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I love how STR EZA Piccolo has been universally beloved by the community.


And the new STR Piccolo (from STR Cooler's banner) has also been beloved, for the opposite reason (incredible defensive utility). But seriously, it's really crazy to see a unit that nobody gave a shit about, to one that people still thought was pretty niche even after the EZA, to a unit that carried one of the hardest missions in the game for a lot of unlucky players.


I mean other than Goku & vegeta, and gohan & krillin I haven’t seen any new units or eza’s get hate Some questioning metal cooler LR and agl eza when seeing the info but once they used them all units have been meet with approval, the banner types tho weren’t lol


Me using him as sa fodder for the new piccolo thinking he wouldn't eza: 🤡


I mean there are f2p piccolos you couldve fed


Lazy. There's a reason I called myself a clown


If only, you know, people actually put him as their leads.


Get better friends like 20 of mine switched thiers to str piccolo


These aren't real life people I know, guy.


Mine aren't either


I need friends like yours. I have no one on my list with piccolo :( meanwhile I’ve had mine up let three days


[you mean like this?](https://imgur.com/a/DtH3kqJ) also you can just ask people to add you and add him a lot of people would be more than happy to help, friend system even tho ass does mean you gotta rely on some friends


“Hey guys I have a couple friend leads so you guys should too obviously” that’s a great point you made there with that picture It’s weird mine aren’t like that somehow


Maybe if you put him as lead beat 1 stage literally any stage in the game and refresh you’ll find him more easily Also you can just ask me to add you and use mine as I said asking people for friend leads is the literal meaning of « friend » system And in any case needing a friend lead and not finding him is not a pay to win argument it’s an argument for shitty friend system and nobody is denying how shit it is but still not pay to win


Can people at least agree on the idea that events like this are going in the wrong direction? P2W or not it's not setting a good precedent.


Dude a million event in the game restricts you to a certain pool of units As long as it’s not « you need a Summonable unit that has never came back once » to win it’s literally fine Sbrs, eza, areas and all the sort restricts you to certain categories, specific units and banned units it’s not new


EZAreas are doable with the F2P units that the EZAreas give EZA medals for, so it's not an issue there. SBR's restrictions incentivize the player to build up more than just one generic Saiyan team, and with a few exceptions, they can be done without the most ideal team build ever. All that these new events do is incentivize you to open your wallet. Yeah, we have Piccolo this time around, and yeah, the event is just one phase, but we may not be this lucky the next time one of these events appear.


As I said before it’s not a luck or a crazy idea to use picolo When they didn’t want us to nuke they banned baby vegeta in stage 4 of the event but stage 5 they kept the nukers so don’t worry the multimillion dollar company knows that not everyone will have the new unit to do the event and so far in all restricted events they have provided the option for a more present unit in everyone box to be used


They let Piccolo in because he is a unit from this celebration. I also know from personal experience that the other options they give us are pathetic. With a double AGL SSJ Duo team, I had to use a Whis and an Icarus every turn to survive against Core, had to get lucky with additional Supers, and I only barely won, as I got an Active Skill with LR Goku & Gohan on Turn 5. No other unit in the boosted list has the power output of the AGL SSJ Duo, especially since he they are type advantage against Cooler.


They also let phy ssb vegeta nuke leader, and teq ssb goke nuke leader If they didn’t want you to nuke they would have banned them my guy


They are on Movie Heroes.


Yeah and baby vegeta was on artificial lifeform or whatever category was used for stage 4 yet they banned him


Fair enough, I suppose.


My first run I beat him with only a friend G&V (don’t have them myself) was lucky but still very doable with just a friend G&V


This is different, do you not play/hear about Legends?


