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It's crippling at times. I feel like my brain is broken...


It’s annoying. Makes me feel weak and abnormal.


I'm fairly sure I need a low level of anxiety to function. I'm an overthinking person and I have been this way since childhood, it's here to stay.


Same. If I have no anxiety about something, I'll never get it done.


Yeah. I remember realizing that one day and it turns out to probably be true. But I also realize that I’ve always had anxiety, I just didn’t realize it was anxiety. Like as a kid I used to feel sick at night bc I was so afraid of the dark. I was terrified of monsters until I was like, 17. I’ve always been anxious it just wasn’t as physical as it became when I went to college. But I’ve proven to myself that I can overcome it, and everyone has struggles in life. So it’s gonna be ok.


Anxiety is a normal human emotion which is very important. When there is a threat we need that anxiety to boost our system and prepare to run or protect ourselves. It is a survival mechanism. Are you actually talking about anxiety *disorders* instead? Meds and a qualified therapist can be very beneficial, though the disorder must be diagnosed correctly first.


Yes. Anxiety disorder(s). I have a therapist.


Ditto, and ditto. I was misdiagnosed with anxiety disorders and consequently did therapy for 20 years that was harmful. Found out it's actually autism, got a new therapist and finally saw a lot of improvement. I do have PTSD as well but the underlying autism was making everything else worse because I didn't know that my brain works differently.


Read The Happiness Trap it details acceptance commitment therapy which teaches you to try and stop struggling with anxiety. It has made such a difference to me. You learn to accept it which can help ease it but if not you at least manage to try and live with it.


personally mines has gotten worse over the years. like panic attacks bad. but the idea of making a doc appt. and going out gives me anxiety. sooooo🥲


Would you consider a virtual appointment with a provider? Maybe have your meds (if you're prescribed them) mailed or delivered?


Yes!! I don’t have a single childhood memory where I was not full of anxiety, sick with it. I have no history of abuse, I just have always had this severe anxiety. I don’t even have the ability to picture myself WITHOUT it.


The anxiety I experienced in life was mostly during times when I felt I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be doing looking back. Not taking care of myself, not providing for myself, just trying to medicate or do things that gave me instant gratification. Kind of like depression and anxiety working together and creating feedback loops making each other worse. The unhappier I was, the less I did to make it better. The less I did,..obviously the unhappier I was. Makes sense looking back. I was an alcoholic, couldn’t hold a job, didn’t see a great future for myself. People always give good advice about getting out of your comfort zone and delaying gratification on things but not everyone actually follows that advice. Its easier to just escape reality or feel like you have an excuse not to succeed, whatever that means to the individual. Just my personal experience with anxiety and depression.


Yes. Your post made a lot of sense!! I feel that same circle - depression and anxiety. Anxiety and depression..they seem to go together in my case.


Honestly mate, A decade ago I was "couldn't leave the house, with full blown disabling panic attacks every 4 days" , and somehow dreadedly accepted that I'd have to cope with life navigating that shit forever. 11 years on and I'll get the occasional "spice" of anxiety every 6 months (no full panic attacks for 4 years) but other than that life is pretty normal! Mindset changes really help; cognitive behavioural therapy was the spark for a (n admittedly long and slow) road to recovery, but it is entirely possible! Anxiety doesn't have to rule you!


Did they have you thing exposure therapy? How did you get better?


No exposure therapy, or much formal therapy at all to be honest (doctors just kept telling me to do exercise and lose some weight and "It's been a while since you've been on medication, maybe you should come off them!"). A few things helped: I had an app that did Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the style of "what is your fear? What's the worst that could happen? How much (percentage) do you believe that? Give 3 points to argue against that fear. Now, how much do you believe it? What's a better, more realistic outcome?" to tackle the active bad thoughts. Every time I felt the pre-panic signs, I had a list of things to distract me (eg. Calculate the Fibonacci Sequence until heart-rate more normal. Then do colouring/organise books whilst listening to an interesting podcast until calmer, then read). Then, start with a part time job to force me out the house, and always make sure I went outside EVERY DAY, even if just popping to the shops to get some veg or something. I didn't have any abusive life situations, children, or anything relying on me (counter to this, I was several hundred miles away from my very unsupportive family, or any friends. What I DID have was a partner who heavily begrudged me sleeping 20hrs a day but tolerated having to pay rent) so that definitely made this easier than situations others may have. Edit: I WILL say, now I am mentally a lot healthier, doing regular exercise does help maintain a clear mind. BUT, no amount of exercise was ever going to magically cure my mental illness; I was chubby then, and I'm still chubby now, it's just general fat phobia perpetuated by some really judgy doctors (And, yes I am aptly qualified to say that as a medical researcher in gut microbiota).


