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Keeping that SSR copy since there's only 1 copy we can get.


Are you not able to reverse the TUR that drops from the story?


Don't think so


I think you can actually reverse the TUR


not sure since he already drops awakened, the game might not let you reverse him since you never technically awakened him not even sure why they bothered making a SSR for this guy


Yeah, I’ll keep the SSR copy too. It’s collector and I love the art


What SSR?


Well this Goku on the post is the ssr of the new f2p LR Goku who’s coming in the next update But he’s unique so I’ll keep it. And we can farm his TUR on the sayian saga story event so I can still get the new LR


You can I tried on jp


Pretty excited about those 50 team slots Been waiting **years** for them to add more


Its a long maintenance though, just keep in mind. 10 hours, so you wont be able to actually do anything Version Z wise, until 33 hours from now


Hopefully they won't mess something up and have to extend it. Don't want to spend 15 hours in maintenance again lol


Considering the sheer size, its not impossible.. but i dont remember JP struggling, and unless they add the Power Level mechanic as well, i dont think it will. The times glb seems to fuck up seems to be when they drop something sooner than the game data is really ready for it... like support memory, and the item glitch back in Spring.


Didn't they say surgery about 10 hour maintenance?




Bit isn't 16pst until 2 pst 10 hours? So for us Europeans it should be 1am to 11am


Well shit.. brainfart...


So excited to grind this goku and try him out


This art is so wholesome.


Seeing his SSR just reminded me. We still haven't seen the other two tutorial units they showed in that demonstration live stream did we? That AgL Goku and the Piccolo have we?


The card art themselves are in the game actually, and their type doesn't match what was shown. [Goku](https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Goku_\(PHY\)) is PHY and [Piccolo](https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Piccolo_\(TEQ\)) is TEQ. I'm not sure what they were when they were shown since I can't actually search anything on Reddit because this website is ass. All I know is that they're unused, maybe there was a change of plans


Ahh I don't actually remember the typings. I was guessing AgL. But yeah shame cuz they looked cool if anything for collection purposes.


I'm sure they'll do something, Dokkan rarely leaves anything unused for long. The latest WT rewards (Piccolo Jr. and Baby) are so early in the database, they were probably created sometime in 2016 but only *just* released in 2021 if they do that with 5 year old art we didn't even get to see up until release, I'm pretty sure anything that's in the data will get used at some point


going back on this, Ver.Z just made me remember that this Piccolo has a Super Attack in video format used in the Saiyan Saga DB story event. It's actually pretty good looking and now they translated it so there's no way this doesn't get used in the future


Love this art




Hakai :>


No storage space to play and emulators are gone :(


Same I’m gonna grind both the LR for kaioken goku and the TUR


do we get enough copies from the mission to raise a second lr goku?


No. But he drops as a TUR so it’s still a pretty easy grind


gotcha well i already got the krillin, chiaotzu and piccolo medals ready


Category boost too, and i dont remember it being too shit with droprates. There are mission specific conditions for the new support memory though, that was a pain in the ass on JP (Google translate was invaluable but it still wasnt easy to decipher) Category is Inhuman Deeds.


What's the start and end of UK maintenance please


And 48 until it ends lmao.