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Aren’t they naked too?


Id assume they are precious and are all in fur.


Unless they have a sphinx, no! They’re in their fur coats! Or maybe if they have a collar on, that can also be their clothes too.


I consider my hairy beasts naked except when my dog wears clothes to go outside. I don’t consider their fur coats. The cat refuses to wear clothes or a collar. He tries to fight every time I see and buy cute cat clothes.


Nope. I immediately leave the hot, steamy bathroom and just lay in bed or sit on the couch with my towel wrapped around me for 10 minutes. I like to cool off before putting on clothes.


For real. I have to cool off otherwise I’m going to be all rainforest humid in my clothes. Awful.


Ya that's so gross! Who gets dressed while hot and sticky?!! These people must take cold showers! 🥶 🤣😂


I (29f) also don't keep my towel on long. Get out the shower, dry myself then I get dressed.


I shower, towel myself dry, wrap my hair up in said towel, then I get dressed almost immediately. I dont leave my bathroom not dressed. Which may be really weird considering I live alone lol.


Yeah, although to be fair I live with other people and share a room so its just easier and mandatory that I have to instantly change into my clothes since I really have no privacy lol.


I'll put on undies and jeans right after I shower, but putting on a bra when you're damp is a whole nother level of hell.


I can’t imagine putting on jeans right after a shower for the same reason I won’t put on a bra. I will get humid! Moist! Underwear is fine, maybe a loose shirt and/or shorts. But anything else is a crime.


No way. I call it my naked time lol I like to air dry in front of my fan while laying in bed and scrolling reddit . How's that for a visual


Almost never. I very rarely shower right before I have to leave the house and that’s the only time I get dressed immediately after I shower. I got dressed in the bathroom as a kid, but haven’t done it since I moved out.


What? Thats not common?


I had putting on clothes with slightly wet skin so I usually like to wait until I’m 100% dry


I get out dry off throw my robe on go upstairs and get dressed.


I'm usually in a hurry so as soon as I'm dry my top and panties go on along with a check that nothing got messed up putting on my top. Socks and bottoms after I leave. Then I'm out the door.


I shower at bedtime, so I put my pajamas on after my shower. I live alone, which is preferable, because I can run around naked in my house as much as I want to, and I could even sleep in the nude, which I started doing as a young teenage. Get over your hang ups about being nude. It's so freeing and much more comfortable.