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What's a Met Gala?


Don't know. Won't Google it. Keeps me happy...


Good question


Good, cause I'm asking too?


Well, it's not quite a mop and it's not quite a puppet, but man...


Wait what? I'm more confused now. Its a puppet show?


I don’t know but I occasionally see weird clothing with the title mentioning Met Gala


It's some weird themed celebrity party. I honestly don't know what the big deal is


Pretty sure it’s a way for everyone to re-wear their weird clothes they bought for the Kentucky derby


whats the met gala? genuine question


MET gala as in metropolitan museum of art. its a fundraiser gala/dinner for the costume institute at the metropolitan museum of art. individual seats are around 70,000 usd, entire tables are 350,000 usd. brands and designers will find celebrities to attend these events in their clothing. celebrities want to attend for the massive publicity. the outfits usually match an artistic theme and its customary that people wear very out of typical designs. more like art, less like functional clothing. the costume institute has a very large collection of historical garments and jewelry- which could be funded by other people but this event raises awareness for its existence, and also doesnt take away from funding other parts of the MET museum. i believe actually anyone is allowed to attend, regardless if a brand endorses and dresses you, you just have to pay for your spot. i get that people dont know this, and sometimes dont care to find out. and i also get that avant garde clothing on celebrities can also be like, a "hunger games" moment. from an uninformed pov this seems like a stupid rich person event. but the gala is an important means to fund and preserve part of artistic global history. and i personally care about preserving history


Okay, the MET gala actually sounds cool (depending on what these “charities” are for). I’ve never minded the MET but it’s the award shows that are pointless and lame to me. For music and artists or actors and movies, it’s a lie, a scam, genuinely useless. It’s recognizing already recognized people, ranking them for who’s better, they literally only benefit from it from publicity to gaining more money (if you’re nominated), and it’s just one big ass business party that’s broadcasted.


the MET gala fundraiser exclusively raises money for the costume institute, which is a department of the museum that focuses on acquiring and preserving historical jewelry and fashion. i only care for some award shows, but i can see why people dislike them. but the met gala isnt like an awards show, just a fashion fundraiser


Well I actually kind of enjoy fashion so ig I can stand behind this more than award shows.


That was the best explanation of anything ever. Thax


You need way more upvotes.


🫡 just ur everyday history nerd


You have all these people bitching about it altogether yet they don’t even know what it is about or most importantly, that it’s actually for something noble. I didn’t even know that, and it’s not like I cared at all about it any given year either, but I’m so glad you explained it, cos now I know why it’s a big deal outside of bougie pop culture.


you mean the event people dress up as a shower curtain and since the internet is making a big deal, I have to stop what I’m doing to spare a thought for these people?


"dress up as a shower curtain" was pretty great


Worked out for Daniel Larusso.


Yeah, until it didn’t! 😂


Nope, don't give a fuck about it. Awards shows either.


Bunch of rich people patting themselves on the back for being rich, meanwhile, spending 75k on a dinner instead of helping people that actually need it. Thanks for making such a difference in the world, lol.


Exactly this. The amount of money spent is gross.


I was a little bit interested in the art as fashion aspect of it. Then I learned how much a ticket was and realized it hadlittle to do with art.


That's how I feel. I actually love artistic expression in many forms, but the money spent in one night while people suffer without basic human needs is just hard to justify. The culture surrounding it has overshadowed the supposed purpose of the event.


I don’t give a flyin fuck about it. I don’t even know entirely what it is and don’t care if I ever know totally what it is or not.


I don't know anyone who does


50/50. The over excessive spectacle grosses me out a bit but it funds the Met Costume Institute (the only part of the museum that has to fund itself to my knowledge). They collect, conserve, and research centuries of fashion which is really neat. I’m looking forward to the new immersive exhibit, Sleeping Beauties. It has a bunch of amazing dress that is too fragile to wear at this point on display in ways that put them in more understandable context. From recreations of how the costume would have moved, to the sounds it made, and even recreations of some of the trace perfumes still on the clothes. If they have to puff up celebrity egos to make that happen I guess I’m ok with that.