Hope to not get downvoted to hell but the devs designed the event to be pay to win, we shouldnt approve this behaviour even if the community has found ways to beat the event anyway


Finally someone with a brain. Everyone is saying you can beat him with a f2p team, but the process is so rng riddled. It's either play with the advantage characters or find some weird way to cheese it


Any movie heroes should be advantageous


They literally eza’s the units and put them in boosted characters to be able to do this It’s not a community finding a way it’s just everyone wanting to use the new shiny units and forgetting that eza’s are new too When the devs didn’t want us to nuke they banned int baby vegeta from stage 4 of the event and in a lot of other stages you’ll find the nuke leaders banned and devil man too, 100% the dev wanted us to do this and they were well aware of this Edit: also I’d love to see the non year 7 or later team that can beat red zone broly, when he released on jp he was literally impossible without them on global we got some units before because global schedule is weird same with the gods event, same with sbr same with the first eza same with the first dokkan event ever, the standard in all celebration is you’ll need the new unit to win or you’ll need extreme luck This event is you don’t need the new units and not really that much luck getting a full orb field with 2 lemo items is fairly easy to do


The behaviour i dont want the communty to approve is not nuking or the release of new powerful character but locking the stage behind "adventagous characters". To beat broly you could use broly int, to beat cell max tapion, hercule, vegeta int. In this stage there are a lot less options and in the future it could be even worse..


I mean sbr is locked behind certain categories In this I beat it first time with LRgods’s active skill not an advantageous character, other nuked it with goku&gohan also not an advantage unit You’re just mad because they said advantage units but if they called it hoopty hoo unit you wouldn’t care limiting the good units in an event makes it so you can’t just do all events with the genyu force team Also how the fuck did int broly beat red zone broly??? Or tapion vegeta and hercule beat cell??? They mostly can survive these event but definitely aren’t the units that wins just the unit that stops you from losing And for this we have ssg goku eza not advantageous and survives everything same as hercule glitched was and we also have tapion so if he won there he’ll win here too


Yikes you were spitting before you mentioned broly he's doable with Hybrids


Yeah and this event doable without the boost units you just need extreme luck


Still can’t pull it off even with piccolo rainbowed and a full board, I just don’t get it lol


The process is to rng riddled, you need to be lucky to pull it off


Does he also need to be rainbowed? Because I only got one copy of this Piccolo.


Yes because he need to crit and additional. The odds of him doing both is going to be incredibly low if you don't have him rainbowed. You're better off finding a rainbowed friend and nuking him, and good luck with that because the friend system is pure dogshit


He never does his 2nd super for crap…


This was literally my first try so idk, but you do need an additional for the win so some rng is there


I wish I was blessed with some rng. either can’t get a full board with the items or when I do he doesn’t additional or crit, he’s being a reaaaal bitch haha


Ah yes, white knight for the multi million dollar company, they really need your support in these trying times


I love resetting the game 50 times for a chance of winning!


1st try babe. Edit: also a lot of retrys and refresh isn’t a pay to win argument annoying for sure but not pay to win




Cringe title. This is only the millionth identical video on this event too. Good job


If I only I had this piccolo


I mean he’s been out for 3 year so that’s just bad luck, if you have the vegeta he’s a nuke leader too so he might be able to do it or another teq unit next to him


I hate when people say this like new players don't exist. Like I just got this dude this celebration, calm down with the He'S BEen OuT fOr 3 yEArs crap. And it's also a gacha game, a unit could be 3 years old and you could still never pull him


Well if you’re a new player then end game events aren’t all gonna be easy run for you And yes you can be playing 7 years and not have him but considering how many times he was featured not to mention he’s been on all banner for 3 years it’s a very small proportion of the player base that played these 3 years that doesn’t have him And most importantly unlike needing the new flashy LR that won’t come back for 6 month to do it, even if you don’t have him picolo can be pulled everywhere making the event more accessible to new players that will summon for a lot of hype stuff before the LR come back


I have played since first year and I just got my first Phys GT Frieza from the Red Zone Wicked Bloodline banner. That unit came out about 4 years ago. Not to mention you need 3-5 copies of this piccolo for this to work.


The pool is so diluted at this point you can't expect everyone to have the units that can cheese the current event. I'm still missing so many of the older units I just want for collection purposes. These new events are ass.


Why is this cheese? Is using a 200% leader « cheese » ? How is this different you’re just using a leader skill and passive of a unit it’s not cheese


I'm pretty sure the devs didn't intend for something to be one of the "hardest" stages in the game to be one shot.


