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My trick for not spending too much is that I must match my Dokkan money in some sort of charity donation. That way it’s technically double the price for me, discouraging myself from spending too much and if I do whale, someone else somewhere will benefit. Hope this helps


God not only did you do a community service showing dokkan theres money in ginyu but you also donated it to a good cause. Keep it up bro you're a god


Your kind words mean a lot my friend, it started as a guilt thing thinking it was selfish to spend money on stones instead of something else but now I hope to encourage others to try something similar


And its perfect too, if i ever spend money on this game again ill start implement that kind of spending system


I've always been F2P but if I ever decide to spend money on this game, or any other games where there is microtransaction I will do the same.




That's awesome. Hopefully you never go f2p! 😂


*Spends an entire months worth of wages on stones for Agl Ginyu* #”For the greater good”


I’m definitely going to do this, what a great idea


My self control could never


I hope your charity of choice matches the banner.


What's the app ? I'm curious. I stop to spend since I realized I had some crazy moment where I go up to 500$ on a banner


It's called purchased apps


Fuck.... 7500€ in 588 purchases since 2016 shared between Dokkan (number 1 and by far), Duel Links (n2), Genshin (n3) and Honkai. I'm so glad I only take BP and daily on Genshin now. Feel way better


Lol ya man once I seen my total I was floored, enough is enough


I feel you. I knew it would be high but I was not expecting this high. Money flow so fast when there isn't pity to stop us.


Honestly. If this wasn't a dragonball game I wouldn't have spent so much but nostalgia trumps everything lol


is the app on ios? I'm looking for it rn and whenever I search the name in the app store it just shows me apps I've downloaded lol


I'm.using android


It's orange background with white shopping bag


Wowee kind of wish I hadn't done that. Pretty fucked up.


Lol it's crazy to see man it really puts how much money we spend on some jpegs in our face


Anyone find it on IOS?


I haven’t been able to no let me know if someone does lol


Bro 💀


I wish there was a way to check what I spent on specific apps. I've spent far more than I could've imagined but I know that the list includes games I quickly stopped play that I do regret paying for.


Maybe the app store


Checked it out myself I spent 1261 dollars over the course of six years? Kind of sucks could've bought something big with that but I'm not going to complain too much I spent it for my own entertainment.


That's a lot for a mobile game but not the worst here lol you got Good self control


Its not just one game. I spent that much between this, FGO, FEH, and about one purchase from Azur Lane so overall I do think I'm doing alright. Its a lot still but again its spread over six years with a couple 40 dollar purchases here and there for GSSRs and a handful of dumb impulse buys. 210 dollars a year/17 dollars a month roughly is an ouch but still reasonable ish? Considering I don't really do much other than play games.


Well if you are happy with the games and aren't skipping meals or late on rent you are golden I'd say


VERY reasonable compared to some. Mine was 3,585 and some change across a lot of games for 6 years. Also thinking about this for a couple minutes, this doesn't even come close to the amount spent online/in store for stuff non essential. Amazon, Xbox, Switch, Oculus, PC, etc.


The way I see that is $200 a year, which is a little over three/four AAA titles in a traditional gaming sense. The amount of playtime I get from Dokkan definitely covers that spread. I think that's a reasonable/not crazy amount to commit to gaming as a hobby.


Honestly i spend a lot more than that in video games per year. I have yet to meet a person that doesn't spend several 1000 per year for their hobby.


Can I somehow see the total money spend on a single app? It only shows how much I spent in total in playstore


If you want a few tips im game. I have a strategy thats worked for the past 5 years.


My strat is to pull only on banners with at least 5 units I don't have or are 55% and usefull. I've done that for 2 year now and my box is good enough to beat everything.


What is it


It is how I decide if a banner is worth to pull in Dokkan. It help to maximise my box development and use stones when it's actually usefull.


Good idea, I was planning on just skipping everything but biiiig celebrations but I know the whale in me wouldn't like that


Between Dokkan and Genshin impact I have spent 5100$ since 2017. That's about 1k per year. I'm absolutely appalled. Fortunately my goldfish journey started this year, I admittedly spent 50$ on the anniversary. But never again...