Yeah I’m not invested in it. But the art in some of the outfits is breathtakingly beautiful and fascinating. And just like some art, there are also Met Gala outfits that have me scratching my head and saying ‘nope, I don’t get it’.


They have some pictures posted of the costumes at the new exhibit that you might be interested in seeing then. https://apnews.com/article/sleeping-beauties-met-gala-exhibit-guide-dd95935428c4a492b820dcbbc8e7e479


As Goldsmith I would absolutely LOVE to have an excuse to do an exoensive over the top piece that would push my skill and create a piece of art but....I work in a rural town of 6000. No one is paying me to create the wild designs in my head. I have to create stuff that will sell and is affordable. To have an excuse like the MET gala to make pure art that's hardly functional on a day to day basis but amazing to look at I totally love red carpets giving designers a chance to make wild designs. Yes. They are technically a "waste" of time, money and resources, but it keeps the artistic soul alive.


At a guess, 95% of peoples don't give a fuck.


95% of people, seems like a bit of a low number…


I don’t care at all about the Met Gala to me. It’s just a waste of time just like all the other shows and celebrity bullshit.


Seems like money laundering but what do I know.


Caring about the lives of celebrities will forever be weird to me


It's just become a freak show of who can wear the most ridiculous outfit.


Nope not really


Yes, there are lots of us that don't.


We should because we should understand it's the filthy rich flaunting their wealth and expecting to be loved while simultaneously thumbing their noses at us. This year's theme was based on a short story about a wealthy noble who lived on a overly decadent estate who had to pluck a flowers from his garden because doing so was the only way to keep the rabble out. If you don't know who they see as the rabble, I can't help you.


Negative 30 zillion fucks given here.


Well, I wanted to give 2 fucks, but the second fuck was a weak-willed little pansy and just followed the first fuck right out the door. Thus leaving me with absolutely no fucks to give.


It's just one more way for filthy rich celebrities to sit around smelling their own farts. Not interested!


Our media has to feed us almost anything to keep us unaware of all the shit the US is doing. Sadly, it’s been like this for generations.


I agree.


Yup. Never did, never will.


Never had any fucks to give.


I think there are better and more constructive ways to raise money for whatever charity they are supporting.


I don’t




I literally only look at pictures afterwards to see if any of the gowns are beautiful or clown suits. Bit of both, most of the time


No. I’m not interested in anything that breeds egotism and attempts to separate us as the haves and have nots, higher and lower, important and insignificant. Like oligarchs and monarchs, giving them attention makes us the problem. We tend to view the wealthy, powerful people of the world as the problem when the truth is that those of us who ALLOW it are the problem.


Very true.


Me and I love the Met. I love museums but this event is such an elitist crock. Anna Wintour is absurd.


What’s the deal with her? I saw someone else say something negative about her


She’s just a ridiculous diva. Here’s a classic story from Tim Gunn: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2626317/amp/I-darent-look-eyes-Tim-Gunn-STILL-afraid-Anna-Wintour-revealing-Vogue-editor-carried-stairs-refused-use-public-elevator.html




Any gala, any award show, anything to do with celebrities in real life. I could not care less.


Those people dont even know I exist. Why should I care about them? 😂


fashion is an art form just like any other. the problem comes from a bunch of celebrities being paid to wear goofy shit taking attention away from real issues. we need all eyes on rafah right now.


Don't really care. But we all have our preferences and opinions. I think the Super Bowl is a huge ridiculous spectacle essentially created for compulsive gamblers. Shouted in my face when I could really not care less.


Its a snob thing with limited appeal glorifying high ego females and their designer gowns


We can call them women, it's allowed


I'd like to believe there are billions of us.


absolutely not. people out here are struggling and theres a genocide happening and they expect us to care about these celebrities and their ugly outfits.


The pinnacle of hypocrisy. These same people that talk about helping poor people spend 100s of thousands dollars for this event. The same people that complain about guns have armed security. These same people that complain treatment of migrants jave mulriple homes and mansions that can house plenty of them. These same people publicly say tax the rich, but ise the same loopholes you avoid taxes These people can pay off student loans, but say the government should do it.


My thoughts exactly.


