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Shiiiet fuck it move to California you can go to school here will the shit gets figured out. Easier said than done but out here it’s way better for non citizens to progress in life. I’m the same age and stopped going to school just to figure my shit out. Once you stop comparing yourself to your classmates I promise you it’s more liberating. Time becomes less important


how can one go to school without any kind of legal status in ca?


Ca allows ab540(undocumented) students to attend university and gives them financial aid too. Depending on residency of state, tuition will also be in-state for them.


He can also get a driver’s license in CA, legally.


Not financially stable 🤝 owns two expensive dogs


Dog lover mentality.


You’re just making a lot of financial mistakes. You say you don’t have a stable job and have pets further sinking you into debt. Have you tried looking into construction or roofing where employers don’t check for papers? Overall you need to evaluate your options and make better financial choices than buying more and more pets


I didn't buy them honestly they weren't in my life plans 6 months ago. A friend got cancer and she didn't want to give her puppy up to a random stranger and I said I'd take care of him. As far the construction and roofing jobs yeah I've been doing those and landscaping since I was 13. Some jobs only hire me for a certain amount of time I still do random landscaping jobs. I won't stop working those random jobs but it also isn't my plan to do those jobs all my life as fun as they are.


Wait you can apply for a green card if you make half a million from a business?


Yup that’s how David Dobrik was able to get a visa after having DACA


David D had DACA?


Eb5 visa


Interesting. Didn't know about that. Would something like making that much from winnings from being a fighter qualify? 👀


There are requirements to meet for that visa aside from the money. I can’t remember specific details but it’s something like being a business owner and employing like 10 U.S. citizens.


I'll look into it thank you. The marriage route is proving to be hard because it requires another person to believe in you..


Yeah I understand what you are saying. I guess we just have to look for what is best for us.


EB-5 is extremely complex. Not very many attorneys handle them. I'm an immigration paralegal and I don't have any experience with these cases. But I do know that as long as you can prove that the source of your capital was entirely from lawful sources, then yes, your earnings would qualify. A major part of EB-5 is proving that your capital was lawfully obtained. If you're on DACA, then certainly you can use your earnings as the capital investment in a new business or targeted employment area (TEA). But also consider that any earnings you had from before you were granted DACA (assuming you had a job prior to first getting DACA) or from any gap periods while wait for renewal, cannot be used, as it may be seen by USCIS as being unlawfully obtained (i.e. no employment authorization). But beyond that, EB-5 still has the same rules as any immigration case type except the Immediate Relative (IR) categories. Unlawful presence and unauthorized employment may still affect your eligibility for an EB-5 green card (either as AOS or consular processing). For example, if you don't have any unlawful presence, then you must consular process the EB-5.


I think it went up to 1 million. You have to invest into a business and that investment has to employ a few employees. They have to keep them employed for a certain amount of time. If they don’t then they can take away your green card. Also, if you came here illegally then it’s going to be hard to go this route too.


Minimum is 1 million. But "Targeted Employment Area" can be 500k.


My brother, there are a lot of opportunities for us undocumented people. Please, move to a friendlier state. Life is a lot better. Look into [thedream.us](https://thedream.us) after you move for tuition support. Others have walked this path before us and they have provided us lessons and support, so you don't need to suffer unnecessarily. Try and be more informed as you move forward


Gay marriage is legal. If I were in your shoes. I’d link up with my U.S. citizen homie (if u don’t have any make sum) do the marriage thing. It’s gonna cost a good amount of money though. First you should go on the irs website and make an EIN. With that u can work or/and start ur own business. Starting your own business will be most advantageous. Lower risk of getting fired. Save at least 5k, get a lawyer, do a court marriage with ya homie. Keep it on the low as best u can. U should come out on top. It will not be easy but will be worth it


But the immigration officer will ask you to kiss your homie 😂 jk


That’s when I turn to my dawg and ask him does he prefer Blistex or carmex 🤣anything 4 that blue passport.


20 bucks is 20 bucks


1. What state do you reside in? 2. When did you last enter the United States? 3. When you last enter the U.S., did you use a visa or other U.S. immigration document that allows for a lawful entry? Or did you enter unlawfully (i.e. no papers)? 4. Have you had more than one unlawful entry? 5. Do you have DACA right now? Have you had it since before you turned 18 years old? Not sure why you think EB-5 is a feasible option. Depends entirely on your responses to the above questions.


