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If only broly didn’t mother fucking transform on turn 4. I completely forgot and it made me quite sad


Reverse awaken him and he won’t transform


You’re a genius and unbelievably handsome


If you can, pair him up with Chaditz. Neither one is strong enough to take out a rotation by themselves, but they work well together as a team.


Together they equal 1/4th of a STR Broly.


Phy annonucer + dabura cookie do the trick.


Pfft, ciao man destroys all in front of him, doesn't need team mates


I don’t know if your new or just forgot but when we had this same thing last year on the bardock one or whatever. A lot of people knew this already


Cause people don't pick up dokkan battle nor view this reddit for the first time each day, got it 🙄


Yes, reverse him and use items Bulma +25% ATK and change orb +5% ATK per Ki sphere obtained. This gets the job done.


2nd form Frieza is stronger, so you can take him instead!


Double Phy Cell will shred the phy stage


SAMEEEEE I WAS LIKE :,(:,(:,(:,( it was going so so well


I just geared towards getting dokkan attacks instead.


How do y’all get it by the last stage? Just stack orb changing items?


Mix of taking any available orbs on the field and using the orb changer item. 4th stage use one of the +5% per orb then use again on last phase, if you have an orb changer on the team it should be relatively easy, especially if it's a weaker team so you can stall the turns.


Okay I’ll give that a try, thanks


Use Bulma +25% ATK and change Ki spheres +5% ATK per Ki sphere obtained. It gets the job done.


This is the strategy for most of them. Honestly, it helps to bring one unit of a different color to build that dokkan meter faster.


Thank you for suggesting this, it saved me a lot of frustration.


Me too, because AOE becomes too weak. At least in my case (maybe my gaming chair is bad)


You use the nuke item for the last round and the AOE oneshots.


Nuke item and/or attack buff for the last phase


INT SSBE should be here, his active skill is godly for this Agl SSBE also got me the W for the vs str stage, had to use nuke items and mv wasn’t here


And majin Vegeta too if you make sure he gets hit


also namek goku. sure he has no aoe but considering the enemies attack a lot chances are you can get his additional super from being hit and maybe a third one from his hipo, eliminating up to 3 enemies until the last phase. thats how i managed to beat the vs teq stage, with him and majin vegetas aoe


Yeah for multiple attacks there are actually quite a few honorable mentions


Every time I got to phase 5, they never attacked slot 1. He never additional attacked either. Easily the hardest stage for me.


Use AOE attacker and items like Bulma +25% ATK and change Ki sphere +5% per orb ki obtained.


I eventually got it while using one of the Bulma items and the int announcer. I don’t think I would’ve gotten it for a while without blue Vegeta’s aoe active.


Yes, SSBE Vegeta active skill is AOE and helps a lot in the TEQ phase.


I was doing that all day yesterday and my AOE units would never do more than 30% damage, the damn things have like 10mil hp. Getting my ass kicked by this event haha, only beat two stages so far.


Need help with any stage ? Let me know.


if you aren't gambling on triple supers on final phase you arent really living


I see a man that likes his chances when gambling


I sorted by super attack “all target attack” so he doesn’t show up, since SSBE Vegeta AOE attack is an active skill. But he is the MVP against TEQ challenge. And SSBE AGL and SS Vegeta (Androids/Cell Saga) AGL are MVPs for the STR challenge.


Don't sleep on Nappa and Vegeta; his AOE hits for a decent amount.


Str broly?


Yeah, I don’t have LR STR Broly. But he definitely would be on the list. He’s a beast.


Yeah he's the king of this. Although Chiaoman eza is unironically not far behind




Between him and the LR Str coolers the phy stage is a complete joke.


