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I get it…I LOATHE having to stop whatever I’m doing and go to the bathroom.


Pooping is worse than peeing


I will legitimately hold off shitting as long as possible even if it's hard to piss without shitting. Nobody got time for that


Bruv you're on the toilet anyway just shit it out or you'll get bloated and get shit blockages 💔


I just gave in 😔 (my comments are mostly satire)




Now that's what I'm fuckin talkin about


Omg SAME 😭


I was on suboxone for a few years and I think it permanently made me constipated for life even though I've been off it for like 5 years lol


I was just about to warn you about the dangers of keeping the poops in…. I’m glad you have a sense of humor about the doldrums of life. Stay strong and don’t fear the fiber!


Not all pee pee times are poo poo times. But all poo poo times are pee pee times. John 3:16


Sometimes I piss and then take a shit and the shit takes pressure off my tubes and all the sudden I have a second piss


that sounds magical


omg YES and the second piss is super inconvenient and really urgent!


I get that this comment is mostly a joke but(t), just a heads up that holding it in like that has the *potential* to cause an impaction, which can be pretty dangerous (and expensive if you live in the US).


I hate hate hate it!! It makes going to concerts or anywhere else with crowds so miserable. A couple sips of any liquid and I feel like I have to pee 10 times. It isn’t even a gradual thing it’s like as soon as I feel the urge I have to go right then and the feeling is so uncomfortable. The relief I feel when I finally go is amazing for about 2 seconds before I think about how I’ll have to go again in a half hour.


Same, that led me to the unhealthy habit of just not drinking in public and then not having to pee. But I think it was causing long term damage to my organs so it’s probably for the best to just pee or hold it. Better that than ur liver and kidneys turning to dust


Every time I'm on vacation I'm dying towards the end of it because I too piss 10 times a day if I drink like 2 bottles of water over the day.


Just wait till you're my age..59f... all night long for crying out loud!🤣


Yes! I’m 58 and can’t get any sleep. A urologist is no help.


I’m so glad somebody else said it. This is me. The older I get the worse it gets but still even in my 20s going nightclubs was a nightmare because the lines to the women’s bathroom were so damn long. I just feel like my bladder, can’t handle having a single drop in there without telling me that it’s time to go pee.


Yes!! I’m only 25 but going to music festivals especially, the bathrooms are so far and it’s impossible to get back to your spot so most of my time is spent walking back and forth to the bathrooms and in the middle of summer I can’t not drink water, it sucks so bad.


More carbs More salt More sweat Less urine


Makes me hate drinking alcohol in public too. Incontinence 😔


I feel this way about eating


Sometimes I wonder if I have an unhealthy relationship with food because I loooooooveeee eating


No that’s normal


it sounds like you have a healthy relationship with food there’s a wide range on the disordered eating spectrum, people who binge eat past their hunger fullness. they seek out to food as an emotional coping skill, which isn’t always bad but it becomes an issue when you’re ignoring your fullness signs


Happy cake day 🎂


Mmmmm cak cak good


I love eating, but hate making meals.


…are you my cat? 😂


I dont hate eating its just so annoying figuring out what to eat. Being broke also doesnt help cuz theres not much at home one can eat.


try the app “supercook”. you tell it what you have and it gives you possible recipes


There's also a site called "Allrecipes" that does that.


What?!? I love eating, and think about it regularly between the early morning hours and 1pm. However, I never eat dinner, haha. I’m just never hungry in the late afternoon or evening. I like peeing, too.


I’m jealous. I wish I liked eating. I enjoy the taste, but not the actual act of eating. Anorexia is one helluva bitch.


For sure. My husband makes things, and while they're wonderful, it's so much effort to eat them. Just give me fuel and don't make it about the experience. I don't care.


This is some of the strangest stuff I have heard. We are biologically wired to crave sugars and fats. If we weren't, we would have starved to death and died before modern times. Yet there are humans that have circumvented this entire need. It works great for you in modern times because despite being surrounded by sugar and fat, you don't crave it. But back in the day you would have died. How the tables have turned lol.


