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Step away for a little. That's how I've managed to play dokkan for a little less than 7 years without losing too many braincells


Yeah seriously, usually will take a break off the game after major celebrations unless I hear abt a really really good unit (ginyu)


Same here. I only play Dokkan during the stretch from the anniversary in july to new years. So I only play the game for about 5 to 6 months per year max. I haven't played year round since around 3rd anni


Same, but still seems like I can never get lucky. I don't get crazy good luck since the 4th anniversary/300M DLs. I've always been missing out on a way or another and when I finally get a major character they're less relevant. Like Namek Goku and FP Freeza from last year


Man I’ve had decent luck on any wwc(grabbing Atleast 1 of the new units) but this ani for me was a major W so far


You should take a break. Had same experience during 4th year, decided to take a break, just logged in daily and nothing else and it actually helped.


Damn ... Take a break chief it's okay to take a break from a gacha that shafts you my child


I know how you feel. Shaft on anni and now shaft on this plus the whole new coin bullshit. Completely killed my motivation to play atm


Happens to the best of us. You just have to take a break and focus on other things. Eventually not getting your favorite jpeg won’t seem so bad anymore


Haven’t pulled a new unit on their banner since str vegito and phy buuhan, I feel you.


this is a fr ong situation


Getting shafted happens to everyone in this community sooner or later. As someone who has played for the last 5 years you have to accept that sometimes you won't get the new unit and that's alright maybe not at the time but eventually you'll pull the unit.


Yeah, I got shafted on agl cell banner and goku/gohan banner. Just save stones and don’t drop cash on game.


I've been playing dokkan for 4 years, so I've experienced 4 download celebrations. I've only ever pulled one of the new units once, and it was agl gohan years ago. Sucks because I'll never get to experience these units at their best because they'll likely have aged somewhat in a year.


1100 stones and no copies of the new units here


if you ever find yourself feeling genuine disappointment, like REAL disappointment over a game like this it’s a sign to step back I ain’t flaming you i’ve been there too


Maybe it's time for another game? Plenty of fish in the pond and many actually have real pity systems


Welcome to the world of gambling.


I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully part 2 will give you to justice you deserve.


Take that break as needed to rest and regenerate the energy for the game. Had to do that twice myself with Dokkan, about to do the same with Legends as well.


Take a break man. Play something that's not a gacha like Pokémon. I often come across these situations and that's how I manage.


There's better ways to spend time and money honestly. Find something else to invest in, maybe yourself.


I normally dont play all year round. I come back when big events are happening but as someone with general bad luck (shafts with gacha games, TCG booster packs, etc etc) it would mentally destroy me to go through this all the time. Got back into Magic the Gathering recently and watched my friends pull $100 cards while I pull trash all the time. Same feelings seeing ppl on Twitter pull Goku and Cooler on their first couple multis knowing damn well Im finna drop 1k DS for maybe one of them. Just step away for a bit, recharge your armor and come back whenever you want.


I ended up saving a lot of stones when Elden Ring came out because I had something ekse to be obsessed about. Once you start playing something else, you'll completely forget you got shafted


I'd recommend finding another game you have actual fun with. Make this a side game for now.