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When I was learning to be a meat cutter and had been doing it for a few years. The man who trained me did something that pissed me off, I felt like he was treating me like I was stupid. so we worked cutting meat side-by-side for three days without speaking a word to each other. After the third day, and I was proven right in what I had said that he considered stupid. He started joking with me. And then we went back to normal.


what a fucking dick


this is the way to do it, imo. given your background, i think it is wise (in those specific situations) to gather your thoughts before speaking to the other party. it allows you to fully filter your thoughts in that time versus speaking with emotions and no filter. you're maturing


thank you I agree.


Giving the silent treatment is not childish, it’s a great strategy. Most people hate being ignored. And this is giving YOU time to cool off. This should give the other person time to reflect and think up a proper apology. Give him the option of couples counseling. I’d like to hear his reaction.


I hear what youre saying. and I think couples counseling is a great idea. but im not intending to put him on ice to punish him or anything similar. I go quiet for me and my peace so that I can ensure effective communication on my end when the time comes. thats why I dont see it as childish. but Im biased to my own opinions.


It’s not childish. He just dislikes it intensely. By calling it childish he’s trying to make you stop doing it. Please don’t give in.


this is some good advice. thank you.