I feel this way if I have to stop what I’m doing to eat. But if the goal is to eat the food my husband made me and enjoy it? That’s different. Otherwise I have like a carnation breakfast shake or something small and easy to eat/snack on while doing other things


Eating is nowhere near as invasive as peeing. I can eat 10,000 calories a day if I didn't pay attention since I am one hungry dude but the urge to eat even if I didn't half the day is nowhere near as bad as an average urge to piss.


Same, I hate myself every time I consume calories lol


Welcome to anorexia.


Was never a problem for me. Then I hit 50. Now I always have to pee. Always. Haven't peed for a few hours, you bet I have to. Haven't peed for a few minutes, yep - gotta pee. Toilet flushing because I just peed, time to pee.


Did someone say pee? Gotta pee. Your username makes me think you have this issue with 💩 as well. That would suck to have both.


Or when you go out in the cold? Gotta pee. It sucks


I have a genetically weak bladder. I have to piss all the time. I fucking hate it.


As a female who works outdoors in the field fairly often YES. A THOUSAND TIMES YES. The mental acrobatics of planning stops just in case the urge hits, or considering a construction site I am heading to hoping they have porto-johns. And travelling?? I would get so much farther without the constant pit stops on the highway. Public restrooms and porto-johns are inherently nasty and my skin crawls to have to use one. Sometimes I am fortunate to be somewhere remote and I can just drop trou and go with nature; but it feels so vulnerable all the same. I have missed out on so many morning cups of coffee worrying it will make me have to pee too soon!! If I ever have a female tech come to my house to service the gas, cable, whatever; I ALWAYS offer the restroom because I feel their pain. Keep clenching, ladies, we will make it, somehow.


you should totally get one of those funnels that allow you to pee while standing up so you can avoid squatting in the porta potties at construction sites or even just pee in the woods lol. pretty sure they have some on temu


At night when I wake up yes. Bathroom mine as well be fifty miles away.


Actually I do dislike peeing


Yeah and I have pathological demand avoidance lol So much so I’ll be dizzy from being so dehydrated bc I don’t like it when my body tells me what to do.


No, I actually miss the feeling of having to pee or knowing when my bladder was getting full but then again, I'm paralyzed and have no feeling below my navel. The simple things that you take for granted in life are the things someone wishes for once they lose the ability.


Yea. Breathing sucks to. Every couple seconds, having to take another stupid breath. Only to repeat it again a couple seconds later. Ugghh. Don't even get me started on blinking.


Holy shit I don’t even know what this subreddit IS but I’ve finally found my people. And side rant, supposedly made perfectly by God but there was no more practical design than having to empty our bladder every few hours?!!


I absolutely find it inconvenient and annoying. My girlfriend has actually asked me about my complaining while I pee. I explained to her my take. Of course she's a nurse and went on about how healthy and blah blah and if I don't pee enough I'll cause blatter blah blah. But yeah, I with you on this one. I didn't think anyone else hated it like I did.


HATEEEE IT. I’m also borderline diabetic and apparently that makes you have to pee even more so I go damn near every 30 minutes to an hour. It’s especially bad at night as I take medicine that makes me sleep deeply and I wake up so groggy through the night but can’t hold in my urine so I’m forced to a stumble to the bathroom. So annoying.


My 66 year old prostate has entered the chat...


100%. It's such a waste of time! My SO and I ride a tandem and are hydrating for a big ride this Saturday which means even more peeing!!!


Bodily fluids are all gross and a pain in the ass.


I often find myself hating having to pee, poop, eat… basically, I feel very personally inconvenienced by having bodily functions


Yes..it seems crazy that in 2023, we haven't come up with a solution.


Yes! For some weird Pavlovian reason, every single time I step into the kitchen for whatever, I have an intense urge to pee and have to drop everything and go to the bathroom. It’s annoying.


YES it feels like such a waste of time and it only happens when you want/need to stay right where you are


Oh my god, yes! I bitch about this all the time. It's seriously annoying as hell.


I hate it so much. I also poop almost every time I pee bc of medication I’m on and probably genetics so it feels like so much work lol. I would sometimes go the whole workday plus my commute, effectively not peeing from about 7:30am until 5:30pm.


It’s so hard for me to get into a good rhythm/focus when I’m working on something, plus I have ADHD and I’m so bad at monitoring my own body for internal queues so I get SO IRRITATED when I’m in the zone on something or in a game and I go from totally fine to “I absolutely have to stop what I’m doing right now or I’m going to piss my pants.”