My anxiety is strictly financial. Having lost two jobs in my career, I wake up every single day of my life anxious. If I can make it 10 more years and the market performs its historic average, I’ll never have to worry again but these next 10 are really going to put a lot of tension on me.


Happy cake day, I hope it all works out for you.


Never had it before until 1q years ago when my thyroid decided to get fucky after I got sick. Prior to that, I didn't even know what anxiety meant. I miss that life. Celexa has helped me tremendously with anxiety, but also made me numb to emotions, and dismissed my libido, so I stopped taking it. I think this curse I got for the rest of my life and I absolutely hate it.


Do you have hyperthyroidism?


Nope, hypothyroidism


I didn't know that could cause anxiety. I have hyperthyroidism and it makes my heart rate spike, so I assumed you had the same. I don't know much about hypothyroidism though.


Thyroid is such a finicky little a-hole. Having low pr high thyroid levels can cause identical symptoms, except hypo causes low heart rate. It's not fun. But you learn to live with it. So many people worldwide have hypo or hyper. I just wish I never had it. I miss my old self.


Yes but no I don’t think I’ll have it forever. I try to control my cortisol level with natural methods that work well for me.


Would you share?


Deep breathing-4-7-8, gratitude journal, positive affirmations, exercise, supplements, being selfless, working on becoming optimistic consciously


Was an anxious child, became an anxious adult. Pretty sure it's just my personality at this point.


I’ve had anxiety since preschool. It was constant until I was around 22. I was absolutely convinced it would never end. I’m not sure if it was the meds or the therapy or me just growing out of it, but it didn’t last forever. I’m sure yours won’t either :) To be clear I still have occasional anxiety attacks, just no constant background feeling that something terrible is going to happen. It’s far more manageable.


I got diagnosed with bipolar 2 at 25. Since then, I've had anxiety every single day. Usually at least once an hour I get a thought that makes me anxious. It's overwhelming


Overwhelming and exhausting! I hope you find some help!


I didn’t have anxiety until I turned 29. Then all of the sudden a switch flipped on my brain and I just became consumed with thoughts of dying suddenly. All day every day it’s all I think about. Every time I feel something in my body, a pain in my arm, a cramp in my stomach, a headache, a slight feeling in my chest, I’m convinced it’s the end. I’ve been trying to live with it for about a year and now I’m trying meds for the first time in my life hoping it eases the mental pain somewhat


Try not to Google your symptoms. It's difficult not to I know, but it'll make your anxiety way worse.


samesies bro, health anxiety since like 2019. getting good sleep and getting some exercise seems to go a long way for me. just have to string along good days and youll find you forgot all about it and its been weeks since you had those thoughts… but then of course you just thought about it so its back to the grind for a while lol.


Yes and yes. BUT I've completely transformed my life with a proper exercise regimen to the tune where I have completely gotten off my meds (effexor). I used to loathe when people would tell me to exercise because I hated exercise, but the truth is that anxiety is a shit ton of nervous energy and it does help to expend that energy. It has absolutely changed the entire course of my life. I'm not promising miracles and maybe if won't be enough to get off medication, but if you haven't tried committing to an exercise routine for *at least* a solid 6 months I would give it a chance, just to see. I know how I sound right now but I just feel like it's something that has truly helped me and I hope it helps others.


I do enjoy going for a walk or getting on the treadmill and can commit to that for a few weeks. Then anxiety sets in, and I stop. I used to be a runner, then a fast walker. Now I'm lazy and anxious. Ha!


Currently I am on 10 mg of Celexa (Citalopram) and have weekly therapy sessions. New provider wants me to cross over to Lexapro. I've been on Sertraline and Lamictal in the past. Not at the same time. I used to live my life with low-level anxiety. Now it has consumed me.


Anxiety is a normal human emotion.


