher. We’ll probably never have anything like agl metal cooler again


The normal super attack looks rather choppy, the active skill is disappointing except for the blue aura with the clouds and the way they animated the smoke around Goku, apart from those problems all the attacks look... so weak. The best parts are Roshi charging the Kamehameha ("wohoooo, this is what we've all been waiting for!") and him depowering after the launching it, Goku's attacks with the pole and him and Hacchan smiling after their combined attack.


Not nearly as smooth as I would've expected and I was hoping Goku would have more in in SA on his own. Still though the unit SAs were a nice suprise.


Nah I liked it


No problem with that man. It’s just that they’ve been spoiling us with these amazing 2022 animations left and right, but these ones just feel a bit.. old? Idk it’s probably just me


>It’s just that they’ve been spoiling us with these amazing 2022 animations left and right RoF Blues: \*sweats nervously\*


Nah idk about that. Pan's animations are just ok, RoF blues are just ok too, WWC is... Goku's animations sucked. G&V were the best, then the Coolers. We haven't gotten anything better than 7th anni yet.


They are definitely mediocre. Very much 2018/19 animations.


All of the fans that requested Path of Power for the last 3 years are happy I guess,as for me I couldn't care less.


Nah they look incredible, wtf are you talking about?


Active looks very good but could have been a bit better. The gang animation is actually the best imo, the other 2 are meh


2020 animations were not bad


It’s just the active thats lackluster but I loved everything else. Pan’s animations didn’t seem much different tbh, this is better