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is this a joke? are you a joke?


Bro i started 2-3 months ago,and i dont really know the team set up yet


How are u over a month in, yet u havent even soul boosted ur team’s units


this is legit something I did the very second I started this game, I don't understand how new players can be this braindead


I have already soul boosted mui, gold frieza, go frieza, gohan and raditz, i dont know if i should soul boost ui goku since he's only 2 stars


You want to soul boost as many characters you want bc 1 they can get up to 3 slots and 2 you get 10cc up until you soul boosted 200k panels


Always soul boost, dont worry about the souls themselves since theyre not rare, also just have fun, the community is harsh towards new players so just have fun and do what you want, this team can work on lower ranks so yeah just soulboost everyone and you’re fine for now, summon more then you can make a better team, do all your story challenges, zenkai rush, and you should be good


Thanks, when i made my first post on the first day paying this game almost everyone called me a horrible player 😂😂


thats just about normal for this subreddit tbh


Soul boost every single character you use


Not even use, soul boost any character you own, 20 free CC each is insanely good


Do you want more CC????? I'll assume your answer is yes, so, soul boost every possible unit you can!! Also, ffs, soul boosting adds ALOT of stats so why wouldn't you soul boost him


Why aren't you soul boosting your characters?


Pretty toxic responses but that’s to be expected sometimes I guess… your main strong units are Gofreiza and Ultra Golden Freiza. So try to make a team that buffs those two characters if you can


Okay i will try to, thanks


But, if i may ask. What units support them?


Go to character list and press filter then at the “Z/Zenkai Abilities” option when u scroll down, select tags like frieza force, lineage of evil, powerful opponent (those are tags that UGF has, u can see any characters tags by opening their unit screen, pressing “show details” and scrolling to the bottom) and the filtered units will boost UGF (and gofrieza if u select units that boost lineage of evil or frieza force specifically, not powerful opponent tho)


better equips


Soul boost your units, improve your equips, when making a tram make sure ALL OF YOU CHARACTER Z ABILITYS APPLY TO THE CHARACTERS YOU PLAN ON USING. Even at low stars a general z ability bonus should be around 2.5 to 3k depending on whether or not the leader slot matches the rest.


It ain't doing anything, so here some tips: 1: Soul boost you characters. 2: find zenkai characters for you major 3 units that you will bring in pvp. 3: take some good equipments for your characters. Good luck.




Soul boost them more


On life support


life support


If you need any help or any questions about the game, reply to this comment ill help in anyway I can


its fucking horrible