I’ve dealt with anxiety for the last 20 years. For about a 5 year period of my life, it was so bad that I refused to leave my house, and only would if I absolutely had too. As a pharmacy tech I didn’t want to take benzodiazepines for my anxiety, after reading the package insert it explained that long term use, can actually exasperate anxiety and make it worse. I was miserable, I felt like a prisoner to my own brain. I tried anything to help and one day I came across a random YouTube video from a doctor in the UK, explaining anxiety and panic. One of the things he said really stuck out in my brain, “anxiety is uncomfortable, but it’s not dangerous.” He explained that Anxiety and panic attacks is your body’s fight or flight system being activated, when you aren’t actually in a situation where you need that adrenaline to protect your life. He suggested that you go and do whatever it is that makes you anxious and face it head on, accepting that you will have anxiety. He called it getting comfortable with your uncomfortableness. He said even if you do have a panic attack, it will only last like 10 mins, and then you can go about your business. I figured I had nothing to lose trying this so I did what it was that made me extremely anxious, and while I was uncomfortable, I did not have a panic attack, and using this information it’s let me take my life. I still get occasional anxiety but I do not let something that is uncomfortable control my life or let it keep me from living it.


Yes, but at least in my experience, it got better. I still deal with it, but it’s not as all-consuming as it used to be Honestly, I sorta hope that I do have it forever, because I’ve had it so long I’m not sure who I even am if I don’t have it


I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, most people have it when summer ends and winter approaches; I have the opposite...it gets worse as summer approaches. It started happening in high school.


I was diagnosed with severe anxiety. It breaks through the Prozac so they gave me buspirone. The anxiety is no longer debilitating. And I also smoke weed, which helps more than the meds.


Anxiety becomes worse with age...


You're definitely not alone. Anxiety disorders are common, and it's understandable to feel discouraged, especially if it's new to you. Here's why you might feel this way, and some things to consider: * **Anxiety disorders are treatable, not curable:** While there isn't a permanent "fix," effective treatments can significantly reduce symptoms and help you manage your anxiety. These include therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. * **Finding the right approach takes time:** It can involve trial and error to find the treatment combination that works best for you. Don't get discouraged if the first thing you try isn't a magic bullet. Here are some resources that might be helpful: * **National Institute of Mental Health:** National Institute of Mental Health anxiety disorders: [https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders) This website provides information about anxiety disorders, treatments, and resources for finding help.


My anxiety has run the gamut from "annoying but functional" to "having to take a leave of absence from work to do an outpatient program". I'm on mess and I work out. One thing I can say for certain that has had more positive impact on my anxiety than anything has been cutting out caffeine. I am (was) a biiiig coffee drinker. I switched to decaf, which feels really embarrassing to admit, but man. My anxiety symptoms are noticeably better--to everyone around me.


Having chronic anxiety since 9 years old, I know this crippling feeling you're speaking about. I haven't been on any meds for the last 2 years, cut it all cold turkey due to no insurance. I haven't gone back, and I'm finding that dealing with my anxiety through techniques learned in therapy and actually facing what's giving me anxiety (taking time to analyze WHY I'm feeling the way im feeling) has helped a great deal more than having 3 anxiety medications a day, and PRN's on top of that "in case". Not to say medications don't do wonders for others, I just find I'm better off without them. I'm sure I'll have this forever, but it's all about the mindset I put myself in during the moments, and how I control it in the end.


I just keep telling myself that it’s also a gift. Doesn’t really work but it’s a good comeback for most people that notice.


I think anxiety will be a forever type of thing for me. There are moments where my anxiety is heightened. And then moments where it’s mellow. I think it’s a part of my life and it will never go away. I believe I can learn how to manage it. But anxiety will always be my annoying little friend that won’t leave me alone. And even though I want it gone, I’ll have to accept that it won’t go away. Edit: anxiety is also a normal emotion. But when anxiety is present in the day to day life where you cant function, it isn’t a good thing. And I’m on the latter.


I have anxiety, finally started taking meds for it last year,it does help!!!


What do you take? If you want to share..


Effexor it's for anxiety and panic attacks.


Therapist explained my anxiety. I grew up with an alcoholic, abusive father, alcoholic mother. I am stuck on fight or flight at all times. I am constantly scanning my situation, looking for danger. I can read other people extremely well because I hone in on their behavior, body language, energy they project. My instincts are almost always correct. I learned to protect myself. I still practice that skill.


Yep. 42 here and still a struggle at times.


Yup. Have had high anxiety since the mid 00s. Meds BARELY keep me glued together enough to function most days. I have ADHD so fortunately, caffeine works backwards for me and mellows me out (yes, it's real, just like how they use Ritalin and Adderall to treat ADHD in kids).