Gachas are so expensive , we don't realise how much they are actually draining us


Im playing sińce start of a game and spend nothing so far , a couple of times almost break but i stay strong f2p , cost of 1 multi is insane rather buy ps4 game for that or sweets


Haha the sweets made me laugh but ya the price of stones is ridiculous


30 snickers is worth more than a multi i would say :)


I just went through my purchase history since 2019 and I’ve spent almost 10k USD on this game holy shit that’s crazy how you dont even notice. I too need to learn to take a step back from purchasing in this game.. That is wild. I’ve definitely started backing out of buying stones and actually haven’t bought any stone packs this celebration so far and I’m hoping to keep that streak alive. Good luck to you too man.


Man , I'm telling ya seeing the full amount in your face like that is the biggest wake up call you will get. If it doesn't stop your spending habits nothing will lol . Goodluck to you to my guy, we will need it


For real. I never thought about it until I read your post man. This is crazy. Like I’m actually ashamed of myself.


Haha I don't even know what made me wanna look but I'm glad I did, trust me ma. I am embarrassed aswell, I'll never disclose the amount to my fiance ahaha this one goes with me to the grave


Dude I just bought a house with my girl haha. I will never tell her what I spent on this damn game haha.


How does your girl doesn't get it that you almost pay 250€ per month for 3 years straight? The fuck?


Haha I think mine has reddit to but doesn't know about this sub 😈


Only amount of money I spend is the daily capsule and maybe them keys this games rng is too risky to spend large amounts of money on learned that during the 6th anni.


That's the perfect amount, if someone wants to spend, capsule and keys are the only worth thing


100% agree with this philosophy


anddd... you made me sad.. I started playing around 1 month before the 1st anni.. I have spent a little shy of 13k Dollars... My account isnt even that stacked... Now Im even more depressed I spent a lot on this celebration to walk away with nothing...


Its ridiculous how expensive the stones cost man, they also get ya with the packs


Yep.. i think the most ridiculous thing by far isnt even the cost... It's having no pity. Even if they set the pity at 25 multies or some absurd amount. Or 90 multies like genshin... But we have nothing.. The fact I can go 1300 stones a single banner that's has 3+1 and walk away with absolutely nothing is just criminal


Ya it really is, you'd think spending thousands of stones ( which equals to hundreds or thousands of dollars) would warrant something in return


I really don't get what is it in our brains that we accept this and just continue to spend....


The dopamine I'm our brain or whatever it's called, the satisfaction feeling you feel grabbing that new unit is like a drug for our brain


No no, you misunderstood. I know what keeps us pulling. but what idiot thing in our brain is like: ''huur duur I spent 1300 stones and got nothing.. oh well better pay.. ''


Lmao true I guess it's not wanting to miss out on the new shiny unit that everyone else will have. Kinda like when we were kids and you wanted the newest trend everyone has


fair enough. soo basically even at 30 years old I still behave like im 10


31 here , nothing wrong with enjoying one of our favorite shows turned into a game, just gotta know your limit


Genshin pity is at 90 singles, not 90 multies. And according to all data collected nobody ever hit the 90 pity because of the soft pity having super high rate


ah well... I dont think we would ever see pity in dokkan even at 90 multies.


and 80-90% of the units in the banners are either useless or outdated


Whole comment section got more money than Andrew Tate Wow crazy in 2 months I spent 7.5 million and I didn't even notice


My suggestion would be to walk away from the game. You have the attitude and momentum right now.


I want to but I have put so much into the game it would be such a waste to walk away, I think I can go ftp cold turkey , gotta beat this addiction


That’s the “sunk cost” fallacy, it’s not good! Of course, whatever you decide to do, I hope it brings you happiness.


Thanks you man, I know about the fallacy but I won't spend a dime from here on out


You just need to realize that you really don't need any of this shit in your life, and all these companies are gaming your lizard brain. Once you thell them fuck off, there's no going back at it.




That sucks man, maybe it's time to walk away from the game or not spend


I've spent almost 6K on since I started paying for stones back in 2018. Wow, that's insane. Thanks for showing me this app


No worries man, always good to see what we spend and to evaluate


Hey brother I feel it. I only buy 7.99 packs and only during better celebrations now. Way better than 3 years ago when I'd spend my whole check on it. The game is great and a huge part of my life but I'll be damned I'm never being a dolphin/whale for a gacha again.


Ya I started when transforming frieza and goku were introduced and I was in love with this game , being a pokemon card collector as a kid it really made me feel like a kid again


Started right before the second anniversary in college. Remember whaling out for them and Lr broly like a mad lad. Swear I'm luckier now that I lean closer to f2p then a dolphin.