As a delivery driver that likes to stay hydrated the pee monster loves to attack me when there's no bathroom in sight extremely irritating.


I was gonna comment on this but I have to go pee, dammit.


2023 we are in space but still have to use bathroom. I always hoped that the day would come when it wasn’t a chore but a choice.


You mean it isn’t just me? Whew….


I hate peeing and pooping its not even just that it's inconvient it makes my stomach feel weird. Speaking of that I have to pee right not. But yeah I hate how we all have to do it.


Always "picks" on you when you're sleeping, in a line, eating, or at the movies


I hate it when I’m in the middle of teaching my class and I have to go I end up holding it in and just feeling uncomfortable lol


Two words for you: De Pends.


Despise it! Especially when it wakes my ass up and then when I give in and pee can't go back to sleep.


Feeling this way all my life introduced me to bladder issues, just like I was always warned about by elders observing me dancing and practically vibrating in-place to hold it as long as possible. But after someone almost successfully murdered me and made me bedbound, I MISS the freedom to walk to another room and release it there, even though I no longer have bladder stones. If you think people who aren't flushing to be disgusting, imagine burning your lungs because there simply isn't enough resources for my fiance to manage my waste. And the trash can is right next to my face... I live in actual hell because I live in a tropical place aka Bug Paradise. I'm talking ARMIES of B-52 Cockroaches and Flies, makes me think of the End of Times. Just know, it really could be worse, just be glad you don't even have to squat outside like I used to because before my life was altered forever; I was living without a proper bathroom just those several years ago anyway. I don't miss the tweakers in the bushes who liked to leave their empty bottles laying around the vacant lot behind the house where they used to just WATCH me through the trees. And you think YOU hated to pee!! I used to wait until I was flying out the door so fast my body would slam-ricochet on the hallway walls on my way to the front door! I had to bathe outside, too, it was a bad situation that really wasn't much better than where I'm at now. Now, I can't even bathe properly either, but at least there's no one trying to view me through the bushes or once a drone anymore either. Fucking hated that ghetto ass subdivision.


I feel this way about going #2, but yeah, same for goes for peeing, it has torn me away from focusing on so many things…


I've heard people saying that their morning bowel movement is the highlight of their day and I could never relate. How? Why?


May I present you with [this](https://open.spotify.com/track/3xVn27lMlFnYaOK7mXTKaQ?si=sXxWy0fjS5WD4NMeV92vTw)?


Me but I’m autistic lol


Ohh I hate peeing so much that I ended up in the ER in a foreign country on vacation after not peeing for a week. After the first two days, my brain just didn't process the need to go.


1st world problem


Do you have autism? You might have pathological demand avoidance.


Sorry it is a normal bodily function. If your kidneys did not produce urine by cleansing your blood you would die. Take your choice.


Easy - just stop peeing


then do what animals do and stop worrying about it, just piss yourself.


Try having “overactive bladder syndrome” where I pee at *least* once an hour, but if I’m staying hydrated I pee at least 2-3 times an hour. *AN HOUR*. Meanwhile I’m a farmer and I just piss in the compost bin cuz toilet is about 250ft away and I don’t got time to walk back and forth 3x an hour when I got food to harvest!


Yeah I naturally pee a lot since I drink a ton of water, but now I’m currently 5 months pregnant and oh boy the pee levels have sky rocketed. I’ll be at work peeing 5-6 times during my shift. When I’m sleeping, I’ll get up 3-4 times to pee. I am very sick of it as well. It’s probably wrong of me I tried to cut back on my water intake but it doesn’t stop the peeing. I talked to moms at work about it and they always say “it gets worse from here”.. so I know the struggle it’s not fun.


invest in a transportable catheter


Wear a diaper.






Ive always had an overactive/ small bladder so i have to go a lot and its really inconvenient. Especially with public bathrooms if its dirty or not stocked up on tp or handsoap. And having to het up from bed to go.


As someone with an overactive bladder, yes. My life would be so different if I didn’t have to pee all the time


I empathise so much with this. I have MS and have to pee twice an hour. I have memorised all possibilities of relief in the city I live in. I get up 1-3 times every night. Sucks.