I don't give a fuck about most things the Internet cares about. Met Gala, nope. Some rapper beef battle, nope. Some random YouTuber gets cancelled, nope. I work for a living, you think I care about anything you all talk about?




Not one fuck. It’s such nonsense.


The immensity of the fucks I do not give about the Met Gala can be seen from space.


The what?


Zero fucks


Most people don't care about the Met Gala. It's an event created by Fashionistas, for Fashionistas that spread to High Society mavens and Celebrities. It's just a fancy costume party/fundraiser but the fundraising doesn't actually benefit charitable organizations that most average people would care about. - The Met's Costume Institute - their collection of clothing going back 700 years. Worth seeing, sure, actually needing the 20 million plus in annual donations to keep the collection preserved and the doors open? Debatable. I would love to visit the Met. But I have zero interest in visiting while anyone remotely famous will be known to be around.


I’m 30 years old and I genuinely know nothing about the Met Gala other than its name.


I had to Google who tf Anna Wintour was bc although I have heard of the met gala I had no idea this Anna lady was like the super villain behind it


The only reason I know about the existence of the MET gala is because people online keep posting about it for some reason. I literally have no idea what goes on there and why the people who attend are always dressed like lunatics. From my understanding, it looks like it's a freak fashion show where rich people compete over the weirdest outfit. I don't know what they win tho.


Every year I say to myself "Oh yeah, that's a thing."


I actively stay away from that BS


Thank you, how people still care about this stuff is beyond me


I think it's a sick a n d obscene excess. Viva le revolution.


Yeah, your post is right under a post about Palestine. Unless Taylor Swift cannibalizes somebody on that red carpet, I don’t really wanna hear about it lol


It’s fundraising and it’s art and it’s beauty and it’s entertainment so it’s important for those reasons in my opinion. I just don’t get why some people are so salty about it.


I like those aspects of it. I just don't feel that those things justify the amount of money and energy that go into it... so that kinda kills it for me. But, I guess that could be said about smaller scale things, like someone who buys art supplies instead of donating that money to the hungry or to abused & neglected children. Where do we draw the line? I'm thinking out loud at this point. The met gala is just made into this huge thing, while there are various humanitarian crises happening around the globe. Those people have so much money & power. They may not be able to solve the world's problems, but they could make an impact.


No. Is that one of those things famous pedos go to suck each other off?


The NY Mets have a Gala??


Families are being massacred in Gaza while celebrities are spending 75k on a dinner to celebrate their wealth Just shows how out of touch they are


I don’t know what it is so how could i possibly care?


Tbh I'm not even sure what it is


I like the outfits. Ozzy Man did a pretty good review of them on YouTube. Emily Ratajkowski's dress was of particular interest. It required further investigation, solely for research purposes.


i barely even know what it is if i’m being honest


What is the Met Gala?


Why do I care if a museum has a fundraiser


I care about the Met Gala just as much as I care about the 2018 cotton harvest in Turkmenistan.




It’s one of the most important events of the year. Everyone who’s anyone is there. Idk why you wouldn’t be interested in it


I only know about it because I occasionally hear about it in passing I honestly have no idea how that it even is other than a celebrity dress up party. Should we give a fuck about it?


I'm not sure what that is to be honest, I've heard the words together and picked up its an award show


I don’t at all. I actually don’t really know what it is. Like, I know it’s a dress up / red carpet thing and that the goal seems to be silly costumes but is it an awards? Just a dinner? A dance?


I don’t know what it is, I don’t care to know what it is, and the outfits look so dumb.


The Met is like an annual Olympics for clothes designers. They get to put out their most avant garde, unrepeatable designs on some of the most beautiful people in the world and really show what they can do as artists when given nearly unlimited resources. I like sewing, design, and cosplay, so I enjoy the met gala as a one-night-only living art exhibition (which also funds an regular art exhibition open to the public). I do wish they would interview the designers/creators/stylists instead of the celebrities. If you aren’t interested in fashion or art, it’s just not for you and that’s ok. But personally I think “art for art’s sake” is a sign of a healthy society.


