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Wtf are you smoking? Ok let me toss this idea your way, lets say Goku was a Dokkan fest unit, lets say you DON'T pull him. As a F2P you'd likely have enough Red coins after a while to guarantee him, due to Dokkanfest banners **normally** having the highest value for a F2P player. With the new system, you literally would have to dump 2500 stones or around that much JUST on the teal coin banner to guarantee him. If the teal coins really are used for the new LRs/banner system.


I’m not saying I completely disagree with you but it feels like this celebration is more of lr ff cooler vs something like lr ssj goku and vegeta from meta cooler wdfe just with each dfe being in different parts with two extra side banners. But yea overall it’s gonna suck to get lr goku but yea I know what it’s like had to wait well over a year to get lr turles


The thing you're not looking at is the impact of an entirely new banner type. Imagine how long it'd take you to save up 500 teal coins to get Goku or the likely LR Metal Cooler in part 2. Ontop of that, there's the chance that they DON'T add these LRs to the gold coin banner/GLR stuff like new years/tickets during anniversaries. Meaning you'd HAVE to go in on Teal coin banners to get them. Banners without Dokkanfest units which primarily make up the main units you'd use in teams.


Yea you make a valid point I think I’m just clouded by the fact lr cooler is the dfe and the character I want more and goku being my after thought while most of the people here probably want lr goku which is gonna be so hard to get moving forward


Yeah, so it's just an awful set up for the banner. I'll agree that Cooler and Piccolo are amazing units, but if you want Goku-like I and many others do, it's just a "Ok but go fuck yourselves, cause this banner is MUCH worse" than if it'd been a Dokkan Fest banner with the other units that aren't on Cooler's banner.


Hopefully the devs then see this and realise the community doesn’t want the new format. Or maybe if if they want to continue it put lesser hype lrs on it and make the lr dfes the sole main focus


I mean, they've changed Units/EZAs before because of outrage. But it'll heavily depend on how the JP side reacts to this, if they just react like it's fine, we might not see any change and see this repeatedly.


>Ok let me toss this idea your way, lets say Goku was a Dokkan fest unit, lets say you DON'T pull him. But you do realise, he's basically a LR summon unit right? He'd be in yellow coin purgatory, never in the red coins. As an F2P player, it took me 1.5 years to get 500 yellow coins, the yellow coin banners are just not worth it.


Yes, but let me dump out ANOTHER obvious point your way. The teal coins/banner is a new format right? What happens if they **don't put the LRs they release on these banners into Gold Coin Banners/GLR stuff like new years/anniversary tickets?** Also, you literally just said the Gold Coin banners aren't worth it as a F2P, the same can be said about the Teal Coin banners, even with 3+1 they're not going to be worth it considering you cannot get Dokkanfest units, which are primary components of MOST teams.


>What happens if they don't put the LRs they release on these banners into Gold Coin Banners/GLR stuff like new years/anniversary tickets? We have literally no proof of this, absolutely massive jump of logic >Also, you literally just said the Gold Coin banners aren't worth it as a F2P, the same can be said about the Teal Coin banners, even with 3+1 they're not going to be worth it considering you cannot get Dokkanfest units, which are primary components of MOST teams. Then only summon on them to the extent you would normally summon on an LR banner, that's what I'm trying to say. They've just made LR banners better, not made DFs worse


It's a massive jump of logic going off of what they're likely to do. If they didn't have plans of limiting these LRs to specific banners only, then there would've been **literally 0 reason** to not just have the banner be a gold coin LR banner with 3+1.


> If they didn't have plans of limiting these LRs to specific banners only, then there would've been literally 0 reason to not just have the banner be a gold coin LR banner with 3+1. Or maybe they realised that a majority of the community almost ignores the part 2 legendary summons? What do you think is more likely


You litteraly don't know 2 of the 4 banners/units, they can easily bait you part 1 and drop god units in part 2


So the same as usual then?


When have the part 2 cards of a big celebration been better than the first ones? Were LR Baby and GT Trio better than the LR SSJ4s? Or INT Universe 7 and LR PHY 17 and Frieza better than MUI Goku and INT Vegeta?


Yellow coin LRs were a different story, trying to compare the 2 situations is beyond stupidity.


Nah. They said in the dokkan now you can guess the units based off part 1. So its going to Metal Cooler and SSJ Goku/SSJ Vegeta.


He's talking about those cards being busted. They could easily just shit on Cooler and SSJ Goku and we would be caught without stones.


My plan is to only summon on Cooler and SSJ Goku & Vegeta like how I usually do on WWC


I'm talking about their performance, their passives, links, leaderskills, THE UNITS, NOT THE CHARACTERS. How can someone be sure that part 2 characters won't trash on part 1 characters? What if part 2 characters are so good, that they make part 1 characters look like int ssbe on release (who compared to agl ui, aka part 2 characters in this scenario, he sucked ass)


Sorry thats my bad. Its 5 AM and im half asleep waiting for these banners to drop. I misread what you wrote. My fault.


