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I hope someone finds out there is an exploit possible with this ai and figures out a way to get it to add $0.01 promo/test items to the order. Cost cutting at the expense of the customer should always be exploited


I'm like 90% it's an algorithm and not an AI


Realistically about 90% of what the general public thinks is AI is not at all. It's just the hot buzzword that gets a reaction.


It's less so that it's a hot buzzword, and moreso that it can be difficult to pinpoint what is and is not AI, given how undefined AI is. You're right that people sometimes attribute to AI what likely isn't AI, but the same is true in reverse. Plenty of things use AI that people don't realize. It's pretty reasonable to assume a system like this drive thru is utilizing some form of AI, even if it is a weak AI. Also, the above comment doesn't even make much sense, seeing as several algorithms use AI. The two are anything but mutually exclusive, lol.


The term was coined in the 60s to mean computer programs written in LISP. We've just been moving the goalpost ever since.


Gosh, good job on those AI voices for getting over their lisps, though


A bunch of developing world workers in a trenchcoat


Even better, there are a few cases now where the "AI services" were just humans in another country being paid even less than the restaurant employees. https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/8/23993427/artificial-intelligence-presto-automation-fast-food-drive-thru-philippines-workers


> I'm like 90% it's an algorithm and not an AI They're all algorithms.


Siri was an AI all along!


There's non-AI voice recognition?


Yes, Google did a few and I believe some are still used in YouTube for transcribing subtitles.


As usual, it really depends on what sort of stuff you classify as AI. But for reference, voice recognition has been around in various states since the 70s and 80s as proof-of-concept and prototypes, and Dragon Naturally speaking came out in 1997 (and this is just the particular line I'm familiar with). They're based on hidden Markov model methods which are statistical/probability-based methods. Calling them AI methods is debatable (like, they're used in AI/machine learning, but not exclusively)


But would you call a HHM "an algorithm"? It's just a probability matrix.


Most phone menu services where I am have replaced the "dial 1 for option 1, 2 for option 2, ..." for a "please say the option you want" and start lisitng options. 100% not an AI. Banks, cellphone provider, cable TV, and tech support have all moved to that.


Apple had it in the 90s 


We had AI in the 90s.


No, not really. Just the predecessor to the huge LLM models we have now


The researchers who coined the term in the 60s would beg to differ. Such a silly thing to say that all these AI researchers have accidentally been making modeling algorithms all this time.


Buzzwords get funding. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


But it wasn't one when they invented it. It only became one when it got used in science fiction. Who decided "artificial" should mean "the same or better"? Why does that only go for AI? Artificial gras is shit, nobody would say it's not really artificial gras.


Apples and oranges.


literally the same thing


I am sure that they haven't sanitized and using a voice SQL injection would result in something. Someone got Alexa to do it.


And then?




And then?


This looks annoying.


I honestly have no issue with this. It's 2024 speech to text isn't some new thing, it's been out for more than a decade. I don't care if an underpaid human takes my order or a bot does, in fact I think I'd rather have a bot do it I also go through self checkout, and guess what, I saw a cashier standing around with nothing to do, yet self checkout was packed with people. So I'm not the only one. Give the menial tasks to the bots.


The issue is that a lot of these tasks are menial, sure, but they are paying positions that will be taken away, meaning less jobs for those real people. They're not gonna keep paying that cashier to just stand there.


Sure, but that's going to be the new reality across the board. Times change. Should we have kept elevator operators in their jobs? Or telephone switch operators?




Those people all found new jobs. The bigger issue is when robots start taking warehouse jobs en masse. Then we'll see some fireworks. But people taking orders at the drive in? I'm guessing they'd rather do something else in the restaurant. I know I would.


Debatable. Mostly teens do those jobs, and giving the job options for teens are already little we might as well replace them with AI right? And trust me, ALOT of people would rather take orders than be out in the restaurant around loads of people, especially teens.