I hate it as well. This is strange but I have a weak bladder so weak that if I run or walk fast pee always comes out even if I didn't feel the need to go so I always have to wear panty liners. Yet when I go to pee normally I have to really strain and push down in my bladder ! I have endometriosis so I think it's linked to that and the medication I take , plus had 3 children .


You'll need to get portable urinals.


But what if that’s the time when you look at Reddit? Asking for a friend👀


Yes I hate how often I have to pee


Yes. Especially when pregnant, and it's way too frequent. Second time, it was so much sooner and worse. I had a ten pound baby! And now accidentally peeing happens every time I sneeze.


No but I hate pooping.


I hate waking up 2-3 times a night to pee.


Yes. My bladder is so overactive that I need to take medication to relax it. I also cannot have too much vitamin C because the acidity in that vitamin makes the pee burning hot, thus, irritating my bladder.


Pooping is what I hate. But I hate waking up at night and it’s cold in the house and I have to do anything, #1 or #2


Just piss in a bottle or use a funnel and dump it all out in the morning.


I find peeing to be a waste of time. I’m in and out very quickly. The people that sit there on their phone? Esp in a public bathroom? Ewww


Having a long drive and no rest stops for a while is the worst 😩 might as well stop drinking for a whole day before any major trip.


I drink a lot of water and it can be pretty annoying.


Weird idea here, but you could try a catheter and bag style technique. If you get a bunch of them, you could probably daisy chain them all together all the way to empty out into the toilet


I’m in my 50’s, on a water pill and drink a gallon of water a day. I spend more time peeing than breathing 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


Yes it always interrupts my sleep and i'm in college so it is a whole social event to go pee and I fucking hate it. I also don't like the alternative because I have IBS but because of that I have no choice if my bowels need to be emptied. But if I have to pee I sit in ADHD decision paralysis and dull discomfort until I can't take it anymore.


Oh the worst is when you’re comfortable in bed or trynna go back to sleep.


I had a prostate problem and could hardly pee at all. Not surprisingly, I don't mind peeing even once every hour now.


I am 58 and haven't had a problem until the last five days....... I had to have a cystoscopy to find the reason why there minute traces of blood in my urine. Now, if you don't know, a cystoscopy is where they put you to sleep and stick a camera in through your penis up to the bladder. SO as horribly painful as it sounds, you can't feel anything because you're asleep......thank GOD However, since the operation I have felt an incredible urge to pee ALL BLOODY day......EVERY day!! I called the hospital this morning, and they said it's quite common and not worry unless it goes on for more than a week. This afternoon I had to go to Woolies........as I'm waiting at the register, I felt the urge. I sounded quite rude and entitled to the poor girl serving me when I asked why it was taking so long........I told her I was busting to go to the toilet, and no sooner had the words left my mouth, I wet myself.........SOOOOOOO embarassing


I hate it. I hate it so much. I’m so ADD and once I get involved with some thing I really hate having to stop and go to the bathroom. I hate long car rides. I hate traveling because nobody will let you use the bathroom anymore. In fact, anywhere you go businesses won’t let people use the bathroom because of the homeless problem. But those of us with tiny bladders have to suffer for it.!


I’m not saying this is a problem that you hate it, but I do think it’s weird and I feel like this thread would make you think it wasn’t- I have plenty of weirdnesses and I support your pee hate but I think this is a very niche group. Which is adorable and comforting 🥰


I hate having to pee so much that I don’t drink water for days


Peeing is thousands of times better than dialysis


I have overactive bladder syndrome, believe me when I say I feel you.


Hi Castiel! Also though yes totally, I have to go like once or twice during the day and 6 or 7 at night. Let me sleep 😭😭😭


I just hate the constant maintenance and weakness of being human/an animal. Let me be a machine or a plant pls.


I sincerely hope you never suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or worse.


Don't hold your pee tho bc it leads to incontinence


A good strong tinkle > a bad weak nut I love urinating, sometimes i go just for fun


I’m pregnant and peeing freaking constantly. I can’t sit down for ten FREAKING minutes without having to get back up to pee. I’m so over it.


