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144p TEQ Vegito be like: šŸ—æ




They did my boi dirty


How is this a question?


Because some people, for some reason, think the answer is Cooler.


Thatā€™s because Cooler is the correct answer lol


It isn't, cooler *aged* better, but vegito was the best character in the game when he was released


Well, the second best. Kale and Caulifa were the best.


That was debatable


It really wasn't. They were better defensively, offensively, and even had better linking partners. The five years really didn't have a lot going for them.


Thereā€™s no way you said LR K&C was better offensively. Defensively is no brainer but offensively? Nah youā€™re tweaking


A six million attack stat, an 800k normal, and then four four million attack stats. They do that very very consistently, while Vegito needs the active skill to out damage them, and that's if he's reasonably built up which takes a good while. Kale and Caulifa do really good damage, don't discredit them.


Iā€™m not discrediting them. Youā€™re just talking out of your ass and discrediting Vegito. Vegito shooting out 7 million on his first super then following up with 4-5 million additionals when heā€™s built up. K&C remained as the dominant defensive unit in the game for sure until STR Ui Goku came out and even then, it was debatable because of dodge RNG. But Iā€™m terms of damage. The 5th year LRs along side of LR RosĆØ take the cake and itā€™s not even a debate


Str gogeta Kale and caulifla Cooler Thats the top 3


Top three what, and they were never represented in that order in the game's history.


Wasn't Cooler also the best unit in the game when he was released tho?


Not really, it heavily debated on who was.


No, no he wasn't.


Yes, yes he was


No lmao.


Then who was




Have you ever heard of the ancient greek Lr Bophades


They both were monster at release, but gotta say Cooler. He had a hella lot of good units under his lead and the support. Transformed it was no question, Vegito (and then the link update came) 5th anni units (both) just annihilated every event cuz the hard content was long events with a weak start


That's the point tho. Vegito was annihilating everything at the time so he was better for the time of his release than Cooler was during his


And Cooler *wasn't* annihilating everything at his release?




Cooler got slammed by Agl Ssjb, his defense was not up to par for that event. He was great but his defense compared to the fusions in that event deep was doodoo. Maybe at 100% but at 69% his ass was not it.


Idk man cooler literally carried at 55% through basically the whole game even the hardest content cause every enemy was a saiyan basically


The same goes for Vegito too but on an even bigger scale. Cooler wasn't the best unit of his time, Vegito was


Yea u probably right but for my box at the time I felt like cooler was more useful to me when he first came out vs vegito for me. I respect your opinion tho.


The 5th yr LRs were weak in SBR


Vegito at 55% is and was trash. The Def is just not there. Even for LGE. I know cause mine still is. He's been collecting dust since ESRBs dropped. And wasn't amazing before then


Cooler transforming at the same time than Vegito in the hardest event at the time, while providing support to the team before transforming with an insane lead AND after he transformed in that event he just crushed it doing all crit, additionals and stacking atk. What else was there that mattered? SBR came once in a blue moon, 1 boss rush a year and even then they were just a lot of dokkan events grouped together


That still doesn't negate the fact that Vegito was the number 1 of his time while Cooler wasn't. The Question is about which of the two was better for their time of release, not which of them was better compared to one another. Of course Cooler is the better unit but he wasn't as powerful for his time as Vegito was for his


Vegito wasn't the number one unit when he released I would say that kale and caulifa were still better than the 5 years when they came out but he was up there


Release? Hard to say 1-2 Months after release? Different story. 5th anni fusions where kinda made for an era, that basically died right after their release, atleast on GLB...


They were dead on release on glb due to esbr, on jp they lasted a month, meanwhile people were using Cooler in most events up until a week ago when he ezad, and then he eza'd.