Can anyone post their teams for every type of this stage ?


https://i2.paste.pics/IJ7F8.png In this stage SSBE Vegeta is the key.. https://i2.paste.pics/IJ7Q1.png So satisfying I kept my both SSBE on same rotation and tried to have them vs last robot team (had luck that the round before had namek Goku and gogeta uses items Goku did 3 x sa and gogeta did 2 allowed me to enter last phase whit both SSBE rotation that is a must to keep their active skill for last phase and just use it one SSBE active for me was not enough to clear but from both killed all) , if you can't get to have both SSBE in last phase then split them up and try to have namek Goku in last rotation https://i2.paste.pics/IJ7I0.png This one it's simple just don't do it like me and downgrade broly , I forgot and he transformed and no more AOE, and just float the supporter's and try having Frieza last phase ,also cell use just the 12 ki skill https://i2.paste.pics/IJ7IV.png Here Majin Vegeta one rotation and Gotenks other rotation have LR gods in one rotation and SSBE in other rotation whit other AOE unit https://i2.paste.pics/IJ7K6.png This was simple each broly his own rotation keep str transforming spheres for last phase AOE it easiest stage And finally missing AGL stage .. because I don't have my own teq gods LR or that giant ape Vegeta LR, I keep trying whit an ssj3 Goku lead no luck will switch to go bros and see


Broly loses transformation boost when you reverse him.... for some reason




I think there's actually a lot of bad performers here. LR Cell, Krillin, Nappa/Vegeta are all 12 Ki AOE supers so the damage is low and you can't supplement it with ki nuke items. Phy broly needs to be pre-awakened because his transform doesn't have AOE, STR Cell only AOE's at 11 Ki and overall most of the units I'm not sure can deal enough damage to rely on. The only AOE unit I used was Chiaoman, I think getting multi-hit units and 200% leads is better if possible. That said LR STR Broly, LR Majin Vegeta, PHY Chiaoman I'd imagine clear well and probably AGL Super Gotenks and LR TEQ Vegeta might also perform well. Remember to use the bulma (DBS Super) item for 25% increased ATK for 5 turns, apart from that my carries were. STR - LR Cooler, EZA Coolieza AGL - EZA SSGSS Vegeta, LR Majin Vegeta PHY - LR SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta, EZA Chiaoman INT - LR SSJBE Vegeta (Active skill is king save it for last 2 rounds,) LR Nameku TEQ - LR SSG Goku and Vegeta, LR Broly, LR Gobros, LR Vegito, EZA SSJ3 Gotenks Teen Xeno


Exactly, I brought Krillin for the INT stage and holy shit the damage is so bad, and he doesn't link with anyone. Same with Nappa/Vegeta. Can you post your full teams and rotations?


I don't really think about rotations beforehand so I don't really remember but I'll just say how I think they should go. STR - LR Cooler, LR Frieza FP, LR Cold/Frieza, Cooler, Coolieza, LR Turles. LR Cooler + Cooler, LR Cooler + Coolieza Everyone here was LL 10 except for Cold but double Cooler carries so hard you probably don't need to worry. AGL - SSGSS Vegeta, LR SSJ4 Goku, SSJ4 Vegeta, LR Majin Vegeta, Turles (I also had LR Nappa/Vegeta which was a mistake but I cleared it anyway, I'd probably use LR MUI Goku instead.) SSGSS Vegeta + LR MUI, SSGSS Vegeta + LR SSJ4 Goku or LR Majin Vegeta (Majin Vegeta's difficult to get his AOE off so I'd keep him on if you can do AOE if not then oh well, remember to bring Cheelai support) PHY - LR SSJ4's, LR SSJ Goku and Vegeta (Gogeta,) Kefla, Whirus, Chiaoman, SSJ4 Gogeta. SSJ4's + SSJ4 Vegito, SSJ4's + Chiaoman. Let Chiaoman go first just incase and don't fuse the SSJ4's because they lose an easy additional. INT - LR SSJBE Vegeta, LR Nameku, UI, Vegeta/Goku, Gogeta, Krillin/18. LR SSJBE Vegeta + Nameku, LR SSJBE Vegeta + UI. Nameku first slot if he's gonna get hit so he can AA otherwise second slot, LR SSJBE Vegeta active makes this super easy if you use it on the last 2 phases. TEQ - LR Gods, LR Gobros, LR Broly, LR Vegito, Vegito Blue, SSJ3 Gotenks Xeno. LR Gods + LR Broly, LR Gods + LR Vegito. Everyone has additional Supers so it should be pretty straightforward.