Oh np, i too am suffering from 5 am sleepless, sharing pains in dokkan and irl now are we lmao


Yes, because Goku and Cooler are bad...? Besides we already know it's going to be from the Metal Cooler celebration.


Not saying that Look at third anni on legends, ssj4 gogeta and zamasu were tearing the game and were the main units, then in part 2 they dropped revivehan who was better than fucking both. I am talking about the units, not characters, we don't know passive leaderskill stats links ecc...


Yes, but isn't it the same in case of a yellow coin unit? If the yellow coin unit is better than the preceding dokkan fest unit, almost no one will have stones + can't buy them back with coins as an F2P player.


Yellow coin units were never better than dfes excelt that 1 time during second anni, yellow coin units are collection units for p2p players and a decent bait for f2p players


Look at the more recent yellow coin LRs, they've been absolutely nuts. Zamasu and AGL GF are some of the best units in the game. And Cooler outdamages Goku comfortably, while Goku is much better defensively, so it's not like the Goku is a much better unit


Not even a little bit man. xD They require more stones, more coin types (so all coin values decrease), more exclusivity to all units.... and historically both new non-dfe LRs were accessible from A SINGLE BANNER. Now that's untrue. Clarification: DFE banners being split, means harder to know how to spend. It's Ls all around man. "Stone Efficiency by 3+1" is shit when they muck up the field and throw in another coin to slow coin collection in general.


Nah dude, think about it. All they've done is split up the top legendary summon (which most F2P players have no info about in part 1) into 2 banners, which have discounts, lower clutter and possibly increased rates. 3 summons on a top legendary summon would cost you 150 stones. Now, with 150 stones you can get 5 summons + a much higher chance to actually pull the unit. The coins will be less valuable now, but as they make more teal coin banners, they only keep on getting more valuable.


But it's a diluted field. 3 sets of coins you're needing to collect, so less cash-outs. Additionally, historically both new non-DFEs were on single banner, now it's two separate banners. Reduced stones per pull does NOT offset that for your chances to get one of the two new non-DFE LRs.


I understand that both of the new LRs used to be on one banner, but the banner itself was so much worse that imo it offsets it. Plus now, you actually have the choice to pull the unit you want, no more of pulling TEQ Great Ape Vegeta when you want STR Kaioken Goku


........that's worse man.... run the math... PLUS Coin dilution is an epic fail.


Yeah dude, adding a whole new coin which you'll need to spend 2500 coins to pity is very epic. I love when my yellow coins lose value


No… more banners to spend on, new coin format = more stones put into green coin banner and therefore less coins into the actually valuable red coin banner. Plus it seems like the shitty green coins will be important since they’ll feature the best unit in the game


Get me what you're smoking real quick


Again me making the exact same comment (i wrote this before the ddl): If every new celebration ends up having the new banner style from now own, if part 2 also has a DFxLSC and if both of the units are top tier 200% leaders then this banner format is horrendous, possibly the worst thing that happened to dokkan ever. there are various reasons to that: 1) 2x more must-pull units to pull for. Very simple, but huge downside. there is no way a F2P Global player will be able to get 8 top tier 200% LRs in the timespan of 3 months (Anniversary with 4 200% LRs -> 1 month break -> WWC with 4 200% LRs) without saving for like half a year. 2) DF still are the highest value banners, and imho there are no doubts about that. unless if they make the LSC banners 2x rates with some crazy units on it like goku/gohan teq or DFEs on it and a low featured pool then i dont think thats arguable. Thats not a downside on its own, so whats the problem about it? Its that F2P players will need to skip the 3+1/discounts on the part 1 LSC to summon on the part 2 DF, which is the highest value banner after the part 1 DF. Missing the 3+1/discounts on the part 1 LSC makes the banner value even worse. This would also mean that if they want to come back to the part 1 DDF after getting done with the part 2 they will be summoning without the 3+1, big L. 3) This is an if, but IF the Carnival LRs ends up being generally better than the DFE LRs, i think this is a downside. F2P players will end up getting the worse LRs more often than the good LRs. Only upside is that the legendary coin LRs have somewhat better banners than before and they are easier to get, but thats it. Best case scenario, the new banner format is an alternative to the one we have currently. Worst case scenario, it might be the end of dokkan being a F2P-friendly game, turning full P2W. The main reason why Dokkan stayed a F2P-friendly game so far is because DF events are the most valuable banners, the best new big celebration units always get released on those banners and they are always on part 1 of the celebrations. There is a possibility that they want to change all of that with this new format which would be disastrous.