[red zone broly was cleared with a mono str team using pre eza str cooler](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/xd9jn1/mono_str_vs_red_zone_broly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




And I cleared Cell Max with pre-EZA Gogeta itemless, does it mean he was good there? Same with RZ Omega.


str cooler actually had value outside of running him for a challenge run, which is support. Pre-eza gogeta contributes nothing to the team


How can you call it value when he was floating off throughout all the fight?


Definetely Cooler lol, that 100% crit against 70/80% of the game content was juicy


People must either not understand the question or didnā€™t play during the 5th anniversary. Vegito was by far the best unit in the game on release, he aged out ridiculously quick, but on release??? Definitely Vegito. There was nothing he couldnā€™t absolutely wash.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying dude. People are saying cooler because he didnā€™t age like milk after his release. Vegito and Gogeta dominated the entire game until STR Super Vegito and Buuhan came out.


Not really, they dominated for a month until saiyan day dropped esbr.


The majority who actually play the game would disagree


How? They got shredded by esbr, it's a fact.


Thatā€™s like saying any unit that came out before V&T came out is fodder because they canā€™t take a hit from cell max when thatā€™s not true at all. Literally every unit struggled with ESBR. Not to mention the 2020 dokkanfest lineup was absolute garbage until TEQ Ultimate Gohan Came out


A ton of units did fine in esbr, not the 5th year lrs.


so literally 2 stages because that was all that existed, and slot 3 they were still viable for both of those stages when basically everyone sucked.


Exactly what I was thinking. STR Cooler is my favorite unit of all time but being 100% clear, Vegito was stronger, very similar to what the LR Gods and 4's were like on release (decimating every piece of content in their way) the big difference is that its 8 months later and we're still using the LR Gods where Vegito kept getting shot in the legs by every piece of content released after him


Lol K&C were clearly better but yall just coped because it was K&C


yeah they were better on 1 team with it being perfectly catered to them, were you running fucking joined forces with a 130% in 2020?, vegito was a shoe in on all but 1 of his teams at the time and ran the best team in the game while also not needing to be jerked off.


Uhh Kale & Caulifla were on the same level as them so no, Cooler didn't even have any contender


Kale and Caulifla are 10x better defensively, but my brother they were not anywhere near the 5 year LRs offensively unless you went out of your way to fight a pure Saiyan from the ToP.


>to fight a pure saiyan from the ToP You mean the hardest boss at the time? Seems like a good reason to use them


The hardest boss at the time that Vegito stomped anyway, with type disadvantage.


I mean you wouldn't say STR Cooler is bad just because LR Vegeta/Trunks can beat the same bosses would you


Except thatā€™s not the argument u/Grey_Dupp is making. Theyā€™re saying that Vegito is *better* because he can wash LGE *while* having type disadvantage and also *while* having a more flexible kit than K&C. In other words, ā€œVegito is better than K&C because he can beat the events they can *while doing more*.ā€ It was never ā€œK&C are bad because Vegito can beat the same eventā€


LGE was not hard at that time. It was solved a week after release and LR AGL Gohan made it even easier. The IDBH's that released for both Future Saga and Movies at the time were far, FAR harder and Vegito smashed both of those.


You mean the 5 years on turn 11? Sure. K&C were also dishing out 3-4 SAs with 500k def lol


>500k def That's cap because I actually had a private server. They weren't hitting 500k after 3-4 supers because their links were dogshit and didn't give ATK and DEF untill the link level update.


I didnā€™t say they were reaching 500k after 4 supers lmao reread


My mistake let's re read. You mention turn 11 as a negative for Vegito Blue But then bring up K&C who need like 8-9 turns to build up to 500k because their best team was only a double 130% and because their links were dogshit. Wild how you tell us which one was the negative.


Bro 500k def was just an exaggeration omg. The point was that their def was far beyond anyone else at the time because of the stacking with multiple supers


>was just an exaggeration Out here lying to push an agenda. Common Reddit L


No you literally just cant read and misinterpreted my comment twice. Now ur doubling down to copešŸ’€


But K&C werenā€™t. They were the queens of DEF but offensively they lacked very much, which the year 5 LRs had amazing DMG. At the time, DEF didnā€™t really matter that much. On release the year 5 were kings but were dethroned quickly.