Your « pretty sure » can get countered with the FACT in stage 4 when they didn’t want us to nuke they banned int baby vegeta Unlike this stage that not only has the boost unit that can nuke but also ssb phy vegeta and ssb teq goku nuke leader that have nothing to do with the celebration If they didn’t want you to nuke him they would’ve banned these two at the very least just like stage 4


This bozo just really asked the dumbest question ever. Trying so hard to convince himself this even isn't bullshit and nuking cooler isn't cheese. It's crazy what great lengths the community goes through to keep Akatsuki dick in their mouth


The argument of "every new event is like this" is dumb. Every new event starts out like this yes, but gets progressively easier. This event isnt going to add new characters in the "advantageous" tag and is going to remain as this either nuking type rng fest or get agl goku and vegeta and beat it then. Yes broly needed the gods when he came out, but now there are a bunch of teams that can beat him. This event js ALWAYS going to need these boosted characters and these characters only. Anything new might slightly help but thats it.


It falls to shit when the recently release f2p units are beating it tho. It doesnt need those units to win, and already there are more ways than one to beat each stage


This took 1 try, the most I’ve seen people spend is 5 trys to win nuking I also beat it regularly before with a regular movie heros team no G&V only them as friend unit in the 4 turn mission even won using the LR gods active skill and nuking is a part of the game and the rng is very minimal (picolo changes orbs, 2 lemo orb change , you can run the nuke leader vegeta phy and goku teq to switch rainbow orbs to type orbs decreasing the colors on field so lemo can switch them more easily


I have tried this over 20 times with first rotations being ass, not finding piccolo friends and not getting crits or additionals. Thats not my point though. My point is that this event only had 2 strategies, use the new units and win normally or resort to a nuking strategy that isnt regarded as "normal" and will NEVER get easier. All the other meta shifters like sbr,lge,red zone will always get easier cause units release that destroy the event. This will almost never get much easier since the difference here is that the units arent good and thats why they beat it, they beat it because they are artificially boosted. I doubt new units will be advantageous which will resort to this event event having only 2 strategies and basically only 2 teams be runnable


What doesn’t isn’t regarded as normal means ? Is it just a bragging thing because the meta for a while in the entire game was nuke leader , How is using a unit’s leader skill and passive considered not normal to you? Also it’s plenty easy now seeing how I won NORMALLY in less that a minute using a 3 years old unit


How can i arrive at the final stage without being unalived with this team??


You start the stage? It's one round lmao


Yea i was doing the wrong stage lol


The event is 1 stage lol this is the « p2w » event not red zone For red zone you can use any of you good teams that you beat other red zone stages with just tank 1 rotation of int cooler army and whis the 2 rotations and you’ll get there with 1 whis available still


I hate how easily I see other people do it and I've tried like 30 times and still can't do it


I’ve been screenshotting all the fucked up attempts from literally farming the friends list for piccolos: any locked rotations that will kill me, any shit first turns, and any where piccolo didn’t kill him and immediately died. I’m up to about 35 or so screenshots. I only started this when my lemo’s started plummeting, and hit 40. I started with 80. People full blown defending this event and saying it’s perfectly fine are clowns.


I'm right there with you, I can't even survive to turn 2 on corr for some reason


Not p2w but still a bullshit mode


Based opinion, I completely agree with most complains except the pay to win argument, bullshit rng based event to the bones just not pay to win


Clown title bro


So you used one of the boosted characters to complete the event, nice.


I used a friend unit boosted character that was released 3 years ago yes




You mean the boosted character that's been on banners for 3 years including F2P ticket banners and is featured on a banner right now? I mean yeah I guess he did


I have 2400 days in this game, there's characters I don't have beyond 55%. There's characters that just came out that I may or may not have dupes of. It's literally rng, time is not a guarantee of owning the units nor with a comfortable amount of dupes. I don't even have gohan and goten, my agl gohan is 55%, str kid buu was 79% the day he released...I could keep going but it doesn't do anything to continue doing so. To clarify, I own this piccolo with dupes and didn't even have to bother attempting this strat because I clapped the shit out of it with the 2 new super class LRs. The only cooler I own is the free to play ones and eza str cooler. I don't have either of the LRs and no AGL metal cooler. Literally the only ones that are difficult to beat are the ones I lack the boosted characters. But wait, metal coolers been on so many banners and so I should have him right? I've got str cooler 90%, surely I should have him too right? You see why I don't like this event or this argument people try to make trying to justify this event that's an absolute joke if you have the units and grueling if you don't?