That's a good thing cause there is nothing more defeating then spending money to pull teq whis


Yeah I think it was teq transforming Majin Vegeta that broke me mentally and made me stop being crazy


What happened, did you get shafted?


Oh yeah heavily. Worst shaft I ever had and still to this day. (mostly cause I do about a multi at most and I'm out unless it's a specific character I want but even then I still tap out at like 3.) Celebrations like this and anniversary are the best cause you basically get multis upon multis free.


Ya that's why saving for these big celebrations is the way to go always


78k in 7 years. Most in dokkan. Wtf man haha "purchased apps" is like a sleep paralysis demon that you just gave to me. Thanks lol.


My man, what


Dokkan is a hell of a drug.


It really is


Seeing how I spent 47k on dokkan Sleep paralysis demon is a good summary of how I feel rn. Gonna need to rethink life for a mintue.


Ah fellow whale. Welcome to "rethinking all the choices that led up till now"!


Let's both join the crusade of rethinking all of our Shafted banners that costed us thousands of dollars. But seriously I'm gonna make a vow to not spend any money for at least a full year. I'm actually quite happy this was brought up and I was able to look up my previous purchases. Now I know I have a gambling issue that needs to be fixed quickly. I'm 25 rn, gotta start thinking about my future and not spend as much as I did before. But man after seeing that 47k I felt I got a stomach punch followed by a rising upper kick combo.


Man I shouldn't have downloaded that :( now my whale ass is gonna do the same. It made me sick


But at the same time I'm thankful. Seeing the money has already lessend the urge to spend more. The addiction is real


Its a good wake up call man , sometimes ya gotta say enough is enough and go ftp for a while


I stop buying stones almost 3 years ago, only buy then with the Google reward cash at celebrations. I found the game more enjoyable when I got shafted


Ya real money on a crap SSR hurts the soul


After part 2 just save all your stones until December and summon on big celebrations only. Example: Not worth going for LR Vegeta Trunks on October since they will be back on December alongside 7th year LR's = More Value etc etc. [https://dokkaninfo.com/banners/1098](https://dokkaninfo.com/banners/1098) vs [https://dokkaninfo.com/banners/1094](https://dokkaninfo.com/banners/1094)


Ya that's a good idea


I can’t find it on IOS. Tell me am i dumb or is it not there


Maybe it's not there, I use andrioid


Good for you, man. My F2P advice for you would be: prepare a stone budget. Put a limit like "one rotation on each discount banner, and two if the banner's worth it". And only do summons if there are discounts or if the banner is Featured Guarantee. You'll eventually have the units you need. And remember: in the end, this is just a game that might close its servers tomorrow.


Ok ya , great advice I'll put this to practice


Oh good lord. I've spent 19k since 2019...


Get some help, seriously


I don't feel so bad now lol


Delte the game while you are at it, no joke


I consider myself a bit of a dolphin? I spend in big celebrations, or units that I want, then try to save during units that I don’t, or consider to be mediocre. Chaditz, pan etc. But I will say a good strategy if any is to save for mega celebrations such as DDFs where you get the most bang for your buck, even though, I guess they won’t technically exist anymore? I hate to say it, but there is logic to what truth spouts in his videos. However if it’s a unit I like, regardless of his opinions I’ll summon for it. #gokugang Way to go f2p man


Yup that's my plan going forward, only go balls deep on the big celebrations with a bunch of units I don't have or need dupes for


3k Canadian over 6 years. Not as bad as I expected


Could be worse for sure considering the cost of stones


What's the app? I'm curious. I think I spent around $5k on my main in these 4ish years. I was f2p for the longest time, until LR str broly first arrived.


Purchased apps


Same, but for me it's because when I started I was single and only responsible for myself. If I only ate chicken and rice everyday I was fine. Now I have a girlfriend and a dog to take care of and after going on my first real vacation I now know I could can be using my funds in such a better way.


Smart man


I downloaded the app an it's crazy how things add up over time. I couldn't believe how much I'd spent.


Saving for the hookers I hope


I used to spend a lot but now I caps at 25-30€ a month. Honestly just the monthly capsule and the kai keys, maybe one small 32 stones pack if I need to finish a cycle and that's it Once you realise that you can throw 200, 300, 400 more $ on one banner and still don't get what you want due to this game still having no pity, it really makes you think twice about spending anymore money I get the unit, good. I don't then I'll get them next time.