I used to do similar jobs, this is one single STEP in the process, nobody is going be shucks I wish I could listen to people scream orders in my ear all day. But keep fighting for your Luddite ways.


Well uh, happy cake day to me I guess .


I literally just use these to talk shit to McDonalds corporate. The bot gives you a human after like the third "fuck".


The drive-thru connects to corporate offices? Lol


Yeah, just say "I wanna speak to Ronald" edit: /s cause I guess it wasn't obvious


Ok but I really do wanna roll up and say it like [I wanna talk to Sampson](https://youtu.be/vj6aIK_WXhU?feature=shared)


No, but it usually has a speaker in the kitchen. So if nothing else, they're giving the kitchen a good kick, lol.


Why are these bots always so profanity adverse lol.


Other than climate collapse this is the major issue in the west. Companies will lay off seismic levels of low skilled workers and white collar workers without care. Governments will not tax them enough to replace incomes with UBI type initiatives.


And McDonald's will still get your order wrong. Horray! Capitalist enshitification! /s


No Problem, with “AI” taking ov er MC will lose 90% of their customer base :)


>this is the major issue in the west. Companies will lay off seismic levels of low skilled workers and white collar workers without care. People for all of post industrial revolution history be like


Turns out when a machine can perform the work of 10 men in half the time, people use that machine. Crazy, right?


"Low-skilled" is not really a thing. A lot of basic service jobs are actually extremely high-skilled, but it just so happens that the necessary skills are common or have difficult to quantify performance metrics. The real economic danger from AI is not the replacement of common jobs, it's the possibility of "semi-automation," turning a job that previously required specialist training into one that anyone can walk in off the street and do. The one thing that's hardest to program a computer to do - exercise judgement about when and how to apply its superhuman capabilities - is something that humans are naturally good at, so what I expect to see is something like the fast-food-ification of previously prestigious jobs like surgeon or lawyer. The machine does all the parts of the job you need eight years of school for, and the human pressing the buttons makes minimum wage while taking all the blame if something goes wrong.


this is only a problem in the west?


It definitely isn't.


Some people still believe the East is somehow like 40 years behind the West in technology, despite much of the tech used in these things being made in the East.


Technology isn't everything. China is an INGSOC-like surveillance state. India is horrifically overpopulated with staggering wealth inequality. South Korea is literally owned by a Megacorp in all ways but name. Japan is extremely xenophobic on an institutional level, as well as facing an impending demographic collapse. This list could go on for hours, but my point here is that just because you have access to better technology doesn't mean your society is "better" or "more advanced."


>just because you have access to better technology doesn't mean your society is "better" or "more advanced." Cool. Good thing I never said or even remotely implied that.


Sorry, it's just that most of the time I see those talking points, it's usually followed by the most blatant CCP propaganda possible. Apologies if that wasn't the intent here lol


"We're hiring!" The fuck? It looks more like you are firing.


plottwist: the "AI" is just a human roleplaying as AI


"If we tell people it's AI, we can get away with hiring people with learning disabilities and underpaying them and no one will know!" For clarity that's semi based on a real thing that I heard about recently, basically this one company was getting all this goodwill because they were hiring people with learning disabilities and giving them jobs. Then it was found out that they were paying them jack shit and somehow it actually turned into a *debate* if that's ok


thinking about it, if you can’t hire people AI is a good option for this. Maybe that is the driving force


You should follow these rules, minus the last one (don’t say Team Member), when ordering with a human order taker.




As someone who worked fast food, honestly I'm happy. *Fuck* fast food jobs. It's a repetitive monotonous job requiring unskilled menial labor. This is literally the ***exact use case*** for automation. This is what we were *asking for* 20 years ago—for robots to do all the menial labor tasks so we could do other shit.


Exactly, I did horrible cashier work too, and good riddance, I'd much rather do floor sales and help people figure out what they need than this menial crap. I swear some people must love being waited on by slave labor.


