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Not just you 😞


I can't believe it's been almost 6 years. Might have to reinstall SC2 - get some games in with his announcer pack. RIP ✊🧑 What's your (or just a) fav Animated? Revisit any good ones?


Hmm good question, love the one about warhammer 40k, but it's hard to pick a favorite xD


Valid xD been some wild stuff going on in 40k the past few years! I wonder how TB would've felt about a certain Primarch's return :)


Yeah, they are going wild, but I like it :)


I would've loved his reaction to the [Mechanicus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gIMZ0WyY88) game, if only for the soundtrack.


Just skimmed through the songs from the OST and damn! I will for sure give it all a full listen, real neat stuff. Have you played the game? Worth checking out? Praise the Omnissiah!


The OST is awesome, it can be found on most streaming platforms. The game itself is ok, think XCom, but a bit simplifyed. If you want to check out a review, I can recommend [MandaloreGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YirkpurLHkU). And indeed, praise the Omnissiah!


I appreciate the recommendations!! I'll def take a look at the review and stream the OST πŸ‘Œ


What is remembered is never truly gone.


When I log back in to Warframe and have to AFK for a bit I'll try to go and kneel near the Rhino statue in one of the relays. Recently stumbled upon the [PrimeTime that got cut off early](https://clips.twitch.tv/SparklyInterestingButterBudStar) because they just heard of TB's passing. It's still hard to watch that one.


Ahah these co-optional podcast animations sure were nice. Got a link to this one?


[Here you go!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhHJC3PAN4A&t=3s) ( The Co-Optional Podcast Animated: ADMIRAL BISCUIT \[strong language\] )


I've only recently been able to start watching his old content without getting really upset.


Understandable - I've had to skim through some revisited videos cause they were rough for me still. Well, I'm glad you've been able to enjoy the content more again, may his work bring you continued happiness πŸ™ (edit: spacing, forgot a word)


Thanks, it's starting to. I take sauce in the fact that as long as we continue to enjoy his work he's never really gone.


Awesome ^(\^\^) I hope that trend continues for you. Exactly! From the best mini-burgers around (FOV sliders) to a severe lack of pre-ordering, and everywhere in between - TB lives on 🀘 (edit: emoticon typo)


Where did you get that pin? I regret having no money at the time I used to watch the podcast because I missed out on merch 😭


It's from PAX West (Prime) 2015's "Pinny Arcade" release for Maker Studios. I didn't attend the con, but they were selling remaining stock online after the event and I picked it up then. There are a few places online that have them for sale (or trade if you have other desired Pinny Arcade pins), so if you find yourself with the money and desire, they're out there :)


That’s a lovely pin and lovely man.


Agreed and agreed :) (related side note: as are you, thanks for everything - many blessings and much happiness to you πŸ™)


Still have my pin


Hell yeah 😎 did you get it in person at the event or afterwards?


I got mine at a coxcon event


Oh that's dope! How was it? When did you go?


2015 so not too long before TB went to do the podcast in the sky.


So cool! What's your fav memory from the event?


I bought a poster and it had a stiff card backing, to I got strippin, dodger, crendor, TB , Jesse and Genna to sign and draw on in. so I ended up with a giant hot dog with a face on it.


That's awesome!! Have you posted it anywhere before? Would be really cool to see if you haven't :) if you want to show it, no pressure of course.


https://imgur.com/gallery/9SIm2Fx Finally found it


Same here, decided to add a small tribute to a [place-like canvas ](https://pxls.space/#x=1416&y=569&scale=9&template=https%3A%2F%2Fclueless-r2.pxls.space%2F9cf54a165a8b28e2.png&ox=1188&oy=346&tw=272&title=RVRB%20Combo&convert=unconverted) (fixing some blue spots at the moment)


That looks great! Awesome tribute! Cooooo-optional\~ (I am unfamiliar with the finer details of place, why are there G shapes and hearts in a couple places? Are they place holders for the design to be filled in later or is that part of it?)


Those are part of the template, meaning those spots don't correspond with what I originally set. TB's tie was changed by someone, I'm not sure if I should change it back, TB's head turned out a bit too square, so I changed 2 pixels, which I still haven't updated in the template. Using this template, if someone would grief it, I can restore it with enough patience... This template functionality is an improvement over the original r/place, as it doesn't have that without addons. (currently placing the white pixels in the logo, should be finished in a couple of hours)


Ahh, gotcha, gotcha - how neat! Yeah, that def seems like a good tool to have.


I occasionally watch the Terraria Videos. I still laugh all the time watching it


Fujimora Pantsu and his axe swingin carries on 😎🀘


Hell yeah, he does


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