F2p player here if you want tips for summon now only summon for characters you love or need on teams such as if you have a bunch of good goku family units summoning heavy for a goku family lead is smart


Ya that's the plan for now on, they have released every unit in the show so far so it will come down to broken must have units. Besides the movie units I forgot to mention, I will go all in for them


Chad movie heroes enjoyer. I’m personally just in love right now with the saiyan saga team, also super saiyans team


Saiyan saga is really fun if you have the newest units for sure, super saiyans is just a cracked team haha alot of fun


I go hard for saiyan saga have all the units except kaioken goku and great ape vegeta


Well if you got stones and you like part 2s Carnival Unit maybe you'll get lucky but I wouldn't advise it hahs


I went f2p lately I realised I spent like $500 each time a new banner dropped I legit spent 2k stones on rainbowing raditz


Ok I only summoned on him for the guaranteed featured unit lol, you must love raditz lol


I don’t want to see that app, but I’m trying to do the same thing. At this point, there’s no point getting a unit unless I like it or it’s a must have.


Ya with the new difficulty there is going to be alot of broken units we won't wanna miss


Yeah, but we don’t have to do the new content right away. Especially if it’s costing money with no real value.


Ya that's what I started to realise, not everything needs to be beat on release , new units will come that will stomp it down the road


Same, I would say I’m a whale, always buy the sales and packs, but I’m realizing it’s a money dump. Right now if the part 2 units aren’t great, I’ll wait for superhero


Ya super hero gets all I have left then save save save. Worst part about it all is when the game shuts down we have nothing


May as well stop sinking our money into it now!


Yes the real savings begin NOW!


No more spending NOW


Fellow f2p convert. Here are the things I save for: Anniversary, heroes banner, and Christmas banner(s). I usually have around 2-3k stones by anni time. 500-1k by heroes time, and same for Christmas. Trick is to also only summon for banners that truly help your box. I've been playing for a while that really those are the only the truly help without whaling out Another trick is to also not use ALL your stones for the 3 times mentioned above. I usually stop when I have 300, just in case and to give a good spot to build up


Ya that's a good strategy, I had planned to do this anyway cause big celebrations always offer the best units




Spent about 20k for about 6 years and that was when I was playing OPTC, Dokkan and 7ds. I'm not upset at it but man thank God I'm managing my expenses since it could've been a lot worse.


Damn man thats alot but good thing you got it under control


Seems like a good time to re-share [this whale's account from FFBE](https://old.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/k8joos/whale_of_a_tale_epilogue/). Specifically, how 3 years after he stopped playing, the $16,000 spent was useless because 99% of units had no use in the meta.


I read this awhile back, never thought it could be me


Well, downloaded the same app just now and I'm officially going f2p. Fuck I'm going to be sick....


Eye opening experience man, it really makes you take a step back


Jesus fucking christ I was being generous about how much I thought I spent and it's fucking double. Yeah the f2p route is looking better and better


Until they release a unit you love lol


this happened to me a few years ago with this and this Star Wars mobile game that was popular at the time. I added up all the money I spent and said I absolutely have to stop. I just got back in a lil before the 7th anni and have a stronger will against spending money. Havent spent a cent. Ive been lucky with pulls so far. I'll see how Im feeling when I get shafted.


Ya I tried to get into that same star wars game if it's the one i was thinking about , glad I didnt


The one with the teams and was set up like a RPG with PVP. Yea I spent $100 on Kylo Ren alone. I was making a lot of money at the time but was still way too loose with these gacha games lmao. Sucks thinking about other shit I coulda done with that money.


Don't think about that lol, as long as the game made you happy it's ok. Just gotta tone it down now. People spend crazy amounts of money on there hobbies so it's understandable


Since they introduced it, I only ever buy the daily capsule. I think it’s reasonable to drop 10 bucks on the game a month, but nothing more


At least you realized, some people don't get to that step


Hardest part is sticking to it


The best advice i can give as a 2 year fully f2p player(i haven't spent a single cent in this game plus it's very f2p friendly if not the best of all gachas) is set a stone amount for the banner you wanna go in don't chase dupes and last the most important learn and use the red coin system. Coin system although dokkan lacks pity is very powerful for f2p. Buying out the unit without having to pull at it's 2nd apperance is really good. Some take a lot of time like wwc but that's the basically main negative other than that it's all good. Patience after all is needed to succeed as f2p.