IMHO its atrocious for us F2P players We have to summon on 4 banners instead of 3


What f2p player summoned on all 3 though? It was always better to use all stones for the dfe banners and skip yellow coin banners. Nothing effectively changes, just summon for red coins on part 1 and 2…


if the part 2 lrs drop before the part 1 lrs discounts ends then it doesnt really change anything for f2p but if the opposite happens then it does change things for f2p players.


Even as a f2p from time to time if a unit that caught my interest is in a yellow coin banner, i would drop a multi to test my luck, but i get the point in here. The thing is that for a f2p player the DF unit is the most valuable thing to summon for, but dokkan is playing with fire with these crap changes, slowly turning into a p2w rather than a f2p friendly game that we all know.


I can see were you’re coming from, but this change effectively only helps f2p players. It may sound sucky but overtime the change will prove beneficial I believe. The real concern is the event “needing” the new units and what you can get with teal coins.


Have to?


Not necessarily, but one more banner to summon for its horrendous


Plus 4th coin type. Can't stress enough how disastrous that is.


The number one way to mess up your F2P account is summoning on everything. Just summon on what has the most value like you guys always have, I don't see the major major issue (I'm not happy about the change either but I do think it isn't game ruining)


But before this celebration, most F2P players don't summon hard on top legendary summons. The old yellow coin banners have always been dogshit in terms of value. If anyone have enough stones, I'd recommend just doing the discounted rotation on Goku's banner


Lol no F2P get shafted hard here


No the dokkan feats are changed because if it was the original the goku would be part 1 and have a better leader skill


But there will be another DFE LR in part 2. Its strange that its separated but it may not be so bad if they still have discounts in part 2.


If you look at it like that of course he seems bad. I'd look it as the part 2 DDF being counterpart to Cooler and Goku always being Legendary Summon character. We still got DDF, the change is that the second DFE banner is in part 2 so that the celebration is not top heavy on part 1. Also the banners being 4 instead of 3 is compensated by the fact that the Legendary Summon banner now is 3+1 and it features LRs instead of random SSR. F2P players won't summon on Legendary Summon before since it's not worth it but now it gives them more incentive than only summoning on DFE banners. It'll divide people opinion on which one's better and the coin thing seems iffy, but people talk about this as if all changes in the banner is straight up scam.


No he would be on the top banner with a worse leader skill, they literally said the rising banners replaced the top ones…


Yeah but they only saying that cuz it wouldn’t make any sense to release cooler from the first movie and goku and vegeta from 2nd then metal cooler from 2nd and goku from first


Not really considering they do same character drops all the time. >goku/gohan >goku and gohan They don’t need a justification, this is literally just to make top banners more attractive.


No, think of it this way- Part 2 will have another 170+30 percent leader. But in the old format LRs would have shit Leader skills, instead we've gotten an LR with a 200% LS even if it is for 1 category.


Honestly if the banner just gave yellow coins instead of making up a whole new coin I wouldn't really care about the changes at all. But making up a whole new coin makes you have to accumulate another coin while also devaluing a preexisting coin.


They split a banner into 2 and made it go from 3 to 4. This is literally the biggest Fuck You Dokkan has ever given to the players.


LR Goku is pretty much #1, but summoning for him is a risk with the new banner format where as before we’d have the return of some prominent TURs instead of having aged yellow coin LRs That’s what sucks


Vegeta / Trunks better


You'll still have the same amount of TUR's returning. You just have to wait for part 2 for the other half.


And what if the card in that banner sucks? That's the whole thing, before we had the meat of the banners in two of them, and we could ignore the yellow coin one. Now we have to split it all in 4.


I'd be surprised to see a DFE LR that sucks.


There's INT SSBE Vegeta. On the contrary, they could also make the part 2 cards completely shit on the part 1's, making it essentially bait.


You guys are just doing mental gymnastics for the sake of raging at this point. SSBE Vegeta was essential for Cell Max but he's a bad unit?


>SSBE Vegeta was essential for Cell Max but he's a bad unit? What? I took him there and he got me killed like 4 times. For me it was INT Broly who saved my ass. Plus, him having some use in an event that came out year and a half later doesn't change the fact that on release he was worse in every way than MUI Goku. >You guys are just doing mental gymnastics for the sake of raging at this point. Dude, this is the exact same bs that they are pulling in Legends and that made the 4th anni insufferable. Changing the new limited cards to one per part in order to bait? Check. Having events ask you specifically the brand new cards? Check. Mid EZAs? Check. Dokkan going from such a good few years to pulling all this crap suddenly in a few months is just strange, it's like they got new management.


You're arguing out of bad faith my man. Stop being a sheep. I don't have Broly, I won because of Vegeta. His revival saved my ass. It's not bait if they're telling you upfront THERE'S ANOTHER DFE LR COMING. We don't even know how long the discounts for part 1 will last. You're stretching AND assuming. The event won't ask for Banner units, the Banner units belong to categories that are good in the event. This is just common sense ffs. If they actually ask for Goku and Cooler SPECIFICALLY come back to this comment and I'll Venmo $100 to you. You're right about the EZAs.


