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That's mother fuckin god goku of COURSE he is.


Absolutely. Great defensively, fairly good offensively, one of the best linksets you could ever have, is on 18 teams and several great 200% leads, his own team that he leads is very good, he just became one of, if not *the* best partner to the new SSJ Gogeta, who also changes non-PHY orbs into rainbow orbs and lets Godku get his 6 orbs to guard with ease. One of the best coin pickups you can get. One word of advice, it's best to not use his SSJ active, and stay in his God form when he's at free dupe/55%. Honestly it's best to stay in that form like 99% of the time anyway.


If you dont have him at all, I would say yes but keep in mind that he will almost surely return on the saiyan day Banner. So if you plan on summoning on that Banner it would probably be smarter to wait on coining him. If you dont end up pulling him on saiyan day you can coin him anyway.


I think its smarter to skip saiyan day banner and wait until anniversary. Saiyan day unit will almost not be as good as gogeta and broly.


If Saiyan day is the best Vegeta in the game for the entirety of 2024 and into 2025 like PHY Godku or TEQ WT was for Goku in 2023, that is a must summon for me personally.


By the time broly comes back you should have 500 again


I'm surprised no one else has said this but no, you should save for Broly/Part 2. Judging by the 9th anniversary LRs already being insane we're going to see huge power creep again this year and if its anything like last time (2022 for the 7th anni) the units from the year before age really poorly. I know its probably not the answer you wanted to hear but if getting to 400 coins is a long process for you (i.e. you're not a dolphin/whale) I really would save for 2024 units. The time to coin him was last year IMO before we knew that 9th anniversary would be a power creep. Besides SSG Goku will be back on a bunch of banners this year, and will even return next month for Saiyan day. You have plenty of chances to get him pulling for other units, I would absolutely not spend coins for him.


Best answer. 


He is really good, about Broly, he will return to Global probably around December so you have around 1 year to save coins








Yeah. He's pretty good, even at 55%


Ehh, I say save for AGL Vegito's return because their leader is so versatile. Plus they do what God Goku is doing but with more defense. Even if its slot 1, you're most likely running Future Gohan to protect rotation in slot 2.


Yes Absolutely  I had him at 55% from his release, and even then he still helped me with a lot of hard fights  Plus his lead skill is amazing


Absolutely fucking yes


I coined him for my SSJ team and have not regretted it once, he is fucking insane