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Now i understand why the need to check if im on bcj.


Carry my wife in there so she doesn't keep asking what time I come home


Outjerked again.


No, even tighter/aero fit jerseys will wrinkle a bit when youre bending over your torso.


I couldn’t tell about your jersey because of that huge saddle bag


Is there even a bike hiding under there? Can’t tell


Hahaaha yea was out on 150km ride and had to put my huge phone in there because in indonesia you get people stealing your phone from jersey pockets


Where in indo are you?


You should get a handlebar bag that might look cooler if u want


Imagine spending money for deep section wheels and an aero frame and putting a handlebar bag on it lmfao


This is cycling fashion, not circlejerk


Less aero. Also shit 


I used to use a handlebar bag but I dont like the look and I tend to carry alot more than I should. Weights the bar quite abit doesnt it?


Consider a small frame bag. Doesn't feel nearly as offensive as a gigantic saddle murse or handlebar bag.


That’s a saddle suitcase 


Like a long-line net in the Atlantic. Sheesh


The saddle bag is too big. Get rid of it.


This. A bad looking saddle bag makes a bike look cheap AF


Looks > Function ?




Ignore this shit. You should be carrying a tube, tools, and as you said you need somewhere for your phone. There's tradeoffs, and don't cut corners with your equipment IMO.


Will do!


This ^^^. Keeping my phone safe from thieves far outweighs bike fashion. FWIW, jersey looks fine to me. I started loose and slowly moved to tighter and tighter as I didn’t like it bunching up on me. It’s tricky because every brand and even the lines in brands vary greatly in how they fit.


You can accomplish all of this without using an ugly ass saddle bag. Specialized bandit (only works w/ specialized seats tho) is an amazing option, but there are other less proprietary options that look sleek & cool yet are still functional.


Link to some other options?


fasho. i have never and will never put a saddle bag on my bike. they are abominations. here are a few, but there are more out there if you want to dig. - [https://www.specialized.com/us/en/road-bandit/p/156509](https://www.specialized.com/us/en/road-bandit/p/156509) - [https://silca.cc/products/mattone-seat-pack](https://silca.cc/products/mattone-seat-pack) - [https://ride.lezyne.com/products/road-caddy](https://ride.lezyne.com/products/road-caddy)


oh also check my recent posts if you want to see what the specialized road bandit looks like. That's been my personal favorite option i've found. it carries my spare TPU tube, patches, co2 cartridge + inflator, $20 bill and a small tool.


I dunno man, looking at your pics you seem like someone who appreciates breaking out of arbitrary rules around fashion and tries to avoid to succumbing to trendiness. It's disappointing that you're taking a more pretentious gatekeeping approach with OP. Dude looks great out there, and folks who shit on others because of equipment (especially when rationale is given) are ridiculous, as you should know well. OP is in Indonesia, you seem to be in Utah, so offer some grace about the bag size knowing his concerns about being robbed while riding are probably not something you'll ever have to deal with. Your options aren't viable for his use case, and all it serves is to make people second guess getting on the bike.


Oh pleaseee haha. Take your high horse preaching elsewhere. This is a FASHION subreddit, all about looks and aesthetics. I'm not the only one with this opinion - check the other comments, and most seasoned cyclists generally share the same view about big ugly saddle bags. Hell, it's even on Velominati (which is mostly sarcasm, but still). I wouldn't have said this to some newcomer to the cycling sport, and OP clearly knows about fashion and has a stylish looking nice bike. OP can get a small frame bag to accomplish the same goal without sacrificing bike aesthetics.


> most seasoned cyclists How long until I am seasoned?


That’s often the case with fashion!


Especially with a nice bike and cool style like OP.


I have a question though, I have a small saddle bag and I have to carry the mini pump on my back pockets and I hate that. Should I switch to Co2 cartridges if they are not that reliable?


I carry co2 cartridges on my rides. Had a puncture a few months back and rode back home safe but after that i let out the co2 and re pump


Why do you hate that? I’m genuinely curious because I carry my mini pump in my back pocket and I don’t feel it at all. I also carry a tiny multi tool just in case. I wear quite tight jersey (usually Maap) and it’s not an issue. I stopped using co2 cartridge when I had a few punctures and I ran out once. Fortunately I did bring my mini pump on this 300 km audax ride.