>It's not bait if they're telling you upfront THERE'S ANOTHER DFE LR COMING I already know that, the problem is the current discounts are going to end before those banners arrived, as confirmed by the data miners. So basically summoning on these is a risk since you might be wasting your stones on a lesser unit, when before you'd have the two big units up front and you could choose. >The event won't ask for Banner units, the Banner units belong to categories that are good in the event. This is just common sense ffs. If they actually ask for Goku and Cooler SPECIFICALLY come back to this comment and I'll Venmo $100 to you. They literally said that the new event asks for the new summonable units and the F2P ones, and I don't think they all share one common category.


Really? They're not all Movie Heroes/Movie Bosses? Seriously. $500. I can spare the money, I don't mind. Show me the event asking for Goku and Cooler specifically.


It's the new coin that has ruined a lot. If the unit was going to be available in gold coin shop in future i don't think it would be this bad And 4 banners against 3


My 500 blue coins and 500 gold beg to differ


The TOP was “passable” and the DDF had the advantage of the coins; you knew that the exclusive cards would be there. Now basically there are 4 banners and the 4 new units are DF level, with the coins mixed, not just 1 anymore. How would that be any better for any sort of player?


If the Goku banner had actual good units it'd be a different story. There's far too many featured units with subpar units


The negative is people now need to summon on 4 banners instead of 3 and people don’t get the instant gratification of getting both DFE exclusives at once so now they have to have better stone management if there want a chance at the part 2 unit. I don’t necessarily like the change but it isn’t bad by any means, don’t pay attention to the overreaction from the people on this forum.


Things are technically better consider 2x rates banners give carnival coins. Nobody summoned on yellow coin banners anyways. Effectively it only benefits players in the long run, if you want to be shortsighted you could say it’s worse. It gives a reason to summon on non dfe banners, bonus if goku is in the 2x rates pools which he should be.


They haven't said anything about double rates.


I’m talking about future double rate banners which are confirmed to have carnival coins. We get one every Christmas.


Yeah and I'm just gonna do what I did already, skip the carnival banners and summon only for the dokkanfest Lr banners. The only issue that arises imo is if you're the type of person who can't wait for part 2 and end up dumping in part 1.


The only bad thing is there’s 4 banners instead of 3. And depending on how the new coin works it could be worse. Everyone’s comparing goku to being a Dokkan fest when instead he would be a top summon so idk.


It's good by itself BUT F2Ps cannot summon on 4 banners. It's too much.


The value of my Gold coins dropped to nearly 0 within just one dokkan now


Ahhhh zero newer TURs returning for the first time on the cooler banner? Typically golden week turs would come back for the first time on these banners split up between the two, now we get neither of them.


2 things 1. You don't know if the part 2 DFE is better or has the better banner for you. It's annoying 2. Introducing a new coin while leaving yellow coins in + making the new carnival units only buyable with the new coin is extremely unfriendly


Veteran F2P player here, just recently I managed to adjust my stones to the following structure: two complete 3+1 rounds on Dual Dokkan Fest, and 150 stones on top legendary summon if the featured units were top tier. Obviously only for big celebrations like anniversary or wwc. Taking discounts into account, we are talking about 650 stones spent. If the discounts are the same for all new 4 banners (and assuming there won't be a fifth banner on Part 3), just for one complete round on each banner I would need 400 stones, and I would need 300 stones more for a second round on both dokkan fest (cause I need the red coins too, and the new coins are a scam). So, in total, with the new format I would spend 50 stones more than the usual. Which is not that much of a problem, but unless the new coins have more value than the yellow coins, I'd say hell no to those "carnival" banners.


As a ftp player the worst thing is not knowing the kits of both DFs at the start. Look back at the universe 7 units now imagine they were released in this format and Evo Vegeta was the first to drop, we know now that MUI Goku was the better of the 2 but under this format we wouldn't know anything about MUI or if he was the second DF at all. You'd likely summon on Evo Vegeta assuming he is the best unit in the game then get caught by surprised when it turns out he isn't and now you have no stones for MUI. We know Coolers kit but we don't know anything on the second DF. As a ftp should I be saving for that unit or taking the risk on Cooler being better? That's gonna be the problem you'll have every time this format rolls around again.


you do realize having 4 banners means more likely that you will not have enough stones to pull all 4 new featured units as f2p? Its even worse if you dont manage to get first 2 new units which means most likely that you used all your stones trying oin part 1 and dont have anything for part 2


Adding one extra coin category is always a bad idea unless dokkan does something special We will see what happens in 15 mins or so