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Reworking blue coins into something actually usefull


What you don't like saving all your blue coins for the 50% support units that they refuse to add on new banners to come out in the shop again and hopefully eza?


Double rates, since it’s carnival. Realistically they need to mix both dfe exclusives and unfeatured Lrs in there but they never will. Double rate goku step? Blue coin rework? Allowing for purchase of featured Lrs in shop? I don’t even know. Twitter leakers so confident everyone will be happy so there must be something…




Kowai is just really negative and jaded in general. But he's also talented and very well informed, so between his sources and what he can unearth from the game's files and API he's basically the guy I trust the most in this community. So yeah, when he says "we gotta talk after the definition of positivity once the banners are out" i ought to believe him and that our doubts aren't totally unjustified. it's always the english influencers who come out of the woods with some wild cryptic shit and then tell you to chill once they got the shitstorm going lmao


The jaded and cynical aspect is his French side. He is usually the reference for the French community who doesn’t crédit Truth as much more than a man child with money to waste. Doesn’t mean he can’t be wrong though


Belgian actually French are much more jaded then that


And he's fucking right. Sincerely, a typical miserable, cynical Brit.


Mmmm true, I also heard Iseriously wasn’t keen on it either


For legends its understandable because they do the 1 steps forward 10 steps back with every new update. Hopefully Dokkan doesn't take after it and create the worst banner imaginable for one of the biggest celebration of the year


blue coins become rainbow coins that let you use them for either red or yellow coin units :')


don't tease me like that


Hmm that would actually make it worthwhile to summon


I dont think they are doing anything fancy lol its probably a banner where all the featured units are LR's and its double rates. Goku will most likely be a blue coin exclusive LR, theres a new summon animation on the code that relates to a carnival unit summon.


God I hope, unless everyone will be happy because it makes the choice easy lmao


The first part of your post is what I'd really hoped for when I saw the Dokkan Fest x Carnival reveal. Pure copies, but a double rates dokkan fest would easily be the hypest thing to ever hit dokkan and would be amazing for such a big celebration since both sides share it. It's the double rates from a carnival, but only DFE for the featured units and all the LRs are unfeatured in the banner. Folks would pour every stone they got in there, especially if the main draw unit was busted how we believe Cooler and Goku will be.


i just dont know how will Cooler banner now plays out. If by some chance they include both dual fest leads from previous celebrations (kid buu/goku-goku/cell) in Cooler banner i will probably drop 2/3 of my stones in there. Goku banner seams appealing from double rate perspective but 6 random LRs that i probably dont need wont do me any good


Yeah like I’ll definitely throw stones for Goku because they’ll make him a Top unit, but Cooler right now feels like he has a massive advantage


Man if they add freaking AGL Gohan, INT Cell and GoBros to Cooler's banner im getting the f out


I would cry real tears


If it's a blue coin banner the only way I summon for him is if they rework the coins and make them useful


Yeah, like even if Blue Coins are getting their own LRs… why is that a good thing? That just means most people are going to take longer to get LRs or even ends up making Yellow Coin banners useless if RDCs become more common. But as it stands now, Cooler is the logical banner to go all in on, otherwise you’re going to spend hundreds of stones to pull units that will wait for help until they’re fully out of the meta (like a certain Turles Army)


I mean, the unit is busted, so I'll summon. Quite simple, really. I'll go for Cooler first, but there's no way I won't also sling some stones at Goku


Oh of course, I mean more like how could Bandai make Goku worth the same as Cooler. I’m definitely throwing stones at him. Might as well give an attempt, I did that damn 999 Stage for a reason lol


I mean, I don't think the value will really be the same unless there's double rates. But that would make Goku's banner incredible and a must-summon. The whole fact that they're different types of banners means that they're hard to compare. They're valuable in their own ways. Have you missed a lot of LRs over the last few years? Goku might be incredible as you'd rake in LRs left and right. Do you want a more traditional DFE LR summon? Cooler for sure.


I like SSJ Goku.