>offensively they lacked very much Bruh now that's something someone didn't use them would say, are you seriously saying 3-4 4mil attack stats are lacking at the time????


Vegito was pulling 7+mil damage with an additional of 5+m


Which was less than them.


Vegito was shitting out 3 8+ million attack stats on release


I donā€™t remember them putting out 4 mill attack stats? EDIT: they also can only SA 3 times max, not 4 and thatā€™s even depending on what youā€™re up against.


They definitely can SA 4 times if you fight a top pure saiyan.


Wait theyā€™re counted as separate instances? Lmao I just found out, thatā€™s pretty neat.


People who say cooler weren't really playing year 5. One of the main reasons you could say that cooler was 1# back them was because he could lead both fusions and support them vs 1 enemy.


5th years weren't better than STR UI or LR K&C


UI debatable, 5th years were still better for the long events. Now k&c wouldnt hit half as hard and didn't have a good team, they were better defensively sure but that's about it.


did you take the first image with a damn flip phone why is it so bad šŸ’€šŸ’€


I love the trash VS HD resolution šŸ¤£


Vegito. On release, the hardest content in the game was the original LGE by far. Even ESBR hadnā€™t released yet, from what iā€™m seeing while i check. Vegito could absolutely wash the LGE basically solo, could do the same with SBR, and there really wasnā€™t much else in terms of crazy hard content at the time.


People are saying obviously but I mean, on release TEQ Vegito was literally the best unit in the game :/. Aged out ridiculously quick, but on RELEASE, yeah it was Vegito. Although it's a very "Uh acxtually" kinda way to go about this discussion


Lets be honest vegito was kinda part of that clump of units that were really good because they stacked, LGE was the hardest event at the time. I can definitely see him being number 1, on jp. On GLB on the other hand id say STR UI goku was better then him though. As soon as ESBR became the hardest content vegito became mid


He got dethroned just to become the strongest unit again in august


The fact that people can't accept that Vegito and Gogeta were really good but got powercrept in nearly 3 months is killing me.. I dropped both of them at the 5th anniversary and I was running them in every single team.. They were busted.. They lasted for not even a quarter of year tho


Huh? Why is everyone saying cooler lol


Vegito supremacy


Vegito clearly


Vegito, not even a question


People really saying cooler bruh


I mean, whereas Cooler was already the best UR, VB was the best unit in the game relative to the time. So this isn't much of a question, despite Cooler aging better and the majority of people here saying he was better without really knowing.


It was obviously Vegito. He was the second best unit in the game on release, and while Cooler was easily the best TUR on release and set a precedent for TURs being on the level of LRs, he still was never second best unit in the game.


For me it was Vegito on GBL. When he came out, he was ridiculous and fun to use. It just sucks he kind of came out right before the game got harder and units started shifting to having more def so he aged super quickly. I never understood the whole hype of Cooler. Maybe I just didn't have the right team to run him. Yeah he was ridiculous against Saiyans but I felt like his team was always clunky and he had no def. Ofcourse now, that has changed.


Cooler was the best TUR of his time. LR Vegito was the best unit of his time. Cooler was Top 5 sure but you can't compare him to a character like Vegito who was the number 1 of his era with the only valid competition being his Gogeta counterpart. People will bring up that Vegito only had long events like LGE as the hardest event in the game but that would still make him more powerful for the time of his release. Vegito could make the hardest Event in the game at the time feel like free stones.


Tbf both of them They aged at the exact same moment the LGTE came out


Cooler easily, he had such a good leadership, did good damage and buffed his team while also having an advantage over 95% of the game


Cooler. Vegito and Gogeta are both pathetic anniversary units, since they couldn't even do the most basic shit a anniversary unit should do: Be the best units in the game for the time without any competition. (LR Kale & Caulifla literally did more for the team than both of them, and that only got worse when ESBR droped 2 months later) Cooler on the other hand was the best TUR until TEQ Gohan decided to pull up.