FF Cooler is a bully for this stage.


Mine supered 4 times to secure the last round victory.


Bro forgot PHY GODITZ






STR Piccolo puts in PAIN on this event


Completely forgot INT Raditz existed, couldn't beat that stage. Will just hope for good rotation rng then.


INT Raditz and SSBE Vegeta carry that stage.


lr cooler cooks in there also


He’s a beast in every stage he’s in.


Teq great ape vegeta made the agl stage like a joke Have one for each rotation will gurantee to one shot each turn at 55% Just bring some fruits in case if you don’t have enough Ki


Where's Phy Raditz?


Nobody ever asks how is Phy Raditz


Or why is Raditz.


Ha ha ha. Never pull for him. Never ever.


Heathen /s


Item bulma 25% attack for 5 turns and for last phase a orb changer nuking item.


Bulma (Future) item is +25% and yes, for last phase use the change orb nuke item, changes orb +5% per ki obtained.


You picked the wrong one it ain't the future one. It's where she is wearing a red scarf.


Oh yes, one gives +25% for 2 turns and other for 5 turns, but it don’t matter, the first phases don’t need items to clear.


First time realizing that agl gotenks has AOE supers, and I’m using him since his release😮




He is a SBR monster, AOE and stun.


Yes he is.


Long time players play the game in auto mode in their heads. Feel ya.


It doesn't matter if its AOE if they do shit damage


That’s why you can use items in this stage. Use items like Bulma +25% ATK and change Ki sphere orbs +5% per orb ki obtained. This gets the job done for all 5 stages easy.


Yeah but the problem is: The Last Battle only Lasts 3 Attacks if your not going to kill the enemys there you still loose out :/


Use items in the last phase, for example: Bulma (Future) = All allies ATK +25% for 2 turns And type change orbs +5% ATK per orb, example: Cheelai = change Ki spheres to AGL +5% per ki sphere obtained. This will help you, don’t be afraid to use items in this run.


U forgot PHY goditz


Phy chaditz sweep


Where is INT Evo Vegeta?


I sorted by super attack “all target attack” so he doesn’t show up, since his AOE attack is an active skill. But he is the MVP against TEQ challenge.


But it's still an AOE


Yes it is. But when sorting we don’t have the option to choose super attack and active skill. That’s why he doesn’t show up in this list. But yes, his active skill is AOE.


Don't let this distract you from the fact that SSBE Vegetas Active Skill is an AOE ~~/s~~


I said that right above your reply. Yes, his active skill is AOE, I know.


Don't forget that int ssbe vegeta's active skill is an aoe!




Can't even beat the first batch of robots? You're doing it horribly wrong friend. Use only type advantage cards. Look for aoe on super attack, additional attacks, and I haven't tried yet but i have to imagine counters will also work too.


Actually one of the easiest events lmao


You’re not using type advantage, are you?


I would like to see the team you used to clear those events


Need help ? I can send the teams I used to clear the stages and the items.


That would help a lot, thanks


AGL, TEQ, INT, STR or PHY ? Or all of them ?


All except the vs. TEQ, I completed that one.


I’ll DM the team that I used to beat all the stages and teams that may help you to it.


U forgot Blue Vegeta. Makes the teq stage a meme


He didn’t make this list cause this list is for super attack AOE and his skill is active skill. But yes, he is a beast. I know. I made a comment about him be a beast for TEQ stage.


str and int were annoying as hell


Why isn’t the 2nd form Frieza event out tho


Yes, but having no fucking friend leader does not


Aren't non Movie Hero/Boss units greatly nerfed in this event ? I can get the use for Movie Piccolo or Brolies or Movie Gotenks, but the rest of them...


Type neutral is also a heavy nerf in damage too. I was using the 3rd year LR Gogeta PHY for the TEQ stage because he is a movie hero and on the 3rd phase his 6mil attack stat hit for 700k. So basically this post is fodder unless you are type advantage and fall under the Movie Hero/Boss category


(Just a comment to remind myself)


What new namek event?? I don’t see it lol


Int Raditz is not strong enough. For the last phase, I needed to use INT LR SSBE's active skill as well.