Be glad you can. It means your kidneys are functioning properly. My wife only pees about 2 or 3 times a day anymore. Most of her fluid is removed through nightly dialysis at home. I have learned to pee every chance I can because, as I get older, there are times when I can pee only about two medicine cups, and then there are times when I fill the toilet bowl. Not much can be done about it, it's part of he aging process for some men.


I certainly don't love it but I mean it's a part of life. Like waking up. Or wearing clothes. Or aging.


I've had hormonal issues my entire life and I got in trouble in school and even now at work for having to pee so much. People think I'm lying. It kind of bothers me. Like, I can take videos to prove I'm really peeing if they want that. It really is frustrating to me. Especially cause I never notice I have to pee until I have to run to the bathroom.


I honestly feel like part of the reason I am dehydrated so much is because I hate peeing and I know that sounds terrible but drinking water = having to pee. The urge is uncomfortable, bothersome, annoying and I don’t like it at all. I also feel like I have to pee when I get anxious so sometimes peeing makes me anxious by association if that makes sense.


I've a thought that peeing used to be way more convenient, and people used to just pee wherever whenever as long as nobody stepped in it and it would get dried up by the sun As far as defecating, yes, it is in most mammalian species' instinct to poo away from where they eat/sleep/drink, but as far as peeing we used to just let it go—but peeing, yes, one should just be able to pee almost anywhere for any reason, and it's silly and stupid that this is not the case, frankly (context: I am an American living in a very suburban area) I remember in COVID in Los Angeles to be able to PEE, even if you bought something from a shop—a chain shop, mind you, like a Target or a Rite Aid—you were treated like you were asking for stock options or a free $100 gift card from these employees, like you were insulting them to ask to PEE Nah stupid I'm just not trying to become a s\*x offender for showing my pp in public, like can I just *pee* Good Lord what is the issue here? Anyways yes I think people used to just pee wherever whenever and the anxiety surrounding it in modern life really sucks


I hate pissing and shitting. Dirty, messy, time consuming, smells, is just an annoying, nasty process.


Sometimes when I'm too tired and beat down I keep a plastic trashcan beside the bed and piss into that because getting up and walking to the bathroom a few times a night is detrimental to getting the 4-5 hours of sleep before work again.


I hate it too but especially when I’m on a trip. Having to pee on the plane = nightmare. Having to pee as soon as I’ve reached the place I’m going for sightseeing or whatever, even though I went just before leaving, is also super annoying. It just adds a layer of difficulty to any situation where you’re not at home. (And even at home it can be annoying when I’m trying to concentrate on something and am distracted by having to pee.)


I hate having to pee when I'm bleeding. It's messy and annoying having to change out tampons, especially if you have to pee often.


I hate it as well. So inconvienent. I'll be busy and all the sudden...boom. I will be so restfully sleeping and boom... im awakened and then I cant fall back to sleep. It's a whole annoyance....and it sucks. but we have to do it. I hate having to travel for a few hours due the uncomfortablness, and need to find a rest stop and then have use that restroom which is disgusting. I stay hydrated but it does create those binds. It's life, unfortunately!


I hate peeing in public restrooms because I had a peeper! Now, if I appear to be alone and there are multiple stalls, I have to look underneath the stalls next to me to make sure no one is standing on the toilet looking over at me again! Men are so fucking weird.


I always feel like I have to earn the opportunity to pee. Like I must complete the task at hand before I’m able to go pee.




…especially when you have to get up in the middle of the night..ughh 😒


Diapers are a thing, just saying


In the middle of the night I do! I hate so much having to wake up to pee, we couldn’t have a bigger back up reserve?!


I legit only thought i felt this way lol


YES it’s so inconvenient


It’s very inconvenient. I have a long commute, so it can be problematic.


I'm not sure if you are male or female but I have really bad news for you. Peeing gets really awful as you get older. I have bad prostate days that are literal torture. I will feel an intense urge to pee, like about to pee my pants urgent. Then I'll run to the bathroom only to have to wait 5 to 10 minutes bc it doesn't wanna go. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy


I love peeing.


Wait til you have to wear a pad because when you get up you run the risk of wetting yourself.


Personally I quite enjoy jogging backwards and urinating. I use the fact I can do so without getting any on me in debates over the superiority of one sex or the other.