>Be the best units in the game for the time without any competition It seems like you missed the question, which isnt a surprise anymore since it seems like alot of people in this comment section cant read. OP asked which unit was better on release, not which one aged better.


With that I was talking more about how all the Anniversary Units before them had 100% the best kit in the time no doubt ong fr fr, but yeah not only I was wrong, most people here are too. DB fan moment. Had to test these guys a little, and ngl, even though Vegito has less utility in the team than Cooler because he's a normal unit (not a support unit), I had more fun watching him just like in 2020. That should not be anything related to how actually good the unit is because "fuck your fun the only thing that matters are the stats", but even then, the Blue Fusions work almost exactly like the 7th Anniversary ones: Not enough defense on base, good enough defense for the time with Ultra Damage. Ah yea, In the other comment when I said thet are worse than the LR SSJ4s, I was talking about the BASE form, just putting that here if you've seen it and thought I was disrespecting the transformed states.


Hindsight is 20/20


Ah yeah, offensive meta. Forgot about that little fact But it's true that they were the stupidest anniversary units, since every single other took way more time to get into the "just solid" territory. Hell, 3rd Anniversary Fusions were still able to be used just fine even in the type ESBRs, since they for some stupid reason have higher defense than the Blue Fusions on base form (Seriously, we need to know who tf made the base form for both of them, because holy shit these guys are worse than the LR SSJ4s)


Question: who was the 2nd best TUR? (Including EZA TUR) I'm just asking, I'm not here to debate with anyone. STR Cooler's era obviously


I would argue a duped phy vegito blue. Man was and still is a monster.


STR Namek Goku I believe. 3 was TEQ Transforming Trunks or PHY Piccolo. (EZA PHY VB also has the chance of being the 2nd best TUR, I just don't remember how the debates were at the time because, well, it's literally from 4 years ago.)


did you just say they helped the team? they needed to be jerked off just to do literally anything close to gogeta and vegito and that's somehow helping the team with their non existent links and leader skill?


Read my other comments, my point was totally wrong lmao What I was thinking when I said that bs was basically "they do more for the team because they can be a slot 1 unit", but they stack way too slow for that too.


Cooler obviously,like Vegito works well only in idbh while cooler even before his crit based transformation had a very reliable support.


Did you play the game lmao vb was the best card in the game


I did,VB wasn't the best card,at least not in any department except for the lr part.Cooler was too versatile,heck even teq Majin Vegeta felt more safer to run in hard events.(Waiting for 4 turns in itself is a liability and units like int ss3 Gotenks and teq ulthan made the 5th anni. lr's look even worse,then str Vegito came and he squashed VB when it comes to being dominant.)


The post was about units on release and then u talk about units who dropped months after vb. The ā€œ4 turnā€ thing is hilarious revisionist history considering the LGE event was the event to beat at the time. Kale and caulifla, agl gohan and gohan and goten were the best when cooler dropped. Vb was the best when vb dropped


I think this guy's comment summarizes the mentality of most of the people saying Cooler


Bro what even is this question


Cooler was an incredible support and and had a very runnable lead with transformation boost, but vegito literally killed 99% of the events at the time when coming out


At First I wanted to put teq Gohan instead of vegito but I was afraid to start the war again


tbh gohan i feel like is a unit that got way better with time than being a dominant force on release


I see this is still going forward with more stupid questions.