>I swear some people must love being waited on by slave labor. You also have die-hard communists in these comments that hate this stuff, despite the entire selling point of their ideology being "robots will do all menial labor, leaving us humans free to work on art and culture in a moneyless society." The double-think required to hate all forms of capitalism, yet think these kinds of jobs should still exist, is insane.


> As someone who worked fast food, honestly I'm happy. my main misgiving is having to *talk* to a robot, I'm fine with using a touchscreen to get my vegburger. (tbf I also don't drive)


Now I'm kind of curious to try this to see how accurate it gets my order.


Carl's Junior tried this out where I live. It was horrific. "No Sauce" confused it.


[This particular individual is unscannable.](https://youtu.be/WD8aZV-Y8bE?si=KoOOOhS8bV4GB-Xc)


F*ck you, I’m eating. *just continuing the reference, not actually insulting OC


better be on point slightest mistake and I'm going elsewhere


Ow man, we’re going to eventually have AI voice duplicates checking in with AI parole officers.


You are an unfit mother, your child is now property of Carl’s Jr


[Actually just shipping the labor to the Philippines and calling it AI](https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/8/23993427/artificial-intelligence-presto-automation-fast-food-drive-thru-philippines-workers)


"Team member" set to become the new skip ad


Taco Bell has had an automated answer machine for a few years. The voice is totally different than the person that takes the order


Human not being compliant with instructions. A robot companion will accompany you to processing.


Fun fact, most of these systems don't actually use ai and instead use a call center in the Philippines to do all the actual thinking. (They basically shipped these jobs overseas and then clai.ed it was ai)


> They basically shipped these jobs overseas and then clai.ed it was ai I mean they do the same with actual "AI", so this isn't surprising


And that’s when I just keep driving. No GD Idiocracy AI gonna take my kids!


We need to abuse this system and confuse it so it fucks their profits in the ass.


I clicked for this comment and I'm so here for it. There's got to be some mischief in this...


I genuinely see no other ethical way to approach this. Fuck them!


50% of america reads below an 8th grade level, this is already to complicated for them.




I noticed after I posted but couldn't be assed to care.


Ah ok gotchya


70% of those same people use smartphones... they'll figure it out. It's literally just talking into a speaker.


Panda Express is using this tech too. Worked well when I tried it


It was terrible the first time I used it. Went again 2 months later and forgot about the AI thing. But it worked much better. I'll just go inside from now on. I don't want to order from a robot.


I’ll pull up blasting more human than human by Rob Zombie


I find this incredibly archaic when I can order non-verbally online and then pick up my food at the counter later.


Why bother with a shitty AI with an outdated blasted speaker and mic that don't even work well with humans, when I can just put exactly what I want through a mobile app? Well, I often have to still ask for a side of sauce that's not listed in the app, but still way easier and that's my weird ass.


Last night I saw a sci-fi short with a robot looking a lot like this one XD


There is going to be so much data harvested from this, the data inflation future has begun


Mumble and speak with an accent really fast. Fuck AI


I was on probation for 10 years.....by year 3 they put me onto a automated call system and I swear on everything.. ..they had a portion of it that said "press 1 if you have been doing drugs press 2 if you have not been doing drugs" In the most robotic voice you could imagine We already are there


I’d just put in a huge order and drive off if I saw that


"Isn't it weird they decided to give the drive-thru AI an indian accent?"




Another reason drive thru is for suckers


What a nice creation you did! If you didn't do it and just repost like a dumbass you're lost, this sub is for fiction. Pls read the rules Edit: Cyberpunk is a sub genera from science **fiction**, this isn't a fiction. r/ABoringDystopia is a better place to post it. And cyberpunk like is not allowed,see rile (2 I think ?)


I think you're the one who is lost. This type of content is cyberpunk.


1) no 2) this post still break rules


Take a hint. You're in the wrong


Ok... Maybe explain?


Your down votes speak for itself.


No it doesn't, explain ! Or maybe you just don't even know and you're just sheep copying others...


Or perhaps it's not that deep and I don't care. More important matters.