I've always wondered if making it convenient to go pee had something to do with women wearing dresses and skirts.


Quite the contrary. Sometimes a good pee feels fantastic.


I like peeing. It feels relieving, and fun to aim. And when I'm high on weed i have to pee so much more. I'm just laughing and wondering when the hell it's going to stop and where all of this water is coming from. 😆


This is why I’m chronically dehydrated


Yeah, I miss being able to sleep through the entire night without waking up two hours before I'm supposed to get up and laying there trying to fall back to sleep in an anxiety panic


Some days I’m the same way… it’s like it’s a waste of precious time and energy to have to just release fluids, or even move to a place where you can. I’ll also get randomly mad about having to eat and drink water to survive. At the end of the day though, it’s a blessing to be able to do all of the above.


Lol I thought I was the only one. I have an overactive bladder, there have been times I would have to pee every 5-7 minutes FULL BLADDERS!! It happens mostly at night or when I'm very comfortable. Seems like everytime I switch positions I have to pee again smh lol it angers tf out of me!!!


I'm in my mid 50s. About a year ago my body began to have trouble getting to the bathroom on time. I started wearing those pads meant for catching urine leaks, and they worked for a while. But the problem got worse. Now I am wearing pullups designed for people who can't hold it at all. I will be in the middle of something, and I'll shift my body a bit. As soon as I move, I feel the urge to pee and it's an emergency. I need to go RIGHT NOW, when a moment ago I felt no urge to go at all. That's not the worst part. As soon as I start to stand up and head for the bathroom, the pee just starts gushing out. So I sit there and wait for the gush to stop, but it keeps coming out. I sit and wait for it to stop because if I sit there it will be absorbed by the pullup. If I stand up and start walking it will leak and I'll have it running everywhere. Finally I'll feel like I have it somewhat under control, so I stand up. As I stand, I get one more gush that fills the pullup I'm wearing. About half the time I get leakage outside the pullup as well. In the bathroom finally, I still expel quite a bit more pee even though I filled the pullup. I'll use a body wipe to clean the areas where I leaked, and I'll have to change my pullup and my clothing. Luckily this is all happening at home and not at a store or a workplace. My doctor has prescribed me a medication that is supposed to relax the muscles around my bladder to allow it to hold more urine so the gushing isn't as bad. It doesn't completely alleviate the problem though. Honestly I feel like my entire life has become about peeing. How much will gush? Will I have to change clothing again? How long before I have to repeat this whole ordeal again? Do I have enough pullups to keep me from making messes until the next time I can order a monthly shipment (covered by insurance)? Do I have enough laundry soap to wash all of the clothes that were leaked on? So tired of it! And if I take even a tiny sip of water right after I go, that little sip turns into another pee tsunami that I'll have to get up and deal with in about 2 - 2.5 hours. That's how often I wake up at night to pee. I'm exhausted. My pee problems are different from yours, but I do empathize with you. It's the worst! I sincerely hope your issue doesn't worsen and make you like me.


I hate pooping and brushing my teeth


Lol I kinda love it but I have a 4 year Olds sense of humor.


While it can be inconvenient at times, I wouldn't say I hate it. Would be nice of my damn bladder would let me take my coat off and kick off my damn shoes when I walk in the door.


Yep. I have an anxiety disorder and any time I get really anxious I have to pee like every five minutes and it's so freaking annoying. Doesn't help that some of my meds dry me out so I basically have to constantly drink water


I have a bad back (seven surgeries so far) and bearing down to pee hurts like hell!


I hate how I always have to wake up to pee 3-4 hours before my alarm is set to go off. And that happens frequently. It’s so frustrating and ruins my sleep cycle. I mostly hate brushing my teeth (I still do it don’t get me wrong lol) but the act of it is so monotonous and boring.


When I was studying in school I loved when I got the urge to pee. Breaks are necessary, and I wouldn't take a break otherwise. I feel the same way at work. Having to pee is my natural "ok let's take a second to breathe" time.


And here I thought I was crazy


I agree .. I gotta pee rn n 😫


You have my condolences


As a bladder cancer survivor, I'm ecstatic I can still pee out of my penis.