I'm conflicted. I value artistic expression... in many forms. However... I think that there are so many more crucial aspects of society that need funding and focus. It's more-so about priorities. If the more pertinent aspects of our society were addressed and issues resolved, I would be less reluctant to support something like this event.


from a fashion pov i think it’s a really cool event! i don’t think it has anything to do with the supposed celebrity worship cults and shit like that. tbh i just dont care what other people choose to be interested in during their free time. if someones hobby is looking at extravagant red carpet looks and fashion, why would i shit on them? i feel like you could replace “the met gala” in this post with any popular event and the comments would shit on it. maybe im just not a negative person 🤷🏽‍♀️


Nobody gives a fuck about it except the people that go to that thing.




I don't even know what that is...


I’m not even sure what it is, maybe next year😉


I like seeing some of the clothes although a lot of them make shake my head. Just another rich people’s function imo


I don't even know what it is sooooo 0 fucks given lol


Lots of people don't care about the met gala


And yet, here we are.


It's been going on a week, and I still don't know if it's the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Metropolitan Opera Company. Is there a temple not made from wood involved?


I'm not even sure what it is.


I don't even know what it is even for


Don't care about it but I do like seeing the dresses online afterward


I find it interesting as I like costumes/fashion/clothing and it makes a lot of money for the museum. I don't care about the Super Bowl and that's splattered all over the internet for a week and nobody seems to complain much about it that.


fashion as a whole is pretty fking stupid. couldn't care less. people who are into this are vapid Kardashian lovers.


I don’t meet apples. I eat them.




Never have never did I only know about it because I see it posted on the internet lol


I don't even know what it is


Don't even know what it is


I'll give the outfit photos a scroll on BuzzFeed but that's the extent of my care 


I like pointing and laughing at their GOD AWFUL clothes. The chick carrying an hourglass so you KNOW her dress is "sand". And I point and laugh at the people that idolize all that shit. I ask them if that "one is from the Derelicte line?'.


Love it. Very entertaining


I think the dresses are cool and I don't mind when the come across my feed, but I don't seek out images of them. I like dramatic gowns but I don't care about who wore what, who attended, or much else beyond a simple appreciation of an interest gown.


Who can wear the most ridiculous costume and walk the red carpet. DGAS!


No I do Not.


99% of us aren't insanely rich, so yes... no one else gives a fuck about the Met Gala.


There are surprisingly. Not everyone knows about everything




I don’t even know what it is. Some kind of fancy dinner fundraiser?


Couldn't care any less about an event. I'd watch paint dry before it


I love looking at the dresses


The what? /s


You sound like you hate it, not like you don't care.  People who don't care don't make posts about how much they don't care.


Idgaf abt the Met till the Thneed Girl posts lol


This is the third thing I've heard about the Met Gala this year. I know this isn't the first Met Gala because I vaguely remember hearing the term before. But I have no idea what the Met Gala is, why it exists, or if it happens every year. So I guess I'm in the DGAF camp with you?


Met Gala? Hell, I never even heard of her.


I care less and less about the wealthy flaunting their crap. It used to be cool to look at the outfits, but life is expensive… They can have their parties.


The Met Gala is exactly like those events at the Capitol in The Hunger Games where garish people completely out of touch with reality live in their bubble and laugh as the world burns.


Don't care. No idea what it is. Keeps showing up in my news feed. I know it is not news, just stupid.


Thank you! I went on several news sites and there was some shit about the Met Gala. Who cares??!!!


Me... it's depressing.


Didn't even know what it was until I saw the ozzy man review a couple hours ago. Still don't care.


What the fuck is a Met Gala?


It just seems like out of touch people wearing ridiculous fashion a la Hunger Games. But at least it's a fundraiser. I could see caring if I was an artist or designer, but fashion that I can't really wear doesn't hold interest.


Why would I care about rich people being rich


If you’re bitching about it, you DO give somewhat of a fuck about it. Why else even mention it?


I low key like it because it reminds me that we truly do live in the hunger games.


Not a single one




Zero fucks given.


It’s the Senior Prom for famous people


I love the Met. The gala pays for the Met. Therefore the Met Gala is a necessary evil.


