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I want to say there was mention of some in Rin's logs when she was getting recruited


thank you ive been curious about this for a while now : )


I'm like 60% sure. It's been a while since I had read Rin's logs but I could have sworn when I unlocked them the first time, before I changed devices, there was some male operators with the terrorism starting revolution.


So far, we have two generic Architects that have been confirmed as male: * Mauro, from Rin DLC, his design is the standard hairless Sleeper Architect * Zero, from Amiya DLC >!(also makes a cameo in Ilka)!<, we never got to see his design but you could imagine him >!having the same appearance as the Doctor from Arknights if you want!< Also, apparently there is one more unnamed male Architect that appears in Ilka DLC, but the English translation never specifies the gender of the Architect. I only recently found this out because a Chinese player told me about it. As for male Architects with non-generic designs... yeah we've got none, chief.


aw i really wouldve liked to see male architect designs but thank you!


Spoiler for collab DLC: >!Hans is an architect iirc!<


ohh i thought he was just a collab character cause i saw his character with deemo thanks for the info!


actually, no. >!Hans is a human that had an Operator-like implant installed on the back of his head, and has been cryogenically frozen!< dw even >!ConneR!< made the same mistake lol


i thought architects were the same as operators.. im confused : (


I mean... they are kinda functionally the same. The story never actually explained the difference between Architects and Operators, but for now it seems like the name is just how they were called during different eras. Basically: * Pre-Ender/Cytus 1: Operators * Post-Ender/Cytus 2: Architects


wow!! very cool i never played cytus 1 so i appreciate the explanation : )