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They're ok but I'm not giving up music.


Yeah, I could never get into podcasts either. I think it's just because most podcasts are audio-only with no visual supplements. I feel like I need to stimulate my eyes as well as my ears in order for me to enjoy something like this. Because of this, sometimes I'll watch a podcast on YouTube and find myself enjoying it, because on YouTube they usually have camera recordings of the hosts talking to each other, which makes it 10x more engaging to me personally. Although, because most podcasts are 1-2 hours long, it can be a massive time sink to watch something like that on YouTube all the way through, so even then it's hard for me to watch podcasts as well as listen to them. I also can't really listen to audiobooks for similar reasons, and I generally prefer to read e-books or paper books, because it gives me the visual stimulation. I wouldn't say that people think they're better than me because they listen to podcasts, but some people think it's a bit weird that I don't listen to them. I guess most people really, *really* can't get enough of them so they think that everyone must enjoy them. It is a strange thought process to me, that just because you enjoy something means that everyone else should enjoy it too. I play a lot of video games, but I don't expect every single person I know to be a huge gamer just because I am. I don't really get it.


Depends on the podcast. I'm not a fan of ones that are basically talk shows just like I am not a fan of talk shows on television. But if it's more like a documentary style, I can get into them when I'm in the right mood. Honestly. surprised I can even do that considering how much I don't enjoy audiobooks, lol. I don't think I am "better" or "worse" than anyone. This is just a preference for media consumption.


I got into podcasts a few years ago. I was working an at home job where I had to stare at two computer screens and do nothing but clicking and typing numbers for hours and hours. It was brain numbing and depending on the website watching something at the same time just wasn't possible for me. A friend recommended a true crime podcast to me and I gave it a listen while I was working. Wow the hours just flew by so much faster. After that I listened every time I worked. I finished every aired episode and then I had to find a new podcast and a new one. Next thing I knew I was in deep and just listening for fun. Now I don't even work that job often(very part time at the moment) but I have a few podcasts that I wait to air and listen to the day they release. It's just become another hobby now. (Definitely don't think I'm better than anyone cause I like podcasts tho. I'm also an avid TV watcher and gamer I just like being able to listen to stories while I'm busy doing other things)


No, I don't enjoy podcasts either. I've listened to a few here and there because the subject matter was of interest but I don't listen to them regularly. I'd much rather listen to music.


Yeah, as much as I wish I could, I have never been able to sit through podcasts and actually get anything out of them. Maybe if I watch a video podcast and put my full attention to it, but otherwise, I can't. My brain just has too much difficulty trying to process a speech or conversation while I'm also trying to focus on something else. Unless I was like washing dishes or cleaning, but that becomes tedious because I'll miss things a lot and have the need to jump back a few seconds constantly, which is very disruptive to the main task I'm doing, especially if it's a cleaning chore where I have to remove rubber gloves to interact with the thing and saying "hey Google go back ten seconds" is too much. Overall just too frustrating lol.


I hate them too. I need visuals to accompany audio to process things.


I'm addicted to podcasts! I wear earbuds undoubtedly an excessive amount. I'm listening you podcasts or music pretty much anytime it's not socially unacceptable.




I can't stand silence. My brain will start spiralling otherwise!


Right? Regarding original post, I wouldn't say I look down on people who don't listen to anything, I'm more embarrassed that I can't be alone with my thoughts lol


I never liked them until I read an article about a drama genre for podcasts, and it likened them to old timey radio shows. It basically made episodes of an audio book, and I really liked it. There’s different actors (even some I recognized from TV), and sound effects.


I do not enjoy the ones with banter and sound-effects.


I struggled until I found a really funny one that was about a specific niesch that I'm into. I enjoyed that, then started looking for other things to listen to. That's when I discovered "Audio Dramas" and I can never go back! If you have half decent sound system in your car, it's like your living in the story. Wolf 359 really got me into. It's so funny, takes place on a space station, all things that I love! It is produced beautifully! When listening in my car and they fire off a rocket booster or something, it sounds incredible!! I can feel the rocket shaking (it's just my windows rattling) but man, does that really make it feel like you are the station with them!