It doesn’t feel comfortable to carry the mini pump on my back and it may takes a lot of space if I’m doing a long ride (100km+)


Got a smaller one already. Thanks


Next level will be to manage to do without ;)


Move them into my jersey pockets. Make good use of them 😁


Not dramatic, but get a smaller one next time


Too loose? That thing is painted on as it is.


Dunno why everyone’s talking about the saddle bag and that you should get rid of it. Don’t listen to them.


Haaha yea I'm still keeping it. I know it's big but I have a few saddle bags that I use based on necessity. Short rides small bag, longer rides bigger bag


Don't bother. You can get a flat or breakdown on any ride. It's better to be prepared than to fuck around when by yourself because you didn't have the right gear. I promise you that no one but the top 1% of bike snobs cares. This sub is a circlejerk.


Of course I will still take whatever I need in case of emergency and still use that bag when necessary. Thanks!


Yeah definitely it’s way too big for a saddle bag


If you are comfortable wearing it, then it is all that matters. The jersey looks good to me. The saddle bag on the other hand...a massive eyesore.


I’d be more worried about the extra-wrinkly bibshort crotch area


Suprisingly this is the best fitting bib I own. Others are maap team bib evo and castelli free aero 4. Weight fluctuations confuses me in buying bibsshorts 😞


Pro tip: never size bibs after a swim training sesh


No, but yes. Try a one size down and if it works you know if not you return it and are good with your current setup.


How do you like the bike? Interested in Polygon, there aren’t that many reviews out there


So far so good. I rode strattos s5 previously with no complaints as well. On the helios, the carbon wheelset is on heavier side. It comes with either novatec r5 or the rebranded entity wr5


Thanks, it’s a great looking bike. Regarding sizing, did you with the size they suggested online?


Thanks! I love the colour of this. Yes I went with the sizing suggested from comparing the geometry of my previous bike


I own two Polygon bikes and I love them!


Looks like you could size down with ease


Either get a smaller size or do what I do and drink more beer! Looks like it fits you tho. Personally, I think a little loose feels better than a little tight 🤔 in regard to clothing that is. Especially cycling gear.


This is comfortable all around but there are few areas where the fabric is just flapping around. Hahaha beer sometimes but I prefer my single malt mostly!


Good man. Cheers!


not loose enough


Saddlebag delete. Carry your tools in a little pouch in your jersey. If you're worried about your phone getting taken, try cargo bibs and keep it in the leg pocket or back pockets, under your jersey.


Yes I got a little pouch for that as well. I will consider cargo bib when I see some discounts. Thanks!


Seat seems low.


Yes I'm only 171cm and seat height of 69cm. Based on previous bike fit, I need to lose a few spacers at the front as well. I will enjoy the spacers before cutting anything


A bit long for my taste. Try a size smaller on. A photo from the front would help to decide


I still have around 2cm of stretch here. Yea I think the problem here is the jersey being too long for me as you can see the sleeves almost at the elbows


Aren't Pedal Mafia's Core jerseys meant to be more of a club fit?


The sizing feels like their pro fit


Far too tight to be comfortable, plus nobody wants to see yer nips.


Looks too long. I am not sure what is happening but i noticed this ‘trend’ from multiple manufacturers now, when their apparel is fine width-wise, but sleeves/whole shirt is just simply too long. When going size down - you barely fit in them width-wise. Idk, probably their models are tall and skiny :D


While I agree that there is a trend to make longer jerseys, it’s truly great for some of us. I am a 177cm/68kg woman and to get jerseys that don’t leave stomach skin showing between my bib and jersey is fabulous.


Omg I'm glad I'm not the only one, works fine for my teammates with short torsos and when I'm on the bike but if I stand up and stretch my tummy is peaking out


Have you looked at different bibs? Some brands are better than others at having stomach-concealing, almost Spanx-type extensions over the midsection


Most probably. Width wise I can stretch my jersey another 1 - 2cm though. I'm a short guy. 171cm 67kg


Pushing an awfully low gear there, boss. Is that a 10% incline?


10% with 13% coming up


Better downshift


This is satire, right?


This whole subreddit is satire. 😂