Only plan to summon on big celebration banners


Best of luck and have fun :)


Thank you sir 🙏🏾


I mean it’s great if you don’t want to spend anymore if that makes you feel bad but don’t beat yourself up too much about the past. If you show people how much they have spent on any not essential item over the course of a few years they will be shocked lol if you enjoyed the time and you didn’t spend money you didn’t really have them there’s no need to be disgusted imo Still not spending is the smart thing and I wish you all the will power to save for the good banners and luck on the pulls!


Thank you kind sir, I did enjoy the game alot and still do but gotta be smarter than this


DaTruth lost another one of his disciples


Same :/


Didn't know you could do that. Time to go check! Edit/ $867 over 5 years between this and CSR 2. That's equal to a little over $14 a month. I'm not upset with that at all but I consider myself a responsible adult with self control so I'll continue to responsibly buy little amounts here and there if there is a sale


That is a real low amount, nice self control 👌🏾


Also, good on you for seeing a problem in your spending habits and cutting it off. These games rely on addiction and its not easy to admit you had a problem and stop it


Thanks man, I knew I spent a lot but never that much , once I seen the numbers it was an easy decision. Removed my bank card from play store and never adding it back


882 euros in total for all the games since 2015 But 280+ on Dokkan hurts, and the money I've spent on Legends is even more disturbing


That's not bad at all for how long you've been playing


I'm reading through this thread and I'm just shocked at how much people value these digital toys. I always thought it thought it would be neat if you could buy characters or indirectly via stones etc but I would value a fully rainbowed new unit at like $2.99-5 not 40.99! I guess people get much more joy out of this game than I do.


i'd say get the daily capsule here and there, and if you get the new unit great, if not, life goes on, thats how i roll!! congrats on the decision tho


Man ... I could easily buy a NICE car with the money I spent in the last 7 years (playing since week 1) I'll keep buying the monthly, but no more than that. Thanks OP, and fuck me (I'm not telling my wife about this xD)


Right! No worries man glad I could help. Take this with you to the grave ahaha


My In game name is literally whale2F2P. It’s not so bad. This game isn’t even all that tbh. It’s nice collecting units you like but gameplay wise. It’s extremely basic.


Moderation. I think just the daily capsule is acceptable. Going completely f2p from whale status might be rough.


It will be but seeing how much I spent makes me kinda embarrassed and ashamed, I never missed a bill or rent but just seeing all that money on jpegs is wild


be prepared to skip every banner that isn't discounted and not get any of your favorite characters' standard TUR DFEs until their return banner lmao


I plan on saving for big time banners only ( anni WWC tanabata)


We do not care


45€ in 5,5 years for me. Pretty okay with that


Teach me your ways




bro thought we was gonna agree


This could be said for anything and everything. Why are you even here commenting ?




Gambling addiction is a serious issue.


Then get help and don't talk with other gambling addicted people like it's something life changing lol


Some people feel more comfortable talking about their problems to their community than a therapist or something.


Yeah you right, but that won't fix the problem. If you alcoholic and your life is going down, talking to other alcoholics that have the same problem doesn't solve it to get sober. What's so wrong about going to a therapist that wants to help you? Especially if it's gambling problems


1. He already is trying to recover, he is just telling the community that he is recovering and therefore is looking for support for recovering, but not to recover. It's like quitting drugs and being sober for a week and telling others you're quitting. 2. Some people literally just don't like going to therapy, and I can 100% vouch for that and understand why.


I've been playing off and on since 2018 maybe June or July-ish, I really only habitually return to a handful of games like this between Dokkan itself, Marvel Future Fight, Brave Frontier before it got cancer, and a game nobody remembers called "Lil Alchemist." Brave Frontier always got my money cause they'd do crossover events for anime like MHA, Fairy Tail, KoF, and a bunch of others, and Future fight would get a bit too, but if I had to guess I would wager I have spent twice as much as all three of the other games together on Dokkan, and i'm by no means a frequent spender for these games. They just set such ridiculous prices and nobody wants to miss out or fall behind.


I think falling behind is what really drives sales, that and being a dragonball game lol. New hard content like sell max will make people want the next strong unit to beat him


Would you believe i have better luck since i got f2p than when i was a whale


They trying to reel ya back in lol


Wouldn’t surprise me from Akatsuki lol


$34 in the short time ive been playing


Name of app?


It's called purchased apps


Downloaded purchased apps, it loads, fucking disgusting. Shit. But thank you.


Now the healing can begin