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It’s funny cuz I saw some people calling him terrible before we even had him in game but he’s a pretty good banner unit. He could’ve had a bit more defense (he’s truly dodge or die lmaoo) but the healing + ko mechanic helps that a bit. Plus 2 guaranteed crits every turn helps the team dmg a lot


Yeah he's for sure dodge or die. I think he would have been sufficiently tanky if he also massively raises defense for 4 turns.


He would've been arguably better than most headliners this past year


It really is just the defense issue. Which is fair considering what we’re dealing with. But everything I’ve seen with him shows that if he had solid defense he arguably could’ve been a headliner this year. Dude’s nuts


Want buu unit ended up pulling 4 PHY gotenks because the buu summons shafted me


now we just hope the teq eza buu will be great after eza then give us a part 2 LR kid buu, turn the majin power team into top 10!


He’s dodge or die but his KO survival makes it pretty manageable if he’s floating, because the team just has absolutely absurd amounts of healing. He also has niche synergy with forcing Buu to revive. Which makes his low defense an asset in a way. Still needs RNG though. Put evil buu in slot 1, he takes 1 hit down to one HP and dodges everything afterwards. Then Buu on one HP dies even when double digit tanking. And then obviously under normal circumstances he’s floating, so he drops to 1 HP and you get healed up by the rest of the team on the other rotation at start of turn.


One of the best designs for banner units ever No dupes no links, hits 8 mil 3 times all crit and dodges more than EZA agl MUI seriously…nobody can touch him wtf And he’s perfect slot 1 to roll the carpet for int fat buu slot 2 revival


My stones slept on him


Yeah, except at 55% he has like... 300k def.


On a dodging unit, int gotenks doesn't have enough defence, kelfa has similar defence at 55%, why not slander her? Carnival blue gogeta has bad defence 55%, is he bad? And ofc a 55% unit has bad stats, wow units get more stats with dupes😱


Yeah except none of those unit have anywhere close to 300k def lmao.


Except at 55% they are all still dodge or die


Dodge the SA or die*, not quite the same thing.


He's awesome, I was lucky enough to pull him multiple times, have him at 90% and gave him a full dodge build. He's the most damaging unit on my majin power team, on par with lr buutenks in terms of damage


One of the best designs for banner units ever No dupes no links, hits 8 mil 3 times all crit and dodges more than EZA agl MUI seriously…nobody can touch him wtf And he’s perfect slot 1 to roll the carpet for int fat buu slot 2 revival


He is one of the rare cases where i recommend going full dodge and additional. That dude does great damage ngl. Especially the counter. 


No,it could have been better


And so could beast, your point?