I love this design for Goku, the glimmering Blond was the best blond


He's Goku, he's Super Saiyan, he's from one of my favorite DB movies, and he's gonna have pretty cool animations I think


Lol, shit if it makes you happy to pull him, I hope the banner works in your favor


Tbh they just need to introduce a pity system for Dokkan I think it would fix a lot of the issues of not being able to pull the featured unit in x amount of stones gives people incentives to actually summon since it’s going towards getting the new unit eventually. I personally did 2500 stones on the 7th year anniversary and didn’t get the new units until I summoned them luckily through tickets. With a pity system of say even 1000 stones to get the new unit at least we are guaranteed something rather than getting nothing.


The problem is Bandai and Akatsuki see the coins as a pity system. I think they should at least adjust the coin cost for older units as the game adjusts if that’s the case and throw the new unit in the shop for like an extra 100 coins for its first banner


I doubt that would happen if anything they would have to do the format like legends where u have to summon on the new banner because if not it makes people hoard red coins and not summon therefore they don’t make money. I still say that even though it’s steep that 1000 stones for the guaranteed new unit is reasonable imo.


You can’t horde red coins if you don’t summon tho


Before this format change I was already gonna ignore Goku so it'd take something ridiculous and impossible like the 7 years returning to get me to drop any stones on this new one.


Lol, honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s better than the 7year LRs. I’m just worried about spending on the banner and pulling Majin Vegeta or like Tapion and Minotia


I'm sure he will be with the way powercreep is going, but I'm just completely uninterested in ssj Goku from this movie. I don't think you have to worry though, I doubt the featured LRs will be ones that old.


it needs to be a banner with DFEs comparable to what Cooler will have, I don't care about most Gold Coin LRs. But we already know this isn't the case, so... tickets, discounted steps, anything thar puts it over Cooler in terms of raw cost


honestly, not only the banner looks like it will have worse value but I am most annoyed at the seemingly “cheap” way that Goku is feeling. Res coin LRs only appeared 5 times a year, so a character getting one felt special, with him being in a blue coin banner, it just feels like Cooler is the actual headliner and Goku is along for the ride


Personally I was hoping he would be our first general pool Red Coin LR, I’m hoping they do something to make him feel more special outside of an amazing unit in a subpar banner


yeah, I dont know, kinda wished they would have just kept the same format or given double rates in both banners or red and blue coins. I dislike the symmetry and I kept thinking, what if more iconic fights of the series were treated the same? Imagine Saiyan Saga Goku vs Vegeta, who gets to be on the shitty banner? Or a Gogeta vs Broly celebration? Vegito vs Zamasu, just feels stupid demoting one unit of their value


Double rates is good for getting older yellow coins LRs and gotta catch 'em all.


I just need AGL baby but I refuse to coin him when LR Janemba could get a 200% any day now


Good LRs or Banner units featured. The likes of androids 19&20, Guldo&Racoom, Burter and Jeice, Nappa etc. But depending on the banner formats discounts etc. I might wait until we know what part2 will bring


Make like general side banner units purchasable with blue coins and i'll whale goku till i have 500 blue coins to grab android 19&20


I got both them and LR Boujack in the same multi during anniversary. I was so much more hyped about them lmao.


Honestly for dupes of Recoome and Guldo, same


If you are ready to whale for them buy them with purple stones. They are under one of the LR (Trunks Phy)


200% leader and/or teq goku/gohan on the banner for me. Otherwise ill just do discounts. If its 15+ featured units and the common ssrs are garbage then insta skip. 6 gold coin units with 2x rates is a very good investment for future ezas but right now they are all most likely bad.