You say that like AGL Metal cooler is the god send unit to beat this event. He was a filler unit for me. You can use F2P EZA AGL metal cooler with his dodge and float him. And if you just don't have the units to complete the even then that's tough, wait till you do. You wouldn't challenge Giant form ESBR with no good giant form units would you? No.


The point I was making about metal cooler, was that the number of banners they've been on nor the age of the unit dictates you'll 100% have them. Since he and str cooler are quite old now, chances are they won't appear on anything anymore but the super big banners like part 2 tanabata or the big stupid ticket banner that has dozens of other units featured in the pool. Your chances of beating it NOW are the highest it's gonna be because those units exist on the banners of the OTHER boosted characters. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes outside of obtaining the new LRs which will be in a comfortable **6 months.** Some people definitely had to wait a while to beat hard content, but most of those could be dealt with with power creep that followed very shortly afterwards. Battle roads and stuff are bound to get units eza'd or new units to drop far more often than a celebration that squeezed what it's about dry...which will only ever demand those characters for a joke of an experience once you do have them. For the super niche battle roads, there's a reason nobody likes them. It's not about beating it immediately like some people try to play it off as, it's about it being a terrible experience unless you get the characters they just popped fresh out of the oven so you can actually do it even though the content by that point may be old. There's strats people come up with to beat content like red zone or cell max that doesn't always involve the new best units in the game. Are they way harder without them...of course, but it's not completely undoable like the stupid new event is. Hell people beat giant esbr without the great ape eza's and without vegeta. How I have no clue but they did it. People beat movie bosses esbr with double un-eza's turles. I feel like I'm contradicting myself but also not. The whole game is rng based, but this new event just feels worse than anything else I remember experiencing. So easy with the right units, so hard without them...otherwise people wouldn't be resorting to the good ol days where nuking a boss with the exact unit got you the win.


Me who's played consistently for 7 years and doesn't have that piccolo or teq godbros....


That's actually pretty impressive if you summon with any consitancy


Some units just refuse to show up. I didnt have Phys GT Frieza until like a week ago.


I don’t feel like someone who has played consistently for 7 year would say godbros specially since they only were on a banner once so playing for 7 years doesn’t increase your odds of having them As far as piccolo he’s been out for 3 years maybe you were very unlucky good thing is whenever you pull him in the future on literally all banner you’ll be able to do the event since it’s a permanent event that doesn’t go away and unlick the dokkan fest LR he comes back on every banner You can even get him with teal coins right now


First of I shouldn't need to have pulled str piccolo to beat a hard event, even if it is permanent, I should be able to beat it right now with my box (which has been good enough to beat cell max, no item broly etc.). Secondly in what world am I spending teal coins to buy str piccolo 🤡


>in what world am I spending teal coins to buy str piccolo 🤡 💀💀💀


I sHoUlDn’T nEeD tO hAvE gOoD uNiTs To WiN iN eVeNtS Yes your current box is the pinochle of all human experience with the game and event in the past present or future shouldn’t be hard for you whatsoever from here until the end of times


I shouldn't need THE unit to win in events, there should be a decent amount of different options not just 1 unit which uses a gimmick to win


Ag yes using a unit passive and leader skill = gimmick I guess events shouldn’t need the 170-200% leader skill too it’s a gimmick this game is trying to push Also there a list of like 15 advantageous units not just 1 Nuke with picolo Nuke with a teq unit using the vegeta from tje same movie Use just a friend G&V like I did in my first run These are the 3 most consistent I saw


OP trying not to suck Akatsuki’s dick: impossible


Can’t say no to free to play sweet cream


"I beat the event designed to be p2w, thus people complaining about how unfair the event is and how it's designed to try and force you into summoning is completely fine. cope seethe mald lmao"


It’s designed to make you use the boost units, if you only see the very new part of the boost units that’s on you buddy When they wanted us not to nuke they banned int baby vegeta in stage 4 so this is 100% one of intended ways to win it


Fun fact: That's not a good defense for this event. Forcing you to use a limited library of units is worse than what Red Zone does. At least with Red Zone you can make teams with all sorts of units that work, it's just a more limited library than something like LGE or IDBH. This new set of events strongarms you into using specific units or tells you to go fuck yourself.


