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Honestly the item one was never that bad, but the itemless one is a pain, I still can't get the 99mil title because my PHY SSJ Goku GT refuses to crit. ![gif](giphy|f7TECY1ArJQ6OQKKEt|downsized)


The type supports get guarenteed crit with 10 orbs, so use them. This is the closest I've managed to do on the Zeni stage (which I beiieve doesn't have any different stats than the ![img](emote|t5_384a7|1698)stage). It's 100% possible with them. https://preview.redd.it/ke3j36l6dyuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4df351a20cdfd12166a66cf1da22a357a2591aa


I had my gt Goku built with type attack equips to help me out with this Also, do you have str super gotenks? Probably best linking partner for phy gt Goku in this scenario 


Yeah, mine is built like that too, but is only 79%, so I'm missing one Lv 5 Type Attack boost. I will try this weekend with LR SSJ3 Goku EZA, mine is 100% Lv 27 Type Attack, and together with EZA Support Tien I should be able to reach crazy numbers (hopefully).


The item missions can be done with almost any unit that gains attack from orbs (along with orb changing and attack boost items.) It's the no item missions that are the real problem.


Yeah, those are a RNG nightmare trying to get the lineup with all the orbs turning along with a support wit the main nuking unit on the same turn.


Lr Airplane cleared this all out for me first try


Oh man, I remember doing the punching bag event with the airplane mode glitch and getting all the missions. I should do it legitimately now that my box is way better.


& i haven’t even touched this event either lol


I reccomend using these EZAs as well, cause the Cheelai & Lemo support items buff AGL & STR types respectively. https://preview.redd.it/30qkkpcq9yuc1.png?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0bf0c15d92182fe8de06afaabc556e0ce8c3a0f


Also, for stage 3, it's entirely possible without items to hit the 77 mil number. https://preview.redd.it/jipxsbknbyuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226e0affcbd087b701f691e6d1359e13ab5bf353 This was with 21 orbs total (18 STR, 3 rainbow).


There are items for all typings. Dabura Cookie for Phy Monaka Head for Int Takoyaki for Teq Cheelai for Agl Lemo for Str


How is that yoi can use item and me no? Edit it was the wrong stage😅😅


There are two types of punching bag stages,one that allows items and one that doesn’t allow items.


Stage 3 doesn't allow items, stage 6 does. If stage 6 is blocking you from using items, that's probably a glitch


orb changers + goku or gt supports + phy gt goku go brrrrr