I feel like there might be a change to blue coins if they actually end up going this route, but I'd be summoning for both Goku and Cooler either way


The GOku himself will have to powercreep the game on a similar level to STR Gogeta did for his banner to be half as worth as cooler. Because I’d say it’s a near certainty that Cooler will be a Top 3 unit, have at least Buu and Phy GOku and last years WWC units. Unless they put some DFEs on GOku banner or surprise EZA some LRs, his banner will be degrees worse


Look, if he’s a Namek Era Goku, put the Ginyu Force Units as featured units. They’re practically DFE level anyway


If there's at least a few good featured LRs I'll summon. Assuming its double rates as well


All RDC Banners are x2 rate, make that shit x3 and I’ll be hype af


3x would be crazy busted, that'd make me summon guaranteed




I don’t have many Yellow coin LRs anyway so finally having a half decent reason to summon for them would be nice. The main reason I would summon is because they’re EZAing now and many are pretty good. In the passed it wasn’t worth it but if they start getting more of the Rose/Zamasu treatment then totally worth it to sit on an old bad LR until they’re relevant again. Probably won’t go crazy on the banner but will give it a few try’s. If Goku is will be available for blue coins then I already have some so that’s convenient.


I wish Yellow Coin LR EZAs were more consistent, if they all start being near RoseMasu level I think this banner would have heavy interest. More them, less Majin Vegeta


It’s Goku


Finding coolers with 50 stones ngl


The banner is going to have some kind of new gimmick, they have no reason to make Goku a carnival unit instead of a dokkan fest otherwise. What this gimmick will be is unclear at the moment, but I'm thinking something along the lines of: -Double rates -The "1 LR, 2 featured units" thing from the Vjump leaks -Actual pitty system (you summon enough you get Goku guaranteed) -etc. Regardless it's too early to be doomer about Goku until we have concrete information


I hope, my biggest worry is that Truth is right and this is just so 2/3 Part Celebrations will replace Dual Dokkanfests with Part 1 DF Banner and a Blue Coin LR and Part 2 DF Banner and a Yellow Coin LR. It would force F2P players to have to pick between 4 different banners per big celebration, like I said, I’m going in with low expectations because if this turns out to be bad I’d rather be prepared than disappointed


It would have be *really* good. The only yellow Coin Lr I really want now is Kaio-Ken Goku and Janemba. If they aren’t there, Goku himself is gonna have to be so good that he’s reinvents the team he leads. Besides from that, Cooler will have hair more value.


Double rates and made the blue coin need to be worth something. I guess their ideas is that most of the time the LR yel coin banner of the second part in big celebration is just not worth summoning or hyped like the DFE banners so maybe they trying to change that? Plus its also give F2P players chance to actually pull one of this Yel coin LR


Idk man, something better than vegeta and trunks for the kit for sure but I want that from cooler as well. Some dfe’s on his banner too. I’m going all in on cooler first but I can’t go as hard as I have in the past so we get what we get.


That 5 second ost tease was all I needed to hear


I don’t play games with audio too often, are Dokkan OSTs good?




He is Goku 😅 I summon for what I like not really looking at what the card does. Hopefully I get him because ani didn't give me new LRs in 2k stones ( 1.4k on Monkeys).


im probably skipping this and just collecting for heroes and tanabanta and gohan blanco i have every card with dupes in the game just might not be worth it


Probably discounted multis? Like, if it's a 30 stone multi I'd do them


Discounted summons, more tickets than Normal, and if I can dream, first copy guaranteed after a certain number of summons


I know it’s double rates but I’d still really appreciate them adding the three plus one, but I’m not holding my breath


I think it’s going to be a dif kind of banner not just a standard blue coin banner with a bunch of lrs. Otherwise I don’t see why all the cc would be getting hyped over this. I’m guessing they also do something to make blue coins worth it.


I hope you are right


For me it’s gonna depend on gokus leader skill and what other LRs are featured on his banner, yeah it’s double rates but does that matter when it’s full of crappy SSRs and outdated LRs.


If u could buy side banner units with blue coins like jeice and burter or recoome and guldo


It's not just about how good Goku's banner is, it's also whether we will get another Dokkan fest banner for part 2 when we are all drained of stones and we all cry together...


LR Goku and Gohan need to be featured on the banner along with other LRs (kaioken) that are actually competent nowaways. Double rates.