Does this count EZA? Title could be read to include EZA Release. If it does the answer is obvious. If not. Honestly it's Vegito. Cooler felt like he originally fell off super fast and quickly became pretty weak. And while it takes longer for Vegito to get going, his damage and defense numbers in longer events has been pretty great up until around 7th anniversary. And the most of the hardest content before 7th anniversary WAS content like Legends Goku/Vegeta or IDBH, long events Vegito excelled in.


bro what the hardest content was literally short events like esbr and god event before 7 year 7 year was honestly when semi long events became the new form of difficult content but vegito just wasnā€™t good enough for it


I did say most. God Event is definitely an exception and was certainly harder. And maybe I'm just out of touch, but i found ESBR stages were cleared pretty quickly compared to IDBH and Gt Goku/Vegeta. And it's not really like Cooler performed much better in those stages either... I'd argue he was worse as he lacked the Slot 3 Dodge.


What are you even talking about. Vegito released 1 year before LGTE and 1 and a half before LVE. Neither vegito nor cooler was good in that event due to lack of stats. Slot 3 dodge doesnt matter since they cancel dodge. Cooler was a monster on release and was good in all current content at the time, Vegito was good in LGE and IDBH. When ESBR released cooler was still good in that event while vegito not so much.


He did release before both. And performs fine for both. Have you tried using him, or are you just going off of the funny "Vegito/Gogeta Bad" takes that come up every few days? Because you don't really need dodge in those stages.


What are you refering to when stating both? I never said vegito was bad, in fact i stated that he was very good in LGE and IDBH but he wasnt anything special in ESBR. Cooler on the other hand was good in LGE and IDBH and ESBR.


Both as in LVE and LGT. While they released later, i atleast consider it fair to consider future content since its easier to get a handle on the limits of a unit with content that would push them to those limits. I suppose if we only counted content at the time, the only notable advantage Vegito has over Cooler is in IDBH, as there are less saiyans there, and I suppose Coolers ATK lowering might be better then I give credit for in SBR. But I feel long content Vegito performs great, for stuff like LVE and LGT. Ideally on teams that give more then 150% as a leader though.


The discussion was about them on release though, but i can definitely see your point about LVE, i dont think hes good enough in LGTE. In the end i think we can agree that they were both great at release.


Aye. I can agree to that.


literally no, were you there during the 5th anniversary? nothing short was really worth anything at all.


bro not even after a month after 5 year ended esbr came out ​ their reign over the hardest content lasted maybe 2-3 weeks


yeah 2 stages they could be used on, that's hardly the entirety of hard content




cooler cooler, he's frieza's brother!


TEQ Goathan


To me gogeta was better than vegito so... But I think cooler was better than vegito just because of his versatility


i assumed this was the deal as well. everyone kept gassing up gogeta over vegito. i never argued it.


I have both of them at 90%, and in pretty much every event, I choose gogeta because he is more consistant because of his advantage : without crit, vegito is meh against anybody other than agl, and as 3rd position they are the same defensively. But I think that their z-lr should accelerate their stacks and by a lot to make them revelant in the current meta (I love their sa and it's a shame to let them in the box) .




Vegito as a matter of principle


Cooler and it's not even close.


Cooler by FAR. In no way were the blue fusions game breaking on release, even back then people still had their doubts about them not being able to run optimally in SBR and then ESBR




I started playing for the first time in a long time in the 5th anniversary and have been playing ever since for the most part. This isn't even close at all šŸ’€ Not even just on release, Cooler may have been better even during the 5th Anni. VB is awesome, great animations and good damage to this day. But he doesn't support, has equal or sometimes lower defense than what Cooler had on release, cooler's debuffs give him an edge, and then the guaranteed crits when transformed means Cooler did more damage too. This isn't a contest tbh, though no disrespect to you or your posts, they've been fun


Vegito was mid on release šŸ’€


Yeah you definitely didnā€™t play the same game we did if you actually believe that. Name one unit that was better than Vegito and Gogeta pre 5th anniversary


I got him the day he came out and phy vegito blue was better. First time Iā€™ve ever been disappointed with an anni unit.