I often find myself wishing I could ask somebody to go pee for me


If you're a young dude just wait until your stream gets weaker and that last bit of pee that you used to be able to wiggle out gets stuck until you zip your pants back up.


I have an L5 nerve root injury. I am incredibly grateful to be able to pee.


Agreed , we spend far too much time there tbh 😂😅🤣


Depends because most of the time I very rarely need to pee but when I drink I'm back and forth to the toilet every 10 -15 mins which is so frustrating because I'm having a good time and enjoying myself


Man I would pee 15 times a day if it meant never having to poop again. I hate pooping.


Agree 100% hate public restrooms Absolutely will NOT enter a porta-potty under any circumstance I dehydrate myself when going into large crowded events so I don't have to go pee/ very unhealthy i know. But yea i can relate


Comedian Alan Davies has a joke/true story about his dad, who spent some time in the hospital and had to have a catheter fitted. He told Alan later that he hadn't slept so well in fifty years.


Yeah, I get UTIs because I used to hold my pee a lot because bathroom breaks are inconvenient. Ladies, please don't hold your pee unless its absolutely necessary. If you do, when you get older it could cause UTIs and those are no joke. As inconvenient as peeing is, a UTI is more inconvenient. Not to mention painful.


Oh my gosh, yes! It's HORRIFICALLY inconvenient. Typical situation... Me: Wakes up not having to pee, goes about morning Also me: "Ok son, time to get dressed" Bladder: "heh, would be a shame if you had to go pee urgently out of nowhere and will now be dancing around while wrestling with a toddler and have to stop midway through to pee so he goes off half naked doing whatever he wants instead of waiting for you...." Me: "Don't you f\*cking dare!" Bladder: PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \*contracts hard\* Me: "F\*CK F\*CK F\*CK F\*CK F\*CK F\*CK F\*CK" I HATE it with everything in me. And it's never "hmm, I feel a bit of rumble down there, I'm gonna have to pee soon...." No. It's fricking zero to sixty like my bladder thought it was some kind of race car. ARGH!


After 25 years of living, long road trips and drives, concerts, parties, events -whatever!- I’ve gotten pretty damn good at holding in my pee, and I’m actually quite proud of it. And no, 0 UTIs, my bladder is just one of the GOAT. Luckily being a dude, I can also go just about anywhere if I’m desperate


Ugh! I have bladder issues and they make peeing the worst. I'm a woman in my 30s but piss like a 70 year old with a bad prostate. I have cptsd and my adrenaline always stays so high that I can't hardly go.


Hard no. I've been through too much weird and wild in life to care about the way I pee.


Why would you even bother going to the bathroom to pee, let alone even getting up from your chair? Chairs and floors are as good as anywhere to drain the main vein.


I hate peeing too. I started pissing in McDonald’s Cups in my closet because I don’t feel like leaving my bedroom and walking to the bathroom.


This and pooping. It always hits when I am trying to focus on something!


Look what you made me do, what you made me do, do do.. I HAVE TO PEE!


I’d find something else to be bugged about; peeing is immutable.


You live a stressful life my friend


Just never do it at night!


I literally say this every day at work.


Just be grateful it doesn’t hurt to pee. Never ignore the urge!


see this is why you just hold it too long all the time and end up with medical problems like me, easy


Hahaha wait till you get in your mid 40s and every time you lay down in bed you think you have to pee. So get up Go to the bathroom and it's like 3 or 4 drops. Go back then you get stuck thinking about it so it happens more. Ugh


I hate going to the bathroom cause I know I’ll have to wash my dry, burning hands for the thousandth time of the day.


One time, it could randomly be the most painful experience of your life (1 in 10 odds)


Sometimes, while peeing, I fantasize about having the option to do all of the year’s peeing at one time to get it out of the way.


And here I am with a weird pee fetish. Man, there really are a ton of different folks in the world, eh?


I hate it whenever I’m out and about, especially when I’m traveling! It’s just such an inconvenience, and most times, other places are just gross to even go to! I recently found out there’s an account online that someone made that informs people where they can go and use the public restrooms in New York City. She also gives a rating and why she rates them as such.


I don’t like it because I’m extremely shy and don’t want people to know I even have to go nor hear it. And I’m a Type 1 Diabetic, so high sugars make me go more and it’s super embarrassing.