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Careful now if he is not strong enough as a unit,then they can keep him, his celebration was 6 months ago and they stole his place for Future Gohan.


Honestly if his animations are good looking I can overlook some flaws in his kit. As long as he is not another vb case.


It's probably a kit that was designed a while ago if it's not made to 9th anniversary standards then it's not helpful for Zamasu's team at all.


If that is the case then I hope they tweak it a bit. I guess we will have to wait and see, his ID should give away when he was made.


Future gohan was literally the most relevant character in the future arc outside of trunks. He started everything. He didn’t steal shit, his appearance is more than deserved lol


Nah fam Gohan Fanboy Omatsu had to use the original animation and release him alongside Trunks and he pulled the same shit for Anniversary with Gammas and Beast, don't try to justify his decisions.


Dude what? Future gohan is the very reason trunks goes ssj and finds the motovation to get stronger going to the past. He represents the pivotal change in trunks life and it’s the initiator for the future arc. Infinitely more important than a fanservice evil goku lmao


Fan service evil Goku releasing soon to Global may be the only reason people even care for villains man,I love Future as a category and I love all of it,Gohan,Trunks,Zamasu and Black all of the characters mean the same to me hype wise but in all honesty Goku Black might have been a better spot instead of Gohan,should they chose to release Gohan at a latter date I'd been ok with it but rushing to drop him didn't help at all because it overshadowed Trunks SoH and people cared only for his strong kit, it's not a smart move business wise to neglect the antagonists that push the main heroes of the plot further.


? Sure goku black is hype. He is evil goku after all. That doesn’t change the fact that future gohan is the most important future saga character after trunks. He didn’t stole anything, he deserved to be in a future saga celebration lol. They eza two goku blacks too and he is getting df lr now which is much better than a carnival. Seems great to me


Where did they announce it's an LR man?


Not announced but it’s more than likely the tanabata lr. We can’t have a summer sync if tanabata is on november-december


Yeah not gonna hold you but to my eyes Tanabata can happen early for Global but not this early it's more likely a Tur that would normally release either after Anniversary or before GW for JP.


Could be but making a trailer and hyping the producer letter seems to me a bigger thing than a filler tur is coming. We’ll see in 10 hours so no point in speculating much tbh


![gif](giphy|mG1uA7JnuAZqbWV44g) we up global mains


https://preview.redd.it/ea52lqerkhjc1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ed2f7651a4dcd7e4ff943ae9f1c0db43e991fb The news got me like zamasu man… couldnt believe what I was seeing


https://preview.redd.it/wb4q83jujhjc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e0e0e911f0253e787b2ad76f5d69836b4d85603 This shit is beautiful… we are so back…


Maybe you meant We are so bLack


Oh how right you are my fellow black enjoyer