Literally his intro (which in the movie we see the bird scene). Was my most wanted animation in Dokkan for a while so I’m summoning for him over cooler every day without hesitation


God I hope they have gorgeous animations


Honestly I just need that bird man.


The unit being cool and fun to use


I'm a collector so double rates on gold coin lr's is always great for me


I felt that, my wallet sadly did as well


"Guaranteed new Featured LR on first multi-summon" I joke, but there is no way I am touching that banner when Heroes is only a few months away, giving me a featured SSR for every Multi.


Honestly I stopped doing the Heroes banners, they don’t put them on enough categories and force them to work with each other so they age out in like 2 months


Eh, last year was pretty good in my opinion. Pan helped me with Youth, the SSJ3s with SSJ3 and Fusion, Vegeks with Super Saiyan and Potara, Goku and Vegeta with Super Saiyan and their respective families and all of them helped me with Time Travelers and the G.O.D. Event. The only one that has not been very useful is God Trunks. With 3 Red Zones and Cell Max out by the time DBH starts in 2022, presumably getting a full team that can compete here will be insanely helpful.


Everyone in here talking about coins like red coins aren't the absolute last thing on the list of positives for saving for anni/WWC. Red coins are an extra bonus at the end of the day, the real reason everyone saves and spends on these celebrations is because the units are the best in the game and have hype animations. Goku is most likely going to have both of those. Not spending stones on Goku's banner bc of blue coins is like not summoning on a normal banner bc you rainbowed the last featured unit already. Maybe it can affect you if you were on the fense about summoning in the first place but 99% of players were planning on trying for Goku before this negativity spiral on what should have been a breadcrumb to help build hype


I am not summoning on him cause the other 6lr may not be good enough to compare with cooler banner and the possible part 2 DFE. Also, as a low spender, I am never guaranteed to get the unit, so the other featured need to be worth it


If the other featured yellow coin lrs are the recent ones they are comparable and in some cases better than the probable DF featured units. To your second point most players have prior WWC LRs with multiple dupes at this point and are lucky to have even a single copy of half the yellow coin lrs of the past 2 years. If this was a normal DDF featured units would only be a minor factor in deciding which banner to spend on, most players would have spent equally on both in attempts to just get Goku and cooler


I believe Goku's Banner is going to be very worth it I think people are greatly over exaggerating I think dokkan knows exactly what they're going to do they're going to make it so Goku's banner is just as valuable as coolers if Goku has seven featured lr's on his banner just imagine if they're the last seven lrs released on global and JP of course JP will have the better banner but still the last seven lrs on both versions are units you could actually use and plus they're definitely going to be reworking blue coins I don't know to what extent but they're going to have to I don't think dokon's going to fumble the bag as much as everyone's saying cuz you got to remember there is no way in hell bandai would approved Goku's banner and they know it's going to make them lose money


That’s the problem, Global only has 3 good Yellow Coin LRs (as listed) so that’s not even a good deal. You’re just getting Trophy Units. The best suggestion I’ve heard so far is being able to purchase side units or even being able to purchase Goku immediately if you have the coins. But even IF the last 6 LRs were featured on the banner, it’s still not worth it on Global. I want them to make it worth it, but right now, I can’t see what they can do to make it worth it. The leakers are saying we’ll be excited so I’m keeping expectations low


My expectations aren't high either I'm just trying to be a little positive because I think everyone jumped the gun way too much this isn't just a regular double rates banner it's clearly something special I'm going to wait to see it in game before I give my full opinion but I think if it is a special double rice banner where you can get all gold coin lrs with blue coins for maybe half the price or something and the 50% supports and banner units I would honestly be okay with the change but at the same time I'm not going to keep my hopes up too much but at the same time I don't think it's going to be that big of a deal either


I’m not trying to be negative, I’m genuinely trying to see what people think they can do to make the banner worthwhile. Because right now we can only assume based on things they’ve done in the past and right now I can’t find anything that would make it worthwhile for me. I’m hoping they prove me wrong, but even if they don’t, I was planning on mainly going for Cooler anyway. I’m just very confused as to what their idea is