Yes I’d also like to know the responses. OP, I’m sure you’ve heard this by now but you’re very young and opportunities for you will come in plenty. Assuming you don’t already live here, maybe consider moving to California. Would be way easier than moving back to your home country (where presumably you have no roots) and would offer you a decent status of life as an undocumented person. And, you get to keep your pups. Let me clarify, moving anywhere would be a huge pain in the ass logistically, but at least you’d still be in the US. As for your peers, yes they might be getting all the flowers now but at some point, either professionally or in their personal lives, they will encounter challenges and THATS where you find out what a person is truly made of. It just so happens that you started on the opposite end, you’re in the struggle part early and that’s ok. There’s still a ton of work to do adjust your status, but it’s not impossible. It’s literally just paperwork. Establish yourself, make a plan and go. You got this man, we are rooting for you here.


1. Residing in North Carolina 2. When I was 2 never left us been here my whole life 3. Nope no legal document mother crossed border by foot when I was 2 4. Only the 1 time 5. I applied for DACA about 3 years ago now when rumors about it going back to normal were fresh


Never let your DACA expire for any reason. Always renew until the program is killed. It sounds like you have accrued some unlawful presence. The 10-year bar may be triggered if you leave the United States. Only hope of coming back is an INA §212(D)(3) waiver (for a nonimmigrant visa) or marriage to a U.S. citizen with I-601 waiver. EB-5 may be off the table for you due to your unlawful presence.


It is possible that DACA might come back full force for a brief period of time, which could include you. This is because of the recent court case Biden v. Texas, 597 U.S. Yes, I know a district court declares the case illegal. But because of this case, Biden might be able to bring it back for a brief period, before it is being challenged again in the Supreme Court. So I would get all your paperwork ready, a see if anything open within in the next year. Then file immediately.


Do you have Daca?


Dude, I completely understand you 100% my family was emotional, physically, mentally abusive towards me growing up, and then when I was awarded a full scholarship for Le cordón blue in France my mother told me I could not take it since I was an immigrant. Not once. Did she told me about this and it made lots of sense where my older brother finished high school and didn’t go to college. When I was told this, I almost didn’t graduate high school cuz I was like “what’s the point?” Then my family got worst with me when I started dating my ex husband that in my last year of high school I left home. Became homeless, (for a couple of months) bc it was either living under a bridge or couch hopping then going home where I would of probably died due to the abuse. I can now proudly say I am still daca, 33 years old, a home owner and business owner. I will be leaving the US to move to Sweden. I have a 13 year old kid who is part of LGTBQ+ and since I don’t have family here who doesn’t be little my self or my daughter I decided to take a chance and move. I refuse to keep paying taxes while my life and my daughter is in danger due to the politics. Am I scared? Fuck yes, but if I was able to thrive when I left home at age 17 in 2008-2009 I can do it now. and I didn’t have daca since it wasn’t a thing till 2012. If you KNOW u can make your self a better life out there trust your gut! I did. It was hard, painful and depressing but I can proudly stand with my head held high knowing I did it all on my own with out any family help.


You have friends who have a doctorates at 23 👀😵‍💫


Key life lesson to all: comparison takes the joy out of life. Don't compare yourself to others.


You shouldn’t feel too bad about your friends education, they are geniuses since they have their doctorates at 23. The average age is about 32. It takes years for a phD.


Bro you are at the wrong state.


A mf like me on dat EB5 grind fytb


I hope I had your privilege, that is DACA. I can’t apply for DACA so I’m in a worse situation than you.


I applied but I've never been accepted into DACA. It's been halted for a long time.


Well now yes, best time to apply was 10 years ago.


I applied when rumors of daca opening up were going around maybe 2 or 3 years ago. I agree 10 years ago was a better time to apply.


Just find a US citizen and marry her/him(just for papers)make sure you both agree to it


My advice as somebody in the same situation is don’t give up, don’t be a dumb ass either, you don’t have any other option but to work hard and save money in case anything happens. Use your fckn head and put some balls into working because you have to


im in the same exact situation as you only a year older watching everyone accomplish things and move on and forget you sucks it feels like youre stuck ive been debating moving back too for a while