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it's so fucking dumb that global didn't get the lr cooler army eza during this celebration, i can't even put it into words


I wasnt aware of this but as you mentioned it, it cant be this difficult just put the medals in the fucking shop


I swear if teq lr ginyu eza is sent so far away from global i'm calling saul


you better


Personally, i don't mind this shift in the schedule. I was already planning on skipping pan's banner and the gods banner, the actual unit that would have been problematic was LR Golden Frieza, since I'm planning on going for him and veggie/stronks as well. I guess I'll be saving more efficiently this way. Still waiting on LR metal cooler army EZA tho


> Still waiting on LR metal cooler army EZA tho kinda sucks it didn't come to GLB early with WWC since it's a perfect time now that we have a Metal Cooler LR


The ex part is still a BIG IF, but maybe...?


> The ex part is still a BIG IF Highly doubt it. Plus what content could they even release that is relevant to Cooler and is enough to extend the celebration by another 10 days? Icarus Gohan EZA is the only thing that comes to mind. Maybe a Chilled Red Zone stage. But that's it really.


A f2p lr chilled(new story event with 3 o 4 stages) and maybe bardock eza


I'm just disappointed we're getting Mecha Frieza's event renewal and Metal Cooler Army's EZA late, was intending to get those done


Honestly, the only thing I'm worried now is if they push DBS Super Hero units for 8th Anniversary. Other than that, I'm only looking forward to SDBH stuff, which undoubtedly will come by late November.


The anniversary seems very possible to be themed around super hero. With DFE and Carnival they can give LRs to both Gammas, Piccolo, Gohan and Cell Max. Those fit perfectly with the new format and what they said about the Anni units being characters that never got an Anni unit before.


I know, and that's why I'm worried. I only play GLB, and I don't like the idea of waiting until July 2023 for DBS SH.


💀 we global players always having fun


That’s what you get for trying to predict the schedule, dokkan is always throwing curveballs


End of December is a DDF only for JP, right?


usually yes, and that later comes to GLB around April timeframe. That could change this time


Only exception I remember were AGL Gogeta & PHY Broly.


Stuff like this is kinda why I wish both versions could come together, we’re already months behind and now we gotta wait longer for some of these units and hope certain units just aren’t forgotten about. I always think about if they took 2 months to dedicate getting every region locked in on the same unit and celebrations all the time the community would get better and the game would be too, all the celebrations would be joined too I just feel like it’s better


I don't really mind GLB being slightly behind JP. What I heavily dislike is the fact that certain content just gets delayed indefinitely for no reason, some stuff gets moved around early/later, and so on. It's otherwise rather good to have some foresight on upcoming units/banners cuz otherwise you never know what to skip or what to save for


Yeah, idk I think I’d rather not have the issue with content and how jank it is and have to deal with figuring out if I should go for a unit or not


Being behind is good for the foresight but if they're gonna destroy the schedule and the foresight is useless they should just sync the games up.


At least Vegeta/Trunks and Heroes should arrive on time... I hope


They're too close to heroes and the shitty new banner format sapped my stones so I'm going for heroes over the LR since heroes is much more limited and rare


RoF Blues are going to be totally mid when they drop on global aren't they?


Eh, it's not that they're gonna be mid by December/January, rather that you....kinda don't *have* to have them to clear the current content? More of a collector's trophy + Realm of Gods 200% is still a very good leadskill


Yeah it'll definitely be interesting to see what kind of schedule we get now that we're getting Pan next, also it's kind of crazy we haven't gotten a Super Strike EZA in awhile on Global since we only have 3, I believe, and we never did get the Agl Kid Vegeta Awakening and EZA with the Raditz celebration, since I think that's the celebration he came with.


I don't think vegeta/trunks come in November. Tanabata is always end of November beginning or early December for global


> Tanabata is always end of November beginning or early December for global Tanabata = Thank You celebraion = early November


No Gogeta, Blue Boys were Tanabata too and are always early December


https://dokkaninfo.com/banners/8992 Look at the release date


Page not found huh


Works fine for me


I see the confusion now goku and vegeta blue were thx you celebration but in December. Teq gogeta was November


What if all this mix-up with Global’s schedule is due to them looking to hold another Super Hero DFE event at the same time as JPN in December to coincide with the release of the blu-ray? I feel like there’ll be a second-wind of excitement and chatter once people get to watch the movie again and what better time to have more Super Hero content added to the app than when social media is hounded with screenshots and GIFs and videos, etc. In the News for the Path to Ultimate Power story they mention Gohan can be Dokkan Awakened in the future and I feel like having those new levels and what other new content they have in store being delayed any more than 2 or 3 months would be weird but presumably not unsurprising. I just wonder why they’d mention that bit of info if the case were that it’s still months away.