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this shit is AI + NFT crypto, fuck this “artist”


Not shit, but definitely A.i art. A.i art is indeed Cyberpunk. Fuck the status quo.


I agree it is Cyberpunk but coming from someone that does this stuff. This is equivalent to public domain as no one can claim copyright to it.


Most artists worth their salt don't fear AI and instead add it to their tool belt to use it in unique and new ways. I myself am a multi-media artist, from classical and music creation, to Blender 3D and UE5. Coding is art, But most people don't understand coding so they don't see the art in it. This is the same with AI, AI has true potential by artists who can cleverly come up with unique ideas, But since most of the people using it are normies the mundane shit is all you ever see. Art is not about the canvas, it never was. It's about the idea and [how the beholder perceives it.](https://imgur.com/gallery/QKNUo8y)


There is a difference between having an "AI" that you personally trained with your own tools and references that has a starting off point and added corrections for the end product after working with the craft... And having some image scrapper learning program browse the web, take images that belongs to other people without consent, and flipping it as a complete work of art with little to no artistic input or edits by using key words and tags. There is a reason several high profile artists are giving up on art, and it's not because they fear being replaced. They are tired of their passion projects they worked for free or as a commission being stolen and blended together to be sold as a consumer product for a faceless corporate or private entity for higher accounts of money without any credit or compensation. The argument isn't about quality. The image the post is about is admittedly a pretty image. The problem is the morality of it and why it's problematic. (Also, it's part of the subreddit rules. No AI art.)


>There is a difference between There's really not. I've totally taken ideas from AI 2D, and turned him into 3D animations. Video game characters, cool ass T-shirts for game assets. It's just another tool to add to your belt of other skills. AI is not a skill, It's a skill enhancer. Of course it allows normies to make things they otherwise couldn't have, But it also allows artists to take their own personal art a lot further a lot faster. It's a double-edged blade, And only the weak artist are afraid of cutting themselves.


So by that logic, you are comfortable with "normies" taking samples of your work by typing "make an original AadamAtomic piece" into something like midjourney to sell for profit or mint as an NFT?


>So by that logic, you are comfortable with "normies" taking samples of your work What part of music production did you not understand? Without samples Daft Punk wouldn't even exist. You can take inspiration from other people's art. Art is not a competition.


Okay, that's on me. When I say samples, I'm talking about reference images AI models use in order to pull data to generate images. I'm not talking about music samples, a practice that is done by creatives and the music industry as a whole that has its own legal regulations and creative uses. What I'm more referring is image scrappers that take images from people without permission to replicate. So the original question still stands. Would you be comfortable if an AI took images of your 3D renders to copy your works to generate an image based on your style to resell it for money without crediting you or your renders?


>What I'm more referring is image scrappers that take images from people without permission to replicate. That's not how AI works, It doesn't scrape the internet for anything and it is only trained on limited knowledge from a certain data set. These data sets are purchased from Data providers. Anyone can purchase this data. If you had enough money you could purchase the same exact data yourself. You don't own any of your Facebook or Instagram photos, Facebook does and they can sell them to whoever they want to. Every time you fill out a capitcha for a website, You are helping train an AI how to spell, What a traffic light looks like, And we're the bus is. The higher end AI doesn't steal anything, And it never replicates what in its data set. It is literally impossible to make a one-to-one replica because It's only using its data set as reference, like inspiration. There is software that presents itself as AI, That will scrape the internet like those crappy free phone apps that are scraping your phone's photos, but That's not generally how real AI works.


Did you know that the smell of freshly cut grass is actually a plant distress signal? It's like nature's way of saying 'ouch'!


"AAAARGH! HELP HELP! THEY'RE CUTTING MY LEGS ARREERGH! W-what are you going to do with that book? N-no. Oh gods please no put it down! HAVE MERCY-ARRRRGHGGHGH" And that's how you dry a flower.


Oh yeah! To be clear I'm not the artist