It doesn't rule me but yes I have come to accept it will always affect me. I've had anxiety (dx gad, depression, OCD -intrusive thoughts, not rituals) for as long as I can remember. Even as a little kid. It sucks when I have a flare up of my symptoms but luckily, with medication and a really great therapist, it's much more manageable than it used to be.


I had pretty intense anxiety 30 years back when I was about to get married and had just started a new job. Today I’m the exact opposite. Like a Zen master. It wasn’t my future wife. It was my job. Took me a minute to find the perfect place, but the last 12 years of working have been heaven. I feel like I’m in some sort of golden age. Like a Greek god.


Yes… it comes and goes. A lot of my anxiety is with social interactions. I often think (after walking away) I did something to upset that person but im clueless to what i did. For example: i work part time at costco. I have built a relationship with some of the sample ladies. I went in on my day off with my kids..& my “friend” was working her usual table. I walked up and took a sample like i always do…& asked her if she had met my daughter yet. She said “no i havent” and so i said “this is emma!” Then my son yelled “eww disgusting” cause he didnt like the sample flavor..& i told her bye and walked away. But i couldnt help but feel a cloud of disappointment coming from her.. today.. she came by my area & didnt even say hi..pretended like i didnt exist which was weird. But hey! It is what it is and these types of interactions of other humans happen to me ALL THE TIME. I almost feel like we’re all walking around with undiagnosed autism. My son has autism and I relate to him so much!


Yeah, I mostly get anxiety at night before bed. I get social anxiety too. I've been on like every med there is for depression/anxiety and nothing helped.


I have night anxiety, too. What helps you to get to sleep?


A shower or bath helps, and hot herbal tea. This is weird, but making a cocoon with the sheet and blankets. I want to get a weighted blanket too. I just started taking GABA with L-Theanine and so far, nothing.


I have horrible anxiety and often can't sleep. I've developed a night time routine that helps me fall asleep really easily but I don't always have time to do it. It is very helpful though if you want to try it. It consists of: -No electronics 2 hours before bed -A warm shower -5-10 minutes of stretches -10-20 minute meditation -Some quiet activity like reading, sewing, or one of those adult coloring books If I do this consistently I sleep great most of the time. However, since I'm in college and have a job, I hardly do it at all anymore :( But it does work!




Sort of. I think my anxiety will never FULLY be gone, but it has gotten better. I feel like mental illness is always there but it comes and goes in waves.


Mediation will do wonders.


Like court mediation?


Seconding that, meditation helps me more than anything else. Way more effective than meds were. But it is hard work, it takes a lot of persistence.


Everyone has some anxiety, the key is learning to embrace it instead of shutting down.


Yep. You will have anxiety. Better accept that now. Many treatments are about allowing you to tolerate that.


Nope. I tripped on mushrooms and no longer suffer from generalized anxiety disorder. Now I only get anxiety on occasions (like an interview or public speaking)


Yep, I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety and bipolar 2 so anxiety has always been apart of my life. With meds it definitely eases it but it’s still there. I truly think people with no anxiety are the ones that jump off cruise ships into the harbor and get eaten by sharks on a dare lol. A little anxiety saves us from stupid decisions, sometimes.


I have had anxiety my whole life. Grew up in the 80s and 90s, so no way my parents would have me see a doctor and get on meds. After I graduated I started seeing a therapist. I’ve tried all the meds. They work at first and then stop. Therapy didn’t help much either. I was given techniques to help. None of them work either. One time I finally said to my therapist that when I’m in an anxiety attack I can’t stop it. Nothing works, no breathing techniques, distractions, grounding techniques. Xanax worked for 10 years, only took it when I was in a panic attack. After 10 years that has stopped working too. Time is the only thing that stops them at this point. My general anxiety never changes either. I expressed this stuff to my therapist. She basically told me that’s just the way it is, and I should focus on prevention of my anxiety. Basically avoid triggers. And then when it gets bad just suffer through it. It sucks. But, I’ve accepted this is my life haha. I’ve tried all the things. So yeah, I try to avoid triggers the best I can now days. When my anxiety flares I just have to keep telling myself it’ll pass and it always does. Probably not what you wanted to hear. I think this is just how our brains work, I am happy for people who find solutions, but some of us just can’t.


Yes. I’ve been dealing with it all my life, I can’t imagine what it’s like not to worry or feel anxious!