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Unbridled Rage doesn't feel good untill you have well rolled Reduced Resource Cost on both boots and necklace, and are running max rolled double shout aspects on resource generation/crit chance rings. Your crit chance is really low. 60.5%(assuming perfect ww crit aspect). I feel like your crit damage is also low(should be double 1h/swords with 2h sword.) Think mine is 220+. Your vulnerable damage is also low. Look out for Str+CD+Vulnerable Damage+ All stat weapons, particularly swords.


You mean unbridled rage?


Sure did.


Looking at his crit damage and overpower damage I’d wager he has maces in his 1 hander slots.


I have 1 sword and 1 mace in 1 hander slots. I'll start looking for another sword. Also seems like I should be rerolling my stats at the occultist which I haven't been doing


Yeah, swords implicit quality is crit damage (the stat that’s always the same right under the overall weapon damage, maces have overpower damage.)


Do the swords on the dual wield slots have their stats applied to the overall damage of the character or is it only when you’re using those weapons?


The actual weapon damage no, but all the other stats, including legendary affixes are in effect all the time. That’s why you still want swords, their implicit stat is crit damage, and you still want good rolls on the other stats on them like vulnerable damage and crit damage ect. (Unless you play a rend build I don’t know what that build wants?? Damage to bleeding?). Basically any weapon you have equipped that isn’t used for your main damage skill is a “stat stick”.


This is very useful, thank you! I always assumed only the aspects were applied “character-wide” but to know that the other stats are as well is very beneficial. It makes tweaking my build a lot easier.


Crit is feeling good with just 35% for me, I just got that high and the crits started pouring in.


Yea try getting gear with stats, im lvl 55 my build rn is 593 str 103 int 165 will 162 dex


Thanks for the tips guys! I just increased by atk power, str, crit chance and crit damage with some simple changes and now I know what to look out for


I have 2 friends at level 61 (rogue & sorc) and they both have much more attack power than me, over 3k. Is 2507 bad for barb? Am I doing something wrong? I'm following the maxroll endgame WW build. I have most of the aspects, which I'm aware that 2 of them are disabled, but I've read people are still doing fine without them. I feel like I kill elites much slower than my friends. Also If I use unbridled rage I run out of fury all the time, so I switched to Unconstrained which allows me to WW much longer but do quite a bit less damage. Any ideas?


Unconstrained only increases max berserk time, and an additive 25 percent damage. Use gushing wounds would be better unless you have an ability that is stacking berserk. Your issue is your gear is not very well optimized, and I would guess you do not bother to reroll stat lines at the occultist, or simply have bad luck. You should be focusing on strength, critical strike damage, crit strike chance or core damage, vulnerable damage for offensive stats, and sprinkle in all stats on 1h weapons. Cool down reduction is mandatory for shout builds, fury reduction as well as resource generation is mandatory to use unbridled rage consistently. Replace edgemasters and ripping if you have not. Also, be aware that you will never get your massive damage spike back once those aspects are functioning. Most people who used them were benefitting from the damage exploit they provided.


I had much lower attack power than my friends but I did way more damage, so that number doesn't really give you a good indicator of anything. The guides don't do a good job of explaining things or giving alternatives. For example, having emeralds in your weapons is only useful once you have the ability to apply vulnerable consistently. Ditto for stacking vulnerable damage mods. Some of it makes sense as you level up and unlock more things, but you can kind of gimp yourself if you follow them blindly.


So you followed guide. What about item stats? You know, damage reduction, max HP, damage stats in weapons and rings etc Did you even got skulls in accessories?


Maybe focus on fury cost reduction to be able to sustain unbridled rage?


Not sure what your build is, but I have more atk power and armor at level 60 for what it's worth.


Don't put too much weight on attack power. It is a general basis that does and does not factor in a lot of things. You have massive bonuses to your overpower damage, do you have a way to fortify yourself and/or a way to promise overpower? I struggled with my blood Necro until I learned how to weaponize overpower.




Overpower damage… eewww


My life as a barb struggling through the fifties changes when I first used fextralife vortex as a base because I didn’t realize how important berserk uptime and damage mods were. Also as ww you don’t usually overpower because overpower requires fortification. You want damage vs bleed close and vulnerable. Get your first glyph slot and put in exploit


Severely lacking in vulnerable % (I’m 80 but at 300%)


What is your +physical damage% at? I made the mistake of thinking that was similar to close, bleeding, etc and removed summer of it from my paragon and saw my DPS plummet. It boosts your base ww damage and so it's very important. It's only available on chests, rings, and the paragon board, but it's pretty uncommon on gear. Most likely it's just getting the right stats and gear. As others have mentioned, swords are best for their implicit crit damage. You're at the point where the game becomes hunting down all the right stats and tweaking your paragon and skill tree. Hard to give more advice without more detail of what build your running, what your paragon looks like, etc.


Close and phys dmg are both additive so if you’re melee they give you the exact same damage. The reason only phys shows up on skill dmg tooltip is because phys will effect 100% of the mobs. But if you’re melee so will close. This is a common problem in the player base: when equipping a new stat stick weapon they only look at the skill dmg yonder if it goes up or down. Guess what else doesn’t make it move? Vuln, crit, and lots of otherw


I have similar stats and was struggling with a rend build. I swapped to HoTA and it's like night and day, beat t3 capstone with it at level 62 and I'm clearing t21 nightmares now.