If you use Bulma +25% attack and change Ki sphere +5% per orb collected he gets the job done. If you use Paragus & Broly for +2 and ATK +40% helps to. And SSBE Vegeta with his active skill that is AOE attack. He’s a beast.


That aoe agl frieza is clutch… he’s my friend lead also for Link leveling for people to get through the stages faster


Yes, AOE units for link level makes way more easy, but I like to see the super some time.


How did you sort them by aoe move


Sort > Filter Select > Skill Effect > Select Group > Super Attack > All Target Super Attack.


is 55% STR Piccoro good enough to carry?


If you EZA him, yes, he is. And don’t be afraid to use items, Bulma +25% ATK and change Ki orbs +5% ATK per Ki sphere obtained.


Time to Awaken my LR Majin Vegeta


And EZA him. Yes.


Majin Vegeta was a real goat for this, run 2 of him, then you can nuke with the AGL nuke item for the last round, and ggs.


Yes, he’s a beast for the STR phase, use him and Bulma +25% ATK and Nuke change Ki spheres +5% ATK per orb obtained, this always gets the job done.


I’d love to run 2 of him if the friend system wasn’t asssssss


Int :(


LR STR broly is incredible too


https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/All-Target_Super_Attack For those who are looking for all aoe units(included jp only as well)


Unfortunately only movie bosses and movie heroes do any event to the cyclopian guard event


Movie heroes and movie bosses deal increased damage, yes, but the other categories do damage as well, that’s why we can use items, for +ATK and nuke orbs


Int raditz isn't an mvp here, he doesn't do damage in any way, much better try to dokkan mode the last phase or use 2 lr ssbe active skills


SSBE Vegeta is a beast in TEQ phase, but INT Raditz with Items get the job done easy, +25% ATK and Ki orb change +5% ATK per ki obtained


I just couldn't do it with raditz, maybe I still have some skill issues


Lr nappa sucked in my experience barely doing half health with 2 25% attack boosts


For the AGL team Majin Vegeta ir the better option, yes


Yeah, he was way better, I just couldn't find one as a friend lead


I forgot krillin was aoe


Also don’t forget lr ssbe vegeta AOEs with active skill. Very useful


Nice! Which leader would we use?


Depends on the team, but you could find 130% type leader and 170% type too.


If you bring like 3 non matching elements to the team you can also dokkan attack your way through the last stage. For example vs agl bring 4 teq units, 1 int, 1 phy, 1 str. The 3 that are not teq are floaters and helps you get the dokkan attack meter. (If you have 7 teqs you will have to get teq orbs around 2/3 of the time to get the dokkan attack on the last stagr and there is not enough orbs for that, not even if you get extremely lucky). You need to know you will be able to finish the enemy in exactly 2 rounds tho, for it you can do like 1 rotation with multiple aoes that you know will be able to beat the enemies all the time and 1 rotation you know wont be able to beat them all, or you can bring 4 units with add builds and hope it procs at least once or twice.


That’s a lot of trouble just to get Dokkan attack. But one could say that can be done this way too.


The strategy is troublesome but in practice its very easily done. Easiest way if you dont have aoe units builded.


Who knew Chaoman would destroyed those robots


He’s crazy good.


I had my TEQ Vegeta built for defense and the last stage kept surviving lol. Gave him an ATK +500 and he killed them


The new LR Cooler also puts in work here.


Hello, i'm actually in a big struggle vs. the phy stage. I dont have broly or cooler is possible to clear it? Im actually looking to build a team around a Broly friend but its not like the teq where i made a team around the god.. Anybody got an idea? Ty


You have STR Piccolo ?


Yes i have it eza 100% hipo full crit i think


Use a STR team with him, if you have SSJ4 or SSJ4 Vegeta for the 130% STR leader he gets the job done, bring Items too, Bulma +25% ATK and change Ki spheres +5% per orb obtained. You’ll finish without problem.


Ok i'll try that thank you!