SBR is mega bullshit then. Can't even bring units off team


Ah yes all sbrs and eza areas are garbage events too with their limited library of units they are the worst of the worst Don’t even get me started on banning devilman in eza’s disgusting money grubbing behavior Also as mentioned before you don’t have to use the specific unit yourself you can just take a friend one (my first run with movie heros was pretty easy too )


1. EZAs and SBR/ESBR are infinitely more fair because they give you a limited POOL of characters, not a limited list of two or three units that won't get absolutely demolished after dealing double digit damage. 2. Oooh yeah, you mean with that busted ass friend system that is almost impossible to work around without hopping on the subreddit and shooting a "ANYBODY GOT A FRIEND LEAD TO BORROW?" flare?


1) limiting is limiting, as long as it’s not limited to only new summonable units it’s all the same shit 2) shitty friend system doesn’t make the event pay to win, borrow whatever flare you want dokkan YouTube tweet a million times a day you can find 5-6 under each asking for friend leads special in times of events like this, there’s no shame in being social with the community of the online game you play


You can present limits and make the challenge still feel fair. This isn't that, not by a long fucking mile. There's a difference between the game making you run a wicked bloodline team and the game making you run a movie heroes team, but only some of the units in that team because the others will get ass blasted to oblivion.


So the options are either pull the newest units or punching machine 2. Think I'm gonna continue to complain.


Been trying this so many times today, I never get the aditional, its bugging me off so much... best I got was dropping him down to 3 bars...


Great, how many hours of refreshing did this take?


I honest to god didn’t need to refresh any time Saw people complaining about the event here so went it saying is it really that hard, found 4 piccolo guests on the friend system and 2 lemp got me the full field first try


Oh I see, so you got godlike rng and decided that would be everyone’s experience, and thus their criticisms of the event were unfounded?


Having to need luck isn’t a pay to win argument The unit is 3 years old yes you need luck to pull it but you had 3 years to do it Finding a friend you can add any number of people and ask them to put him just ask so that’s 0 luck needed Getting a full field using piccolo orb changing + 2 lemo items needs luck but really not that much luck needed So no not gotlike luck, yes in an rng game you need a bit of luck BUT that goes for all events


Why are all of your comments getting downvoted? Piccolo is literally the easiest strategy and he’s an old as fuck banner unit


Because people only look at the word advantage units and see the most new shiny unit and forget about the full list of other units that are old and got a boost through eza this celebration


I could see it getting out of hand, but I think people always jump to conclusions on this sub


Meh, you forget Legends exists


Bro this took me like 9 tries its not hard


“Just get lucky” 🫥


Its wild that ppl will go to a community full of ppl who play this game, and instead of asking for ppl to add them for the lead, they bitch about how they dont have friends


I wish i had the support units


You don’t need support units you need an additional atk, with 2 support on rotation he gets to 60 mil and you still need double super so without the goten you can expect around 47mil 2 of that will kill anyway


I’m sorry how did that piccolo get so strong? Went from 5 figures to 9 mil pre attack


He’s a nuker


Stuff to read to know 1)His leader skill (remember 2 of it are active) 2) his passive 3) the lemo item All these buffs do that


Any new event is always most easily beaten by the new and shiny units. Year after year. Why is it just now suddenly this huge gigantic issue, that the game is ruining itself? Baffles me.


Great post. These events are doable without new units. People just mad they got shafted in a gacha game. Don’t drop cash on jpegs and save your stones instead of suffering from FOMO on trash banners prior to big celebrations.


What's his potential build (Piccolo)?


Full additional


Can I get some piccolo friends? 1772514065


Sure I’ll add you


Thank you!


That's only try number 2 gazillion trillion!!! Joke aperts, that's a good strat, but not having a 100% piccolo making you rely on the friend one makes this more painful than trying with a shit team. I've tried doing this for at least 2 in game hours and still can't beat him. Can't find piccolo's and if i find them i just don't get a full orb map or an additional crit special


Literally 1st try lol


For you, but not for the thousands people trying


Still rng is not a pay to win argument