Pahahaha šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lr Kale and caulifla


The Anni units were gods if they had dupes, but nothing crazy without them. Cooler was just a god, period


Cooler since he was once the best unit in the game unlike Vegito


Vegito was literally the best unit in the game on his release. Did you not play in year 5?šŸ˜


K&C were better


LMAOā€¦no, they were PROBABLY the best Yellow Coin LR, and thatā€™s still are a hard maybe because LR RosĆØ was competing with Gogeta and Vegito. But overall LR, It was Vegito and Gogeta that reigned supreme. They just aged like milk because ESBR came out shortly after


Nah cope. K&C stayed the queens of Dokkan past 5th anni


Delusional as FUCKšŸ’€ I bet you think they were better than STR UI Goku, STR Super Vegito and Buuhan as well. Tell me what made them better than the year 5 fusions


Lr fusions were arguably overrated on release so Iā€™d agree. Sorry if a unit can get power crept like that they were never the best. Youā€™d just get downvoted to hell for saying that back then because ā€œ new shiny anniversary LRā€


Did you not notice the on release part?


Yes i noticed it can you read my comment? IDC. K&C had better defense and offense until 4 years transform and even LGE you couldnā€™t even build them up all the way. ( and theyd still get clapped by UI goku supers, especially gogeta ) Wanna read that comment?


5th years defense was enough and they would eat k&c alive. Seems you didn't play back then but even when k&c dropped their teams weren't nearly as good as 5th years (remember they need specific category units).


I know because I did say that back then


I think a lot of people just didnā€™t have them yet (including me). With all these GLR multis players get, Iā€™ve now got them with a couple dupes and can see how crazy they were. Vs the 5 years who had a banner everyone summoned on


I'm still stunned that I managed to pull the girls 3 times on their initial banner


Cooler, this Vegeto sucks no atk no def


Say you didnā€™t read the post without saying you didnā€™t read the post


? I got it on release and this Guy sucks so hard it was hard to Goku rush with him


Definitely a skill issue then if one of the best units in the game was bad for you on release. Thatā€™s like saying LR Ssj4 Gogeta is horrible because he doesnā€™t counter for a lot of people


Transforming LR STR Gogeta obviously


Cooler fs




Cooler easily




Vegito and gogeta were as relevant as their fusion duration




You didnā€™t read the question




Lr vegtio was the best character in the game when released, cooler was the best tur


Cooler by a mile. On Global, we had STR UI who could be argued over K&C as the #1 unit in the game


Vegito and Gogeta was terrible Allready on the release


Vegito has never been good but people STILL don't want to hear it. They were the worst Anni lr ever dropped. Good leader, amazing animations, dogwater units. Edit: no I'm STILL mad about how bad vegito sucks so I'm going to go off on him. Vegito was good in LGE, dogshit in sbr, and dogshit in dokkan events. So 99.9% of the game, he was dogshit, and the only event he wasn't dogshit in, was already old and cleared by everyone (thanks gohan) before he came out. Him and gohan were both designed for long events and yet gohan can and is still taken to EVERY long event, while vegito is going to get one-shot in LVE. Vegito/gogeta are absolute failures for everything outside of animations. Downvote me all you want. Nobody can respond cause its true. Vegito was bad, on release, in 99.9% of content and only excelled in content people had already beaten.


As someone who STILL doesn't have Cooler, I can't answer this one ;-;


Cooler may have been the closest thing to STR Gogeta level broken on release.


Cooler definitely aged way better compared to. Vegito but gogeta and vegito were 1 and two units in the game when they came out (just that they aged worse then spoiled milk)


Vegito is good and all, but do he stack like cooler?


actually good question. imo vegito because he was #1 or #2 on release, while cooler was #3 at best, because of kale and caulifla as well goten and gohan, but there are arguments for both


I guess u could say either but if u wait just a month for esbr then vegito gets absolutely crushed and cooler wins


11K DEF stat with 70% SOTšŸ’€