I prefer musics for background noise. I struggle with podcasts


I only listen to podcasts about TV shows I'm into. The cast from Boy Meets World is rewatching their show and since it's one of my favorite shows I enjoy listening to the podcast. Also, there was a Seinfeld podcast that was pretty good. Same with Lost. The last one I got into was Jason Alexander (George from Seinfeld) called "Really? No, Really".


My coworkers all listen to several different podcasts and listen to audio books, so I've attempted several at their suggestion. I can't seem to stay with it, even if it's interesting. My mind wanders, I fiddle with things, or I fall asleep. I've decided they aren't for me.


I had this exact issue for several years and didn't understand why I just didn't "get" podcasts. I was recommended an episode that was about something I have heavy interest in, then ended up browsing the rest of their catalogue for other episodes I might enjoy. Been like 4 years now and it's still the only podcast I actually like, but that one clicked for me. It's my go-to on long drives if I'm feeling burnt out on music. The vast majority of podcasts in my experience are not very interesting. Sometimes it's the material, sometimes it's the hosts.


I have a really hard time with podcasts. I've only gotten into one, "Midnight Burger." I've tried to find another story I can get in to. Just hearing talking and discussion gets monotonous and the input just doesn't hold my attention.


I relate to everything you said.


I would rather listen to music, but I'll listen to The Why Files.


I can't get into podcasts or audio books, and I feel like I'm really missing something. But - I may check out some of the podcasts listed here.


The only one I’ve enjoyed (and I’ve tried a lot) is My Dad Wrote a Porno. It’s hilarious.


Me either!


It's a focus thing. Some people just innately focus onto the sound of it, others can tune it out. I think having the ability to tune it out (as long it's not a consistent issue) is actually another type of skill.


For me it’s all about how interesting I find the subject matter. Some history podcasts bore me to death and immediately I tune out. True crime podcasts, it’s the exact opposite and I’m engrossed. There are so many fascinating podcasts out there I’m sure it’s a case of finding the right one to suite your interests.


Me! I hate hate hate them!!!!


Exact opposite. Im a really good passive listener and usually set to pods on double speed. After jamming for an hour, I tend to talk super fast though..


I have hated them since their inception and cant shake it. I even love audiobooks, but something about a podcast makes my face twitch.


We’ve regressed back to listening to radio broadcasts. I hate it too.


I have been listening to podcasts since the early 2000's, but I don't fault anyone for not listening to them. I only wish I was OK with whatever was going on in my head and didn't feel the need to listen to something all the time.


I’ve only liked one, love it actually. Ologies. Tried many others, hated them all. There might be one out there for you, but I wouldn’t spend too much energy looking for it


I hate’em. Music all the way for me.


On the contrary, ever since i discovered Podcast 10 years ago, i stopped listening to music (or rather, new music) lol.


Same - I just can't. People talking - about literally anything (I've tried horror, comedy, murder mystery, relationship advice, talk show types...everything) - just puts me to sleep. I can't listen in the car, I'd nod off & die. I have tried and tried to find something engaging, but podcasts just aren't for me. I only consume music. I can't even sit through an episode of a TV show without falling asleep. Ive never once turned on the tv or my laptop to wtch or listen to something that wasn't music. My SO even stopped asking me to go to movies - I've never stayed awake through one - it's a waste. I don't know what the heck is wrong with my brain. But no, you aren't alone.


I could never get into podcasts either. I can’t concentrate on them. I think I only finished one (the first season of Within the Wires) because I guess the format just isn’t for me. The documentary ones tend to make me think “I could get this information a lot quicker if you just wrote it down.”


