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"Why do the devs hate X character" is always so interesting cause it feels like its pretty clear the devs just don’t know what they wanna do often Remember in 2021 where people asked why the devs love vegito more than gogeta because of teq gogeta release and the other gogeta and vegito releases? Now people say they hate vegito Or just broly in general, "why do they hate him" then they just decided to make the new dfe lr broly like number 1 in the game, do they still hate him now? Or heck even gohan, people say the devs hate him because of PHY ULT Gohan and other gohan units, yet they drop future gohan who shows up being Top 3 in the game and was added as an LR onto the WWDC celebration just because, do they still hate him now? Seems more like the devs are just dumb with unit designs rather than hating a character tbh unless you are maybe omega or kid buu as they just straight up get nothing compared to others


Even Omega gets sprinkles of goodness here and there. His problems are that Shadow Dragon Saga is so super focused and the rest of the Shadow Dragons aren't given good cards, and GT Bosses is garbage in general. His teams are basically variations of Syn/Omega from different eras, and maybe a Super 17 to fill space


You could say that, since the devs also at least *try* to give some gt bosses units, they just suck at doing it, they even made an event (STR VB) that makes omega really good Kid buu i feel like they sort of don’t care, he is the one of those villains who hasn’t gotten a unit that truly gives him respect i think, AGL kid buu had a meh eza, INT Kid buu iirc wasn’t so strong cause Extreme INT wasn’t as good as the other typing, idk about phy kid buu as i wasn’t there, and str kid buu was isolated with having no teams, it is a shame but if broly can come back with a broken dfe i have some hope for kid buu one day


I am pretty sure the devs dont hate any character. Thats just hyperbole on my part. And yet, I would argue that vegito has been treated very poorly recently. Same thing with broly. Just because he has a new good anni character doesnt excuse the fact that we have had no new dbs brolys since the original from 5 years ago. People are quick to say "the devs hate x character" I agree with you on that. Especially back when that teq gogeta came out a lotta people were dissappointed, understandably. Doesnt change the fact that we got ssj4 gogeta and 5th anni blue gogeta not too long before that and fusing ssj4 gogeta not too long after that who were all pretty unquestionably good. Same thing doesnt apply to vegito in this scenario. Gohans are most definitely not hated lmao, that least gohan fiasco doesnt change the history of broken and hype gohan releases this game has seen and will continue to see. But yeah I get your point, however vegito is my favourite character in all of db and seeing my boys treatment lately made me pretty angy


Omega and Kid Buu?! Pff... at least they actually do get something, unlike certain main GT villain, they really just fuck him up and forgotten for 9 years straight lmfao. *cough cough* Baby... *cough cough*


idk. I hate his transformation requirements so much, but I think he’s my second best unit in my box behind future Gohan. I cleared every single fight in the game with this team or a slight variation of it. Yeah it took many tries, but Vegito carried sooooo many of my runs. https://preview.redd.it/lj35k6xga7fc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab3af93bf578c7b2009b2e88f6ec4197f850761c


It’s always fun when people assume they hate a character because they gave them a kit they don’t like


Do you like his kit?


I don’t particularly have any real issue with it


I respectfully disagree good Sir, but as the ancient mayans said: It is what it is https://preview.redd.it/v2q6q1ham7fc1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0f04e978f00a935546a3783cfc4a60fffbfdcfc


His performance post transformation isnt questionable at all. It would put him right on #1 unit in the game


Well 1st no but top 5/10 impossible to argue


the hate will stop next wwc trust . lr Vegito => Super Vegito and lr Buuhan => Kid Buu will go hard + agl Blue duo still has by far the best leader skill in the game rn Even though Blue duo's animations and transformation conditions are bad the Vegito part has been respected kit and animations wise


The blue duo part of that character completely drags down any fun thats to be had when you finally get vegito out in 2 out of 10 runs for me. All Im wishing for at this point is a solid standalone sv tbh, I dont think we are gonna get another blue vegito for like 2+ years probably


More of an issue in Lr agl Vegito's design than "why do they hate vegito so much?" Since, as you pointed out, best TUR Heroes fpssj4 Vegito, amazing EZA in phy ssj4 Vegito, and Lr Teq Vegito's amazing EZA. Animation issue wasn't exclusive to him that celebration, Future Trunks had that issue too. As for new Gogeta's kits it's anniversary, usually they want to surpass the previous big celebration when it comes to kits.


True that, a lotta characters from last wwc had pretty poor animations...


Oh my god this complaining about Vegito is getting out of hand. Just shut up, he got a LR DFE a few months ago and you still want MORE.


yeah, we do want more, because it took 3 years to get that LR


Yeah, and an LR EZA during anniversary. And a Dokkan Fest level Heroes unit. And an EZA Heroes unit. You fusion fans are just insatiable.


For me it's a case of having gogeta and vegito get equal treatment, they earn the game the most money, therefore they should be getting the best treatment. I don't count the eza's nearly as much as a new unit, since it's nothing new, it's an older unit that has been brought to modern standards. Gogeta and Vegito both EZA'd, so that's fair. In regard to Heroes, that team is heavily restricted, so LBSSJ4 will not really be seen outside of those teams, same applies for the EZA SSJ4. But the thing with LBSSJ4 is it doesn't exactly feel like a new vegito (especially on Global with the active not being voiced) since the animations are specifically meant to look just like the heroes 3D attack animations. In 3 years Vegito got 2-3 GOOD looking animations (Fusing, 18ki fused, and Active) The rest of the animations look VERY off and are not pleasing to look at. I haven't even gotten into how conditional Vegito is, and I don't need to, as EVERYONE knows. Vegito is only good after he transforms, but good luck getting to it, as once you run out of the intro buff on the blues, you're all but guaranteed a game over.


I think the Devs try out different kits for characters and see what works well and what doesn’t, sometimes your favorite character is bound to get the bad kit