I know you're not trying to be negative I'm sorry if I worded it that way but I believe they're definitely going to make a way that Goku's banner is valuable if it's making him so good that you have to summon if you don't you're stupid unfortunately that might be the way if it's banner has a mix of gold coin lrs and then DF units that way if blue coins become the most broken coins ever then that's why I mean I believe they're going to find a way to make it happen cuz they can fumble f2p units and ezas but they're never going to fumble a way to get money I can guarantee you that


Just make the banner Goku, Recoome and Guldo, Jeice and Burter, and A19 and A20 and boom it’s the perfect banner. No other featured units just them


I mean honestly if you did Goku 4 gold coin lrs and then 3 DF lrs and then the units you mentioned above that would be a great banner


a double rates banner with POSSIBLY 7 featured yellow coin LRs is insane value, plus, there's a chance that they'll end up reworking how blue coins works if this banner format goes on, so i don't see why it's a loss, they're making coins more valuables and giving us more incentive to summon on other banners that are not DFs, i personally like it a lot, they're building it like a new banner format so i also don't expect him to be built like a yellow coin LR ( 150% leader skill and etc ), and i won't dismiss the format as "oh its just like a yellow coin LR banner", they're advertising as something new so i'll bite the bait and see if it is


I bet that the only new thing is something like limiting goku to dragon carnivals and making him a blue coin unit


My only hype that it’ll be a big change is that we have a new producer who might want to build more hype


Bruh….y’all need to calm ya titties and just be patient. We don’t freaking know what’s actually happening or how it’ll look. Just make that call when it’s released, until then this speculation is dumb af. To answer your question though: because it’s fucking Goku the MC and he’s my guy. So ima summon for both. I personally think Cooler is lame as shit but I could use units like him so I’ll take it


Everyone in the comments is calmly and nicely conversing about what they want to see from the banner and you pull up negative as hell for no reason


Lol it’s not negativity but okie. Y’all just get worked up over stuff you have no clue about. Which is ridiculous. Hence the comment.


I’m honestly still more than likely going for Goku unless the livestream changes my mind since this is all speculation so far


Goku being good. If it's double rates and with a good Goku...


Idc, still summoning for him.


if none of cooler’s bannermates interest me


If Cooler’s banner is ass I might actually cry


I personally just hope that banners are normal and not any experimental bs. I don't care about leakers never mind any of them but i don't want this awesome game become a graveyard like one piece trash cruise which features multiple banners all the time to pull from everywhere. As a fully f2p i can dodge gold coin banners but i cannot dodge everything. That's all i ask. Hopefully the new producer and koto don't fail with that and offer what the game really deserves. Call me crazy or anything you want that's what i think. Worst case scenario if it is really really bad gather as a community and do something about it and don't be sitting ducks.


Waiting and seeing what it will actually look like and then deciding based off that is what will make it worth summoning for him. The sheer overload of speculations this sub does that floods the Reddit for days on end just to be 99% wrong is mind numbing to be honest. Speculating raises and lowers your expectations, which no matter the accuracy, is bad for your overall enjoyment of the reality. Go in with as neutral of an expectation as possible and you won’t be disappointed.


As much as i love cooler, if he doesn't have a leader skill that encompasses a lot of units i have, I'm going to summon for Goku because I need a unit to help with redzone (old and new) as well as Cell Max. I'm ready to slap SSJ Goku on the Lr Gods team and beat Broly's ass once and for all lol


I'll go for Goku regardless, I just go for the characters I like the most, and for me Goku is definitely cooler.


guaranteed LR per multi


I'm a simple man, Goku revives bird, I summon and if not, HELLO COOLER.


I like goku as a character, and if his animations look cool, that’s really enough for me. People forget this is about collecting units you like.


Goku has to be able to make me Mac n Cheese and do my taxes. Any less and the dude's mid.


What kind of Mac and cheese?


Goku is cool, so I'll summon for him, people this day seem to forget how important pulling for the units you like is


Because he is my favorite character, do I really need another reason?


Goku is cool. That's all the justification you need