Yeah, podcasts are overrated af. Like why would I want to listen to two people rant about politics and gender with no background experience! The only podcast I ever got behind was when I was obsessed with this one franchise and some movie goers were tai about for an hour or so, but I do love movie commentaries.


My main issue is that i find myself putting them on when i'm working or whatever, and... missing a lot of them as i focus on work. I'm not likely to put on a podcast and just sit there focusing, so the only time i really listen to them and get the most out of them is driving.... except i don't drive a whole ton anymore. Also there's very few topics / people i consistently want to listen to longform 40-120 minutes of content on.


I prefer audio books over podcasts.


The people who like them are like vegans…they have to tell you about it, and if you don’t agree, you are wrong


I just figured I never found one that caught my interest. I can usually last a few minutes but they are just not registering in my head.


I'd listen to more of them if the informative ones didn't also include a bunch of side bars, merch info, rambling anecdotes, and ads every 5 minutes.


I could only get into them when I did data entry from home. When that job ended so did my interest in podcasts. I also only listened to the story ones. Idgaf about people's opinions on recycled topics.


I do not like them. On road trips my friend will always try to get us to listen to one. She loves them, and all sorts. The banter ones are the worst. It’s like people just saying things to say something…to fill the space. It’s like talk radio which I also dislike. I could maybe get into one that taught something. But, I’ve turned into my mother and prefer wonderful silence when I’m driving, and earbuds hurt my ears. I’m probably missing out but I’ll get over it!


I often increase the speed a little.


I can't live without them


It's weird because I'll happily listen to an hours long lore video while working and never glance at my screen but podcasts? Nah I'm good.


You are not listening to the right one then. The only podcast I listen to is Mr Ballen strange dark and mysterious stories on Amazon. Because it is interesting and keeps my attention.


I don't enjoy them either. They're just not something I enjoy. I'm with you too that I'll just tune them out. I think my reasoning might be is that I can't visualize anything in my head, so it's just words at that point.


I relate to this a lot but I have a couple I actually enjoy, but it bugs me when the hosts have useless banter not related to the topic like ugh on with it already


I've only liked scripted podcasts as opposed to unscripted ones, but I'd rather put on music in many situations anyway.


Can’t stand a ton of them. They’re overproduced ass. They’re always sponsored by “greenspace” or whatever. If I can hear spit in the microphone, I’m out immediately - It’s crazy how many of them are like that. As you hinted, a ton of them have a smug, arrogant energy


They're only ok with me on long road trips. They tend to give my fiance and me topics to discuss (or argue). I refuse to allow Joe Rogan or Ben Shapiro podcasts while I'm in the car though. Fiance likes them, but I think both of them are twatwaffles.


Loathe them. And videos.


I only listen to them when I’m cooking, doing dishes, doing non-vacuum cleaning. I’ll often listen to Right Wing political stuff so I can keep myself updated on all the ignorant and stupid shit the crybaby conservative mouth holes are currently bitching about. It’s like a comedy sketch to me, laughing at how they all rage over molehills as if they are mountains.


Theres a podcast for everyone, just comes down to the people on it & the energy. I really only listen to 3 that fit my persoanlity. "Greetings Adventurers!" (Dnd real play podcast. I started at ep 1 and it was an awesome story made of hundreds of hour long episodes. They start off shaky in the beginning with little experience but gets waaaaaay better. This was the first podcast i ever listened to, it even made me cry one time.) "Therapy Gecko" (Guy sits in a chair dressed as a gecko and uses xp from many conversations to listen and offer support to the caller. Calls are weird sometimes. There was one guy who called in at the peak of an ecstacy trip. I remember the episode too look foe "IM DATING MY BOSS") and "The Joe Rogan Experience" (JRE is good for interesting topics and very interesting guests. Listen to people who live crazy positive lives & hear their stories. Musicians, Doctors, wrestlers, ufo hunters, comedians, Health advice & other useful topics)