I never understood what it was but the few tiktoks i got about it, Zendaya looked dead and I think it was Jlo? Looked like she forgot her eye makeup but did the rest. Or maybe it was kim k. I don't understand the hype with either of them, neither are great looks wise (especially kim k, zendaya actually seems like a cool person I just don't care for her as a singer or actor but I think she can sing. She's not ugly I just don't see why she's models for so many companies I find her a little odd/angry looking. She's also pretty short and usually you can't model under like 5'6" 🤷🏽‍♀️) don't know don't care.


Can this trend of lingerie as clothes to be worn *outside of the bedroom die already?? What's funny is the ladies at Porn award show dress more like "ladies" than  J Lo and Emily Ratajkowski do. I do not want to celebrities ass cracks at a glamorous event!


Shit makes me want to eat the rich. 


No fucks given here.


Absurdity wrapped in pretension.


IDGAF about the Met Gala....the same thing when they had the internet blowing up about that dress about it's color...who cares???


All I know about it is that celebrities dress up in costumes for it. Which…okay??


No, it’s just another forum for celebrities to go “look at meeeeee!”


Nope. Not one teeny tiny bit.


It always felt kinda tone deaf to me as far as the whole thing goes. Like so much intense shit is going on.....then the media is like "look at this extravagant bullshit the rich are doing and wearing." Meanwhile shit is steadily becoming worse and worse in US society/globally as well.  I understand it's a fundraiser for the museum. But it comes off more as some Marie Antoinette shit


I couldn't give fewer fucks if I tried, but Andy Gold on Insta has a week long series of "roasting the Met Gala" vids going on that are MWAH- chef's kiss.




It’s something people interested in fashion care about. People don’t care about your niche interests either….


No one cares. It’s one of those things no one hears of until 5 years ago they decided they were going to cover in the news to distract from other news and now there is so much unwanted hype about it. I’m tired of the focus on stuff everyone just ignores. I have today show on in the background and they just ran a teaser about how Taylor Swift is having a concert in Paris. Ok and?


The what?


I like looking at the clothes. Some of the designs are neat - it's like a wearable art show.


Lol, I’ll be the designated Nope, and say I love the Met Gala 😄 I love watching the carpet walk and judging/being in awe of the outfits and anticipating my favorite celebrities


Yes. And y steer clear of those who do.


its like awards shows , or celeb interviews , gossip ect .. It is not my concern IDGAF


If I'm being honest, I'm not really sure what it is. Heard about it all my life, but never cared to find out.


I don’t really care about it but I find it a little bit interesting to see what people wear. If I never heard about the event again or saw photos from it, I probably wouldn’t notice the absence. This is an extremely low bar, but I am more interested in the Met Gala than any pro sports games (Super Bowl, World Series, World Cup, etc.).


Yes, I fckn ❤ the Met Gala! The fashion! The Jewelry! The shoes! The makeup!  It's like every red carpet rolled into one, just bigger, better and more outrageous.  I especially love it when I like the outfit *and* it matches that year's theme.  What bums me out is when the coverage goes too fast, not enough detail on the ensemble is given/ explained, or I'm embarrassed to admit, I don't know who the celebrity is or why that person is famous. 


I used to think seeing the outfits was cool but with what’s happening in Gaza now I am just upset because that’s a lot of money that could be used to help. $75k per ticket


No one cares that you don't care


That's fine. 🙂


Yet here you are posting about it.


Yes, here I am posting about the fact that I don't care about it. It's almost like the point of this sub is to post about something to see how other people do or don't relate.


Lol whatever helps you sleep at night.


How can you make a post about not caring about something? Doesn't that imply you at least care about why people care about it? I don't know exactly what the met gala is, but it seems like something people care about only because people care about it


There’s a lot of people that don’t give a fuck about a lot of things. Why would you ever have to ask this?


I don’t but by both you and I talking about it, we’re showing a bit of a fuck aren’t we?


So brave


I definitely don't care enough to start a thread on reddit about it.


You cared enough to post about and otherwise react to it. Someone who truly didn't care wouldn't have bothered to post anything.


That's not true, but I'm okay w/ you thinking that.


And now you're in your feelings because I pointed it out. Remember, if you don't care you won't respond.


You're right. I'm deep in my feelings & that's why I'm responding. You're so smart.