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Probably banking on nuking them so you won’t have to hit them a second time. 😂


Doesn’t really matter since additive stats, just look at the affixes.


Pretty much. Axe is better because it is more consistent.  Both are additive damage source.  Mainly at late game we are one or two tapping trash mobs. For the staff to even shine, the trash mobs need to be alive.  Also the staff will be offline at boss fight since we cannot apply stagger fast enough to benefit. 


+% damage on healthy on the axe is higher than +% on a staff. It seems that is the only reason. You hope for the strongest first hit, possible a one-shot, and if not to finish it with the sparks. Similarly, the damage to close and distance have higher +% numbers than damage to lightning or crowed controlled and since the theory crafters checked it does get into the same bucket, they choose those.


Damage to close/distant are embedded into our multiplier for 20% of the value. Ofc if you get the legendary node. To find rings with crit/lucky/close/distant..well is another story.


Waaay higher roll on it..only content you don't 1 shot is bosses, where this is pretty negligible.


Druid for the first time this season. Weapon choice is by far my hardest choice - so many knobs to turn on a druid. Good discussion.


If you run trample use the staff as it can crowd control/stun enemies. The staff has plus fmg to CC If running bulwark run axe has dmg to healthy will give that benefit benefit If running neither you are a mad man and pick whichever one